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Created October 21, 2018 05:55
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  • Save hiisukun/c5386d09e3a6a5e174ed55d9e09941fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hiisukun/c5386d09e3a6a5e174ed55d9e09941fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Volumio2 adjustment to make albums search and play correctly when they are not compilations but contain more than one 'artist'.
'use strict';
var cacheManager = require('cache-manager');
var memoryCache = cacheManager.caching({store: 'memory', max: 100, ttl: 0});
var libMpd = require('./lib/mpd.js');
var libQ = require('kew');
var libFast = require('fast.js');
var libFsExtra = require('fs-extra');
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var convert = require('convert-seconds');
var pidof = require('pidof');
var parser = require('cue-parser');
var mm = require('musicmetadata');
var os = require('os');
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
var ignoreupdate = false;
//tracknumbers variable below adds track numbers to titles if set to true. Set to false for normal behavour.
var tracknumbers = false;
//compilation array below adds different strings used to describe albumartist in compilations or 'multiple artist' albums
var compilation = ['Various','various','Various Artists','various artists','VA','va'];
//atistsort variable below will list artists by albumartist if set to true or artist if set to false
var artistsort = true;
var dsd_autovolume = false;
var singleBrowse = false;
var startup = true;
// Define the ControllerMpd class
module.exports = ControllerMpd;
function ControllerMpd(context) {
// This fixed variable will let us refer to 'this' object at deeper scopes
this.context = context;
this.commandRouter = this.context.coreCommand;
this.logger = this.context.logger;
this.configManager = this.context.configManager;
this.config = new (require('v-conf'))();
this.registeredCallbacks = [];
// Public Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are 'this' aware, and return a promise
// Define a method to clear, add, and play an array of tracks
//MPD Play = function (N) {
this.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::play ' + N);
return this.sendMpdCommand('play', [N]);
//MPD Add
ControllerMpd.prototype.add = function (data) {
this.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', data + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ADD_QUEUE_TEXT_1'));
return this.sendMpdCommand('add', [data]);
//MPD Remove
ControllerMpd.prototype.remove = function (position) {
this.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::remove ' + position);
return this.sendMpdCommand('delete', [position]);
//MPD Next = function () {
return this.sendMpdCommand('next', []);
//MPD Previous
ControllerMpd.prototype.previous = function () {
return this.sendMpdCommand('previous', []);
//MPD Seek = function (timepos) {
this.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::seek to ' + timepos);
return this.sendMpdCommand('seekcur', [timepos]);
//MPD Random
ControllerMpd.prototype.random = function (randomcmd) {
var string = randomcmd ? 1 : 0;
this.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', "Random", string === 1 ? self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ON') : self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.OFF'));
return this.sendMpdCommand('random', [string])
//MPD Repeat
ControllerMpd.prototype.repeat = function (repeatcmd) {
var string = repeatcmd ? 1 : 0;
this.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', "Repeat", string === 1 ? self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ON') : self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ON'));
return this.sendMpdCommand('repeat', [string]);
// MPD clear
ControllerMpd.prototype.clear = function () {
return this.sendMpdCommand('clear', []);
// MPD enable output
ControllerMpd.prototype.enableOutput = function (output) {
this.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('Enable Output ' + output);
return this.sendMpdCommand('enableoutput', [output]);
// MPD disable output
ControllerMpd.prototype.disableOutput = function (output) {
this.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('Disable Output ' + output);
return this.sendMpdCommand('disableoutput', [output]);
ControllerMpd.prototype.updateMpdDB = function () {
this.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('Update mpd DB');
return this.sendMpdCommand('update', []);
ControllerMpd.prototype.addPlay = function (fileName) {
var self=this;
this.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('Success', '', fileName + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ADD_QUEUE_TEXT_1'));
//Add playlists and cue with load command
if (fileName.endsWith('.cue') || fileName.endsWith('.pls') || fileName.endsWith('.m3u')) {'Adding Playlist: ' + fileName);
return this.sendMpdCommandArray([
{command: 'clear', parameters: []},
{command: 'load', parameters: [fileName]},
{command: 'play', parameters: []}
} else if (fileName.startsWith('albums')) {"PLAYYYYYYYY");
return self.playAlbum(fileName);
} else {
return this.sendMpdCommandArray([
{command: 'clear', parameters: []},
{command: 'add', parameters: [fileName]},
{command: 'play', parameters: []}
/*.then(function() {
ControllerMpd.prototype.addPlayCue = function (data) {
var self = this;
{'Adding CUE individual entry: ' + data.number + ' ' + data.uri);
var cueItem = this.explodeCue(data.uri , data.number);
uri: cueItem.uri,
type: cueItem.type,
service: cueItem.service,
artist: cueItem.artist,
album: cueItem.album,
number: cueItem.number,
albumart: cueItem.albumart
var index=this.commandRouter.stateMachine.playQueue.arrayQueue.length;
// MPD music library
ControllerMpd.prototype.getTracklist = function () {
var self = this;
return self.mpdReady
.then(function () {
return libQ.nfcall(self.clientMpd.sendCommand.bind(self.clientMpd), libMpd.cmd('listallinfo', []));
.then(function (objResult) {
var listInfo = self.parseListAllInfoResult(objResult);
return listInfo.tracks;
// Internal methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// These are 'this' aware, and may or may not return a promise
// Parses the info out of the 'listallinfo' MPD command
// Metadata fields to roughly conform to Ogg Vorbis standards (
ControllerMpd.prototype.parseListAllInfoResult = function (sInput) {
var arrayLines = sInput.split('\n');
var objReturn = {};
var curEntry = {};
objReturn.tracks = [];
objReturn.playlists = [];
var nLines = arrayLines.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nLines; i++) {
var arrayLineParts =[i].split(':'), function (sPart) {
return sPart.trim();
if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'file') {
curEntry = {
'name': '',
'service': this.servicename,
'uri': arrayLineParts[1],
'browsepath': [this.displayname].concat(arrayLineParts[1].split('/').slice(0, -1)),
'artists': [],
'album': '',
'genres': [],
'performers': [],
'tracknumber': 0,
'date': '',
'duration': 0
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'playlist') {
// Do we even need to parse MPD playlists?
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'Time') {
curEntry.duration = arrayLineParts[1];
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'Title') { = arrayLineParts[1];
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'Artist') {
curEntry.artists =[1].split(','), function (sArtist) {
// TODO - parse other options in artist string, such as "feat."
return sArtist.trim();
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'AlbumArtist') {
curEntry.performers =[1].split(','), function (sPerformer) {
return sPerformer.trim();
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'Album') {
curEntry.album = arrayLineParts[1];
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'Track') {
curEntry.tracknumber = Number(arrayLineParts[1]);
} else if (arrayLineParts[0] === 'Date') {
// TODO - parse into a date object = arrayLineParts[1];
return objReturn;
// Define a method to get the MPD state
ControllerMpd.prototype.getState = function () {
var timeCurrentUpdate =;
this.timeLatestUpdate = timeCurrentUpdate;
var self = this;
return self.sendMpdCommand('status', [])
/*.then(function(data) {
return self.haltIfNewerUpdateRunning(data, timeCurrentUpdate);
.then(function (objState) {
var collectedState = self.parseState(objState);
// If there is a track listed as currently playing, get the track info
if (collectedState.position !== null) {
return self.sendMpdCommand('playlistinfo', [collectedState.position])
/*.then(function(data) {
return self.haltIfNewerUpdateRunning(data, timeCurrentUpdate);
.then(function (objTrackInfo) {
var trackinfo = self.parseTrackInfo(objTrackInfo);
collectedState.isStreaming = trackinfo.isStreaming != undefined ? trackinfo.isStreaming : false;
collectedState.title = trackinfo.title;
collectedState.artist = trackinfo.artist;
collectedState.album = trackinfo.album;
//collectedState.albumart = trackinfo.albumart;
collectedState.uri = trackinfo.uri;
collectedState.trackType = trackinfo.trackType.split('?')[0];
return collectedState;
// Else return null track info
} else {
collectedState.isStreaming = false;
collectedState.title = null;
collectedState.artist = null;
collectedState.album = null;
//collectedState.albumart = null;
collectedState.uri = null;
return collectedState;
// Stop the current status update thread if a newer one exists
ControllerMpd.prototype.haltIfNewerUpdateRunning = function (data, timeCurrentThread) {
var self = this;
if (self.timeLatestUpdate > timeCurrentThread) {
return libQ.reject('Alert: Aborting status update - newer one detected');
} else {
return libQ.resolve(data);
// Announce updated MPD state
ControllerMpd.prototype.pushState = function (state) {
var self = this;
return self.commandRouter.servicePushState(state, self.servicename);
// Pass the error if we don't want to handle it
ControllerMpd.prototype.pushError = function (sReason) {
var self = this;
// Return a resolved empty promise to represent completion
return libQ.resolve();
// Define a general method for sending an MPD command, and return a promise for its execution
ControllerMpd.prototype.sendMpdCommand = function (sCommand, arrayParameters) {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand '+sCommand);
return self.mpdReady
.then(function () {
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('sending command...');
return libQ.nfcall(self.clientMpd.sendCommand.bind(self.clientMpd), libMpd.cmd(sCommand, arrayParameters));
.then(function (response) {
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('parsing response...');
var respobject =, response);
// If there's an error show an alert on UI
if ('error' in respobject) {
self.commandRouter.broadcastToastMessage('error', 'Error', respobject.error)
self.sendMpdCommand('clearerror', [])
return libQ.resolve(respobject);
// Define a general method for sending an array of MPD commands, and return a promise for its execution
// Command array takes the form [{command: sCommand, parameters: arrayParameters}, ...]
