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Created January 23, 2012 22:23
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* PHP Road
* JavaScript/CSS resources combining
* @package PHPRoad
* @author Aleksey Bobkov
if (!isset($_GET['file']))
function minify_css($css)
$css = preg_replace( '#\s+#', ' ', $css );
$css = preg_replace( '#/\*.*?\*/#s', '', $css );
$css = str_replace( '; ', ';', $css );
$css = str_replace( ': ', ':', $css );
$css = str_replace( ' {', '{', $css );
$css = str_replace( '{ ', '{', $css );
$css = str_replace( ', ', ',', $css );
$css = str_replace( '} ', '}', $css );
$css = str_replace( ';}', '}', $css );
return trim( $css );
function is_remote_file($path)
return substr($path, 0, 7) === 'http://' || substr($path, 0, 8) === 'https://';
define( "PATH_APP", str_replace("\\", "/", realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))));
include(PATH_APP . '/config/config.php'); // we need to load the config when it has access to PATH_APP for $allowed_paths
$allowed_types = isset($CONFIG['ALLOWED_RESOURCE_EXTENSIONS']) ? $CONFIG['ALLOWED_RESOURCE_EXTENSIONS'] : array('js', 'css');
$recache = isset($_GET['reset_cache']);
$skip_cache = isset($_GET['skip_cache']);
$src_mode = isset($_GET['src_mode']);
$files = $_GET['file'];
$assets = array();
* Prepare the asset list
$aliases = array(
$type = null;
foreach($files as $url)
$allowed = false; // is this file allowed to be an asset?
$file = $orig_url = str_replace(chr(0), '', urldecode($url));
if (array_key_exists($file, $aliases))
$file = $aliases[$file];
$type = pathinfo(strtolower($file), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if(!in_array($type, $allowed_types))
if (!is_remote_file($file)) {
$file = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(PATH_APP . $file));
foreach($allowed_paths as $allowed_path) {
continue; // we already found this file in the allowed paths
$is_relative = strpos($allowed_path, '/') === 0 || strpos($allowed_path, ':') === 1;
$allowed_path = PATH_APP . '/' . $allowed_path; // allow relative path such as ../
$allowed_path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($allowed_path));
if(strpos($file, $allowed_path) === 0) {
$allowed = true; // the file is allowed to be an asset because it matches the requirements (allowed paths)
} else
$allowed = true; // always allow remote files
if(!$allowed) // not allowed to be an asset
$assets[$orig_url] = $file;
* Check whether GZIP is supported by the browser
$supportsGzip = false;
$encodings = array();
$encodings = explode(',', strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'])));
if (
(in_array('gzip', $encodings) || in_array('x-gzip', $encodings) || isset($_SERVER['---------------']))
&& function_exists('ob_gzhandler')
&& !ini_get('zlib.output_compression')
$enc = in_array('x-gzip', $encodings) ? 'x-gzip' : 'gzip';
$supportsGzip = true;
* Caching
$mime = 'text/' . ($type == 'js' ? 'javascript' : $type);
$cache_path = PATH_APP . '/temp/resource_cache';
if (!file_exists($cache_path))
$cache_hash = sha1(implode(',', $assets));
$cache_filename = $cache_path.'/'.$cache_hash.'.'.$type;
if ($supportsGzip)
$cache_filename .= '.gz';
$cache_exists = file_exists($cache_filename);
if ($recache && $cache_exists)
$assets_mod_time = 0;
foreach($assets as $file)
if (!is_remote_file($file))
if (file_exists($file))
$assets_mod_time = max($assets_mod_time, filemtime($file));
} else
* We cannot reliably check the modification time of a remote resource,
* because time on the remote server could not exactly match the time
* on this server.
//$assets_mod_time = 0;
$cached_mod_time = $cache_exists ? (int) @filemtime($cache_filename) : 0;
if ($type == 'css')
require PATH_APP.'/phproad/thirdpart/csscompressor/UriRewriter.php';
$enable_remote_resources = !isset($CONFIG['ENABLE_REMOTE_RESOURCES']) || $CONFIG['ENABLE_REMOTE_RESOURCES'];
$content = '';
if ($skip_cache || $cached_mod_time < $assets_mod_time || !$cache_exists)
foreach($assets as $orig_url=>$file)
$is_remote = is_remote_file($file);
if($is_remote && !$enable_remote_resources)
if (file_exists($file) || $is_remote)
$data = @file_get_contents($file) . "\r\n";
if ($type == 'css')
if (!$is_remote)
$data = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::rewrite(
} else
$data = Minify_CSS_UriRewriter::prepend(
$content .= $data;
$content .= sprintf("\r\n/* Asset Error: asset %s not found. */\r\n", $orig_url);
if ($type == 'js' && !$src_mode)
require PATH_APP.'/phproad/thirdpart/javascriptpacker/JSMin.php';
$content = JSMin::minify($content);
} elseif ($type == 'css' && !$src_mode)
$content = minify_css($content);
if ($supportsGzip)
$content = gzencode($content, 9, FORCE_GZIP);
if (!$skip_cache)
@file_put_contents($cache_filename, $content);
elseif (
$assets_mod_time <= strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']))
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime);
if (php_sapi_name() == 'CGI')
header('Status: 304 Not Modified');
header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified');
elseif (file_exists($cache_filename))
$content = @file_get_contents($cache_filename);
* Output
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime);
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $assets_mod_time).' GMT');
if ($supportsGzip)
header('Vary: Accept-Encoding'); // Handle proxies
header('Content-Encoding: ' . $enc);
echo $content;
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