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Last active June 27, 2022 14:48
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-- The program consists of two sections: 1) Declarations section 2) Statements section
Program. ProgramType ::= DeclarationList StmList ;
-- Declarations section (sequence of declarations)
Declarations. DeclarationList ::= [Declaration] ;
terminator Declaration ";" ;
DeclIntegerArr. Declaration ::= IntId "[" IntegerLiteral "]" IdentLiteral;
DeclInteger. Declaration ::= IntId IdentLiteral;
IntIdSmall. IntId ::= "integer" ;
IntIdCapital. IntId ::= "INTEGER" ;
DeclRealArr. Declaration ::= RealId "[" IntegerLiteral "]" IdentLiteral;
DeclReal. Declaration ::= RealId IdentLiteral;
RealIdSmall. RealId ::= "real" ;
RealIdCapital. RealId ::= "REAL" ;
DeclString. Declaration ::= StringId "[" IntegerLiteral "]" IdentLiteral;
StringIdSmall. StringId ::= "string" ;
StringIdCapital. StringId ::= "STRING" ;
DeclDateTimeArr. Declaration ::= DateTimeId "[" IntegerLiteral "]" IdentLiteral;
DeclDateTime. Declaration ::= DateTimeId IdentLiteral;
DateTimeIdSmall. DateTimeId ::= "datetime" ;
DateTimeIdCapital. DateTimeId ::= "DATETIME" ;
DeclObject. Declaration ::= ObjectId IdentLiteral;
ObjectIdSmall. ObjectId ::= "object" ;
ObjectIdCapital. ObjectId ::= "OBJECT" ;
-- Statements section (sequence of statements)
Statements. StmList ::= [Statement] ;
separator nonempty Statement "" ;
-- Statements can be: 1) Conditions (if/else, do/while) or 2) Assignments
StmConditionIf. Statement ::= ConditionIfType ;
-- (Work in progress: while) ;
StmAssignment. Statement ::= AssignmentType ;
-- Conditions
-- 1) After conditions semicolon not included. Other statements can be nested in conditions.
-- ConditionIf declaration
ConditionIf. ConditionIfType ::= IfExp Body [ElseThen] Else ;
IfExpSmall. IfExp ::= "if" Expr "then" ;
IfExpCapital. IfExp ::= "IF" Expr "THEN" ;
ElseThenSmall. ElseThen ::= "else" Expr "then" Body ;
ElseThenCapital. ElseThen ::= "ELSE" Expr "THEN" Body ;
separator ElseThen "" ;
ElseSmall. Else ::= "else" Body ;
ElseCapital. Else ::= "ELSE" Body ;
ElseNon . Else ::= "" ;
BodySmall. Body ::= "BEGIN" StmList "END" ;
BodyCapital. Body ::= "begin" StmList "end" ;
-- (Work in progress: Body with one statement without BEGIN/END) ;
-- Assignment
-- 2) After assignments must be a semicolon. Other statements can not be nested in assignments.
-- Assignment can be: 1) Assignment or 2) Method (There are methods that have an assignment)
Assignment. AssignmentType ::= Variable "=" Expr ";" ;
MethodCall. AssignmentType ::= MethodType ";" ;
-- Any conversions are done in expressions.
_. Expr ::= Expr1 ;
_. Expr1 ::= Expr2 ;
_. Expr2 ::= Expr3 ;
_. Expr3 ::= Expr4 ;
_. Expr4 ::= Expr5 ;
_. Expr5 ::= Expr6 ;
_. Expr6 ::= Expr7 ;
_. Expr7 ::= Expr8 ;
_. Expr8 ::= "(" Expr ")" ;
ExprOr. Expr ::= Expr "|" Expr1 ;
ExprAnd. Expr1 ::= Expr1 "&" Expr2 ;
ExprEqual. Expr2 ::= Expr2 "=" Expr3 ;
ExprNotEqual. Expr2 ::= Expr2 "!=" Expr3 ;
ExprLt. Expr3 ::= Expr3 "<" Expr4 ;
ExprLte. Expr3 ::= Expr3 "<=" Expr4 ;
ExprGt. Expr3 ::= Expr3 ">" Expr4 ;
ExprGte. Expr3 ::= Expr3 ">=" Expr4 ;
ExprAddition. Expr4 ::= Expr4 "+" Expr5 ;
ExprSubtraction. Expr4 ::= Expr4 "-" Expr5 ;
ExprMultiplication. Expr5 ::= Expr5 "*" Expr6 ;
ExprDivision. Expr5 ::= Expr5 "/" Expr6 ;
ExprNot. Expr6 ::= "!" Expr6 ;
ExprMethod. Expr7 ::= MethodType ;
ExprSymbol. Expr8 ::= Symbol ;
Method. MethodType ::= IdentLiteral "(" [Expr] ")" ;
separator Expr "," ;
-- Symbols
-- Any expressions operate with symbols. Symbols can be 1) Variables or 2) Constant
SVariable. Symbol ::= Variable ;
SConstant. Symbol ::= Constant ;
-- Any expressions operate with symbols. Symbols can be 1) Variables or 2) Constant
-- 1) Variable declaration
VarFieldInGroup. Variable ::= "$" IdentLiteral "." "#" IdentLiteral ;
VarField. Variable ::= "#" IdentLiteral ;
VarLocal. Variable ::= IdentLiteral ;
-- (Work in progress: Multi-group field, accumulator, array)
-- 2) Constant declaration
ConstReal. Constant ::= DoubleLiteral ;
ConstInteger. Constant ::= IntegerLiteral ;
ConstString. Constant ::= StringLiteral ;
-- Tokens
token DoubleLiteral digit+ '.' digit+ ('e' '-'? digit+)? ;
token IntegerLiteral digit+ ;
token StringLiteral '"' ((char - ["\"\\"]) | ('\\' ["\"\\tnrf"]))* '"' ;
token IdentLiteral ( letter | ':' | '_') (letter | digit | ':' | '_' )* ;
-- Comments:
comment "//" ;
comment "/*" "*/" ;
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