ControllerMpd.prototype.sendMpdCommandArray = function (arrayCommands) {
var self = this;
return self.mpdReady
.then(function () {
return libQ.nfcall(self.clientMpd.sendCommands.bind(self.clientMpd),, function (currentCommand) {
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('COMMAND '+currentCommand);
return libMpd.cmd(currentCommand.command, currentCommand.parameters);
// Parse MPD's track info text into Volumio recognizable object
ControllerMpd.prototype.parseTrackInfo = function (objTrackInfo) {
//"OBJTRACKINFO "+JSON.stringify(objTrackInfo));
var resp = {};
if (objTrackInfo.Time === 0){
resp.isStreaming = true;
if (objTrackInfo.file != undefined) {
resp.uri = objTrackInfo.file;
resp.trackType = objTrackInfo.file.split('.').pop();
if (resp.uri.indexOf('cdda:///') >= 0) {
resp.trackType = 'CD Audio';
resp.title = resp.uri.replace('cdda:///', 'Track ');
}else if (resp.uri.indexOf('') >= 0) {
resp.trackType = 'qobuz';
} else if (resp.uri.indexOf('http://') >= 0) {
if (objTrackInfo.file.indexOf('bbc') >= 0) {
objTrackInfo.Name = objTrackInfo.Name.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace('bbc', 'BBC');
objTrackInfo.file = objTrackInfo.Name;
} else {
resp.uri = null;
if (objTrackInfo.Title != undefined) {
resp.title = objTrackInfo.Title;
} else {
var file = objTrackInfo.file;
if(file!== undefined)
var filetitle = file.replace(/^.*\/(?=[^\/]*$)/, '');
resp.title = filetitle;
if (objTrackInfo.Artist != undefined) {
resp.artist = objTrackInfo.Artist;
} else if (objTrackInfo.Name != undefined) {
resp.artist = objTrackInfo.Name;
} else {
resp.artist = null;
if (objTrackInfo.Album != undefined) {
resp.album = objTrackInfo.Album;
} else {
resp.album = null;
var web;
if (objTrackInfo.Artist != undefined) {
if (objTrackInfo.Album != undefined) {
web = {artist: objTrackInfo.Artist, album: objTrackInfo.Album};
} else {
web = {artist: objTrackInfo.Artist};
var artUrl;
if (resp.isStreaming) {
artUrl = this.getAlbumArt(web);
} else {
artUrl = this.getAlbumArt(web, file);
resp.albumart = artUrl;
return resp;
// Parse MPD's text playlist into a Volumio recognizable playlist object
ControllerMpd.prototype.parsePlaylist = function (objQueue) {
var self = this;
// objQueue is in form {'0': 'file:', '1': 'file:'}
// We want to convert to a straight array of trackIds
return libQ.fcall(, Object.keys(objQueue), function (currentKey) {
return convertUriToTrackId(objQueue[currentKey]);
// Parse MPD's text status into a Volumio recognizable status object
ControllerMpd.prototype.parseState = function (objState) {
var self = this;
// Pull track duration out of status message
var nDuration = null;
if ('time' in objState) {
var arrayTimeData = objState.time.split(':');
nDuration = Math.round(Number(arrayTimeData[1]));
// Pull the elapsed time
var nSeek = null;
if ('elapsed' in objState) {
nSeek = Math.round(Number(objState.elapsed) * 1000);
// Pull the queue position of the current track
var nPosition = null;
if ('song' in objState) {
nPosition = Number(;
// Pull audio metrics
var nBitDepth = null;
var nSampleRate = null;
var nChannels = null;
if ('audio' in objState) {
var objMetrics =':');
var nSampleRateRaw = Number(objMetrics[0]) / 1000;
nBitDepth = Number(objMetrics[1])+' bit';
nChannels = Number(objMetrics[2]);
if (objMetrics[1] == 'f') {
nBitDepth = '32 bit';
} else if (objMetrics[0] == 'dsd64') {
var nSampleRateRaw = '2.82 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit';
nChannels = 2;
} else if (objMetrics[0] == 'dsd128') {
var nSampleRateRaw = '5.64 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit';
nChannels = 2;
} else if (objMetrics[0] == 'dsd256') {
var nSampleRateRaw = '11.28 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit';
nChannels = 2;
} else if (objMetrics[0] == 'dsd512') {
var nSampleRateRaw = '22.58 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit';
nChannels = 2;
} else if (objMetrics[1] == 'dsd') {
if (nSampleRateRaw === 352.8) {
var nSampleRateRaw = '2.82 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit'
} else if (nSampleRateRaw === 705.6) {
var nSampleRateRaw = '5.64 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit'
} else if (nSampleRateRaw === 1411.2) {
var nSampleRateRaw = '11.2 MHz';
nBitDepth = '1 bit'
} else {
var nSampleRateRaw = nSampleRateRaw + ' KHz';
} else {
var nSampleRateRaw = nSampleRateRaw + ' KHz';
nSampleRate = nSampleRateRaw;
var random = null;
if ('random' in objState) {
random = objState.random == 1;
var repeat = null;
if ('repeat' in objState) {
repeat = objState.repeat == 1;
var sStatus = null;
if ('state' in objState) {
sStatus = objState.state;
var updatedb = false;
if ('updating_db' in objState) {
updatedb = true;
return {
status: sStatus,
position: nPosition,
seek: nSeek,
duration: nDuration,
samplerate: nSampleRate,
bitdepth: nBitDepth,
channels: nChannels,
random: random,
updatedb: updatedb,
repeat: repeat
ControllerMpd.prototype.logDone = function (timeStart) {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('------------------------------ ' + ( - timeStart) + 'ms');
return libQ.resolve();
ControllerMpd.prototype.logStart = function (sCommand) {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('\n' + '---------------------------- ' + sCommand);
return libQ.resolve();
* This method can be defined by every plugin which needs to be informed of the startup of Volumio.
* The Core controller checks if the method is defined and executes it on startup if it exists.
