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Custom version of ticket_selector_chart.template_show_remaining_tickets.php to show available show available tickets / pricing options in the ticket selector in Event Espresso 4 as described here
/** @type int $EVT_ID */
/** @type int $max_atndz */
/** @type boolean $event_is_expired */
$template_settings = isset ( EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->template_settings->EED_Ticket_Selector ) ? EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->template_settings->EED_Ticket_Selector : new EE_Ticket_Selector_Config();
<div id="tkt-slctr-tbl-wrap-dv-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>" class="tkt-slctr-tbl-wrap-dv tkt-slctr-tbl-custom-show-remaining-tickets">
<table id="tkt-slctr-tbl-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>" class="tkt-slctr-tbl" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th scope="col" width="">
<span class="ee-icon ee-icon-tickets"></span><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__table_header_available_tickets', __( 'Tickets', 'event_espresso' )); ?>
<?php if ( apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__display_ticket_price_details', TRUE )) { ?>
<th scope="col" width="22.5%" class="cntr"><?php _e( 'Remaining', 'event_espresso' ); ?> </th>
<th scope="col" width="22.5%" class="cntr"><?php _e( 'Price', 'event_espresso' ); ?> </th>
<?php } ?>
<th scope="col" width="17.5%" class="cntr"><?php _e( 'Ant*', 'event_espresso' ); ?></th>
$row = 1;
$ticket_count = count( $tickets );
$required_ticket_sold_out = FALSE;
foreach ( $tickets as $TKT_ID => $ticket ) {
if ( $ticket instanceof EE_Ticket ) {
// d( $ticket );
$max =$ticket->max();
$min = 0;
$remaining = $ticket->remaining();
if ( $ticket->is_on_sale() && $ticket->is_remaining() ) {
// offer the number of $tickets_remaining or $max_atndz, whichever is smaller
$max = min( $remaining, $max_atndz );
// but... we also want to restrict the number of tickets by the ticket max setting,
// however, the max still can't be higher than what was just set above
$max = $ticket->max() > 0 ? min( $ticket->max(), $max ) : $max;
// and we also want to restrict the minimum number of tickets by the ticket min setting
$min = $ticket->min() > 0 ? $ticket->min() : 0;
// and if the ticket is required, then make sure that min qty is at least 1
$min = $ticket->required() ? max( $min, 1 ) : $min;
} else {
// set flag if ticket is required (flag is set to start date so that future tickets are not blocked)
$required_ticket_sold_out = $ticket->required() && ! $remaining ? $ticket->start_date() : $required_ticket_sold_out;
$ticket_price = $ticket->get_ticket_total_with_taxes();
$ticket_bundle = FALSE;
// for ticket bundles, set min and max qty the same
if ( $ticket->min() != 0 && $ticket->min() == $ticket->max() ) {
$ticket_price = $ticket_price * $ticket->min();
$ticket_bundle = TRUE;
$ticket_price = apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_price', $ticket_price, $ticket );
// if a previous required ticket with the same sale start date is sold out, then mark this ticket as sold out as well.
// tickets that go on sale at a later date than the required ticket will NOT be affected
$tkt_status = $required_ticket_sold_out !== FALSE && $required_ticket_sold_out === $ticket->start_date() ? EE_Ticket::sold_out : $ticket->ticket_status();
// check ticket status
switch ( $tkt_status ) {
// sold_out
case EE_Ticket::sold_out :
$ticket_status = '<span class="ticket-sales-sold-out">' . $ticket->ticket_status( TRUE ) . '</span>';
$status_class = 'ticket-sales-sold-out lt-grey-text';
// expired
case EE_Ticket::expired :
$ticket_status = '<span class="ticket-sales-expired">' . $ticket->ticket_status( TRUE ) . '</span>';
$status_class = 'ticket-sales-expired lt-grey-text';
// archived
case EE_Ticket::archived :
$ticket_status = '<span class="archived-ticket">' . $ticket->ticket_status( TRUE ) . '</span>';
$status_class = 'archived-ticket hidden';
// pending
case EE_Ticket::pending :
$ticket_status = '<span class="ticket-pending">' . $ticket->ticket_status( TRUE ) . '</span>';
$status_class = 'ticket-pending';
// onsale
case EE_Ticket::onsale :
$ticket_status = '<span class="ticket-on-sale">' . $ticket->ticket_status( TRUE ) . '</span>';
$status_class = 'ticket-on-sale';
* Allow plugins to hook in and abort the generation and display of this row to do
* something else if they want.
