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Last active September 14, 2019 03:53
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  • Save himanish-star/0cc3841f61966c2af2d97c6d6f2d28a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Label Link FreqCount Words
0 ' Bed' '' 4 "'machine'"
1 ' Bed' '' 0 ''
2 ' Clinic' '' 1 "'engineering'"
3 'Hospital' '' 1 "'auto'"
4 ' Medical equipment' '' 3 "'kitssteris system'- 'anesthesia machine'- 'cms software'"
5 ' Bed' '' 1 "'auto'"
6 ' Bed' '' 0 ''
7 ' Clinic' '' 0 ''
8 ' Medical equipment' '' 1 "'organization'"
9 ' Medical equipment' '' 10 "'machine'- 'technology'- 'system'"
10 ' Medical equipment' '' 17 "'cardiac system'- 'medical electronic engineering'- 'electronic engineering'- 'technology'- 'machine'- 'ecg cardiac system'- 'system'- 'engineering'"
11 ' Clinic' '' 6 "'machine'- 'auto'- 'system'- 'leveraged technology'"
12 'Hospital' '' 9 "'internet cardiac monitor'- 'technology'- 'ultrasound machine'- 'machine'- 'engineering'- 'null null engineering'"
13 ' Medical equipment' '' 58 "'medical technology'- 'international organization'- 'medical software'- 'organisation'- 'package'- 'biomedical engineering'- 'technology'- 'personal computer'- 'electricity heart'- 'journal clinical engineering'- 'machine'- 'computer'- 'april international organization'- 'body public private organisation'- 'hardware'- 'software'- 'organization'- 'type organization'- 'medical biological engineering'- 'bombay biomedical engineering'- 'nervous system'- 'available hardware'- 'system'- 'assistive technology'"
14 'Hospital' '' 2 "'technology'"
15 ' Bed' '' 2 "'computer'- 'technology'"
16 ' Clinic' '' 1 "'software'"
17 ' Medical equipment' '' 21 "'medical technology'- 'software'- 'mobile technology'- 'defaultpositiony auto'- 'technology'- 'computer'- 'powered software'- 'diagnostic software'- 'defaultpositionx auto'- 'hardware'"
18 'Hospital' '' 1 "'software'"
19 ' Bed' '' 2 "'technology'"
20 ' Bed' '' 2 "'system'"
21 ' Clinic' '' 46 "'software'- 'scheme'- 'car'- 'package'- 'similar new technology'- 'organization'- 'height auto'- 'global engineering'- 'engine'- 'technology'- 'complete system'- 'machine'- 'computer'- 'public key technology'- 'internet'- 'degree electrical engineering'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'hardware'"
22 ' Medical equipment' '' 43 "'study biomedical engineering'- 'organization'- 'type organization'- 'biomedical engineering'- 'clinical engineering'- 'technology'- 'biomedical electronic technology'- 'utilize medical technology'- 'machine'- 'computer'- 'hospital biomedical clinical engineering'- 'engineering'"
23 ' Clinic' '' 1 "'system'"
24 ' Bed' '' 2 "'computer'- 'auto'"
25 ' Bed' '' 0 ''
26 ' Medical equipment' '' 6 "'net'- 'computer'- 'system'- 'exempt organization'- 'machine'"
27 ' Bed' '' 3 "'meet mattress machine'- 'technology'"
28 ' Clinic' '' 0 ''
29 ' Bed' '' 0 ''
30 ' Bed' '' 2 "'auto'- 'calculator'"
31 ' Clinic' '' 3 "'software'- 'system'"
32 ' Bed' '' 4 "'machine'"
33 ' Bed' '' 0 ''
Label Link FreqCount Words
0 ' Traffic' '' 3 "'system'- 'internet'- 'hardware'"
1 'Vehicle' '' 66 "'engine'- 'automobile german general automobile'- 'infotainment system'- 'modern car'- 'machine'- 'japanese automobile'- 'november auto'- 'hybrid system'- 'hardware'- 'tube car'- 'car'- 'technology'- 'open hardware'- 'computer'- 'electronic engine'- 'auto'- 'powerful computer'- 'software'- 'type organization'- 'many engine'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'lane assist system'- 'total car'- 'automobile'"
2 'Vehicle' '' 24 "'simple machine'- 'heavy machine'- 'new machine'- 'tractor military engineering'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'technology'- 'portable engine'- 'organization'- 'engineering'- 'grinder military engineering'- 'modern engineering'- 'primary earthmoving machine'- 'machine'"
