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Created April 2, 2014 15:03
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Pythonista script that randomly selects a reminder (out of a given list) and schedules a (quiet) notification for that reminder at a random point of time in the future (within a given range). Opening the notification will then schedule a new reminder notification (and, if provided, follow a link).
import notification
from random import randint
import sys
import urllib
import webbrowser
reminders = ["Reminder A", ["Reminder B", "url://"], "Reminder C"]
n = randint(0, len(reminders)-1)
URL = "pythonista://"
if type(reminders[n]) == list:
random_reminder = reminders[n][0]
URL = URL + "&argv=" + urllib.quote(reminders[n][1], safe = "")
random_reminder = reminders[n]
d = 60*60*24
random_delay = randint(d, 7*d)
notification.schedule(random_reminder, random_delay, "", URL)
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