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Last active September 20, 2022 18:57
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-- Requires a loopback audio device, try
-- -
-- -
-- Needs
property output_folder : "/Users/USER/Music/rec"
property atomicparsley_path : "/opt/homebrew/bin/atomicparsley"
property file_extension : ".m4a"
on format_filename(track_artist, track_album, track_name, track_number)
set track_str to "" & track_number
if (track_number < 10) then set track_str to ("0" & track_str)
set r to "" & track_str & " - " & track_name
set x to length of r
if (x > 250) then set x to 250
return (((characters 1 thru x of r) as string) & file_extension)
end format_filename
on format_foldername(track_artist, track_album, track_name, track_number)
set r to "/" & track_artist & " - " & track_album & "/"
set x to length of r
if (x > 250) then set x to 250
return ((characters 1 thru x of r) as string)
end format_foldername
tell application "Spotify"
if not running then activate
if player state is playing then pause
end tell
tell application "QuickTime Player"
display alert "Ready for recording. Please start playing the first song in the album / playlist, then click OK in this dialog."
end tell
tell application "Spotify"
set track_counter to 0
set track_ids to my sp_get_tracks()
repeat with track_id in track_ids
play track track_id
delay 2
set track_counter to (track_counter + 1)
set metadata to my sp_current_metadata()
set track_length to (duration of current track) / 1000
set player position to 0
set sound volume to 100
set qtrec to my qt_setup()
delay 2
my qt_start_recording(qtrec)
delay track_length
my qt_stop_recording(qtrec, track_counter)
my save_metadata(metadata, track_counter)
end repeat
end tell
on sp_get_tracks()
tell application "Spotify"
set track_ids to {}
set track_id to (id of current track)
repeat until track_id is equal to ""
set track_ids to track_ids & track_id
next track
delay 0.5
set track_id to (id of current track)
if track_ids contains track_id then set track_id to ""
end repeat
return track_ids
end tell
end sp_get_tracks
on qt_setup()
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set qtrec to new audio recording
return qtrec
end tell
end qt_setup
on qt_start_recording(qtrec)
tell application "QuickTime Player"
start qtrec
end tell
end qt_start_recording
on qt_stop_recording(qtrec, track_counter)
tell application "QuickTime Player"
stop qtrec
set filePath to a reference to POSIX file (my temp_filename(track_counter, false))
export the front document in file filePath using settings preset "Audio Only"
close every document saving no
end tell
end qt_stop_recording
on sp_current_metadata()
tell application "Spotify"
set current_track to current track
set track_artist to artist of current_track
set track_album to album of current_track
set track_name to name of current_track
set track_number to track number of current_track
return {md_artist:track_artist, md_album:track_album, md_name:track_name, md_number:track_number}
on error number -1728 -- no current track
return {}
end try
end tell
end sp_current_metadata
on save_metadata(metadata, track_counter)
tell application "Spotify"
set track_artist to md_artist of metadata
set track_album to md_album of metadata
set track_name to md_name of metadata
set track_number to md_number of metadata
set new_filename to my format_filename(track_artist, track_album, track_name, track_number)
-- eliminate special characters from file name
-- TODO: keep brackets [], also other symbols
-- NOTE: 'do shell script' within a 'tell' block requires 'tell me to',
tell me to set new_filename to do shell script ("echo \"" & new_filename & "\" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9 .äöüÄÖÜéèàç&(){}-]/_/g'")
my wait_file_exists(my temp_filename(track_counter, false))
set current_file to my temp_filename(track_counter, true)
set subfolder to my format_foldername(track_artist, track_album, track_name, track_number)
set new_file to ("\"" & output_folder & subfolder & new_filename & "\"")
tell me to do shell script ("mkdir -p " & "\"" & output_folder & subfolder & "\"")
tell me to do shell script ("mv " & current_file & " " & new_file)
delay 5 -- file exists, but export might still be in progress...
-- update metadata (tags)
tell me to do shell script atomicparsley_path & " " & new_file & " --artist \"" & track_artist & "\" --album \"" & track_album & "\" --title \"" & track_name & "\" --tracknum " & track_number & " --overWrite"
end tell
end save_metadata
on temp_filename(track_counter, add_quote)
set filename to output_folder & "/" & track_counter & file_extension
if add_quote then
return ("\"" & filename & "\"")
return filename
end if
end temp_filename
on wait_file_exists(filename)
set c to 0
repeat until c is equal to 10
if file_exists(filename) then
end if
set c to c + 1
delay 0.1
end repeat
error "output file could not be found: " & filename
end wait_file_exists
on file_exists(filename)
tell application "System Events"
if exists file filename then
return true
return false
end if
end tell
end file_exists
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