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package coop.rchain.models_no_proto
import coop.rchain.models.BitSetBytesMapper.bitSetBytesMapper
/** *
* Rholang process
* For example, `@0!(1) | @2!(3) | for(x <- @0) { Nil }` has two sends
* and one receive.
val size = loop(0, 0)
//put in the buffer
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(size)
node.zipWithIndex foreach {
case (EmptyChild, _) => Unit
case (Leaf(leafPrefix, value, varLength), idx) =>
buf.put(idx.toByte) //first byte - number of children
if (varLength) {
val arr = new Array[Byte](size)
def loopFill(numChild: Int, idx0: Int): Array[Byte] =
if (idx0 == size) arr
else {
node(numChild) match {
case EmptyChild => loopFill(numChild + 1, idx0)
case Leaf(prefix, value, varLength) =>
arr(idx0) = numChild.toByte
import requests
import base64
from rchain.crypto import PrivateKey
from rchain.util import create_deploy_data
import time
import random
import array
import time
def create_deploy(contract: str, private, phlo_price=1, valid_after_block_no=0):
import requests
import base64
from rchain.crypto import PrivateKey
from rchain.util import create_deploy_data
import time
import random
import array
import time
def create_deploy(contract: str, private, phlo_price=1, valid_after_block_no=0):
-- The program consists of two sections: 1) Declarations section 2) Statements section
Program. ProgramType ::= DeclarationList StmList ;
-- Declarations section (sequence of declarations)
Declarations. DeclarationList ::= [Declaration] ;
terminator Declaration ";" ;
DeclIntegerArr. Declaration ::= IntId "[" IntegerLiteral "]" IdentLiteral;
DeclInteger. Declaration ::= IntId IdentLiteral;
new AMap, state, branches in {
contract AMap(return, @"decl") = {
new PFACH_colon_3_0, BMNG2_0, HLEVEL_colon_11_0, PSGNUM_colon_28_0, MANDT_colon_74_0, ANRED_colon_5_0, DATUM_colon_2_1, DATUM_colon_2_0, PSGNUM_colon_9_0, NAME1_0, HWAER_0, CURCY_1, CURCY_0, ABGRU_0, WAERQ_colon_2_0, AUGRU_BEZ_0, BELNR_colon_2_0, RETURN_SUPP_0, SEGNUM_colon_16_0, IDDAT_colon_4_0, UZEIT_colon_2_1, UZEIT_colon_2_0, ANTLF_0, QUALF_colon_8_0, MANDT_colon_25_0, WKURS_0, SNDPOR_colon_2_0, EVERS_0, TELX1_colon_3_0, EDATU_OLD_0, MESTYP_0, MANDT_colon_33_0, MANDT_colon_33_1, ISONU_colon_3_0, PSGNUM_colon_30_0, MENGE_0, PSGNUM_colon_23_0, MANDT_colon_30_0, NAME2_colon_4_0, NETWR_0, SEGNUM_colon_13_0, VPREI_0, HLEVEL_colon_55_0, REGIO_colon_3_0, ABLAD_colon_4_0, PARVW_0, TELF1_0, DOCNUM_colon_18_0, SEGNUM_colon_37_0, MANDT_colon_26_0, STOCK_colon_3_0, DOCUM_colon_9_0, ORT02_colon_3_0, ZTERM_TXT_0, AUGRU_0, RECIPNT_NO_0, PSGNUM_colon_20_0, MANDT_colon_73_0, IDTNR_0, FIXMG_0, EDATU_0, EINKZ_0, INITIAL_SUPP_0, SUMID_colon_2_0, PSGNUM_c
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import cats.Eval
final class ParMetaData(connectiveUsedFn: Eval[Boolean]) {
lazy val connectiveUsed: Eval[Boolean] = connectiveUsedFn
sealed trait Par {
protected def meta: ParMetaData
lazy val connectiveUsed: Boolean = meta.connectiveUsed.value