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Created November 5, 2020 08:33
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  • Save hiimivantang/41f3b8cb6578b4d95755108adde4e5dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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You want to deploy CP 6.0 with RBAC and LDAP integration. See `<<UPDATE: ..>` in yaml file.
#secrets_protection_enabled: true
#secrets_protection_masterkey: ""
#secrets_protection_security_file: "/usr/secrets/"
ansible_connection: ssh
ansible_user: <<UPDATE: user with ssh access>>
ansible_become: true
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: <<UPDATE: private key location>>
#rbac_enabled: true
#mds_super_user: ivan
#mds_super_user_password: password
#kafka_broker_ldap_user: ivan
#kafka_broker_ldap_password: password
#control_center_ldap_user: ivan
#control_center_ldap_password: password
#schema_registry_ldap_user: ivan
#schema_registry_ldap_password: password
#kafka_connect_ldap_user: ivan
#kafka_connect_ldap_password: password
#ksql_ldap_user: ivan
#ksql_ldap_password: password
name: CLIENT
port: 9093
ssl_enabled: false
sasl_protocol: plain
port: 9094
ssl_enabled: false
#### Setting Proxy Environment variables ####
## To set proxy env vars for the duration of playbook run, uncomment below block and set as necessary
# proxy_env:
# http_proxy:
# https_proxy:
## Note: You must use Hostnames or IPs to define your no_proxy server addresses, CIDR ranges are not supported.
# no_proxy:
#### SASL Authentication Configuration ####
## By default there will be no SASL Authentication
## For SASL/PLAIN uncomment this line:
# sasl_protocol: plain
## For SASL/SCRAM uncomment this line:
# sasl_protocol: scram
## For SASL/GSSAPI uncomment this line and see Kerberos Configuration properties below
# sasl_protocol: kerberos
#### Zookeeper SASL Authentication ####
## Zookeeper can have Kerberos (GSSAPI) or Digest-MD5 SASL Authentication
## By default when sasl_protocol = kerberos, zookeeper will also use sasl kerberos. It can be configured with:
## When a mechanism is selected, zookeeper.set.acl=true is added to kafka's Note: property not added when using mTLS, set manually with Custom Properties
# zookeeper_sasl_protocol: <none/kerberos/digest>
#### Kerberos Configuration ####
## Applicable when sasl_protocol is kerberos
# kerberos_kafka_broker_primary: <Name of the primary set on the kafka brokers' principal eg. kafka>
## REQUIRED: Under each host set keytab file path and principal name, see below
# kerberos_configure: <Boolean for ansible to install kerberos packages and configure this file: /etc/krb5.conf, defaults to true>
# kerberos:
# realm: <KDC server realm eg.>
# kdc_hostname: <hostname of machine with KDC running eg.>
# admin_hostname: <hostname of machine with KDC running eg.>
#### TLS Configuration ####
## By default, data will NOT be encrypted. To turn on TLS encryption, uncomment this line
ssl_enabled: false
## By default, the components will be configured with One-Way TLS, to turn on TLS mutual auth, uncomment this line:
ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: false
#sasl_protocol: plain
#ksql_ssl_enabled: false
#ksql_ssl_mutual_ssl_enabled: false
#kafka_connect_ssl_enabled: false
#kafka_connect_ssl_mutual_ssl_enabled: false
#schema_registry_ssl_enabled: false
#schema_registry_ssl_mutual_ssl_enabled: false
## By default, the certs for this configuration will be self signed, to deploy custom certificates there are two options.