ControllerMpd.prototype.onVolumioStart = function () {
var self = this;
this.commandRouter.sharedVars.registerCallback('alsa.outputdevice', this.outputDeviceCallback.bind(this));
// Connect to MPD only if process MPD is running
var configFile = self.commandRouter.pluginManager.getConfigurationFile(self.context, 'config.json');
pidof('mpd', function (err, pid) {
if (err) {'Cannot initialize MPD Connection: MPD is not running');
} else {
if (pid) {'MPD running with PID' + pid + ' ,establishing connection');
} else {'Cannot initialize MPD Connection: MPD is not running');
dsd_autovolume = self.config.get('dsd_autovolume', false);
return libQ.resolve();
ControllerMpd.prototype.mpdEstablish = function () {
var self = this;
// TODO use names from the package.json instead
self.servicename = 'mpd';
self.displayname = 'MPD';
//getting configuration
// Save a reference to the parent commandRouter
self.commandRouter = self.context.coreCommand;
// Connect to MPD
// Make a promise for when the MPD connection is ready to receive events
self.mpdReady = libQ.nfcall(self.clientMpd.on.bind(self.clientMpd), 'ready');
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
if (startup) {
startup = false;
// Catch and log errors
self.clientMpd.on('error', function (err) {
self.logger.error('MPD error: ' + err);
if (err = "{ [Error: This socket has been ended by the other party] code: 'EPIPE' }") {
// Wait 5 seconds before trying to reconnect
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
} else {
// This tracks the the timestamp of the newest detected status change
self.timeLatestUpdate = 0;
// TODO remove pertaining function when properly found out we don't need em
// When playback status changes
self.clientMpd.on('system', function (status) {
var timeStart =;
if (!ignoreupdate && status != 'playlist' && status != undefined) {
self.logStart('MPD announces state update: ' + status)
.done(function () {
return self.logDone(timeStart);
} else {'Ignoring MPD Status Update');
self.clientMpd.on('system-playlist', function () {
var timeStart =;
if (!ignoreupdate) {
self.logStart('MPD announces system playlist update')
.done(function () {
return self.logDone(timeStart);
} else {'Ignoring MPD Status Update');
//Notify that The mpd DB has changed
self.clientMpd.on('system-database', function () {
//return self.commandRouter.fileUpdate();
//return self.reportUpdatedLibrary();
//Refresh AlbumList - delete the current AlbumList cache entry
memoryCache.del('cacheAlbumList', function(err) {});
//Store new AlbumList in cache
self.listAlbums();"MPD Database updated - AlbumList cache refreshed");
self.clientMpd.on('system-update', function () {
if (!ignoreupdate) {
self.sendMpdCommand('status', [])
.then(function (objState) {
var state = self.parseState(objState);
execSync("/bin/sync", { uid: 1000, gid: 1000});
return self.commandRouter.fileUpdate(state.updatedb);
} else {'Ignoring MPD Status Update');
ControllerMpd.prototype.mpdConnect = function () {
var self = this;
var nHost = self.config.get('nHost');
var nPort = self.config.get('nPort');
self.clientMpd = libMpd.connect({port: nPort, host: nHost});
ControllerMpd.prototype.outputDeviceCallback = function () {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
self.context.coreCommand.pushConsoleMessage('Output device has changed, restarting MPD');
self.createMPDFile(function (error) {
if (error !== undefined && error !== null) {
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.CONFIGURATION_UPDATE'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.CONFIGURATION_UPDATE_ERROR'));
else {
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_playback_configuration_error'));
self.restartMpd(function (error) {
if (error !== null && error != undefined) {'Cannot restart MPD: ' + error);
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_player_restart'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_player_restart_error'));
else {
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.CONFIGURATION_UPDATE'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.PLAYER_RESTARTED'));
ControllerMpd.prototype.savePlaybackOptions = function (data) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
self.config.set('dsd_autovolume', data['dsd_autovolume']);
self.config.set('volume_normalization', data['volume_normalization']);
self.config.set('audio_buffer_size', data['audio_buffer_size'].value);
self.config.set('buffer_before_play', data['buffer_before_play'].value);
self.config.set('dop', data['dop'].value);
dsd_autovolume = data['dsd_autovolume'];
var isonew = data.iso;
var iso = self.config.get('iso', false);
if (self.config.get('persistent_queue') == null) {
self.config.addConfigValue('persistent_queue', 'boolean', data['persistent_queue']);
} else {
self.config.set('persistent_queue', data['persistent_queue']);
if (isonew != iso) {
self.config.set('iso', data['iso']);
if (isonew) {
//iso enabled
execSync("/usr/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl stop mpd", {uid: 1000, gid: 1000, encoding: 'utf8'});
execSync('echo "volumio" | sudo -S /bin/cp -f /usr/bin/mpdsacd /usr/bin/mpd', {
uid: 1000,
gid: 1000,
encoding: 'utf8'
execSync('/bin/sync', {uid: 1000, gid: 1000, encoding: 'utf8'});
setTimeout(function () {
exec('/usr/bin/mpc update', {uid: 1000, gid: 1000},
function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
self.logger.error('Cannot Update MPD DB: ' + error);
var responseData = {
title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('PLAYBACK_OPTIONS.PLAYBACK_OPTIONS_TITLE')+ ': ISO Playback',
message: 'ISO Playback ' +self.commandRouter.getI18nString('PLAYBACK_OPTIONS.I2S_DAC_ACTIVATED_MESSAGE'),
size: 'lg',
buttons: [
name: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.RESTART'),
class: 'btn btn-info',
self.commandRouter.broadcastMessage("openModal", responseData);
}, 1000);
} else {
execSync("/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/killall mpd", {uid: 1000, gid: 1000, encoding: 'utf8'});
execSync('echo "volumio" | sudo -S /bin/cp -f /usr/bin/mpdorig /usr/bin/mpd', {
uid: 1000,
gid: 1000,
encoding: 'utf8'
execSync('/bin/sync', {uid: 1000, gid: 1000, encoding: 'utf8'});
setTimeout(function () {
exec('/usr/bin/mpc update', {uid: 1000, gid: 1000},
function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
self.logger.error('Cannot Update MPD DB: ' + error);
}, 5000);
self.createMPDFile(function (error) {
if (error !== undefined && error !== null) {
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update_error'));
else {
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_playback_configuration_error'));
self.restartMpd(function (error) {
if (error !== null && error != undefined) {
self.logger.error('Cannot restart MPD: ' + error);
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('PLAYBACK_OPTIONS.PLAYBACK_OPTIONS_TITLE'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.SETTINGS_SAVE_ERROR'));
else {
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('PLAYBACK_OPTIONS.PLAYBACK_OPTIONS_TITLE'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.SETTINGS_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'));
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.saveResampleOptions = function (data) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
self.createMPDFile(function (error) {
if (error !== undefined && error !== null) {
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update_error'));
else {
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_configuration_update'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_playback_configuration_error'));
self.restartMpd(function (error) {
if (error !== null && error != undefined) {
self.logger.error('Cannot restart MPD: ' + error);
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('error', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_player_restart'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_player_restart_error'));
//self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_player_restart'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('mpd_player_restart_success'));
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.restartMpd = function (callback) {
var self = this;
if (callback) {
exec('/usr/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl restart mpd.service ', {uid:1000, gid:1000},
function (error, stdout, stderr) {
} else {
exec('/usr/bin/sudo /bin/systemctl restart mpd.service ', {uid:1000, gid:1000},
function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error){
self.logger.error('Cannot restart MPD: ' + error);
} else {
ControllerMpd.prototype.createMPDFile = function (callback) {
var self = this;
exec('/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod 777 /etc/mpd.conf', {uid:1000,gid:1000},
function (error, stdout, stderr) {
if(error != null) {'Error setting mpd conf file perms: '+error);
} else {'MPD Permissions set');
try {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/mpd.conf.tmpl", 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return self.logger.error(err);
var outdev = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'outputdevice');
var mixer = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'mixer');
var resampling = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'resampling');
var resampling_bitdepth = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'resampling_target_bitdepth');
var resampling_samplerate = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'resampling_target_samplerate');
var resampling_quality = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'resampling_quality');
var ffmpeg = self.config.get('ffmpegenable', false);
var mixerdev = '';
var mixerstrings = '';
if (outdev != 'softvolume' ) {
if (outdev.indexOf(',') >= 0) {
mixerdev = 'hw:'+outdev;
outdev = 'hw:'+outdev;
} else {
mixerdev = 'hw:'+outdev;
outdev = 'hw:'+outdev+',0';
} else {
mixerdev = 'SoftMaster';
var mpdvolume = self.getAdditionalConf('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'mpdvolume');
if (mpdvolume == undefined) {
mpdvolume = false;
var conf1 = data.replace("${gapless_mp3_playback}", self.checkTrue('gapless_mp3_playback'));
var conf2 = conf1.replace("${device}", outdev);
var conf3 = conf2.replace("${volume_normalization}", self.checkTrue('volume_normalization'));
var conf4 = conf3.replace("${audio_buffer_size}", self.config.get('audio_buffer_size'));
var conf5 = conf4.replace("${buffer_before_play}", self.config.get('buffer_before_play'));
if (self.config.get('dop', false)){
var dop = 'yes';
} else {
var dop = 'no';
var conf6 = conf5.replace("${dop}", dop);
if (mixer) {
if (mixer.length > 0 && mpdvolume) {
mixerstrings = 'mixer_device "'+ mixerdev + '"' + os.EOL + ' mixer_control "'+ mixer +'"'+ os.EOL + ' mixer_type "hardware"'+ os.EOL;
var conf7 = conf6.replace("${mixer}", mixerstrings);
if (self.config.get('iso', false)) {
var conf9 = conf7.replace("${format}", "");;
} else {
var conf8 = conf7.replace("${sox}", 'resampler { ' + os.EOL + ' plugin "soxr"' + os.EOL + ' quality "' + resampling_quality + '"' + os.EOL + ' threads "1"' + os.EOL + '}');
var conf9 = conf8.replace("${format}", 'format "'+resampling_samplerate+':'+resampling_bitdepth+':2"');
} else {
var conf8 = conf7.replace("${sox}", 'resampler { ' + os.EOL + ' plugin "soxr"' + os.EOL + ' quality "high"' + os.EOL + ' threads "1"' + os.EOL + '}');
var conf9 = conf8.replace("${format}", "");
if (self.config.get('iso', false)){
//iso enabled
var isopart = 'decoder { ' + os.EOL + 'plugin "sacdiso"' + os.EOL + 'dstdec_threads "2"' + os.EOL + 'edited_master "true"' + os.EOL + 'lsbitfirst "false"' + os.EOL + 'playable_area "stereo"'+ os.EOL +'}' + os.EOL + 'decoder { ' + os.EOL + 'plugin "ffmpeg"' + os.EOL + 'enabled "no"' + os.EOL + '}' + os.EOL;
var conf10 = conf9.replace('"${sacdiso}"', isopart);
var conf11 = conf10.replace("${sox}", '');
} else {
//iso disabled
var conf11 = conf9.replace('"${sacdiso}"', " ");
if (ffmpeg) {
var conf12 = conf11.replace('"${ffmpeg}"', 'decoder { ' + os.EOL + 'plugin "ffmpeg"' + os.EOL + 'enabled "yes"' + os.EOL + 'analyzeduration "1000000000"' + os.EOL + 'probesize "1000000000"' + os.EOL + '}' + os.EOL);
} else {
var conf12 = conf11.replace('"${ffmpeg}"', " ");
for(var callback of self.registeredCallbacks)
var data = self.commandRouter.executeOnPlugin(callback.type, callback.plugin,;
conf12 += data;
fs.writeFile("/etc/mpd.conf", conf12, 'utf8', function (err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
catch (err) {
ControllerMpd.prototype.checkTrue = function (config) {
var self = this;
var out = "no";
var value = self.config.get(config);
out = "yes";
return out
} else {
return out
* This method shall be defined by every plugin which needs to be configured.