* For an addon to abort things, all they have to do is register a filter with this hook, and
* return a value that is NOT false. Whatever is returned gets echoed instead of the
* current row.
* @var string|bool
if ( false !== ( $new_row_content = apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__do_ticket_entire_row', false, $ticket, $max, $min, $required_ticket_sold_out, $ticket_price, $ticket_bundle, $ticket_status, $status_class ) ) ) {
echo $new_row_content;
<tr class="tckt-slctr-tbl-tr <?php echo $status_class . ' ' . espresso_get_object_css_class( $ticket ); ?>">
* Allow plugins to hook in and abort the generation and display of the contents of this
* row to do something else if they want.
* For an addon to abort things, all they have to do is register a filter with this hook, and
* return a value that is NOT false. Whatever is returned gets echoed instead of the
* current row.
* @var string|bool
if ( false !== ( $new_row_cells_content = apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__do_ticket_inside_row', false, $ticket, $max, $min, $required_ticket_sold_out, $ticket_price, $ticket_bundle, $ticket_status, $status_class ) ) ) {
echo $new_row_cells_content;
echo '</tr>';
<td class="tckt-slctr-tbl-td-name">
<b><?php echo $ticket->get_pretty('TKT_name');?></b>
<a id="display-tckt-slctr-tkt-details-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $TKT_ID; ?>" class="display-tckt-slctr-tkt-details display-the-hidden lt-grey-text smaller-text hide-if-no-js" rel="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $TKT_ID; ?>" title="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__show_ticket_details_link_title', __( 'click to show additional ticket details', 'event_espresso' )); ?>">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'show%1$sdetails%1$s+', 'event_espresso' ), '&nbsp;' ); ?>
<a id="hide-tckt-slctr-tkt-details-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $TKT_ID; ?>" class="hide-tckt-slctr-tkt-details hide-the-displayed lt-grey-text smaller-text hide-if-no-js" rel="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $TKT_ID; ?>" title="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__hide_ticket_details_link_title', __( 'click to hide additional ticket details', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" style="display:none;">
<?php echo sprintf( __( 'hide%1$sdetails%1$s-', 'event_espresso' ), '&nbsp;' ); ?>
<?php if ( $ticket->required() ) { ?>
<p class="ticket-required-pg"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_required_message', __( 'This ticket is required and must be purchased.', 'event_espresso' )); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
// echo '<br/><b>$max_atndz : ' . $max_atndz . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b>$max : ' . $max . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b>$min : ' . $min . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b>$ticket->is_on_sale() : ' . $ticket->is_on_sale() . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b>$ticket->available() : ' . $ticket->available() . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b>$remaining : ' . $remaining . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b> $ticket->ticket_status() : ' . $tkt_status . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b> $ticket->uses() : ' . $ticket->uses() . '</b>';
// echo '<br/><b> $ticket->required() : ' . $ticket->uses() . '</b>';
<td class="tckt-slctr-tbl-td-ticket-availability cntr">
<?php echo $remaining; ?>
<?php if ( apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__display_ticket_price_details', TRUE )) { ?>
<td class="tckt-slctr-tbl-td-price cntr"><?php echo EEH_Template::format_currency( $ticket_price ); ?>&nbsp;<span class="smaller-text no-bold"><?php
if ( $ticket_bundle ) {
echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__per_ticket_bundle_text', __( ' / påmelding', 'event_espresso' ));
} else {
echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__per_ticket_text', __( ' / påmelding', 'event_espresso' ));
}?></span> &nbsp;
<?php } ?>
<td class="tckt-slctr-tbl-td-qty cntr">
$hidden_input_qty = $max_atndz > 1 ? TRUE : FALSE;
// sold out or other status ?