3 ' Highway' '' 5 "'urban engineering'- 'machine'- 'auto'- 'technology'"
4 ' Road' '' 11 "'servicepatna computer'- 'system'- 'computer'- 'dealersmusic system'- 'machine'"
5 ' Traffic' '' 92 "'trendy technology'- 'internet'- 'flexible software'- 'signal system'- 'machine'- 'electricity'- 'scheme'- 'hardware'- 'virtual machine'- 'technology'- 'computer'- 'healthcare system'- 'agent technology'- 'analytic engine'- 'advanced technology'- 'model dynamic electricity'- 'software'- 'dynamic usage electricity'- 'package'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'supervisory computer'"
6 ' Traffic' '' 1 "'auto'"
7 ' Highway' '' 5 "'heavy machine'- 'system'- 'internet'"
8 'Vehicle' '' 24 "'simple machine'- 'heavy machine'- 'new machine'- 'tractor military engineering'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'technology'- 'portable engine'- 'organization'- 'engineering'- 'grinder military engineering'- 'modern engineering'- 'primary earthmoving machine'- 'machine'"
9 ' Traffic' '' 4 "'type organization'- 'engineering'- 'organization'"
10 ' Traffic' '' 0 ''
11 'Vehicle' '' 49 "'integral machine'- 'swiss machine'- 'engine'- 'small engine'- 'type organization'- 'technology'- 'diesel engine'- 'agricultural engineering'- 'similar machine'- 'organization'- 'double hydrostatic system'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'agricultural machine'- 'correct engineering'- 'japanese agent swiss machine'- 'patent machine'- 'automobile'- 'machine'"
12 ' Traffic' '' 4 "'type organization'- 'engineering'- 'organization'"
13 ' Highway' '' 10 "'delay auto'- 'technology'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'machine'"
14 ' Traffic' '' 66 "'crafts auto'- 'machine'- 'computer'- 'system'- 'hardware'- 'technology'"
15 'Vehicle' '' 66 "'engine'- 'automobile german general automobile'- 'infotainment system'- 'modern car'- 'machine'- 'japanese automobile'- 'november auto'- 'hybrid system'- 'hardware'- 'tube car'- 'car'- 'technology'- 'open hardware'- 'computer'- 'electronic engine'- 'auto'- 'powerful computer'- 'software'- 'type organization'- 'many engine'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'lane assist system'- 'total car'- 'automobile'"
16 'Vehicle' '' 3 "'type organization'- 'organization'"
17 'Vehicle' '' 4 "'car'- 'technology'"
18 'Vehicle' '' 66 "'engine'- 'automobile german general automobile'- 'infotainment system'- 'modern car'- 'machine'- 'japanese automobile'- 'november auto'- 'hybrid system'- 'hardware'- 'tube car'- 'car'- 'technology'- 'open hardware'- 'computer'- 'electronic engine'- 'auto'- 'powerful computer'- 'software'- 'type organization'- 'many engine'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'lane assist system'- 'total car'- 'automobile'"
19 ' Highway' '' 1 "'auto'"
20 ' Highway' '' 7 "'technology'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'engine'- 'machine'"
21 ' Road' '' 12 "'engineering'- 'auto'- 'machine'"
22 'Vehicle' '' 19 "'agricultural engine'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'portable engine'- 'conventional arrangement'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'machine'"
23 ' Traffic' '' 115 "'crafts auto'- 'small machine'- 'engine'- 'xiaojiangniu engineering'- 'yellow engine'- 'technology'- 'computer'- 'paver machine'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'hardware'- 'customized engine'- 'seal machine'- 'machine'"
24 ' Traffic' '' 4 "'type organization'- 'engineering'- 'organization'"
25 ' Traffic' '' 13 "'clear machine'- 'hardware'- 'machine'"
