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Cefalo School - React Native Class 11

Cefalo School - React Native Class 11

Running on Devices


  • Enable debugging over usb -- Settings > About Phone -- Tap Build Number row seven times -- Go back one step and Developer Options will be open [Based on Android variants, it might be on top menu or under additional settings] -- Then from Developer Options enable the two items:

    • USB Debugging
    • Install apps over USB
  • Install adb command line tools -- For LINUX and MAC -- install it from Android Studio. Go to Android SDK Manager from settings/preferences. Then open the SDK manager > select Android SDK Platform-tools and Google USB Driver and install them. -- For WINDOWS -- go to here and download the platform tools.

    • Unzip the downloaded file and select the adb file > right click it while clicking on "Shift" button and open with command prompt (or powershell for windows 10)
    • Or the other way should be install it from Android Studio. Go to Android SDK Manager from settings/preferences. Then open the SDK manager > select Android SDK Platform-tools and Google USB Driver and install them.
  • Plug-in your android device via usb. -- You might need to select MTP or file transfer mode on the pop-up that may come [this is dependent on OS version and build] -- Run the command adb devices. List of device attached will be displayed along with your already used emulators.

  • Run the command react-native run-android

  • This will run the debug build to your device

  • In case you have multiple devices connected (or even a device and simulator) you can choose the device to install by the following command

    adb -s "deviceID" install path+apkName

  • where deviceID is the ID you got from the adb devices command and path is <your project folder>/android/app/build/outputs/apk/ and apkName is either of app-debug.apk or app-release.apk
  • so example command in this case will be:
  • adb -s "694d68149804" install /Users/himel/Applications/ReactProjects/carrycut/app/android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk


  • Connect your iOS device via lightning cable to mac
  • Go to <your project folder>/ios and open the .xcodeproj file in Xcode
  • From Xcode's Product menu choose Destination.
  • Your device will be in the list - choose your device and it will be registered for development.
  • Register an account in Apple Developer Portal
  • Click on the target name (same as project name) on the left column then go to the General tab on the right hand side
  • Go to the Signing option and select your Apple developer account or team under the Team dropdown.
  • You can now press the Build and Run button (⌘R) or select Run from the Product menu. Your app will launch on your device shortly.

Native Component Integrations

Releases [Debug and Signed Releases]

Debug Release

  • The build we do by running react-native run-ios or react-native run-android we actually create a debug build by-default.
  • The debug builds exposes logs, shows system and app warnings and errors
  • In the build signature it is marked as debug, so obviously you cannot upload this to stores :-)

Signed Release

  • Android:
    • Run the command

      keytool -genkey -v -keystore emp-man-release-key.keystore -alias emp-man-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

    • This command will prompt for passwords for keystore and key. This will also prompt for some fields for your key.

    • The output is a key file named emp-man-release-key.keystore

    • Copy the file to <your project folder>/android/app

    • Edit the file ~/.gradle/ or android/ and add the following (replace ***** with the correct keystore password, alias and key password)

    • Edit the file android/app/build.gradle in your project folder and add the signing config:

     	android {
     		defaultConfig { ... }
             signingConfigs {
                 release {
                     if (project.hasProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE')) {
                         storeFile file(MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE)
                         storePassword MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD
                         keyAlias MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS
                         keyPassword MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD
             buildTypes {
                 release {
                     signingConfig signingConfigs.release
    • Then from project root in command line - run:

      cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease

    • The app-release.apk will be generated at <your project folder>/android/app/build/outputs/apk/

  • iOS:
    • Create signing certificate requests
    • Create provisioning profiles
    • Install and link the certificates and profiles
    • Select Generic iOS Device in the build destination
    • Go to Product > Archive and in the pop-over that came, select Ad-hoc or App-Store for which option you are archiving.
    • You also can export the .ipa file from the dialog box after build is done.

Important Self Study

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