ControllerMpd.prototype.setConfiguration = function (configuration) {
//DO something intelligent
ControllerMpd.prototype.getConfigParam = function (key) {
var self = this;
var confval = self.config.get(key);
return confval
ControllerMpd.prototype.setConfigParam = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.config.set(data.key, data.value);
ControllerMpd.prototype.listPlaylists = function (uri) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var response={
"navigation": {
"lists": [
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
if (singleBrowse) {
response.navigation.prev ={'uri': 'music-library'}
var promise = self.commandRouter.playListManager.listPlaylist();
promise.then(function (data) {
for (var i in data) {
var ithdata = data[i];
var playlist = {
"service": "mpd",
"type": 'playlist',
"title": ithdata,
"icon": 'fa fa-list-ol',
"uri": 'playlists/' + ithdata
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.browsePlaylist = function (uri) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var name = uri.split('/')[1];
var response={
"navigation": {
"lists": [
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
"info": {
"uri": 'playlists/favourites',
"title": name,
"name": name,
"service": 'mpd',
"type": 'play-playlist',
"albumart": '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/mpd/playlisticon.png'
"prev": {
"uri": "playlists"
var name = uri.split('/')[1];
var promise = self.commandRouter.playListManager.getPlaylistContent(name);
promise.then(function (data) {
var n = data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var ithdata = data[i];
var song = {
service: ithdata.service,
type: 'song',
title: ithdata.title,
artist: ithdata.artist,
album: ithdata.album,
albumart: ithdata.albumart,
uri: ithdata.uri
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.lsInfo = function (uri) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var sections = uri.split('/');
var prev = '';
var folderToList = '';
var command = 'lsinfo';
if (sections.length > 1) {
prev = sections.slice(0, sections.length - 1).join('/');
folderToList = sections.slice(1).join('/');
var safeFolderToList = folderToList.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
command += ' "' + safeFolderToList + '"';
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(command, []), function (err, msg) {
var list = [];
if (singleBrowse && uri === 'music-library') {
prev = '/';
var browseSources = [{albumart: '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/mpd/favouritesicon.png', title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.FAVOURITES'), uri: 'favourites', type: 'title'},
{albumart: '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/mpd/playlisticon.png', title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.PLAYLISTS'), uri: 'playlists', type: 'title'},
{albumart: '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/mpd/artisticon.png',title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ARTISTS'), uri: 'artists://', type: 'title'},
{albumart: '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/mpd/albumicon.png',title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ALBUMS'), uri: 'albums://', type: 'title'},
{albumart: '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/mpd/genreicon.png',title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.GENRES'), uri: 'genres://', type: 'title'},
{albumart: '/albumart?sourceicon=music_service/upnp_browser/dlnaicon.png',title: self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.MEDIA_SERVERS'), uri: 'upnp', type: 'title'}];
for (var i in browseSources) {
if (msg) {
var s0 = sections[0] + '/';
var path;
var name;
var dirtype;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('directory:') === 0) {
var diricon = 'fa fa-folder-open-o';
path = line.slice(11);
var namearr = path.split('/');
if (uri === 'music-library') {
switch(path) {
case 'INTERNAL':
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt('', '','microchip');
case 'NAS':
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt('', '','server');
case 'USB':
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt('', '','usb');
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt('', '/mnt/' + path,'folder-o');
} else {
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt('', '/mnt/' + path,'folder-o');
if (namearr.length == 2 && namearr[0] == 'USB') {
dirtype = 'remdisk';
diricon = 'fa fa-usb';
} else {
dirtype = 'folder';
name = namearr.pop();
type: dirtype,
title: name,
albumart: albumart,
uri: s0 + path
else if (line.indexOf('playlist:') === 0) {
path = line.slice(10);
name = path.split('/').pop();
if (path.endsWith('.cue')) {
try {
var cuesheet = parser.parse('/mnt/' + path);
service: 'mpd',
type: 'cuefile',
title: name,
icon: 'fa fa-list-ol',
uri: s0 + path
var tracks = cuesheet.files[0].tracks;
for (var j in tracks) {
service: 'mpd',
type: 'cuesong',
title: tracks[j].title,
artist: tracks[j].performer,
album: path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1),
number: tracks[j].number - 1,
icon: 'fa fa-music',
uri: s0 + path
} catch (err) {'Cue Parser - Cannot parse ' + path);
} else {
service: 'mpd',
type: 'song',
title: name,
icon: 'fa fa-list-ol',
uri: s0 + path
else if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var year,albumart,tracknumber,duration,composer,genre;
year = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Date:');
albumart = self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album},
self.getParentFolder('/mnt/' + path),'fa-tags');
tracknumber = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var split=tracknumber.split('/');
duration = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:');
genre = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Genre:');
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt('', self.getParentFolder('/mnt/' + path), 'music');
service: 'mpd',
type: 'song',
title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
uri: s0 + path,
navigation: {
prev: {
uri: prev
lists: [{availableListViews:['grid', 'list'],items:list}]
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.listallFolder = function (uri) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var sections = uri.split('/');
var prev = '';
var command = 'listallinfo';
var liburi = uri.slice(4);
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(command, [liburi]), function (err, msg) {
var list = [];
if (msg) {
var s0 = sections[0] + '/';
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
var albumartist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'AlbumArtist:');
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt({artist: albumartist, album: album},self.getParentFolder('/mnt/' + path),'fa-tags');
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
service: 'mpd',
type: 'song',
title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
icon: 'fa fa-music',
uri: s0 + path,
navigation: {
prev: {
uri: prev
lists: [{availableListViews:['list'],items:list}]
return defer.promise;
}; = function (query) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var safeValue = query.value.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var commandArtist = 'search artist '+' "' + safeValue + '"';
var commandAlbum = 'search album '+' "' + safeValue + '"';
var commandSong = 'search title '+' "' + safeValue + '"';
var artistcount = 0;
var albumcount = 0;
var trackcount = 0;
var deferArray=[];
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(commandArtist, []), function (err, msg) {
var subList=[];
if (msg) {
var lines = msg.split('\n'); //var lines is now an array
var artistsfound = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.startsWith('file:')) {
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
//**********Check if artist is already found and exists in 'artistsfound' array
if (artistsfound.indexOf(artist) <0 ) { //Artist is not in 'artistsfound' array
artistcount ++;
service: 'mpd',
type: 'folder',
title: artist,
uri: 'artists://' + encodeURIComponent(artist),
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist},undefined,'users')
else if(err) deferArray[0].reject(new Error('Artist:' +err));
else deferArray[0].resolve();
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(commandAlbum, []), function (err, msg) {
var subList=[];
if (msg) {
var lines = msg.split('\n');
var albumsfound=[];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.startsWith('file:')) {
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
var artist = self.searchFor (lines, i + 1, 'AlbumArtist:');
//********Check if album and artist combination is already found and exists in 'albumsfound' array (Allows for duplicate album names)
if (album != undefined && artist != undefined && albumsfound.indexOf(album + artist) <0 ) { // Album/Artist is not in 'albumsfound' array
albumcount ++;
albumsfound.push(album + artist);
service: 'mpd',
type: 'folder',
title: album,
artist: artist,
//Use the correct album / artist match
uri: 'albums://' + encodeURIComponent(artist) + '/'+ encodeURIComponent(album),
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/' + path),'fa-tags')
else if(err) deferArray[1].reject(new Error('Album:' +err));
else deferArray[1].resolve();
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(commandSong, []), function (err, msg) {
var subList=[];
if (msg) {
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.startsWith('file:')) {
trackcount ++;
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
var name = path.split('/');
var count = name.length;
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
if (title == undefined) {
title = name[count - 1];
service: 'mpd',
type: 'song',
title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
uri: 'music-library/' + path,
albumart : self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/' + path),'fa-tags')
else if(err) deferArray[2].reject(new Error('Song:' +err));
else deferArray[2].resolve();
var list = [];
var artistdesc = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ARTIST');
if (artistcount > 1) artistdesc = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ARTISTS');
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.FOUND') + " " + artistcount + " " + artistdesc + " '" + query.value +"'",
"availableListViews": [
"items": []
var albumdesc = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ALBUM');
