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Created September 23, 2019 11:34
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use crate::bitboard::Bitboard;
mod bitboard;
use std::time::SystemTime;
fn main() {
let board = Bitboard::default();
benchmark("movegen", || {
println!("{}", bitboard::move_gen(board, 7));
fn benchmark<F>(name: &str, mut func: F)
F: FnMut() -> (),
println!(">>> Starting {}...", name);
let time = SystemTime::now();
let unwrap = time.elapsed().unwrap();
"<<< Finished. Elapsed: {}s {}ms",
pub const WHITE: usize = 0; // X
pub const BLACK: usize = 1; // O
pub const FIELD: usize = 0x1FF << 16;
pub const SQUARE: usize = 0xFFFF;
pub const ALL_FIELDS_LEGAL: usize = 0x1 << 25;
pub const DIAGS: [usize; 2] = [0o421, 0o124];
pub const ROWS: [usize; 3] = [0o700, 0o070, 0o007];
pub const COLS: [usize; 3] = [0o111, 0o222, 0o444];
pub const ALL_FIELDS: usize = 0o777;
pub const USIZE: u32 = (std::mem::size_of::<usize>() * 8 - 1) as u32;
macro_rules! field {
($val:expr) => {
($val & FIELD) >> 16
macro_rules! square {
($val:expr) => {
$val & SQUARE
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Bitboard {
pub valid_field: usize,
pub board: [[usize; 9]; 2],
pub turn: usize,
cached_meta_field: [usize; 2],
cached_meta_field_dirty: bool,
cached_game_over: bool,
cached_game_over_dirty: bool,
impl Default for Bitboard {
fn default() -> Self {
Bitboard {
valid_field: ALL_FIELDS,
board: [[0; 9]; 2],
turn: 0,
cached_meta_field: [0; 2],
cached_game_over: false,
cached_meta_field_dirty: true,
cached_game_over_dirty: true,
impl Bitboard {
fn dirty(&mut self) {
self.cached_game_over_dirty = true;
self.cached_meta_field_dirty = true;
fn taken(&self, pos: usize) -> bool {
(self.board[0][to_index(field!(pos))] | self.board[1][to_index(field!(pos))]) & square!(pos)
!= 0
pub fn make_move(&mut self, mov: usize) {
let field = field!(mov);
let square = square!(mov);
self.board[self.turn][to_index(field)] |= square;
if self.field_is_blocked(to_index(square)) || is_won(field) {
self.valid_field = ALL_FIELDS;
} else {
self.valid_field = square;
self.turn = 1 - self.turn;
pub fn get_all_moves(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut list = Vec::new();
for i in 0..9 {
if (1 << i) & self.valid_field != 0 {
for s in 0..9 {
let mov = (1 << s) | ((1 << i) << 16);
if !self.taken(mov) && !self.field_is_blocked(i) {
mov | (if self.valid_field == 0o777 {
} else {
return list;
pub fn undo_move(&mut self, mov: usize) {
let field = field!(mov);
let square = square!(mov);
self.board[1 - self.turn][to_index(field)] &= !square;
if mov & ALL_FIELDS_LEGAL != 0 {
self.valid_field = ALL_FIELDS;
} else {
self.valid_field = field;
self.turn = 1 - self.turn;
fn field_is_blocked(&self, field: usize) -> bool {
let white_field = self.board[WHITE][field];
let black_field = self.board[BLACK][field];
is_won(white_field) || is_won(black_field) || is_tied(white_field | black_field)
pub fn get_meta_field(&mut self) -> [usize; 2] {
if !self.cached_meta_field_dirty {
return self.cached_meta_field;
let mut field: [usize; 2] = [0; 2];
for p in 0..2 {
field[p] = (is_won(self.board[p][0]) as usize) << 8
| (is_won(self.board[p][1]) as usize) << 7
| (is_won(self.board[p][2]) as usize) << 6
| (is_won(self.board[p][3]) as usize) << 5
| (is_won(self.board[p][4]) as usize) << 4
| (is_won(self.board[p][5]) as usize) << 3
| (is_won(self.board[p][6]) as usize) << 2
| (is_won(self.board[p][7]) as usize) << 1
| (is_won(self.board[p][8]) as usize) << 0;
self.cached_meta_field = field;
self.cached_meta_field_dirty = false;
pub fn game_over(&mut self) -> bool {
if !self.cached_game_over_dirty {
return self.cached_game_over;
let mut sum = 0;
for i in 0..9 {
sum += self.board[0][i].count_ones();
if sum < 9 {
return false;
let meta_field = self.get_meta_field();
let ret = is_won(meta_field[WHITE]) | is_won(meta_field[BLACK]) || self.game_tied();
self.cached_game_over = ret;
self.cached_game_over_dirty = false;
return ret;
pub fn game_tied(&self) -> bool {
(0..9).all(|i| {
|| is_won(self.board[1][i])
|| is_tied(self.board[0][i] | self.board[1][i])
pub fn to_index(no: usize) -> usize {
(USIZE - no.leading_zeros()) as usize
pub fn is_tied(field: usize) -> bool {
field == ALL_FIELDS
pub fn is_won(field: usize) -> bool {
(field & DIAGS[0]) == DIAGS[0]
|| (field & DIAGS[1]) == DIAGS[1]
|| (field & ROWS[0]) == ROWS[0]
|| (field & ROWS[1]) == ROWS[1]
|| (field & ROWS[2]) == ROWS[2]
|| (field & COLS[0]) == COLS[0]
|| (field & COLS[1]) == COLS[1]
|| (field & COLS[2]) == COLS[2]
pub fn move_gen(mut board: Bitboard, depth: usize) -> usize {
if board.game_over() {
return 0;
} else {
let moves = board.get_all_moves();
return moves.len()
+ if depth > 0 {
.map(|mov| {
let ret = move_gen(board, depth - 1);
} else {
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