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Last active July 12, 2019 10:38
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
namespace tropical
class Program
enum NODE
enum EDGE
static void Main(string[] args)
const int node_count = 4;
var nodes = new Dictionary<NODE, Node>(node_count) {
[NODE.A] = new Node("a"),
[NODE.B] = new Node("b"),
[NODE.C] = new Node("c"),
[NODE.D] = new Node("d"),
var edges = new Dictionary<EDGE, Edge> {
[EDGE.A_B] = new Edge(2, nodes[NODE.A], nodes[NODE.B]),
[EDGE.A_C] = new Edge(4, nodes[NODE.A], nodes[NODE.C]),
[EDGE.B_C] = new Edge(1, nodes[NODE.B], nodes[NODE.C]),
[EDGE.B_D] = new Edge(9, nodes[NODE.B], nodes[NODE.D]),
[EDGE.C_D] = new Edge(5, nodes[NODE.C], nodes[NODE.D]),
[EDGE.D_A] = new Edge(3, nodes[NODE.D], nodes[NODE.A]),
var tropical_edges = new TropicalRoute[node_count, node_count] {
{ TropicalRoute.Infinity, edges[EDGE.A_B], edges[EDGE.A_C], TropicalRoute.Infinity, },
{ TropicalRoute.Infinity, TropicalRoute.Zero, edges[EDGE.B_C], edges[EDGE.B_D], },
{ TropicalRoute.Infinity, TropicalRoute.Infinity, TropicalRoute.Infinity, edges[EDGE.C_D], },
{ edges[EDGE.D_A], TropicalRoute.Infinity, TropicalRoute.Infinity, TropicalRoute.Infinity, },
TropicalRoute[,] matrix_mul(TropicalRoute[,] l, TropicalRoute[,] r)
var result = new TropicalRoute[node_count, node_count];
for (var i = 0; i < node_count; ++i)
for (var j = 0; j < node_count; ++j)
// トロピカル加法の単位元は ∞
result[i, j] = TropicalRoute.Infinity;
for (var k = 0; k < node_count; ++k)
result[i, j] += l[i, k] * r[k, j];
return result;
var calc = tropical_edges;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
calc = matrix_mul(calc, calc);
for (var i = 0; i < node_count; ++i)
var cost = Enumerable.Range(0, node_count)
.Select(j => calc[i, j].Cost);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", cost.Select(e => $"{e, 2}")));
for (var i = 0; i < node_count; ++i)
for (var j = 0; j < node_count; ++j)
var result = calc[i, j];
Console.WriteLine($"\n{nodes[(NODE)i].Name} -> {nodes[(NODE)j].Name} の経路");
if (result.IsInfinity)
Console.WriteLine($"コスト: {result.Cost}");
foreach (var e in result.Paths)
var node = e.Edges.Select(x => x.End)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" -> ", node.Select(x => x.Name)));
public class Node
public string Name { get; }
public Node(string name)
this.Name = name;
public class Edge
public uint Cost { get; }
public Node Start { get; }
public Node End { get; }
public Edge(uint cost, Node start, Node end)
this.Cost = cost;
this.Start = start;
this.End = end;
public struct Path
public uint Cost { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<Edge> Edges => this.edges;
private ImmutableList<Edge> edges { get; }
private Path(uint cost, ImmutableList<Edge> edges)
this.Cost = cost;
this.edges = edges;
public static implicit operator Path(Edge edge)
=> new Path(edge.Cost, ImmutableList.Create(edge));
public static Path operator +(Path l, Path r)
=> new Path(l.Cost + r.Cost, l.edges.AddRange(r.edges));
public struct TropicalRoute
public uint Cost { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<Path> Paths => this.paths;
/// <summary>
/// 同じコストの複数ルートを持てるようにする
/// </summary>
private ImmutableList<Path> paths { get; }
private TropicalRoute(uint cost, ImmutableList<Path> paths)
this.Cost = cost;
this.paths = paths;
public static implicit operator TropicalRoute(Path path)
=> new TropicalRoute(path.Cost, ImmutableList.Create(path));
public static implicit operator TropicalRoute(Edge edge)
=> (Path)edge;
public static TropicalRoute Zero { get; }
= new TropicalRoute(0, ImmutableList<Path>.Empty);
public bool IsZero => this.Cost == 0;
public static TropicalRoute Infinity { get; }
= new TropicalRoute(uint.MaxValue, null);
public bool IsInfinity => this.paths == null;
/// <summary>
/// トロピカル加算
/// コスト小さい方返す
/// 同じときは複数経路にまとめる
/// </summary>
public static TropicalRoute operator +(TropicalRoute l, TropicalRoute r)
if (r.IsInfinity || l.IsZero)
return l;
if (l.IsInfinity || r.IsZero)
return r;
if (l.Cost != r.Cost)
return l.Cost < r.Cost ? l : r;
var list = l.paths.AddRange(r.paths);
return new TropicalRoute(l.Cost, list);
/// <summary>
/// トロピカル乗算
/// 経路を加算する
/// </summary>
public static TropicalRoute operator *(TropicalRoute l, TropicalRoute r)
if (l.IsInfinity || r.IsInfinity)
return Infinity;
if (r.IsZero)
return l;
if (l.IsZero)
return r;
var list = l.Paths
.SelectMany(e => r.Paths.Select(x => e + x))
return new TropicalRoute(l.Cost + r.Cost, list);
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