if (albumcount > 1) albumdesc = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ALBUMS');
var albList=
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.FOUND') + " " + albumcount + " " + albumdesc + " '" + query.value +"'",
"availableListViews": [
"items": []
var trackdesc = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.TRACK');
if (trackcount > 1) var trackdesc = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.TRACKS');;
var songList=
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.FOUND') + " " + trackcount + " " + trackdesc + " '" + query.value +"'",
"availableListViews": [
"items": []
list=list.filter(function(v){return !!(v)==true;})
}).fail(function(err){"PARSING RESPONSE ERROR "+err);
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.searchFor = function (lines, startFrom, beginning) {
var count = lines.length;
var i = startFrom;
while (i < count) {
var line = lines[i];
if(line!==undefined) {
if (line.indexOf(beginning) === 0)
return line.slice(beginning.length).trimLeft();
else if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0)
return '';
else if (line.indexOf('directory:') === 0)
return '';
return '';
ControllerMpd.prototype.updateQueue = function () {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var prev = '';
var folderToList = '';
var command = 'playlistinfo';
var list = [];
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(command, []), function (err, msg) {
if (msg) {
var lines = msg.split('\n');
var queue = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
var rawtitle = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var tracknumber = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Pos:');
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
if (rawtitle) {
var title = rawtitle;
} else {
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
var name = path.split('/');
var title = name.slice(-1)[0];
var queueItem = {
uri: path,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: tracknumber,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, path)
navigation: {
prev: {
uri: prev
list: list
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.getAlbumArt = function (data, path,icon) {
//initialization, skipped from second call
this.albumArtPlugin= this.commandRouter.pluginManager.getPlugin('miscellanea', 'albumart');
return this.albumArtPlugin.getAlbumArt(data,path,icon);
return "/albumart";
ControllerMpd.prototype.reportUpdatedLibrary = function () {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::DB Update Finished');
//return self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('Success', 'ASF', ' Added');
ControllerMpd.prototype.getConfigurationFiles = function () {
var self = this;
return ['config.json'];
ControllerMpd.prototype.getAdditionalConf = function (type, controller, data, def) {
var self = this;
var setting = self.commandRouter.executeOnPlugin(type, controller, 'getConfigParam', data);
if (setting == undefined) {
setting = def;
return setting;
ControllerMpd.prototype.setAdditionalConf = function (type, controller, data) {
var self = this;
return self.commandRouter.executeOnPlugin(type, controller, 'setConfigParam', data);
ControllerMpd.prototype.rescanDb = function () {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.MY_MUSIC'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.RESCAN_DB'));
return self.sendMpdCommand('rescan', []);
ControllerMpd.prototype.updateDb = function (data) {
var self = this;
var pos = '';
var message = self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.SCAN_DB');
if (data != undefined) {
pos = data.replace('music-library/', '')
message = pos + ': ' + message;
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.MY_MUSIC'), message);
return self.sendMpdCommand('update', [pos]);
ControllerMpd.prototype.getGroupVolume = function () {
var self = this;
return self.sendMpdCommand('status', [])
.then(function (objState) {
var state = self.parseState(objState);
if (state.volume != undefined) {
state.volume = groupvolume;
return libQ.resolve(groupvolume);
ControllerMpd.prototype.setGroupVolume = function (data) {
var self = this;
return self.sendMpdCommand('setvol', [data]);
ControllerMpd.prototype.syncGroupVolume = function (data) {
var self = this;
// --------------------------------- music services interface ---------------------------------------
ControllerMpd.prototype.explodeUri = function(uri) {
var self = this;
var defer=libQ.defer();
var items = [];
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
if(uri.startsWith('cue://')) {
var splitted=uri.split('@');
var index=splitted[1];
var path='/mnt/' + splitted[0].substring(6);
var cuesheet = parser.parse(path);
var tracks = cuesheet.files[0].tracks;
var cueartist = tracks[index].performer;
var cuealbum = cuesheet.title;
var cuenumber = tracks[index].number - 1;
var path = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace('cue:/','');
type: 'cuesong',
name: tracks[index].title,
artist: cueartist,
album: cuealbum,
number: cuenumber,
albumart:self.getAlbumArt({artist:cueartist,album: cuealbum},path)
} else if(uri.endsWith('.cue')) {
try {
var uriPath='/mnt/'+self.sanitizeUri(uri);
var cuesheet = parser.parse(uriPath);
var tracks = cuesheet.files[0].tracks;
var list=[];
for (var j in tracks) {
var cueItem = self.explodeCue(uriPath , j);
uri: cueItem.uri,
type: cueItem.type,
service: cueItem.service,
artist: cueItem.artist,
album: cueItem.album,
number: cueItem.number,
} catch (err) {;'Cue Parser - Cannot parse ' + uriPath);
else if(uri.startsWith('search://'))
//exploding search
var splitted=uri.split('/');
var argument=splitted[2]; //artist
var value=splitted[3]; //album
var safeValue = value.replace(/"/g,'\\"')
if(argument==='artist') {
var commandArtist = 'search artist '+' "' + safeValue + '"';
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(commandArtist, []), function (err, msg) {
var subList=[];
if (msg) {
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.startsWith('file:')) {
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
var name = path.split('/');
var count = name.length;
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1 + "HERE";
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
uri: 'music-library/'+path,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist:artist,album: album},uri),
duration: time,
trackType: 'mp3'
else if(err) defer.reject(new Error('Artist:' +err));
else defer.resolve(items);
else if(argument==='album') {
if (compilation.indexOf(value)>-1) { //artist is in Various Artists array
var commandArtist = 'search albumartist '+' "' + safeValue + '"';
else {
var commandAlbum = 'search album '+' "' + safeValue + '"';
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(commandAlbum, []), function (err, msg) {
var subList=[];
if (msg) {
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.startsWith('file:')) {
var path = line.slice(5).trimLeft();
var name = path.split('/');
var count = name.length;
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1 + "HERE";
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
uri: 'music-library/' + path,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, uri),
duration: time,
trackType: 'mp3'
else if(err) defer.reject(new Error('Artist:' +err));
else defer.resolve(items);
else defer.reject(new Error());
else if(uri.startsWith('albums://')) {
//exploding search
var splitted = uri.split('/');
var artistName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var albumName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[3]);
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
// Escape any " within the strings used to construct the 'find' cmd
var safeArtistName = artistName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeAlbumName = albumName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var GetAlbum = "find album \""+safeAlbumName+"\"" + " albumartist \"" +safeArtistName+"\"";
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(GetAlbum, []), function (err, msg) {
var list = [];
if (msg) {
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album,icon:'dot-circle-o'}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/'+path));
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
uri: 'music-library/'+path,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: albumart,
duration: time,
trackType: path.split('.').pop()
else if(uri.startsWith('artists://')) {
artists://AC%2FDC/Rock%20or%20Bust in service mpd
var splitted = uri.split('/');
if(splitted.length===4) {
return this.explodeUri('albums://'+ splitted[2] + '/' + splitted[3]);
var artist = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
var safeArtist = artist.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("find artist \""+safeArtist+"\"", []), function (err, msg) {
if(msg=='') {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("find albumartist \""+safeArtist+"\"", []), function (err, msg) {
else self.exploderArtist(err,msg,defer);
else if(uri.startsWith('genres://')) {
//exploding search
var splitted = uri.split('/');
var genreName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var artistName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[3]);
var albumName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[4]);
// Escape any " within the strings used to construct the 'find' cmd
var safeGenreName = genreName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeArtistName = artistName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeAlbumName = albumName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
if(splitted.length==4) {
var GetMatches = "find genre \"" + safeGenreName + "\" artist \"" + safeArtistName + "\"";
else if(splitted.length==5) {
var GetMatches = "find genre \"" + safeGenreName + "\" album \"" + safeAlbumName + "\"";
else {
var GetMatches = "find genre \"" + safeGenreName + "\"";
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(GetMatches, []), function (err, msg) {
var list = [];
var albums=[],albumarts=[];
if (msg) {
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/'+path));
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
if(title!=='') {
uri: 'music-library/'+path,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: albumart,
duration: time,
trackType: path.split('.').pop()
else {;
defer.reject(new Error());
else if(uri.endsWith('.iso')) {
var uriPath = '/mnt/' + self.sanitizeUri(uri);
var uris = self.scanFolder(uriPath);
