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Created December 19, 2014 10:46
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Example of the hashCode() method generated by the JAXB2 SimpleHashCode Plugin
public int hashCode() {
int currentHashCode = 1;
currentHashCode = (currentHashCode* 31);
USAddress theShipTo;
theShipTo = this.getShipTo();
if (theShipTo!= null) {
currentHashCode += theShipTo.hashCode();
currentHashCode = (currentHashCode* 31);
USAddress theBillTo;
theBillTo = this.getBillTo();
if (theBillTo!= null) {
currentHashCode += theBillTo.hashCode();
currentHashCode = (currentHashCode* 31);
String theComment;
theComment = this.getComment();
if (theComment!= null) {
currentHashCode += theComment.hashCode();
currentHashCode = (currentHashCode* 31);
Items theItems;
theItems = this.getItems();
if (theItems!= null) {
currentHashCode += theItems.hashCode();
currentHashCode = (currentHashCode* 31);
XMLGregorianCalendar theOrderDate;
theOrderDate = this.getOrderDate();
if (theOrderDate!= null) {
currentHashCode += theOrderDate.hashCode();
return currentHashCode;
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