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Created September 19, 2024 14:02
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Privy embedded smart account wallets
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { ConnectedWallet, usePrivy, useWallets } from "@privy-io/react-auth";
import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css";
import { polygon } from "viem/chains";
import { useSmartWallets } from "@privy-io/react-auth/smart-wallets";
import { parseEther } from "viem";
export default function Home() {
const [chainSelected, setChainSelected] = useState(0);
const [smartWallet, setSmartWallet] = useState<ConnectedWallet | null>(null);
const { login, logout, user } = usePrivy();
const {client} = useSmartWallets();
const { wallets } = useWallets();
const chains = [
chainId: 137,
name: "Polygon",
providerUrl: "",
incrementCountContractAdd: "0xd9ea570eF1378D7B52887cE0342721E164062f5f",
explorerUrl: "",
useEffect(() => {
if (!wallets.length) {
console.log("No Wallets Loaded");
const checkConnection = () => {
const linkedSmartWallet: any = user?.linkedAccounts.find(
(account) => account.type === "smart_wallet"
console.log("Wallets", wallets[0]);
}, [wallets, user]);
return (
<main className="flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-start gap-8 p-24">
{!user ? (
className="w-[10rem] h-[3rem] bg-orange-300 text-black font-bold rounded-lg"
Privy Sign in
) : (
<span>Selected Network: {chains[chainSelected].name}</span>
<span>Privy Account Address: {wallets[0]?.address}</span>
<span>Smart Account Address: {smartWallet?.address}</span>
className="w-[10rem] h-[3rem] bg-orange-300 text-black font-bold rounded-lg"
onClick={async () => {
await logout();
console.log("Logged Out", await wallets[0].isConnected());
className="w-[10rem] h-[3rem] bg-orange-300 text-black font-bold rounded-lg"
onClick={async () => {
if(client) {
const txHash = await client.sendTransaction({
account: client.account,
chain: polygon,
to: '0xf5715961C550FC497832063a98eA34673ad7C816',
value: parseEther('0.0001'),
paymasterContext: {
"mode": "SPONSORED",
"calculateGasLimits": true,
"expiryDuration": 300, // duration (secs) for which the generate paymasterAndData will be valid. Default duration is 300 secs.
"sponsorshipInfo": {
"webhookData": {},
"smartAccountInfo": {
"name": "BICONOMY",
"version": "2.0.0"
console.log("txHash", txHash)
Execute transaction
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