var response = [];
.then(function (result) {
// IF we need to explode the whole iso file
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
result = result[0]
} else {
for (var j in result) {
//"----->>>>> " + JSON.stringify(result[j]));
var albumartiso = result[j].albumart.substring(0, result[j].albumart.lastIndexOf("%2F"));
if (result !== undefined && result[j].uri !== undefined) {
uri: self.fromPathToUri(result[j].uri),
service: 'mpd',
name: result[j].name,
artist: result[j].artist,
album: result[j].album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: result[j].tracknumber,
albumart: albumartiso,
duration: result[j].duration,
samplerate: result[j].samplerate,
bitdepth: result[j].bitdepth,
trackType: result[j].trackType
else {
var uriPath='/mnt/'+self.sanitizeUri(uri);
var uris=self.scanFolder(uriPath);
var response=[];
for(var j in result)
//"----->>>>> "+JSON.stringify(result[j]));
if(result!==undefined && result[j].uri!==undefined) {
uri: self.fromPathToUri(result[j].uri),
service: 'mpd',
name: result[j].name,
artist: result[j].artist,
album: result[j].album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: result[j].tracknumber,
albumart: result[j].albumart,
duration: result[j].duration,
samplerate: result[j].samplerate,
bitdepth: result[j].bitdepth,
trackType: result[j].trackType
{"explodeURI: ERROR "+err);
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.explodeCue=function(uri , index) {
var self = this;
var uri = self.sanitizeUri(uri);
var cuesheet = parser.parse('/mnt/'+uri);
var cuealbum;
var cueartist;
var cuename;
var tracks = cuesheet.files[0].tracks;
var list=[];
if (cuesheet.title != undefined && cuesheet.title.length > 0) {
cuealbum = cuesheet.title;
} else {
cuealbum = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
if (tracks[index].performer != undefined && tracks[index].performer.length > 0) {
cueartist = tracks[index].performer;
} else {
cueartist = cuesheet.files[0].performer;
var cuename = tracks[index].title;
var cueuri = 'cue://'+uri+'@'+index;
var cueItem = {
uri: cueuri.replace('///','//'),
service: 'mpd',
name: cuename,
artist: cueartist,
album: cuealbum,
number: Number(index)+1,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: cueartist, album: cuealbum}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/'+uri)),
return cueItem;
ControllerMpd.prototype.exploderArtist=function(err,msg,defer) {
var self=this;
var list = [];
var albums=[],albumarts=[];
if (msg) {
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/'+path));
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
uri: 'music-library/'+path,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: albumart,
duration: time,
trackType: path.split('.').pop()
else {;
defer.reject(new Error());
ControllerMpd.prototype.fromUriToPath = function (uri) {
var sections = uri.split('/');
var prev = '';
if (sections.length > 1) {
prev = sections.slice(1, sections.length).join('/');
return prev;
ControllerMpd.prototype.fromPathToUri = function (uri) {
var sections = uri.split('/');
var prev = '';
if (sections.length > 1) {
prev = sections.slice(1, sections.length).join('/');
return prev;
var self=this;
var uris=[];
var isofile = false;
if ((uri.indexOf(".iso") >= 0) || (uri.indexOf(".ISO") >= 0)){
var uri2 = uri.substr(0, uri.lastIndexOf("/"));
if ((uri2.indexOf(".iso") >= 0) || (uri2.indexOf(".ISO") >= 0)){
} else {
isofile = true
} else {
try {
var stat = libFsExtra.statSync(uri);
} catch (err) {
console.log("scanFolder - failure to stat '" + uri + "'");
return uris;
if( ((uri.indexOf(".iso") < 0) && (uri.indexOf(".ISO") < 0)) && (stat != undefined && stat.isDirectory()) )
var files=libFsExtra.readdirSync(uri);
for(var i in files)
else if (isofile){
var defer=libQ.defer();
var uris = self.explodeISOFile(uri);
return defer.promise
else {
var defer=libQ.defer();
var sections = uri.split('/');
var folderToList = '';
var command = 'lsinfo';
if (sections.length > 1) {
folderToList = sections.slice(2).join('/');
var safeFolderToList = folderToList.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
command += ' "' + safeFolderToList + '"';
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(command, []), function (err, msg) {
var list = [];
if (msg) {
var s0 = sections[0] + '/';
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
var isSolved=false;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
}"ALBUMART "+self.getAlbumArt({artist:artist,album: album},uri));"URI "+uri);
uri: 'music-library/'+self.fromPathToUri(uri),
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist:artist,album: album},self.getAlbumArtPathFromUri(uri)),
duration: time,
trackType: uri.split('.').pop()
else defer.resolve({});
return defer.promise;
return uris;
ControllerMpd.prototype.explodeISOFile = function (uri) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var sections = uri.split('/');
var folderToList = '';
var command = 'lsinfo';
var ISOlist = [];
if (sections.length > 1) {
folderToList = sections.slice(2).join('/');
var safeFolderToList = folderToList.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
command += ' "' + safeFolderToList + '"';
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.mpdReady.then(function () {
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(command, []), function (err, msg) {
if (msg) {
var s0 = sections[0] + '/';
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
var isSolved=false;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
var ISOuri = self.searchFor(lines, i, 'file:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
}"ALBUMART " + self.getAlbumArt({
artist: artist,
album: album
}, uri));"URI " + uri);
uri: ISOuri,
service: 'mpd',
name: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'track',
tracknumber: 0,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({
artist: artist,
album: album
}, self.getAlbumArtPathFromUri(uri)),
duration: time,
samplerate: '',
bitdepth: '',
trackType: uri.split('.').pop()
} else {
return defer.promise;
//----------------------- new play system ----------------------------
ControllerMpd.prototype.clearAddPlayTrack = function (track) {
var self = this;
var sections = track.uri.split('/');
var prev = '';
var uri1=track.uri.substring(6);
var splitted=uri1.split('@');
var index=splitted[1];
var uri=self.sanitizeUri(splitted[0]);
var safeUri = uri.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
return self.sendMpdCommand('stop',[])
return self.sendMpdCommand('clear',[]);
return self.sendMpdCommand('load "'+safeUri+'"',[]);
return self.sendMpdCommand('play',[index]);
var uri=self.sanitizeUri(track.uri);
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks '+uri);
var urilow = uri.toLowerCase();
if (urilow.endsWith('.dff') || urilow.endsWith('.dsd') || urilow.endsWith('.dxd') || urilow.endsWith('.dsf')) {
// Clear the queue, add the first track, and start playback
var defer = libQ.defer();
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
var safeUri = uri.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
return self.sendMpdCommand('stop',[])
return self.sendMpdCommand('clear',[]);
return self.sendMpdCommand('add "'+safeUri+'"',[]);
return self.sendMpdCommand('play',[]);
}; = function(position) {
var self=this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var command = 'seek ';
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(command, ['0',position/1000]), function (err, msg) {
if (msg) {;
return defer.promise;
// MPD pause
ControllerMpd.prototype.pause = function () {
return this.sendMpdCommand('pause', []);
// MPD resume
ControllerMpd.prototype.resume = function () {
return this.sendMpdCommand('play', []);
// MPD stop
ControllerMpd.prototype.stop = function () {
return this.sendMpdCommand('stop', []);
ControllerMpd.prototype.sanitizeUri = function (uri) {
return uri.replace('music-library/', '').replace('mnt/', '');
ControllerMpd.prototype.reportUpdatedLibrary = function () {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushConsoleMessage('ControllerMpd::DB Update Finished');
return self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('Success', 'ASF', ' Added');
ControllerMpd.prototype.getConfigurationFiles = function () {
var self = this;
return ['config.json'];
ControllerMpd.prototype.setAdditionalConf = function (type, controller, data) {
var self = this;
return self.commandRouter.executeOnPlugin(type, controller, 'setConfigParam', data);
ControllerMpd.prototype.getMyCollectionStats = function () {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
try {
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("count", ["group", "artist"]), function (err, msg) {
if (err) defer.resolve({
artists: 0,
albums: 0,
songs: 0,
playtime: '00:00:00'
else {
var artistsCount = 0;
var songsCount = 0;
var playtimesCount = 0;
var splitted = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < splitted.length - 1; i = i + 3) {
songsCount = songsCount + parseInt(splitted[i + 1].substring(7));
playtimesCount = playtimesCount + parseInt(splitted[i + 2].substring(10));
var convertedSecs = convert(playtimesCount);
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("list", ["album", "group", "albumartist"]), function (err, msg) {
if (!err) {
var splittedAlbum = msg.split('\n');
var albumsCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < splittedAlbum.length; i++) {
var line = splittedAlbum[i];
if (line.startsWith('Album:')) {
var response = {
artists: artistsCount,
albums: albumsCount,
songs: songsCount,
playtime: convertedSecs.hours + ':' + ('0' + convertedSecs.minutes).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + convertedSecs.seconds).slice(-2)
} catch(e) {
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.getGroupVolume = function () {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
return self.sendMpdCommand('status', [])
.then(function (objState) {
if (objState.volume) {
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.setGroupVolume = function (data) {
var self = this;
return self.sendMpdCommand('setvol', [data]);
ControllerMpd.prototype.syncGroupVolume = function (data) {
var self = this;
ControllerMpd.prototype.handleBrowseUri = function (curUri, previous) {
var self = this;
var response;"CURURI: "+curUri);
var splitted=curUri.split('/');
if (curUri.startsWith('music-library')) {
response = self.lsInfo(curUri);
else if (curUri.startsWith('playlists')) {
if (curUri == 'playlists'){