26 'Vehicle' '' 66 "'engine'- 'automobile german general automobile'- 'infotainment system'- 'modern car'- 'machine'- 'japanese automobile'- 'november auto'- 'hybrid system'- 'hardware'- 'tube car'- 'car'- 'technology'- 'open hardware'- 'computer'- 'electronic engine'- 'auto'- 'powerful computer'- 'software'- 'type organization'- 'many engine'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'lane assist system'- 'total car'- 'automobile'"
27 ' Traffic' '' 6 "'car'- 'conscious organization'- 'right auto'- 'coveted organization'"
28 'Vehicle' '' 52 "'car'- 'belt car'- 'gears car'- 'electricity spark'- 'engine'- 'easy turn car'- 'system'- 'noun electronic system'- 'drive noun system'- 'noun system'- 'machine'"
29 ' Traffic' '' 62 "'car'- 'journal computer'- 'global system'- 'new embedded system'- 'capable computer'- 'internet'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'multimodal system'- 'computer'- 'experimental system'- 'scheme'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'type system'- 'hardware'- 'open system'- 'similar system'- 'sophisticated software'- 'auto'- 'technology'"
30 ' Road' '' 7 "'dealersmusic system'- 'system'- 'conscious organization'- 'machine'"
31 ' Traffic' '' 62 "'car'- 'journal computer'- 'global system'- 'new embedded system'- 'capable computer'- 'internet'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'multimodal system'- 'computer'- 'experimental system'- 'scheme'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'type system'- 'hardware'- 'open system'- 'similar system'- 'sophisticated software'- 'auto'- 'technology'"
32 ' Traffic' '' 4 "'type organization'- 'engineering'- 'organization'"
33 'Vehicle' '' 24 "'simple machine'- 'heavy machine'- 'new machine'- 'tractor military engineering'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'technology'- 'portable engine'- 'organization'- 'engineering'- 'grinder military engineering'- 'modern engineering'- 'primary earthmoving machine'- 'machine'"
34 ' Traffic' '' 62 "'car'- 'journal computer'- 'global system'- 'new embedded system'- 'capable computer'- 'internet'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'multimodal system'- 'computer'- 'experimental system'- 'scheme'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'type system'- 'hardware'- 'open system'- 'similar system'- 'sophisticated software'- 'auto'- 'technology'"
35 'Vehicle' '' 24 "'simple machine'- 'heavy machine'- 'new machine'- 'tractor military engineering'- 'engine'- 'type organization'- 'technology'- 'portable engine'- 'organization'- 'engineering'- 'grinder military engineering'- 'modern engineering'- 'primary earthmoving machine'- 'machine'"
36 'Vehicle' '' 12 "'david american system'- 'machine'- 'type organization'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'arrangement'- 'technology'"
37 ' Highway' '' 3 "'engineering'- 'engine'- 'machine'"
38 'Vehicle' '' 5 "'type organization'- 'wayback machine'- 'organization'"
Label Link FreqCount Words
0 ' Transport' '' 14 "'type organization'- 'automatic system'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'pedestrian machine'- 'machine'"
1 ' Transport' '' 14 "'type organization'- 'automatic system'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'pedestrian machine'- 'machine'"
2 ' Infrastructure' '' 6 "'machine'"
3 ' Transport' '' 0 ''
4 ' Infrastructure' "'s-Top-10-Construction-Equipment-Machinery-Manufacturers/76" 3 "'engine'- 'doosan engineering'- 'auto'"
5 ' Highway' '' 1 "'technology'"
6 ' Infrastructure' '' 29 "'organization'- 'technology'- 'compatible cloud technology'- 'system'- 'hardware'- 'software'- 'car'- 'fujitsu technology'- 'unicon software'"
7 ' Transport' '' 4 "'engine'- 'computer'- 'engineering'"
8 ' Infrastructure' '' 42 "'honour sturctural engineering'- 'geotechnical engineering'- 'thermal engineering'- 'internet'- 'odd computer'- 'lab environmental engineering'- 'technology'- 'ug mechanical engineering'- 'engineering'- 'system'- 'parametric technology'- 'lab structural engineering'- 'software'- 'scheme'- 'computer'- 'machine'- 'pg computer'- 'civil engineering'"