if ( $tkt_status == EE_Ticket::sold_out || $remaining == 0 ) {
<span class="sold-out"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_sold_out_msg', __( 'Sold&nbsp;Out', 'event_espresso' ));?></span>
} else if ( $tkt_status == EE_Ticket::expired || $tkt_status == EE_Ticket::archived ) {
echo $ticket_status;
} else if ( $tkt_status == EE_Ticket::pending ) {
<div class="ticket-pending-pg">
<span class="ticket-pending"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_goes_on_sale_msg', __( 'Goes&nbsp;On&nbsp;Sale', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><br/>
<span class="small-text"><?php echo date_i18n( 'M d, Y', strtotime( $ticket->start_date() )); ?></span>
// min qty purchasable is less than tickets available
} else if ( $ticket->min() > $remaining ) {
<div class="archived-ticket-pg">
<span class="archived-ticket small-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_not_available_msg', __( 'Not Available', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><br/>
// if only one attendee is allowed to register at a time
} else if ( $max_atndz == 1 ) {
// display submit button since we have tickets available
add_filter( 'FHEE__EE_Ticket_Selector__display_ticket_selector_submit', '__return_true' );
<input type="radio" name="tkt-slctr-qty-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>" id="ticket-selector-tbl-qty-slct-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $row; ?>" class="ticket-selector-tbl-qty-slct" value="<?php echo $row . '-'; ?>1" <?php echo $row == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> title=""/>
$hidden_input_qty = FALSE;
} else if ( $max_atndz == 0 ) {
echo '<span class="sold-out">' . apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_closed_msg', __( 'Closed', 'event_espresso' )) . '</span>';
} elseif ( $max > 0 ) {
// display submit button since we have tickets available
add_filter( 'FHEE__EE_Ticket_Selector__display_ticket_selector_submit', '__return_true' );
<select name="tkt-slctr-qty-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>[]" id="ticket-selector-tbl-qty-slct-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $row; ?>" class="ticket-selector-tbl-qty-slct" title="">
// this ensures that non-required tickets with non-zero MIN QTYs don't HAVE to be purchased
if ( ! $ticket->required() && $min !== 0 ) {
<option value="0">&nbsp;0&nbsp;</option>
<?php }
// offer ticket quantities from the min to the max
for ( $i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
<option value="<?php echo $i; ?>">&nbsp;<?php echo $i; ?>&nbsp;</option>
<?php } ?>
$hidden_input_qty = FALSE;
// depending on group reg we need to change the format for qty
if ( $hidden_input_qty ) {
<input type="hidden" name="tkt-slctr-qty-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>[]" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="tkt-slctr-ticket-id-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>[]" value="<?php echo $TKT_ID; ?>" />
<tr class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tr <?php echo espresso_get_object_css_class( $ticket, '', 'details' );?>">
<td class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-td" colspan="4" style="padding: 0;border-top:none;">
<div id="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-<?php echo $EVT_ID . '-' . $TKT_ID; ?>-dv" class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-dv" style="display: none;">
<section class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-sctn">
<h3><?php _e( 'Ticket Details', 'event_espresso' ); ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $ticket->description(); ?></p>
<?php if ( $ticket_price != 0 && apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__display_ticket_price_details', TRUE )) { ?>
<section class="tckt-slctr-tkt-price-sctn">
<h5><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_price_breakdown_heading', __( 'Pris og avgifter', 'event_espresso' )); ?></h5>
<div class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl-wrap-dv">
<table class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl">
<th width="30%" class=""><span class="small-text"><?php _e( 'Name', 'event_espresso' ); ?></span></th>
<th width="" class="jst-cntr"><span class="small-text"><?php _e( 'Description', 'event_espresso' ); ?></span></th>
<th width="25%" class="jst-rght"><span class="small-text"><?php _e( 'Amount', 'event_espresso' ); ?></span></th>
<?php if ( $ticket->base_price() instanceof EE_Price ) { ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Name', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="small-text"><b><?php echo $ticket->base_price()->name(); ?></b></td>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Description', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="small-text"><?php echo $ticket->base_price()->desc(); ?></td>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Amount', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><?php echo $ticket->base_price()->pretty_price(); ?></td>
$running_total = $ticket->base_price()->amount();
} else {
$running_total = 0;
// now add price modifiers
foreach ( $ticket->price_modifiers() as $price_mod ) { ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Name', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><?php echo $price_mod->name(); ?></td>
<?php if ( $price_mod->is_percent() ) { ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Description', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="small-text"><?php echo $price_mod->desc(); ?> <?php echo $price_mod->amount(); ?>%</td>