## Option 1: Custom Certs
## You will need to provide the path to the Certificate Authority Cert used to sign each hosts' certs
## As well as the signed certificate path and the key for that certificate for each host.
## These will need to be set for the correct host
# ssl_custom_certs: true
# ssl_custom_certs_remote_src: true # set to true if key crt and ca file already on hosts, file paths must still be set
# ssl_ca_cert_filepath: "/tmp/certs/ca.crt" # Can be a bundle of ca certs to be included in truststore
# ssl_signed_cert_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-signed.crt" # Can be a full chain of certs
# ssl_key_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-key.pem"
# ssl_key_password: <password for key for each host, will be inputting in the form -passin pass:{{ssl_key_password}} >
## Option 2: Custom Keystores and Truststores
## CP-Ansible can move keystores/truststores to their corresponding hosts and configure the components to use them. Set These vars
# ssl_provided_keystore_and_truststore: true
# ssl_keystore_filepath: "/tmp/certs/{{inventory_hostname}}-keystore.jks"
# ssl_keystore_key_password: mystorepassword
# ssl_keystore_store_password: mystorepassword
# ssl_truststore_filepath: "/tmp/certs/truststore.jks"
# ssl_truststore_password: truststorepass
# ssl_truststore_ca_cert_alias: <alias to the ca certificate in the truststore eg. CARoot>
#### Zookeeper TLS Configuration ####
## Zookeeper can also have TLS Encryption and mTLS Authentication
## For backwards compatibility both will be turned off by default, even if ssl_enabled is set to true
## To enable TLS encryption and mTLS authentication uncomment these respectively
# zookeeper_ssl_enabled: true
# zookeeper_ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: true
#### Certificate Regeneration ####
## When using self signed certificates, each playbook run will regenerate the CA, to turn this off, uncomment this line:
# regenerate_ca: false
## By default, the playbook will recreate them keystores and truststores on each run,
## To prevent this, uncomment this line:
# regenerate_keystore_and_truststore: false
#### Monitoring Configuration ####
## Jolokia is enabled by default. The Jolokia jar gets pulled from the internet and enabled on all the components
## If you plan to use the upgrade playbooks, it is recommended to leave jolokia enabled because kafka broker health checks depend on jolokias metrics
## To disable, uncomment this line:
# jolokia_enabled: false
## During setup, the hosts will download the jolokia agent jar from Maven. To update that jar download set this var
# jolokia_jar_url: http://<inteneral-server>/jolokia-jvm-1.6.2-agent.jar
## JMX Exporter is disabled by default. When enabled, JMX Exporter jar will be pulled from the Internet and enabled on the broker and zookeeper *only*.
## To enable, uncomment this line:
# jmxexporter_enabled: true
## To update that jar download set this var
# jmxexporter_jar_url: http://<internal-server>/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.12.0.jar
#### Custom Yum Repo File (Rhel/Centos) ####
## If you are using your own yum repo server to host the packages, in the case of an air-gapped environment,
## use the below variables to distribute a custom .repo file to the hosts and skip our repo setup.
## Note, your repo server must host all confluent packages
#<<UPDATE: point to repo file or remote repo>>
repository_configuration: custom
custom_yum_repofile_filepath: /home/centos/cp-ansible/confluent.repo
#### Custom Apt Repo File (Ubuntu/Debian) ####
## If you are using your own apt repo server to host the packages, in the case of an air-gapped environment,
## use the below variables to distribute a custom .repo file to the hosts and skip our repo setup.
## Note, your repo server must host all confluent packages
# repository_configuration: custom
# custom_apt_repo_filepath: "/tmp/my-source.list"
#### Confluent Server vs Confluent Kafka ####
## Confluent Server will be installed by default, to install confluent-kafka instead, uncomment the below
# confluent_server_enabled: false
#### Schema Validation ####
## Schema Validation with the kafka configuration is disabled by default. To enable uncomment this line:
## Schema Validation only works with confluent_server_enabled: true
# kafka_broker_schema_validation_enabled: true
#### Fips Security ####
## To enable Fips for added security, uncomment the below line.
## Fips only works with ssl_enabled: true and confluent_server_enabled: true
# fips_enabled: true
#### Configuring Multiple Listeners ####
## CP-Ansible will configure two listeners on the broker: an internal listener for the broker to communicate and an external for the components and other clients.
## If you only need one listener uncomment this line:
# kafka_broker_configure_multiple_listeners: false
## By default both of these listeners will follow whatever you set for ssl_enabled and sasl_protocol.
## To configure different security settings on the internal and external listeners set the following variables:
# kafka_broker_custom_listeners:
# broker:
# name: BROKER
# port: 9091
# ssl_enabled: false
# ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: false
# sasl_protocol: none
# internal:
# name: INTERNAL
# port: 9092
# ssl_enabled: true
# ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: false
# sasl_protocol: scram
## You can even add additional listeners, make sure name and port are unique
# client_listener:
# name: CLIENT
# port: 9093
# ssl_enabled: true
# ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: true
# sasl_protocol: scram
#### Creating Connectors ####
## To manage the connector configs from Ansible, set the following list of connector objects:
## one per connector, must have `name` and `config` properties
## make sure to provide the numeric values as strings
# kafka_connect_connectors:
# - name: sample-connector
# config:
# connector.class: "FileStreamSinkConnector"
# tasks.max: "1"
# file: "path/to/file.txt"
# topics: "test_topic"
#### Configuring Role Based Access Control ####
## To have CP-Ansible configure Components for RBAC and create necessary role bindings, set these mandatory variables:
## Note: Confluent components will be configured to connect to the "internal" listener automatically
## DO NOT UPDATE the internal listener
## Note: It is recommended to create an additional listener for external clients, but the interbroker listener would also work
## Note: An authentication mode must be selected on all listeners, for example (ssl_enabled=false and ssl_mutual_auth_enabled=false) or sasl_protocol=none is not supported.