9 ' Infrastructure' '' 13 "'mode auto'- 'organization'- 'technology'- 'engineering'- 'auto'- 'foodapparelcarpetscashewchemicalscoffeecottonelectronic computer'"
10 'Road' '' 11 "'dealersmusic system'- 'computer'- 'machine'- 'servicepatna computer'- 'system'"
11 'Road' '' 7 "'dealersmusic system'- 'conscious organization'- 'machine'- 'system'"
12 'Road' '' 16 "'auto'- 'rammer machine'- 'engineering'- 'system'- 'machine'"
13 ' Transport' '' 0 ''
14 ' Infrastructure' '' 4 "'swiss civil engineering'- 'auto'- 'system'- 'machine'"
15 ' Infrastructure' '' 36 "'width auto'- 'technology'- 'convert electricity'- 'engineering'- 'system'- 'auto'- 'margin auto'- 'advanced technology'- 'electricity'- 'huge system'- 'solid height auto'- 'civil engineering'"
16 ' Highway' '' 1 "'auto'"
17 ' Infrastructure' '' 1 "'system'"
18 ' Transport' '' 2 "'technology'- 'system'"
19 ' Infrastructure' '' 8 "'scheme'- 'technology'- 'ambitious scheme'- 'system'- 'electricity'"
20 ' Highway' '' 5 "'technology'- 'urban engineering'- 'auto'- 'machine'"
21 ' Highway' '' 7 "'engine'- 'technology'- 'engineering'- 'system'- 'machine'"
22 ' Transport' '' 2 "'technology'- 'system'"
23 ' Transport' '' 9 "'organization'- 'technology'- 'package'- 'integrated computer'- 'engineering'- 'software'- 'computer'"
24 ' Infrastructure' '' 2 "'machine'"
25 ' Transport' '' 9 "'technology'- 'computer'- 'engineering'- 'electrical engineering'"
26 ' Highway' '' 3 "'engine'- 'engineering'- 'machine'"
27 ' Highway' '' 10 "'technology'- 'engineering'- 'delay auto'- 'machine'- 'system'"
28 ' Infrastructure' '' 0 ''
29 ' Transport' '' 14 "'type organization'- 'automatic system'- 'organization'- 'system'- 'pedestrian machine'- 'machine'"
30 ' Transport' '' 8 "'organization'- 'intermodal scheme'- 'auto'- 'system'"
31 ' Transport' '' 2 "'locomotive rail'- 'car'"
32 ' Infrastructure' '' 0 ''
33 ' Highway' '' 5 "'heavy machine'- 'internet'- 'system'"
34 ' Infrastructure' '' 2 "'technology'- 'healthcare system'"
35 ' Infrastructure' '' 46 "'honour sturctural engineering'- 'geotechnical engineering'- 'thermal engineering'- 'internet'- 'odd computer'- 'lab environmental engineering'- 'technology'- 'ug mechanical engineering'- 'engineering'- 'system'- 'parametric technology'- 'lab structural engineering'- 'software'- 'scheme'- 'computer'- 'machine'- 'pg computer'- 'civil engineering'"
36 ' Infrastructure' '' 29 "'type organization'- 'combined system'- 'internet'- 'mechanical engineering'- 'electrical engineering'- 'organization'- 'technology'- 'internet connectivity'- 'arena civil engineering'- 'engineering'- 'system'- 'forty percent electricity'- 'software'- 'electricity'- 'civil electrical mechanical engineering'- 'sustainable engineering'- 'civil engineering'"
Label Link FreqCount Words
0 ' Medical equipment' '' 58 "'medical biological engineering'- 'software'- 'nervous system'- 'package'- 'system'- 'technology'- 'type organization'- 'assistive technology'- 'organisation'- 'personal computer'- 'bombay biomedical engineering'- 'computer'- 'hardware'- 'medical technology'- 'biomedical engineering'- 'electricity heart'- 'body public private organisation'- 'organization'- 'april international organization'- 'journal clinical engineering'- 'international organization'- 'medical software'- 'machine'- 'available hardware'"
1 'Room' '' 2 "'auto'- 'computer'"
2 ' Machine' '' 4 "'tremix system'- 'system'"
3 ' Medical equipment' '' 10 "'technology'- 'machine'- 'system'"
4 'Room' '' 3 "'type organization'- 'organization'"
5 ' Machine' '' 25 "'build machine'- 'engineering'- 'engine'- 'machine'- 'system'"
6 ' Medical equipment' '' 17 "'technology'- 'ecg cardiac system'- 'medical electronic engineering'- 'cardiac system'- 'machine'- 'system'- 'engineering'- 'electronic engineering'"