$new_sub_total = $running_total * ( $price_mod->amount() / 100 );
$new_sub_total = $price_mod->is_discount() ? $new_sub_total * -1 : $new_sub_total;
<?php } else { ?>
<?php $new_sub_total = $price_mod->is_discount() ? $price_mod->amount() * -1 : $price_mod->amount(); ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Description', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="small-text"><?php echo $price_mod->desc(); ?></td>
<?php $new_sub_total = $price_mod->is_discount() ? $price_mod->amount() * -1 : $price_mod->amount(); ?>
<?php } ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Amount', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><?php echo EEH_Template::format_currency( $new_sub_total ); ?></td>
<?php $running_total += $new_sub_total; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $ticket->taxable() ) { ?>
<?php //$ticket_subtotal =$ticket->get_ticket_subtotal(); ?>
<td colspan="2" class="jst-rght small-text sbttl"><b><?php _e( 'subtotal', 'event_espresso' ); ?></b></td>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'subtotal', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><b><?php echo EEH_Template::format_currency( $running_total ); ?></b></td>
<?php foreach ( $ticket->get_ticket_taxes_for_admin() as $tax ) { ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Name', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><?php echo $tax->name(); ?></td>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Description', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><?php echo $tax->amount(); ?>%</td>
<?php $tax_amount = $running_total * ( $tax->amount() / 100 ); ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Amount', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><?php echo EEH_Template::format_currency( $tax_amount ); ?></td>
<?php $running_total += $tax_amount; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<td colspan="2" class="jst-rght small-text ttl-lbl-td"><b><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_total_price', __( 'Total pris', 'event_espresso' )); ?></b></td>
<td data-th="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_total_price', __( 'Total Ticket Price', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" class="jst-rght small-text"><b><?php echo EEH_Template::format_currency( $running_total ); ?></b></td>
<?php } ?>
<section class="tckt-slctr-tkt-sale-dates-sctn">
<h5><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_sales_date_heading', __( 'Datoer for påmelding', 'event_espresso' )); ?></h5>
<span class="drk-grey-text small-text no-bold"> - <?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_dates_available_message', __( 'Datoer som påmelding er tilgjengelig.', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><br/>
<span class="ticket-details-label-spn drk-grey-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_goes_on_sale', __( 'Goes On Sale:', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></span><?php echo date_i18n( $date_format, strtotime( $ticket->start_date() )) . ' &nbsp; '; ?><span class="dashicons dashicons-clock"></span><?php echo date_i18n( $time_format, strtotime( $ticket->start_date() )) ; ?><br/>
<span class="ticket-details-label-spn drk-grey-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_sales_end', __( 'Sales End:', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></span><?php echo date_i18n( $date_format, strtotime( $ticket->end_date() )) . ' &nbsp; '; ?><span class="dashicons dashicons-clock"></span><?php echo date_i18n( $time_format, strtotime( $ticket->end_date() )) ; ?><br/>
<?php do_action( 'AHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__after_ticket_date', $ticket ); ?>
<?php if ( $ticket->min() &&$ticket->max() ) { ?>
<section class="tckt-slctr-tkt-quantities-sctn">
<h5><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_purchasable_quantities_heading', __( 'Purchasable Quantities', 'event_espresso' )); ?></h5>
<span class="drk-grey-text small-text no-bold"> - <?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_purchasable_quantities_message', __( 'The number of tickets that can be purchased per transaction (if available).', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><br/>
<span class="ticket-details-label-spn drk-grey-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_purchasable_quantities_min_qty', __( 'Minimum Qty:', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><?php echo $ticket->min() > 0 ? $ticket->min() : 0; ?>
<?php if ( $ticket->min() > $remaining ) { ?> &nbsp; <span class="important-notice small-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_purchasable_quantities_min_qty_message', __( 'The Minimum Quantity purchasable for this ticket exceeds the number of spaces remaining', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><?php } ?><br/>
<?php //$max = min( $max, $max_atndz );?>
<span class="ticket-details-label-spn drk-grey-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_purchasable_quantities_max_qty', __( 'Maximum Qty:', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><?php echo $ticket->max() === INF ? __( 'no limit', 'event_espresso' ) : max( $ticket->max(), 1 ); ?><br/>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( $ticket->uses() !== INF && ( ! defined( 'EE_DECAF' ) || EE_DECAF !== TRUE )) { ?>
<section class="tckt-slctr-tkt-uses-sctn">
