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Created January 29, 2014 02:37
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R read data from elasticsearch
library (plyr)
set_config(config=structure(list(noproxy = c("")), .Names = "noproxy", class = "config"));
u <- ""
# time series by fix period 1d
p <- "{\"facets\":{\"histo1\":{\"histogram\":{\"field\":\"yourtimefield\",\"time_interval\":\"1d\"}}},\"size\":0}"
r <- content(POST(u,body=p));
df <- ldply (f, data.frame)
df$key <- as.POSIXct(df$key/1000, origin="1970-01-01")
# top 9 + other term
p <- "{\"facets\":{\"terms1\":{\"terms\":{\"field\":\"yourtermname\",\"size\": 9,\"order\": \"count\"}}}}"
r <- content(POST(u,body=p));
f <- r$facets$terms1$terms
df <- ldply (f, data.frame)
df <- rbind(df,data.frame(list(term=c('other'),count=r$facets$terms$other)))
qplot(term,count,data=df)+ geom_bar()
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