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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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heka :: flatten json before injecting message
require "cjson"
local util = require("util")
local message = {
Type = "IGNORE",
Fields = {}
local Type = read_config("type") or "UNDEFINED"
local DEBUG = read_config("debug") or false
function process_message()
local raw_message = read_message("Payload")
local ok, json = pcall(cjson.decode, raw_message)
if not ok then
if DEBUG then inject_payload("txt", "debug", "json not ok : " .. json) end
return 0
-- if json has nested struc, then there will be one of errors
-- inject_message(msg) :: could not encode protobuf - unsupported type: nil
-- pcall(inject_message,msg) :: Failed after a successful inject_message call:
-- to go around this error, turn json to 'flat'
-- see also some discussion
local flat = {}
util.table_to_fields(json, flat, nil)
if DEBUG then inject_payload("txt", "debug", cjson.encode(flat) , " <- flatten json") end
message.Fields = flat
message.Type = Type
if DEBUG then inject_payload("txt", "debug", cjson.encode(message) , " <- message before inject") end
if not pcall(inject_message, message) then
if DEBUG then inject_payload("txt", "debug", "inject message failed") end
return -1
return 0
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