<h5><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_date_ticket_uses_heading', __( 'Event Date Ticket Uses', 'event_espresso' )); ?></h5>
<span class="drk-grey-text small-text no-bold"> - <?php
echo apply_filters(
__( 'The number of separate event datetimes (see table below) that this ticket can be used to gain admittance to.%1$s%2$sAdmission is always one person per ticket.%3$s', 'event_espresso' ),
<span class="ticket-details-label-spn drk-grey-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_date_number_datetimes', __( '# Datetimes:', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span><?php echo $ticket->uses();?><br/>
<?php } ?>
$datetimes = $ticket->datetimes_ordered( $event_is_expired, FALSE );
if ( ! empty( $datetimes )) { ?>
<section class="tckt-slctr-tkt-datetimes-sctn">
<h5><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_heading', __( 'Arrangement', 'event_espresso' )); ?></h5>
<span class="drk-grey-text small-text no-bold"> - <?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_message', __( 'Ved å registrere og betale for dette arrangementet blir du med på følgende:', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span>
<div class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl-wrap-dv">
<table class="tckt-slctr-tkt-details-tbl">
<th valign="middle">
<span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar"></span><span class="small-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_event_date', __( 'Event Date ', 'event_espresso' )); ?></span>
<th width="15%" valign="middle" class="">
<span class="dashicons dashicons-clock"></span><span class="small-text"><?php _e( 'Time ', 'event_espresso' ); ?></span>
<th width="12.5%" valign="middle" class="cntr">
<span class="smaller-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_this_ticket_sold', sprintf( __( 'Antall plasser%ssolgt', 'event_espresso' ), '<br/>' )); ?></span>
<th width="12.5%" valign="middle" class="cntr">
<span class="smaller-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_this_ticket_left', sprintf( __( 'Plasser%sigjen', 'event_espresso' ), '<br/>' )); ?></span>
<th width="12.5%" valign="middle" class="cntr">
<span class="smaller-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_total_ticket_sold', sprintf( __( 'Totalt plasser%ssolgt', 'event_espresso' ), '<br/>' )); ?></span>
<th width="12.5%" valign="middle" class="cntr">
<span class="smaller-text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_total_ticket_left', sprintf( __( 'Total Spaces%sLeft', 'event_espresso' ), '<br/>' )); ?></span>
foreach ( $datetimes as $datetime ) {
if ( $datetime instanceof EE_Datetime ) {
<td data-th="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_event_date', __( 'Event Date ', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" class="small-text">
<?php $datetime_name = $datetime->name(); ?>
<?php echo ! empty( $datetime_name ) ? '<b>' . $datetime_name . '</b><br/>' : ''; ?>
<?php echo $datetime->date_range( $date_format, __( ' to ', 'event_espresso' )); ?>
<td data-th="<?php _e( 'Time ', 'event_espresso' ); ?>" class="cntr small-text">
<?php echo $datetime->time_range( $time_format, __( ' to ', 'event_espresso' )); ?>
<td data-th="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_this_ticket_sold', __( 'This Ticket Sold', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" class="cntr small-text">
<?php echo $ticket->sold(); ?>
<td data-th="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_this_ticket_left', __( 'This Ticket Left', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" class="cntr small-text">
<?php echo $ticket->qty() === INF ? '<span class="smaller-text">' . __( 'unlimited ', 'event_espresso' ) . '</span>' : $ticket->qty() - $ticket->sold(); ?>
<td data-th="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_total_ticket_sold', __( 'Total Tickets Sold', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" class="cntr small-text">
<?php echo $datetime->sold(); ?>
<?php $tkts_left = $datetime->sold_out() ? '<span class="sold-out smaller-text">' . __( 'Sold&nbsp;Out', 'event_espresso' ) . '</span>' : $datetime->spaces_remaining(); ?>
<td data-th="<?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__ticket_details_event_access_table_total_ticket_left', __( 'Total Spaces Left', 'event_espresso' )); ?>" class="cntr small-text">
<?php echo $tkts_left === INF ? '<span class="smaller-text">' . __( 'unlimited ', 'event_espresso' ) . '</span>' : $tkts_left; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="noheader" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="tkt-slctr-return-url-<?php echo $EVT_ID ?>" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="tkt-slctr-rows-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>" value="<?php echo $row - 1; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="tkt-slctr-max-atndz-<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>" value="<?php echo $max_atndz; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="tkt-slctr-event-id" value="<?php echo $EVT_ID; ?>" />
<?php if ( $max_atndz > 0 ) { ?>
<p class="smaller-text lt-grey-text">* <?php echo apply_filters( 'FHEE__ticket_selector_chart_template__maximum_tickets_purchased_footnote', sprintf( __( 'Det er ikke mulig å registrere mer enn %d påmeldinger pr. gang.', 'event_espresso' ), $max_atndz ));?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php do_action( 'AHEE__ticket_selector_chart__template__after_ticket_selector', $EVT_ID ); ?>
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