# rbac_enabled: true
## LDAP Users
## Note: Below users must already exist in your LDAP environment. See kafka_broker vars, for LDAP connection details.
# mds_super_user: <Your mds super user which has the ability to bootstrap RBAC roles and permissions>
# mds_super_user_password: <ldap password>
# kafka_broker_ldap_user: <Your Embedded Rest Proxy username in LDAP>
# kafka_broker_ldap_password: <Your Embedded Rest Proxy user's LDAP password>
# schema_registry_ldap_user: <Your Schema Registry username in LDAP>
# schema_registry_ldap_password <Your schema registry user's LDAP password>
# kafka_connect_ldap_user: <Your Connect username in LDAP>
# kafka_connect_ldap_password: <Your Connect user's password in LDAP>
# ksql_ldap_user: <Your KSQL username in LDAP>
# ksql_ldap_password: <Your KSQL user's password in LDAP>
# kafka_rest_ldap_user: <Your REST Proxy's username in LDAP>
# kafka_rest_ldap_password: <Your REST Proxy's password in LDAP>
# control_center_ldap_user: <Your Control Center username in LDAP>
# control_center_ldap_password: <Your Control Center password in LDAP>
## Below are optional variables
# create_mds_certs: false # To provide your own MDS Certs set this variable and the next two
# token_services_public_pem_file: /path/to/public.pem
# token_services_private_pem_file: /path/to/tokenKeypair.pem
# mds_acls_enabled: false #to turn off mds based acls, they are on by default if rbac is on
# kafka_broker_rest_ssl_enabled: true/false #defaults to whatever ssl_enabled var is set to
## Allow the playbooks to configure additional users as system admins on the platform, set the list below
# rbac_component_additional_system_admins:
# - user1
# - user2
#### Configuring Role Based Access Control with a remote MDS ####
## To have CP-Ansible configure Brokers and Components for RBAC with the MDS on a remote Kafka cluster, set these mandatory variables in addition to those listed above:
# rbac_enabled: true
# external_mds_enabled: true
## The URL for the MDS REST API on your Kafka Cluster hosting MDS
# mds_bootstrap_server_urls: http(s)://<mds-broker-hostname>:8090,http(s)://<mds-broker-hostname>:8090
## The URL and Port for the listener on your Kafka Cluster hosting the MDS that you wish to connect to
# mds_broker_bootstrap_servers: <mds-broker-hostname><port>,<mds-broker-hostname><port>
## Configure the security settings to match the same listener as defined in the mds_broker_bootstrap_servers
# mds_broker_listener:
# ssl_enabled: true <set to false if remote MDS does not use TLS>
# ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: true <set to false if remote MDS doe not use MTLS>
# sasl_protocol: none <set protocol for remote MDS, options are: kerberos, sasl_plain, sasl_scram>
## By default the Confluent CLI will be installed on each host *when rbac is enabled*, to stop this download set:
# confluent_cli_download_enabled: false
## CLI will be downloaded from Confluent's webservers, to customize the location of the binary set:
# confluent_cli_custom_download_url: <URL to custom webserver hosting for confluent cli>
## Configuring Telemetry
## Set the below required variables
# telemetry_enabled: false
# telemetry_api_key: XXXXXX
# telemetry_api_secret: YYYYYYYYY
## To set custom properties for each service
## Find property options in the Confluent Documentation
# zookeeper_custom_properties:
# initLimit: 6
# syncLimit: 3
# kafka_broker_custom_properties:
# 15
debug: 'true'
# control_center_custom_properties:
# key: val
# key.converter:
# kafka_rest_custom_properties:
# key: val
# ksql_custom_properties:
# key: val
## To set variables on all zookeeper hosts, use the vars block here
# vars:
# ## To configure Zookeeper to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# zookeeper_user: custom-user
# zookeeper_group: custom-group
# ## To copy files to zookeeper hosts, set this list below
# zookeeper_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
#kafka_broker_principal: ivan
# ssl.principal.mapping.rules: RULE:^CN=([a-zA-Z0-9.]*).*$$/$$1/ , DEFAULT
# com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
# 3000
# ldap://ip-10-0-0-61.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal:7389
# cn=admin,dc=confluent,dc=test
# password
# simple
# DC=confluent,DC=test
# 2
# ldap.user.object.class: inetOrgPerson
# uid
# ldap.user.memberof.attribute: memberOf
# OU=Groups,DC=confluent,DC=test
# groupOfUniqueNames
# cn
# uniqueMember
# uid=(.