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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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import sys
def knapsack(items, maxweight):
# Create an (N+1) by (W+1) 2-d list to contain the running values
# which are to be filled by the dynamic programming routine.
# There are N+1 rows because we need to account for the possibility
# of choosing from 0 up to and including N possible items.
# There are W+1 columns because we need to account for possible
# "running capacities" from 0 up to and including the maximum weight W.
bestvalues = [[0] * (maxweight + 1)
for i in xrange(len(items) + 1)]
# Enumerate through the items and fill in the best-value table
for i, (value, weight) in enumerate(items):
# Increment i, because the first row (0) is the case where no items
# are chosen, and is already initialized as 0, so we're skipping it
i += 1
for capacity in xrange(maxweight + 1):
# Handle the case where the weight of the current item is greater
# than the "running capacity" - we can't add it to the knapsack
if weight > capacity:
bestvalues[i][capacity] = bestvalues[i - 1][capacity]
# Otherwise, we must choose between two possible candidate values:
# 1) the value of "running capacity" as it stands with the last item
# that was computed; if this is larger, then we skip the current item
# 2) the value of the current item plus the value of a previously computed
# set of items, constrained by the amount of capacity that would be left
# in the knapsack (running capacity - item's weight)
candidate1 = bestvalues[i - 1][capacity]
candidate2 = bestvalues[i - 1][capacity - weight] + value
# Just take the maximum of the two candidates; by doing this, we are
# in effect "setting in stone" the best value so far for a particular
# prefix of the items, and for a particular "prefix" of knapsack capacities
bestvalues[i][capacity] = max(candidate1, candidate2)
# Reconstruction
# Iterate through the values table, and check
# to see which of the two candidates were chosen. We can do this by simply
# checking if the value is the same as the value of the previous row. If so, then
# we say that the item was not included in the knapsack (this is how we arbitrarily
# break ties) and simply move the pointer to the previous row. Otherwise, we add
# the item to the reconstruction list and subtract the item's weight from the
# remaining capacity of the knapsack. Once we reach row 0, we're done
reconstruction = []
i = len(items)
j = maxweight
while i > 0:
if bestvalues[i][j] != bestvalues[i - 1][j]:
reconstruction.append(items[i - 1])
j -= items[i - 1][1]
i -= 1
# Reverse the reconstruction list, so that it is presented
# in the order that it was given
# Return the best value, and the reconstruction list
return bestvalues[len(items)][maxweight], reconstruction
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('usage: [file]')
filename = sys.argv[1]
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
maxweight = int(lines[0])
items = [map(int, line.split()) for line in lines[1:]]
bestvalue, reconstruction = knapsack(items, maxweight)
print('Best possible value: {0}'.format(bestvalue))
for value, weight in reconstruction:
print('V: {0}, W: {1}'.format(value, weight))
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