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Golang SSH Forward and Reverse Tunnel
package main
import (
var version string
type TunnelConfig struct {
// LogFile is where the proxy daemon will direct its output log.
// If the path is empty, then the server will output to os.Stderr.
LogFile string `json:",omitempty"`
// KeyFiles is a list of SSH private key files.
KeyFiles []string
// KnownHostFiles is a list of key database files for host public keys
// in the OpenSSH known_hosts file format.
KnownHostFiles []string
// KeepAlive sets the keep alive settings for each SSH connection.
// It is recommended that these values match the AliveInterval and
// AliveCountMax parameters on the remote OpenSSH server.
// If unset, then the default is an interval of 30s with 2 max counts.
KeepAlive *KeepAliveConfig `json:",omitempty"`
// Tunnels is a list of tunnels to establish.
// The same set of SSH keys will be used to authenticate the
// SSH connection for each server.
Tunnels []struct {
// Tunnel is a pair of host:port endpoints that can be configured
// to either operate as a forward tunnel or a reverse tunnel.
// The syntax of a forward tunnel is:
// "bind_address:port -> dial_address:port"
// A forward tunnel opens a listening TCP socket on the
// local side (at bind_address:port) and proxies all traffic to a
// socket on the remote side (at dial_address:port).
// The syntax of a reverse tunnel is:
// "dial_address:port <- bind_address:port"
// A reverse tunnel opens a listening TCP socket on the
// remote side (at bind_address:port) and proxies all traffic to a
// socket on the local side (at dial_address:port).
Tunnel string
// Server is a remote SSH host. It has the following syntax:
// "user@host:port"
// If the user is missing, then it defaults to the current process user.
// If the port is missing, then it defaults to 22.
Server string
// KeepAlive is a tunnel-specific setting of the global KeepAlive.
// If unspecified, it uses the global KeepAlive settings.
KeepAlive *KeepAliveConfig `json:",omitempty"`
type KeepAliveConfig struct {
// Interval is the amount of time in seconds to wait before the
// tunnel client will send a keep-alive message to ensure some minimum
// traffic on the SSH connection.
Interval uint
// CountMax is the maximum number of consecutive failed responses to
// keep-alive messages the client is willing to tolerate before considering
// the SSH connection as dead.
CountMax uint
type tunnel struct {
auth []ssh.AuthMethod
hostKeys ssh.HostKeyCallback
mode byte // '>' for forward, '<' for reverse
user string
hostAddr string
bindAddr string
dialAddr string
retryInterval time.Duration
keepAlive KeepAliveConfig
//log logger
func (t tunnel) String() string {
var left, right string
mode := "<?>"
switch t.mode {
case '>':
left, mode, right = t.bindAddr, "->", t.dialAddr
case '<':
left, mode, right = t.dialAddr, "<-", t.bindAddr
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s | %s %s %s", t.user, t.hostAddr, left, mode, right)
func (t tunnel) bindTunnel(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for {
var once sync.Once // Only print errors once per session
func() {
// Connect to the server host via SSH.
cl, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", t.hostAddr, &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: t.user,
Auth: t.auth,
HostKeyCallback: t.hostKeys,
Timeout: 5 * time.Second,
if err != nil {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) SSH dial error: %v\n", t, err) })
go t.keepAliveMonitor(&once, wg, cl)
defer cl.Close()
// Attempt to bind to the inbound socket.
var ln net.Listener
switch t.mode {
case '>':
ln, err = net.Listen("tcp", t.bindAddr)
case '<':
ln, err = cl.Listen("tcp", t.bindAddr)
if err != nil {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) bind error: %v\n", t, err) })
// The socket is binded. Make sure we close it eventually.
bindCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go func() {
go func() {
once.Do(func() {}) // Suppress future errors
fmt.Printf("(%v) binded tunnel\n", t)
defer fmt.Printf("(%v) collapsed tunnel\n", t)
// Accept all incoming connections.
for {
cn1, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) accept error: %v\n", t, err) })
go t.dialTunnel(bindCtx, wg, cl, cn1)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(t.retryInterval):
fmt.Printf("(%v) retrying...\n", t)
func (t tunnel) dialTunnel(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, client *ssh.Client, cn1 net.Conn) {
defer wg.Done()
// The inbound connection is established. Make sure we close it eventually.
connCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
go func() {
// Establish the outbound connection.