*),ou=Users,dc=confluent,dc=test
## To set variables on all kafka_broker hosts, use the vars block here
# vars:
# ## To configure Kafka to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# kafka_broker_user: custom-user
# kafka_broker_group: custom-group
# # To update the log.dirs property within the kafka, uncomment below
# # By default the log directory is /var/lib/kafka/data
# kafka_broker:
# datadir:
# - /var/lib/kafka/my-data
# ## To enabled Self Balancing Kafka Brokers, uncomment the below lines
# kafka_broker_custom_properties:
# confluent.balancer.enable: "true"
# ## To configure LDAP for RBAC enablement, you will need to provide the appropiate properties to connect to your LDAP server
# ## using the kafka_broker_custom_properties: varible under the vars block. The following is an example:
# ## Note: If connecting to a remote MDS, do not set these parameters. LDAP is handled by the remote MDS.
# kafka_broker_custom_properties:
# com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
# 3000
# ldap://ldap1:389
# uid=mds,OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com
# password
# simple
# OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com
# OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com
# uid
# ldap.user.memberof.attribute.pattern: CN=(.*),OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com
# cn
# CN=(.*),OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com
# ldap.user.object.class: account
# ## To copy files to kafka broker hosts, set this list below
# kafka_broker_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
## By default the first host will get broker id=1, second gets id=2. Set broker_id to customize
# broker_id: 3
## Properties can also be applied on a host by host basis.
## In the below example we configure a Multi-Region Clusters by setting the following properties on each host:
# kafka_broker_custom_properties:
# broker.rack: us-east-1d
# replica.selector.class: org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector
## For kerberos sasl protocol, EACH host will need these two variables:
# kafka_broker_kerberos_keytab_path: <The path on ansible host to keytab file, eg. /tmp/keytabs/>
# kafka_broker_kerberos_principal: <The principal configured in kdc server, eg. kafka/>
# broker_id: 2
# kafka_broker_custom_properties:
# broker.rack: us-east-1a
# replica.selector.class: org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector
# broker_id: 1
# kafka_broker_custom_properties:
# broker.rack: us-east-1b
# replica.selector.class: org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector
## To set variables on all schema_registry hosts, use the vars block here
# vars:
# ## To configure Schema Registry to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# schema_registry_user: custom-user
# schema_registry_group: custom-group
# ## To copy files to schema_registry hosts, set this list below
# schema_registry_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
<<UPDATE: SR 1>>:
<<UPDATE: SR 2>>:
## For kerberos sasl protocol, EACH host will need these two variables:
# schema_registry_kerberos_keytab_path: <The path on ansible host to keytab file, eg. /tmp/keytabs/
# schema_registry_kerberos_principal: The principal configured in kdc server ex: schemaregistry/>
## To set variables on all kafka_rest hosts, use the vars block here
# vars:
# ## To configure Rest Proxy to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# kafka_rest_user: custom-user
# kafka_rest_group: custom-group
# ## To copy files to kafka_rest hosts, set this list below
# kafka_rest_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
## For kerberos sasl protocol, EACH host will need these two variables:
# kafka_rest_kerberos_keytab_path: <The path on ansible host to keytab file, eg. /tmp/keytabs/
# kafka_rest_kerberos_principal: The principal configured in kdc server ex: restproxy/>
## To set variables on all ksql hosts, use the vars block here
# vars:
# ## To configure KSQL to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# ksql_user: custom-user
# ksql_group: custom-group
# ## To copy files to ksql hosts, set this list below
# ksql_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
<<UPDATE: ksqldb server 1>>:
<<UPDATE: ksqldb server 2>>:
<<UPDATE: ksqldb server 3>>:
## For kerberos sasl protocol, EACH host will need these two variables:
# ksql_kerberos_keytab_path: <The path on ansible host to keytab file, eg. /tmp/keytabs/
# ksql_kerberos_principal: The principal configured in kdc server ex: ksql/>
#### To configure multiple ksql clusters, make use of child groups and follow the example below
## Note: There can only be one ksql group, so comment out above section, if configuring multiple ksql clusters
## Decide on a name each ksql cluster (that is not 'ksql') and use that as ansible group name, this is how the cluster will be named in c3
