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Created June 23, 2023 19:47
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Feature: Customer Segmentation
As a retail business
In order to personalize marketing strategies
I want to segment customers based on their attributes and behavior
Scenario: Label customers as premium if they are between 19 and 60 and made high past purchases
Given a customer is <age> years old
And the customer has <income_level> income
And the customer has made high past purchases
When the segmentation process is executed
Then the customer should be labeled as premium
| income_level | age |
| low | 19 |
| low | 35 |
| medium | 28 |
| high | 42 |
| high | 60 |
Scenario: Label customers as premium if they are between 19 and 60 and have high income
Given a customer is <age> years old
And the customer has high income
And the customer has made <purchases_level> past purchases
When the segmentation process is executed
Then the customer should be labeled as premium
| purchases_level | age |
| low | 19 |
| low | 35 |
| medium | 28 |
| high | 42 |
| high | 60 |
Scenario: Label customers as premium if they are above 60, have high income and made high past purchases
Given a customer is <age> years old
And the customer has high income
And the customer has made high past purchases
When the segmentation process is executed
Then the customer should be labeled as premium
| age |
| 61 |
| 70 |
| 99 |
| 42 |
| 60 |
Scenario: Label customers as basic if they do not meet the above requirements
Given a customer is <age> years old
And the customer has <income_level> income
And the customer has made <purchases_level> past purchases
When the segmentation process is executed
Then the customer should be labeled as basic
| age | income_level | purchases_level |
| 18 | low | low |
| 17 | high | high |
| 28 | low | medium |
| 42 | medium | low |
| 60 | medium | high |
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