var cn2 net.Conn
var err error
switch t.mode {
case '>':
cn2, err = client.Dial("tcp", t.dialAddr)
case '<':
cn2, err = net.Dial("tcp", t.dialAddr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("(%v) dial error: %v", t, err)
go func() {
fmt.Printf("(%v) connection established", t)
defer fmt.Printf("(%v) connection closed", t)
// Copy bytes from one connection to the other until one side closes.
var once sync.Once
var wg2 sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
defer wg2.Done()
defer cancel()
if _, err := io.Copy(cn1, cn2); err != nil {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) connection error: %v", t, err) })
once.Do(func() {}) // Suppress future errors
go func() {
defer wg2.Done()
defer cancel()
if _, err := io.Copy(cn2, cn1); err != nil {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) connection error: %v", t, err) })
once.Do(func() {}) // Suppress future errors
// keepAliveMonitor periodically sends messages to invoke a response.
// If the server does not respond after some period of time,
// assume that the underlying net.Conn abruptly died.
func (t tunnel) keepAliveMonitor(once *sync.Once, wg *sync.WaitGroup, client *ssh.Client) {
defer wg.Done()
if t.keepAlive.Interval == 0 || t.keepAlive.CountMax == 0 {
// Detect when the SSH connection is closed.
wait := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
wait <- client.Wait()
// Repeatedly check if the remote server is still alive.
var aliveCount int32
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(t.keepAlive.Interval) * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case err := <-wait:
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) SSH error: %v", t, err) })
case <-ticker.C:
if n := atomic.AddInt32(&aliveCount, 1); n > int32(t.keepAlive.CountMax) {
once.Do(func() { fmt.Printf("(%v) SSH keep-alive termination", t) })
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
_, _, err := client.SendRequest("", true, nil)
if err == nil {
atomic.StoreInt32(&aliveCount, 0)
func loadConfig() ( tunns []tunnel , closer func() error ) {
// 1.) Build Auth Agent and Config
var auth []ssh.AuthMethod
auth = append( auth , ssh.Password( SSH_KEY_FILE_PASSWORD ) )
signer , err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey( SSH_KEY_FILE_DATA )
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf( "unable to parse private key: %v\n" , err )
auth = append( auth , ssh.PublicKeys( signer ) )
// case "->":
// tunn.bindAddr, tunn.mode, tunn.dialAddr = tt[0], '>', tt[2]
// case "<-":
// tunn.dialAddr, tunn.mode, tunn.bindAddr = tt[0], '<', tt[2]
// Example 1
// Binds Redis from Tailscale Pihole to Localhost of Mini
var tunn1 tunnel
tunn1.auth = auth
tunn1.hostKeys = func( hostname string , remote net.Addr , key ssh.PublicKey ) error {
return nil
tunn1.mode = '>' // '>' for forward, '<' for reverse
tunn1.user = "pi"
tunn1.hostAddr = net.JoinHostPort( "" , "22" )
tunn1.bindAddr = "localhost:6379"
tunn1.dialAddr = "localhost:6379"
tunn1.retryInterval = 30 * time.Second
//tunn1.keepAlive = *KeepAliveConfig
tunns = append( tunns , tunn1 )
// Example 2
// Binds Temporary Python Server from Mini to Localhost of Tailscale Pihole
var tunn2 tunnel
tunn2.auth = auth
tunn2.hostKeys = func( hostname string , remote net.Addr , key ssh.PublicKey ) error {
return nil
tunn2.mode = '<' // '>' for forward, '<' for reverse
tunn2.user = "pi"
tunn2.hostAddr = net.JoinHostPort( "" , "22" )
tunn2.bindAddr = "localhost:9559"
tunn2.dialAddr = "localhost:9559"
tunn2.retryInterval = 30 * time.Second
//tunn1.keepAlive = *KeepAliveConfig
tunns = append( tunns , tunn2 )
return tunns , closer
func main() {
tunns , closer := loadConfig()
defer closer()
// Setup signal handler to initiate shutdown.
ctx , cancel := context.WithCancel( context.Background() )
go func() {
sigc := make( chan os.Signal , 1 )
signal.Notify( sigc , syscall.SIGINT , syscall.SIGTERM )
fmt.Printf( "received %v - initiating shutdown\n" , <-sigc )
// Start a bridge for each tunnel.
var wg sync.WaitGroup
fmt.Printf( "%s starting\n" , path.Base( os.Args[ 0 ] ) )
defer fmt.Printf( "%s shutdown\n" , path.Base( os.Args[ 0 ] ) )
for _ , t := range tunns {
wg.Add( 1 )
go t.bindTunnel( ctx , &wg )
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