# ksql1:
# vars:
# # The below is a mandatory variable that must be unique for each ksql cluster.
# # The service id should end in an underscore by convention
# ksql_service_id: ksql1_
# hosts:
# ksql2:
# vars:
# ksql_service_id: ksql2_
# hosts:
# ksql:
# children:
# ksql1:
# ksql2:
## To set variables on all kafka_connect hosts, use the vars block here
# kafka_connect_plugins:
# - connectors/
# - connectors/
# - connectors/
# kafka_connect_copy_files:
# - source_path: connectors/lib/*
# destination_path: /usr/share/confluent-hub-components/confluentinc-kafka-connect-ibmmq/lib/
# ## To configure Connect to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# kafka_connect_user: custom-user
# kafka_connect_group: custom-group
# ## To copy files to kafka_connect hosts, set this list below
# kafka_connect_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
# ### Connectors and the Confluent Hub
# # Adding Connector Paths.
# # NOTE: This variable is mapped to the `plugin.path` Kafka Connect property.
# kafka_connect_plugins_path:
# - /usr/share/java
# - /my/connectors/dir
# ## Installing Connectors From Confluent Hub
# kafka_connect_confluent_hub_plugins:
# - jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir:2.0.43
# ## Installing Connectors from Archive files local to Ansible host
# kafka_connect_plugins:
# - local/path/to/
# ## Installing Connectors from Archive files in remote server (ie Nexus)
# kafka_connect_plugins_remote:
# -
# ### RBAC with Connect Secret Registry
# # By default the secret registry will be enabled when RBAC is on. To customize the key set this var:
# kafka_connect_secret_registry_key: <your own key>
# # To disable the feature:
# kafka_connect_secret_registry_enabled: false
<<UPDATE: connect worker 1>>:
<<UPDATE: connect worker 1>>:
## For kerberos sasl protocol, EACH host will need these two variables:
# kafka_connect_kerberos_keytab_path: <The path on ansible host to keytab file, eg. /tmp/keytabs/
# kafka_connect_kerberos_principal: The principal configured in kdc server ex: connect/>
#### To configure multiple connect clusters, make use of child groups and follow the example below
## Note: There can only be one kafka_connect group, so comment out above section, if configuring multiple connect clusters
## Decide on a name for each connect cluster (that is not 'kafka_connect') and use that as ansible group name
# syslog:
# vars:
# # Decide on a group id for each connect cluster. This is a mandatory variable, and must be unique for each cluster
# # The group id will be the name of the connect cluster within c3
# kafka_connect_group_id: connect-syslog
# hosts:
# elastic:
# vars:
# kafka_connect_group_id: connect-elastic
# hosts:
# kafka_connect:
# children:
# syslog:
# elastic:
## To set variables on all control_center hosts, use the vars block here
# vars:
# ## To configure Control Center to run as a custom user, uncomment below
# control_center_user: custom-user
# control_center_group: custom-group
# ## To copy files to control_center hosts, set this list below
# control_center_copy_files:
# - source_path: /path/to/file.txt
# destination_path: /tmp/file.txt
<<UPDATE: control center>>:
## For kerberos sasl protocol, EACH host will need these two variables:
# control_center_kerberos_keytab_path: <The path on ansible host to keytab file, eg. /tmp/keytabs/
# control_center_kerberos_principal: The principal configured in kdc server ex: controlcenter/>
# ## If you are configuring multiple connect or ksql clusters, the below variables are mandatory.
# # The group names must match the group names as they are in your inventory
# vars:
# ksql_cluster_ansible_group_names:
# - ksql1
# - ksql2
# kafka_connect_cluster_ansible_group_names:
# - syslog
# - elastic
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