response = self.listPlaylists(curUri);
else {
response = self.browsePlaylist(curUri);
else if (curUri.startsWith('albums://')) {
if (curUri == 'albums://') { //Just list albums
response = self.listAlbums(curUri);
else {
if(splitted.length==3) {
response = self.listAlbumSongs(curUri,2,'albums://');
else {
response = self.listAlbumSongs(curUri,3,'albums://');
else if (curUri.startsWith('artists://')) {
if (curUri == 'artists://') {
response = self.listArtists(curUri);
if(splitted.length==3) { //No album name
response = self.listArtist(curUri,2,'artists://','artists://'); //Pass back to listArtist
else { //Has album name
response = self.listAlbumSongs(curUri,3,'artists://'+ splitted[2]); //Pass to listAlbumSongs with artist and album name
else if (curUri.startsWith('genres://')) {
if (curUri == 'genres://') {
response = self.listGenres(curUri);
else {
if(splitted.length==3) {
response = self.listGenre(curUri);
else if(splitted.length==4) {
response = self.listArtist(curUri,3,'genres://'+splitted[2],'genres://');
else if(splitted.length==5) {
response = self.listAlbumSongs(curUri,4,'genres://'+ splitted[2]);
else if(splitted.length=6) {
response = self.listAlbumSongs(curUri,4,'genres://'+splitted[4] +"/"+splitted[5]);
return response;
* list album
ControllerMpd.prototype.listAlbums = function (ui) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var response = memoryCache.get("cacheAlbumList", function( err, response){
if(response == undefined){
response = {
"navigation": {
"lists": [
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
if (singleBrowse) {
response.navigation.prev ={'uri': 'music-library'}
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("search album \"\"", []), function (err, msg) {
if(err) {
defer.reject(new Error('Cannot list albums'));
else {
var lines = msg.split('\n');
var albumsfound = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.startsWith('file:')) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var albumName = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
var artistName = self.searchFor (lines, i + 1, 'AlbumArtist:');
if (!artistName) {
artistName = self.searchFor (lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
// This causes all orphaned tracks (tracks without an album) in the Albums view to be
// grouped into a single dummy-album, rather than creating one such dummy-album per artist.
var albumId = albumName + artistName;
if (!albumName) {
albumId = '';
albumName = '';
artistName = '*';
// Check if album and artist combination is already found and exists in 'albumsfound' array (Allows for duplicate album names)
if (albumsfound.indexOf(albumId) <0 ) { // Album/Artist is not in 'albumsfound' array
var album = {
type: 'folder',
title: albumName,
artist: artistName,
uri: 'albums://' + encodeURIComponent(artistName) + '/'+ encodeURIComponent(albumName),
// Get correct album art from path- only download if not existent
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: artistName, album: albumName}, self.getParentFolder('/mnt/' + path),'dot-circle-o')
// Save response in albumList cache for future use
memoryCache.set("cacheAlbumList", response);
if(ui) {
else {
console.log("listAlbums - loading Albums from cache");
if(ui) {
return defer.promise;
* list album songs
ControllerMpd.prototype.listAlbumSongs = function (uri,index,previous) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var splitted = uri.split('/');
if (splitted[0] == 'genres:') { //genre
var genre = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var albumartist = decodeURIComponent(splitted[3]);
var albumName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[4]);
var safeGenre = genre.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeAlbumartist = albumartist.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeAlbumName = albumName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
if (compilation.indexOf(albumartist)>-1) {
var findstring = "find album \"" + safeAlbumName + "\" genre \"" + safeGenre + "\" ";
else {
var findstring = "find album \"" + safeAlbumName + "\" albumartist \"" + safeAlbumartist + "\" genre \"" + safeGenre + "\" ";
else if (splitted[0] == 'albums:') { //album
var artist = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var albumName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[3]);
var safeArtist = artist.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeAlbumName = albumName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var isOrphanAlbum = (uri === "albums://*/");
var artistSubQuery = isOrphanAlbum ? "" : " albumartist \"" + safeArtist + "\" ";
var findstring = "find album \"" + safeAlbumName + "\"" + artistSubQuery;
else { //artist
var artist = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var albumName = decodeURIComponent(splitted[3]);
var safeArtist = artist.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var safeAlbumName = albumName.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var typeofartist = 'albumartist';
var findstring = "find album \"" + safeAlbumName + "\" " + typeofartist + " \"" + safeArtist + "\" ";
var response={
"navigation": {
"info": {
'uri': 'music-library/',
'service': 'mpd',
'title': 'title',
'artist': 'artist',
'album': 'album',
'type': 'song',
'albumart': 'albumart',
'duration': 'time'
"lists": [
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
"prev": {
"uri": previous
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
var duration = 0;
var year = '';
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(findstring , []), function (err, msg) {
if (msg) {
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder(path),'dot-circle-o');
var time = parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
duration = duration + parseInt(self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Time:'));
year = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Date:');
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
uri: 'music-library/'+path,
service: 'mpd',
title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
type: 'song',
tracknumber: 0,
duration: time,
trackType: path.split('.').pop()
if (duration != undefined && duration > 0) {
var durationminutes = Math.floor(duration/60);
var durationseconds = duration - (durationminutes*60);
if (durationseconds < 10 ) {
durationseconds = '0'+durationseconds;
duration = durationminutes + ':' + durationseconds;
var isOrphanAlbum = (uri === "albums://*/");
duration = = {
uri: uri,
service: 'mpd',
artist: isOrphanAlbum ? '*' : artist,
album: album,
albumart: albumart,
year: isOrphanAlbum ? '' : year,
type: 'album',
duration: duration
return defer.promise;
* list artists
ControllerMpd.prototype.listArtists = function () {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var response = {
"navigation": {
"lists": [{
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
if (singleBrowse) {
response.navigation.prev ={'uri': 'music-library'}
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
var artistlist = "artist";
var artistbegin = "Artist: ";
if (artistsort) {
artistlist = "albumartist";
artistbegin = "AlbumArtist: ";
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("list", [artistlist]), function (err, msg) { //List artists
defer.reject(new Error('Cannot list artist'));
var splitted=msg.split('\n');
for(var i in splitted)
if(splitted[i].startsWith(artistbegin)) {
var artist=splitted[i].substring(artistbegin.length);
if(artist!=='') {
var codedArtists=encodeURIComponent(artist);
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist:codedArtists},undefined,'users');
var item={
service: "mpd",
type: 'folder',
title: artist,
albumart: albumart,
uri: 'artists://' + codedArtists
return defer.promise;
* list artist
ControllerMpd.prototype.listArtist = function (curUri,index,previous,uriBegin) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var splitted=curUri.split('/');
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist:decodeURIComponent(splitted[index])},undefined,'users');
var response = {
"navigation": {
"lists": [{
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ALBUMS') + " (" + decodeURIComponent(splitted[index]) + ")",
"icon": "fa icon",
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.TRACKS') + " (" + decodeURIComponent(splitted[index]) + ")",
"icon": "fa icon",
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
"prev": {
"uri": previous
info: {
uri: curUri,
title: decodeURIComponent(splitted[index]),
service: 'mpd',
type: 'artist',
albumart: albumart
.then(function() {
var artist=decodeURIComponent(splitted[index]);
var VA = 0;
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
var safeArtist = artist.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
if (uriBegin === 'genres://') {
var genre = decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var safeGenre = genre.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
var findartist = "find artist \"" + safeArtist + "\" genre \"" + safeGenre + "\" ";
else {
var findartist = "find albumartist \"" + safeArtist + "\"";
if (compilation.indexOf(artist)>-1) { //artist is in compilation array so set VA = 1
VA = 1;
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(findartist, []), function (err, msg) { //get data (msg)
if(msg=='') { //If there is no data (msg) get data first, else just parseListAlbum
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(findartist, []), function (err, msg) {
else {
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.parseListAlbum= function(err,msg,defer,response,uriBegin,VA) {
var self=this;
var list = [];
var albums=[],albumarts=[];
if (msg) {
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
if (VA === 1) {
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'AlbumArtist:');
else {
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
var genre = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Genre:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder(path),'dot-circle-o');
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
service: 'mpd',
type: 'song',
title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
albumart: albumart,
uri: 'music-library/'+path
// The first expression in the following "if" statement prevents dummy-albums from being
// created for orphaned tracks (tracks without an album). Such dummy-albums aren't required,
// as orphaned tracks remain accessible from the tracks-list.
