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Created March 20, 2015 17:51
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geo diff
import numpy
import pprint
import random as rndom
from plyfile import PlyData# PlyElement
from scipy import spatial # kd tree
from collections import defaultdict
def get_coordinates(vertex_id, mesh):
vertex = mesh['vertex'].data[vertex_id]
return numpy.array((vertex['x'], vertex['y'], vertex['z']))
def vec_ang(v1, v2):
""" Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2' based on """
cosang =, v2)
sinang = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(v1, v2))
return numpy.arctan2(sinang, cosang)
def check_1_ring(neighbours):
""" just a sanity test to make sure i've implemented 1-ring correctly """
for key in neighbours:
for val in neighbours[key]:
if key not in neighbours[val]:
print val, " doesnt have ", key, " but ", key, " does "
def generate_1_ring(mesh):
"""generates a dictionary mapping each vertext to a list of its 1-ring neighbours
TODO: why is dict len less than number of vertices?"""
neighbours = defaultdict(set)
for face_indices in mesh['face'].data['vertex_index']:
for v_index in face_indices:
f_ind = face_indices.tolist()
return dict(neighbours)
def generate_face_mapping(mesh):
"""generate the mapping from a vertice to the faces it is a member of"""
mapping = defaultdict(list)
for i,face_indices in enumerate(mesh['face'].data['vertex_index']):
for v_index in face_indices:
return dict(mapping)
######### END UTILS #######
def uniform_laplace(vertex_id, neighbours, mesh):
if vertex_id not in neighbours:
raise Exception("it hath no neighbours")
summation = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
vertex = get_coordinates(vertex_id, mesh)
weighting = 1. / len(neighbours[vertex_id])
for neighbour in neighbours[vertex_id]:
summation = summation + (get_coordinates(neighbour, mesh) - vertex)
return weighting * summation
def generate_uni_laplace(neighbours, mesh):
uni_laplace = dict()
for vertex_id in neighbours:
uni_laplace[vertex_id] = uniform_laplace(vertex_id, neighbours, mesh)
return uni_laplace
def mean_curvature_from_coords(diff_coord):
""".5 times absolute value"""
return .5 * numpy.linalg.norm(diff_coord)
def generate_mean_curvature(uni_laplace):
"""Should this all be bary centered???"""
mean_curvature = dict()
for vertex_id in uni_laplace:
mean_curvature[vertex_id] = mean_curvature_from_coords(uni_laplace[vertex_id])
return mean_curvature
def angle(a,b,c):
"""returns angle formed between ab (b - a) and ac (c-a)"""
return vec_ang(b-a, c-a)
def angle_deficit(vertex_c):
""" computes the angle deficit between vertex and all its 1 ring neighbours"""
def main(mesh=False):
if mesh is False: # q is being registered to reference p
mesh ='/Users/md/Documents/UCL 3/geometry processing/cwk2/code/sphere.ply'))
neighbours = generate_1_ring(mesh)
lap = generate_uni_laplace(neighbours, mesh)
mean = generate_mean_curvature(lap)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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