7 ' Machine' '' 16 "'technology'- 'programmable backgauge auto'- 'tumble machine'- 'touchscreen computer'- 'calculator'- 'machine'- 'adaptive autoform auto'- 'system'"
8 ' Machine' '' 5 "'internet'- 'heavy machine'- 'system'"
9 'Room' '' 6 "'stereo system'- 'electronic system'- 'system'"
10 ' Machine' '' 52 "'internet connection'- 'computer'- 'auto'- 'scroll auto'- 'width auto'- 'hardware'- 'electronic machine'- 'important important auto'- 'height auto'- 'relative auto'- 'fafafa auto'- 'machine'- 'call computer'- 'important auto'- 'multipurpose machine'"
11 'Room' '' 1 "'technology'"
12 'Room' '' 4 "'diesel engine'- 'engine'"
13 ' Machine' '' 1 "'system'"
14 ' Machine' '' 26 "'internet connection'- 'technology'- 'computer'- 'auto'- 'electricity'- 'electricity power'- 'scroll auto'- 'width auto'- 'electricity pass'- 'important important auto'- 'height auto'- 'relative auto'- 'fafafa auto'- 'engine'- 'machine'- 'important auto'- 'system'"
15 ' Machine' '' 3 "'type organization'- 'organization'"
16 ' Machine' '' 24 "'tractor engine'- 'engine'- 'technology'- 'machine'"
17 'Room' '' 5 "'auto'- 'width auto'- 'system'"
18 'Room' '' 0 ''
19 'Room' '' 7 "'internet'- 'computer'- 'technology'- 'defaultpositiony auto'- 'defaultpositionx auto'"
20 'Room' '' 4 "'computer'- 'car'- 'organization'"
21 ' Machine' '' 31 "'internet connection'- 'technology'- 'computer'- 'auto'- 'scroll auto'- 'width auto'- 'important important auto'- 'height auto'- 'relative auto'- 'fafafa auto'- 'machine'- 'engine'- 'important auto'"
22 ' Machine' '' 45 "'internet connection'- 'technology'- 'much electricity'- 'computer'- 'auto'- 'electricity'- 'scroll auto'- 'width auto'- 'different machine'- 'describe electrical energy'- 'important important auto'- 'height auto'- 'relative auto'- 'fafafa auto'- 'machine'- 'electrical technology'- 'engineering'- 'important auto'- 'electrical energy'"
23 ' Medical equipment' '' 3 "'cms software'- 'kitssteris system'- 'anesthesia machine'"
24 ' Medical equipment' '' 6 "'net'- 'exempt organization'- 'computer'- 'machine'- 'system'"
25 ' Medical equipment' '' 43 "'hospital biomedical clinical engineering'- 'technology'- 'computer'- 'type organization'- 'engineering'- 'utilize medical technology'- 'biomedical electronic technology'- 'clinical engineering'- 'machine'- 'biomedical engineering'- 'organization'- 'study biomedical engineering'"
26 ' Machine' '' 156 "'important machine'- 'practical machine'- 'electricity'- 'crane machine'- 'simple machine'- 'important early machine'- 'possible understand machine'- 'system'- 'modern usage engineering'- 'compact package'- 'technology'- 'type organization'- 'generator electricity'- 'ribosome biological machine'- 'mechanical system'- 'engine'- 'mechanical engineering'- 'diesel engine'- 'computer'- 'automobile'- 'scheme'- 'wayback machine'- 'islamic technology'- 'related machine'- 'programmable machine'- 'analytical engine'- 'engineering'- 'organization'- 'arabic mechanical engineering'- 'programmable computer'- 'machine'- 'advanced mechanical calculator'- 'robert norton machine'- 'ancient egyptian technology'- 'modern computer'"
27 ' Machine' '' 1 "'system'"
28 'Room' '' 0 ''
29 'Room' '' 3 "'electricity'- 'technology'- 'internet connexion'"
30 ' Medical equipment' '' 1 "'organization'"
31 'Room' '' 10 "'mill second machine'- 'engineering'- 'technology'- 'machine'"
32 ' Machine' '' 24 "'portable engine'- 'technology'- 'type organization'- 'engineering'- 'heavy machine'- 'simple machine'- 'engine'- 'primary earthmoving machine'- 'machine'- 'grinder military engineering'- 'new machine'- 'modern engineering'- 'tractor military engineering'- 'organization'"
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