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Created September 23, 2019 11:38
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package main
// Main calls Bitboard.moveGen(Bitboard(), depth = 7)
class Bitboard(var validField: Int = ALL_FIELDS, var board: Array<IntArray> = arrayOf(IntArray(9), IntArray(9)), var turn: Int = 0) {
private var cachedMetaField: IntArray = intArrayOf(-1, -1)
private var cachedGameOver: Boolean = false
private var cachedMetaFieldDirty = true
private var cachedGameOverDirty = true
fun dirty(){
cachedMetaFieldDirty = true
cachedGameOverDirty = true
fun taken(pos: Int): Boolean {
return (board[0][toIndex(field(pos))] or board[1][toIndex(field(pos))]) and square(pos) != 0
fun makeMove(move: Int){
val field = field(move)
val square = square(move)
board[turn][toIndex(field)] = board[turn][toIndex(field)] or square
if(fieldIsBlocked(toIndex(square)) || isWon(field)){
validField = ALL_FIELDS
} else {
validField = square
turn = 1 - turn
fun getAllMoves(): List<Int> {
val list = mutableListOf<Int>()
for(i in 0..8){
if(((1 shl i) and validField) != 0){
for(s in 0..8){
val move = (1 shl s) or ((1 shl i) shl 16)
if(!taken(move) && !fieldIsBlocked(i)){
list.add(move or (if(validField == ALL_FIELDS) ALL_FIELDS_LEGAL else 0))
return list
fun undoMove(move: Int){
val field = field(move)
val square = square(move)
board[1 - turn][toIndex(field)] = board[1 - turn][toIndex(field)] and square.inv()
if((move and ALL_FIELDS_LEGAL) != 0){
validField = ALL_FIELDS
} else {
validField = field
turn = 1 - turn
fun fieldIsBlocked(field: Int): Boolean {
val whiteField = board[WHITE][field]
val blackField = board[BLACK][field]
return isWon(whiteField) || isWon(blackField) || isTied(whiteField or blackField)
fun isGameOver(): Boolean {
return cachedGameOver
val sum = board[0].map { popcnt(it) }.sum()
if(sum < 9) return false
val metaField = getMetaField()
val ret = isWon(metaField[WHITE]) || isWon(metaField[BLACK]) || isGameTied()
cachedGameOver = ret
cachedGameOverDirty = false
return ret
fun getMetaField(): IntArray {
return cachedMetaField
val field = IntArray(2)
for (p in 0..1){
field[p] = ((isWon(board[p][0])).toInt() shl 8) or ((isWon(board[p][1]))
.toInt() shl 7) or ((isWon(board[p][2]))
.toInt() shl 6) or ((isWon(board[p][3]))
.toInt() shl 5) or ((isWon(board[p][4]))
.toInt() shl 4) or ((isWon(board[p][5]))
.toInt() shl 3) or ((isWon(board[p][6]))
.toInt() shl 2) or ((isWon(board[p][7]))
.toInt() shl 1) or ((isWon(board[p][8]))
.toInt() shl 0)
cachedMetaField = field
cachedMetaFieldDirty = false
return field
companion object {
val WHITE = 0
val BLACK = 1
val FIELD = 0x1FF shl 16
val ALL_FIELDS_LEGAL = 1 shl 25
* 0o777
val ALL_FIELDS = oct(777)
val DIAGS = intArrayOf(oct(421), oct(124))
val ROWS = intArrayOf(oct(700), oct(70), oct(7))
val COLS = intArrayOf(oct(111), oct(222), oct(444))
val O_O = oct(50)
fun moveGen(board: Bitboard, depth: Int): Long {
if(board.isGameOver()) return 0
val moves = board.getAllMoves()
return moves.size + if(depth > 0){ {
val ret = moveGen(board, depth - 1)
} else { 0 }
fun field(i: Int) = (i and FIELD) shr 16
fun square(i: Int) = (i and SQUARE)
* Basically fast log2 for powers of two
fun toIndex(i: Int) = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i)
fun isWon(field: Int) =
(field and DIAGS[0]) == DIAGS[0]
|| (field and DIAGS[1]) == DIAGS[1]
|| (field and ROWS[0]) == ROWS[0]
|| (field and ROWS[1]) == ROWS[1]
|| (field and ROWS[2]) == ROWS[2]
|| (field and COLS[0]) == COLS[0]
|| (field and COLS[1]) == COLS[1]
|| (field and COLS[2]) == COLS[2]
fun isTied(field: Int) = field == ALL_FIELDS
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