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Last active December 20, 2021 19:31
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A Powershell script for removing Sitecore 9 instance from local machine
#This script is created to remove Sitecore 9 instance from local machine.
#This will not uninstall Solr but, it will remove Solr collections.
#The script looks at the Prefix parameter and find out all instances and remove them.
#Change the default values before using the script. Or, pass the values as parameters.
#Usage: .\Remove-Sitecore9-Instance.ps1 -Prefix "xp0"
#Declaimer: This is a destructive script, means, it deletes files, databases etc.
#Use it at your own risk.
#License: MIT
#Website related parameters
[string]$Prefix = 'xp0',
[string]$WebsiteOhysicalRootPath = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\',
#Database related parameters
[string]$SQLInstanceName = 'SQL2016',
[string]$SQLUsername = 'sa',
[string]$SQLPassword = '********',
#Certificate related parameters
[string]$CertificateRootStore = 'Cert:\Localmachine\Root',
[string]$CertificatePersonalStore = 'Cert:\Localmachine\My',
[string]$XConnectCertName = "$Prefix.xconnect",
[string]$XConnectClientCertName = "$Prefix.xconnect_client",
[string]$SitecoreRootCertName = 'DO_NOT_TRUST_SitecoreRootCert',
[string]$SitecoreFundamentalsRootCertName = 'DO_NOT_TRUST_SitecoreFundamentalsRoot',
[string]$CertPath = 'C:\Certificates',
#Solr related parameters
[string]$SolrPath = '[path]\solr-6.6.1'
$XConnectWebsiteName = "$Prefix.xconnect"
$SitecoreWebsiteName = "$"
$XConnectWebsitePhysicalPath = "$WebsiteOhysicalRootPath$Prefix.xconnect"
$SitecoreWebsitePhysicalPath = "$WebsiteOhysicalRootPath$"
$HostFileLocation = "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
$MarketingAutomationService = "$Prefix.xconnect-MarketingAutomationService"
$IndexWorker = "$Prefix.xconnect-IndexWorker"
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Starting Sitecore 9 instance removal..."
#Remove Sitecore website
if([bool](Get-Website $SitecoreWebsiteName)) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting Website $SitecoreWebsiteName"
Remove-WebSite -Name $SitecoreWebsiteName
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting App Pool $SitecoreWebsiteName"
Remove-WebAppPool $SitecoreWebsiteName
else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Website $SitecoreWebsiteName does not exists."
#Remove XConnect website
if([bool](Get-Website $XConnectWebsiteName)) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting Website $XConnectWebsiteName"
Remove-WebSite -Name $XConnectWebsiteName
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting App Pool $XConnectWebsiteName"
Remove-WebAppPool $XConnectWebsiteName
else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Website $XConnectWebsiteName does not exists."
#Remove hosts entries
if([bool]((get-content $HostFileLocation) -match $Prefix)) {
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting hosts entires."
(get-content $HostFileLocation) -notmatch $Prefix | Out-File $HostFileLocation
else {
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red "No hosts entires found."
#Stop and remove maengine
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$MarketingAutomationService'" | Remove-WmiObject
$Service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$MarketingAutomationService'"
if($Service) {
Get-Process -Name "maengine" | Stop-Process -Force
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting " $MarketingAutomationService
else {
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red $MarketingAutomationService " service does not exists."
$Service = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$IndexWorker'"
if($Service) {
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting " $IndexWorker
else {
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red $IndexWorker " service does not exists."
#Remove Sitecore Files
if (Test-Path $SitecoreWebsitePhysicalPath) {
Remove-Item -path $SitecoreWebsitePhysicalPath\* -recurse
Remove-Item -path $SitecoreWebsitePhysicalPath
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green $SitecoreWebsitePhysicalPath " Deleted"
} else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red $SitecoreWebsitePhysicalPath " Does not exist"
#Remove XConnect files
if (Test-Path $XConnectWebsitePhysicalPath) {
Remove-Item -path $XConnectWebsitePhysicalPath\* -recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item -path $XConnectWebsitePhysicalPath -Force
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green $XConnectWebsitePhysicalPath " Deleted"
} else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red $XConnectWebsitePhysicalPath " Does not exist"
#Remove SQL Databases
import-module sqlps
$DBListQuery = "select * from sys.databases where Name like '" + $Prefix + "_%';"
$DBList = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance ".\$SQLInstanceName" -U "$SQLUsername" -P "$SQLPassword" -Query $DBListQuery
ForEach($DB in $DBList) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting Database " $DB.Name
$DropQuery = "DROP DATABASE [" + $DB.Name + "];"
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance ".\$SQLInstanceName" -U "$SQLUsername" -P "$SQLPassword" -Query $AlterQuery
invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance ".\$SQLInstanceName" -U "$SQLUsername" -P "$SQLPassword" -Query $DropQuery
#Remove Certificates
if([bool](Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateRootStore -dnsname $SitecoreRootCertName)) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting certificate " $SitecoreRootCertName
Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateRootStore -dnsname $SitecoreRootCertName | Remove-Item
else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Certificate " $SitecoreRootCertName " does not exists."
if([bool](Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateRootStore -dnsname $SitecoreFundamentalsRootCertName)) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting certificate " $SitecoreFundamentalsRootCertName
Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateRootStore -dnsname $SitecoreFundamentalsRootCertName | Remove-Item
else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Certificate " $SitecoreFundamentalsRootCertName " does not exists."
if([bool](Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificatePersonalStore -dnsname $XConnectCertName)) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting certificate " $XConnectCertName
Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificatePersonalStore -dnsname $XConnectCertName | Remove-Item
else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Certificate " $XConnectCertName " does not exists."
if([bool](Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificatePersonalStore -dnsname $XConnectClientCertName)) {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green "Deleting certificate " $XConnectClientCertName
Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificatePersonalStore -dnsname $XConnectClientCertName | Remove-Item
else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red "Certificate " $XConnectClientCertName " does not exists."
if (Test-Path $CertPath) {
Remove-Item -path $CertPath\* -recurse
Remove-Item -path $CertPath
Write-host -foregroundcolor Green $CertPath " Deleted"
} else {
Write-host -foregroundcolor Red $CertPath " Does not exist"
# Remove Solr Cores
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_core_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_fxm_master_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_fxm_web_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_marketing_asset_index_master")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_marketing_asset_index_web")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_marketingdefinitions_master")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_marketingdefinitions_web")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_suggested_test_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_testing_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_web_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_master_index")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_xdb")
& "$SolrPath\bin\solr.cmd" delete -c ($Prefix + "_xdb_rebuild")
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "Finished Sitecore 9 instance removal..."
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