if(album !== '' && albums.indexOf(album)===-1) {
var uri;
if(uriBegin==='artists://') {
uri='artists://' + encodeURIComponent(artist) +'/'+encodeURIComponent(album);
else if (uriBegin==='genres://') {
uri='genres://' + genre + '/' + encodeURIComponent(artist) +'/'+encodeURIComponent(album);
else {
uri=uriBegin + encodeURIComponent(album);
type: 'folder',
title: album,
artist: artist,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist: artist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder(path),'dot-circle-o'),
uri: uri
defer.reject(new Error());
* list genres
ControllerMpd.prototype.listGenres = function () {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var response = {
"navigation": {
"lists": [
"availableListViews": [
"items": [
if (singleBrowse) {
response.navigation.prev ={'uri': 'music-library'}
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("list", ["genre"]), function (err, msg) {
defer.reject(new Error('Cannot list genres'));
var splitted=msg.split('\n');
for(var i in splitted)
var genreName=splitted[i].substring(7);
var albumart=self.getAlbumArt({},undefined,'fa-tags');
var album = {service:'mpd',type: 'folder', title: genreName, albumart:albumart, uri: 'genres://' + encodeURIComponent(genreName)};
return defer.promise;
* list genre
ControllerMpd.prototype.listGenre = function (curUri) {
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var splitted=curUri.split('/');
var genreName=decodeURIComponent(splitted[2]);
var genreArtist=decodeURIComponent(splitted[3]);
var safeGenreName = genreName.replace(/"/g,'\\"')
var safeGenreArtist = genreArtist.replace(/"/g,'\\"')
var response={
"navigation": {
"lists": [
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ARTISTS') + " " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.WITH') + " '" + genreName + "' " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.GENRE') + " " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.TRACKS'),
"icon": "fa icon",
"availableListViews": [
"items": []
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.ALBUMS') + " " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.WITH') + " '" + genreName + "' " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.GENRE') + " " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.TRACKS'),
"icon": "fa icon",
"availableListViews": [
"items": []
"title": self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.TRACKS') + " - '" + genreName + "' " + self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.GENRE'),
"icon": "fa icon",
"availableListViews": [
"items": []
"prev": {
"uri": "genres://"
.then(function() {
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
if (genreArtist != 'undefined') {
var findString = "find genre \"" + safeGenreName + "\" artist \"" + safeGenreArtist + "\" ";
else {
var findString = "find genre \"" + safeGenreName + "\"";
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd(findString, []), function (err, msg) {
var albums=[];
var albumsArt=[];
var artists=[];
var artistArt=[];
var list = [];
if (msg) {
var path;
var name;
var lines = msg.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
if (line.indexOf('file:') === 0) {
var path = line.slice(6);
var name = path.split('/').pop();
var artist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Artist:');
var albumartist = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'AlbumArtist:');
var album = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Album:');
//Include track number if tracknumber variable is set to 'true'
if (!tracknumbers) {
var title = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
else {
var title1 = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Title:');
var track = self.searchFor(lines, i + 1, 'Track:');
var title = track + " - " + title1;
var albumart = self.getAlbumArt({artist: albumartist, album: album}, self.getParentFolder(path),'dot-circle-o');;
if (title) {
title = title;
} else {
title = name;
if(title!=='') {
service: 'mpd',
type: 'song',
title: title,
artist: artist,
album: album,
albumart: albumart,
uri: 'music-library/' + path
if(albums.indexOf(album)===-1) {
if(album!=='') {
type: 'folder',
title: album,
artist: albumartist,
albumart: albumart,
uri: 'genres://'+ genreName + '/' + encodeURIComponent(albumartist) +'/' + encodeURIComponent(album)});
if(artists.indexOf(artist)===-1) {
if(artist!=='') {
type: 'folder',
title: artist,
albumart: self.getAlbumArt({artist:artist},undefined,'users'),
uri: 'genres://' + encodeURIComponent(genreName)+'/'+encodeURIComponent(artist)});
else {;
defer.reject(new Error());
return defer.promise;
ControllerMpd.prototype.getMixerControls = function () {
var self = this;
var cards = self.commandRouter.executeOnPlugin('audio_interface', 'alsa_controller', 'getMixerControls', '1');
cards.then(function (data) {
.fail(function () {
ControllerMpd.prototype.getParentFolder = function (file) {
var index=file.lastIndexOf('/');
return file.substring(0,index);
else return '';
ControllerMpd.prototype.getAlbumArtPathFromUri = function (uri) {
var self = this;
var startIndex = 0;
var splitted = uri.split('/');
while (splitted[startIndex] === '') {
startIndex = startIndex + 1;
if (splitted[startIndex] === 'mnt') {
startIndex = startIndex + 1;
var result = '';
for (var i = startIndex; i < splitted.length - 1; i++) {
result = result + '/' + splitted[i];
return result;
ControllerMpd.prototype.prefetch = function (trackBlock) {
var self=this;"DOING PREFETCH IN MPD");
var uri=this.sanitizeUri(trackBlock.uri);
var urilow = trackBlock.uri.toLowerCase();
if (urilow.endsWith('.dff') || urilow.endsWith('.dsd') || urilow.endsWith('.dxd') || urilow.endsWith('.dsf')) {
var safeUri = uri.replace(/"/g,'\\"');
return this.sendMpdCommand('add "'+safeUri+'"',[])
return self.sendMpdCommand('consume 1',[]);
if (data.type=='artist') {
return this.listArtist('artists://'+encodeURIComponent(data.value),2,'', 'albums://'+encodeURIComponent(data.value)+'/')
} else if (data.type=='album'){
return this.listAlbumSongs("albums://"+encodeURIComponent(data.artist)+'/'+encodeURIComponent(data.album),2,'albums://'+encodeURIComponent(data.artist)+'/');
ignoreupdate = data;
var self = this;
var defer = libQ.defer();
var cmd = libMpd.cmd;
var delta=millisecs/1000;
var param;
//console.log("PARAM: "+param);
self.clientMpd.sendCommand(cmd("seekcur", [param]), function (err, msg) {
defer.reject(new Error('Cannot seek '+millisecs));
return defer.promise;
var self = this;
var tracknumbersConf = this.config.get('tracknumbers', false);
var compilationConf = this.config.get('compilation', 'Various,various,Various Artists,various artists,VA,va')
var artistsortConf = this.config.get('artistsort', true);
var singleBrowseConf = this.config.get('singleBrowse', false);
tracknumbers = tracknumbersConf;
compilation = compilationConf.split(',');
artistsort = artistsortConf;
singleBrowse = singleBrowseConf;
var self = this;
self.config.set('tracknumbers', data.tracknumbers);
self.config.set('compilation', data.compilation)
self.config.set('artistsort', data.artistsort.value);
tracknumbers = data.tracknumbers;
compilation = data.compilation.split(',');
artistsort = data.artistsort.value;
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', self.commandRouter.getI18nString('APPEARANCE.MUSIC_LIBRARY_SETTINGS'), self.commandRouter.getI18nString('COMMON.CONFIGURATION_UPDATE'));
var ffmpegenable = this.config.get('ffmpegenable', false);
if (data.ffmpegenable != undefined && ffmpegenable != data.ffmpegenable) {
self.config.set('ffmpegenable', data.ffmpegenable);
self.createMPDFile(function (error) {
if (error !== undefined && error !== null) {
self.logger.error('Cannot create mpd file: ' + error);
else {
self.restartMpd(function (error) {
if (error !== null && error != undefined) {
self.logger.error('Cannot restart MPD: ' + error);
else {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000)
var self = this;
if (dsd_autovolume) {'Setting Volume to 100 automatically for DSD')
var self = this;'Rebuild Album cache')
memoryCache.del('cacheAlbumList', function(err) {});
ControllerMpd.prototype.registerConfigCallback = function(callback){
var self = this;'register callback: ' + JSON.stringify(callback,null,4));
ControllerMpd.prototype.checkUSBDrives = function(){
var self = this;
var usbList = self.lsInfo('music-library/USB');
if (list.navigation.lists[0].items.length > 0) {
var diskArray = list.navigation.lists[0].items;
for (var i in diskArray) {
var disk = diskArray[i];
if (disk.uri){
var path = disk.uri.replace('music-library', '/mnt');
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
var mpdPath = path.replace('/mnt/','');
return this.sendMpdCommand('update', ['USB']);
self.logger.error('Error in refreshing USB drives list' + e);
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