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Created March 20, 2014 17:06
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The Game of Life in Clojure, and rendered in Quil
(ns game-of-life.core
(:require [quil.core :as q])
(defn game-func
"function taking a game state to the following game state"
(def grid-squares 40)
(def grid-size-px 400)
(def spacing (/ grid-size-px grid-squares))
(def locations (for [x (range 0 grid-squares) y (range 0 grid-squares)] [y x]))
;; [1 0] [1 1] [1 2]
(def game-state #{[20 19] [21 19] [22 19] [22 17] [21 16] [20 17]})
(defn setup
"Setup the UI"
(q/smooth) ;; Enable AA
(q/frame-rate 5)
(q/background 255)
(q/stroke-weight 3))
(defn clear-canvas
(q/fill 255)
(q/rect 0 0 grid-size-px grid-size-px))
(defn draw-cell
"takes a vector of [x y]"
(let [x (* (- (first coords) 0) spacing)
y (* (- (second coords) 0) spacing)]
(q/fill 10 10 200)
(q/rect x y spacing spacing)))
(defn draw-grid
"draw n*n grid"
(let [draw-row (fn [n]
(q/line 0 (* spacing n) grid-size-px (* spacing n)))
draw-col (fn [n]
(q/line (* spacing n) 0 (* spacing n) grid-size-px))]
(loop [c 1]
(when (<= c n)
(draw-row c)
(draw-col c)
(recur (inc c))))))
(defn draw-state
"draws living cells (those with a value of 1)"
(doseq [state states]
(draw-cell state)))
(defn neighbours [[x y]]
(for [dx [-1 0 1] dy (if (zero? dx) [-1 1] [-1 0 1])]
[(+ dx x) (+ dy y)]))
(defn step [cells]
(set (for [[loc n] (frequencies (mapcat neighbours cells))
:when (or (= n 3) (and (= n 2) (cells loc)))]
(defn simulation
"Returns a lazy-seq of future states for a given rule-fn and state"
[rule-fn state]
(let [new-state (rule-fn state)]
;; This is an infinitely recursive lazy sequence! Notice how we start
;; by considing (prepending) to a new-state onto the head of a not-yet extant
;; lazy sequence.
;; You'll notice that the lazy sequence is declared with a
;; body that will recurse from the present state, passing the current state into
;; itself. Lazy sequences such as this are inherently tail-recursive, so they won't
;; blow the stack.
;; Play
(cons new-state (lazy-seq (simulation rule-fn new-state)))))
(defn run-game
(let [
sim (simulation step game-state)
time-slices (atom sim)]
(q/defsketch grid ;;Define a new sketch named example
:title "The Game of Life, by Michael Detmold" ;;Set the title of the sketch
:setup setup ;;Specify the setup fn
:draw (fn draw-fun []
(draw-grid grid-squares)
;; (draw-state (second @time-slices))
;;(print (first time-slices))
(draw-state (first @time-slices))
(swap! time-slices (fn [_] (rest @time-slices)))
;; :no-loop True
:size [grid-size-px grid-size-px] )))
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