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Last active July 9, 2018 00:22
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BRO :: Virustotal public API Query
##! see
# Virustotal public API file report query
# resource: a sha1 hash will retrieve the most recent report on a given sample.
# apikey: your API key.
# it is limited to at most 4 requests of any nature in any given 1 minute time frame
@load base/frameworks/files
@load base/frameworks/notice
@load frameworks/files/hash-all-files
module VirusTotalMalwareHash;
export {
redef enum Notice::Type += {
## File types to attempt matching
const match_file_types = /application\/x-dosexec/ |
/application\/ |
/application\/pdf/ |
/application\/x-shockwave-flash/ |
/application\/x-java-applet/ |
/application\/jar/ |
/video\/mp4/ &redef;
const url = "" &redef;
# set your api key in local.bro (or somewhere)
const vt_apikey = "" &redef;
# keep list of checked & matched
global checked_hashes: set[string] &synchronized;
global matched_hashes: set[string] &synchronized;
function do_lookup(hash: string, fi: Notice::FileInfo)
local data = fmt("resource=%s", hash);
local key = fmt("-d apikey=%s",vt_apikey);
local req: ActiveHTTP::Request = ActiveHTTP::Request($url=url, $method="POST",$client_data=data, $addl_curl_args=key);
when (local res = ActiveHTTP::request(req))
if ( |res| > 0)
if ( res?$body )
local body = res$body;
local tmp = split(res$body,/\}\},/);
local stuff = split(tmp[2],/,/);
#[6] = "permalink": "",
#[8] = information embedded",
#[1] = "scan_id": "955e4e4a56bf80a30636b0c34673cdd6a889aff6569331a5336e1606e7c1050c-1415828003",
#[10] = "positives": 37,
#[7] = "verbose_msg": "Scan finished,
#[9] = "total": 55,
#[4] = "response_code": 1,
#[3] = "resource": "a86dcb1d04be68a9f2d2373ee55cbe15fd299452",
#[5] = "scan_date": "2014-11-12 21:33:23",
#[2] = "sha1": "a86dcb1d04be68a9f2d2373ee55cbe15fd299452",
#[11] = "sha256": "955e4e4a56bf80a30636b0c34673cdd6a889aff6569331a5336e1606e7c1050c",
#[12] = "md5": "67291715c45c4594b8866e90fbf5c7c4"}
local msg = fmt("%s,%s",stuff[10],stuff[5]);
local n: Notice::Info = Notice::Info($note=Match, $msg=msg, $sub=stuff[6]);
Notice::populate_file_info2(fi, n);
event file_hash(f: fa_file, kind: string, hash: string)
if ( kind == "sha1" && f?$mime_type && match_file_types in f$mime_type )
if ( ! ( hash in checked_hashes ) )
do_lookup(hash, Notice::create_file_info(f));
if ( hash in matched_hashes )
local n: Notice::Info = Notice::Info($note=Match, $msg="already seen before");
Notice::populate_file_info2(Notice::create_file_info(f), n);
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