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Created February 26, 2015 12:48
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from numpy import *
import random as rndom
from plyfile import PlyData, PlyElement
from scipy import spatial #kd tree
def to_4d(R,T):
rt = concatenate((R,T),axis=1)
fourth = array([[ 0., 0., 0., 1.]])
return list(concatenate((rt,fourth)).flat)
def to_OF(frd):
print "move.transform(16,Matrix4x4({}))".format(", ".join(str(s) for s in frd))
def to_array(data):
return array([[a['x'], a['y'], a['z']] for a in data])
def bary_center(points, center):
"""center is a tuple, points is array of coords"""
#R = [center]*len(points)
#if len(r) !== len(center):
# raise Exception()
return points - center
def select_rand_subset(points):
"""Select a subset of points from p
return array(rndom.sample(points, 20))
def select_from_q_nearest_to_points(p=None, q=None):
"""Match each p to closest point q on other scan, returns closest points from q in
corresponding order """
tree = spatial.KDTree(q)
_, indices = tree.query(p)
return array([[i] for i in indices])
def reject(p,q):
reject worst 20% of pairs, based on point to point distance
#array of distances
dists = [(linalg.norm(p[i]-q[i]), i) for i in range(len(p))]
#sort based on distance, largest first
dists.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
#calculate 20% of length
num_remove = int(.2 * len(q))
#get rid of the rest
dists = dists[:num_remove]
#return sorted(dists, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for _ , i in sorted(dists, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
q = delete(q, i, 0)
p = delete(p, i, 0)
return p, q
#delete(q, 2, 0)
def centre_of_mass(data):
"Returns the coordinates R of the center of mass of the point cloud in 'data'"
x = data[:,0]; y = data[:,1]; z = data[:,2]
return array([x.mean(),y.mean(),z.mean()], dtype=data.dtype)
def least_squares(p,q):
"""Returns least squares linear transformation"""
if len(p) != len(q):
raise Exception("lengths dont match")
sum1 = zeros((3,3))
sum2 = zeros((3,3))
for i in range(len(q)):
#q is allready in "transposed" form, p needs to become a column vector
sum1 += p[i].reshape(3,1) * q[i]
sum2 += q[i].reshape(3,1) * q[i]
sum2 = matrix(sum2).I
A = sum1 * sum2
return A
def polar_decomposition(A):
"""returns the rotation by finding polar decomposition of A"""
#first find the svd
U, s, V = linalg.svd(A)
R = U*V
return R
def find_translation(R, p_center, q_center):
# t = p - Rq
return p_center.reshape(3,1) - (R*q_center.reshape(3,1))
def update_alignment(R=None,T=None,q=None):
#new_alignment = Rq(i) +t with some format munging
new_set = [array((R*(i.reshape(3,1)) + T).reshape(1,3)).reshape(-1) for i in q]
return array(new_set)
def calculate_minimisation_metric(R,T,q=False, p=False):
return sum([pow(linalg.norm(p[i].reshape(3,1) - R*q[i].reshape(3,1) - T),2) for i in range(len(q))])
def main(p_all=False, q_all=False):
if q_all is False: #q is being registered to reference p
q_all ='/Users/md/Documents/UCL 3/geometry processing/cwk1/python/data/bun270.ply')).elements[0].data
if p_all is False:
p_all ='/Users/md/Documents/UCL 3/geometry processing/cwk1/python/data/bun180.ply')).elements[0].data
#just some data cleaning/munging
q_all = to_array(q_all)
p_all = to_array(p_all)
R = identity(3)
T = zeros((3,1))
variance = []
iterations = 20
for i in range(iterations):
p = select_rand_subset(p_all)
q = select_from_q_nearest_to_points(p=p,q=q_all)
p, q = reject(p,q)
p_bar = centre_of_mass(p)
p = bary_center(p, p_bar)
#compute p bar and q bar
q_bar = centre_of_mass(q)
q = bary_center(q, q_bar)
variance.append(calculate_minimisation_metric(R,T,q=q, p=p))
R = polar_decomposition(least_squares(p,q))
T = find_translation(R,p_bar, q_bar)
#print "4d"
q_all = update_alignment(R=R,T=T,q=q_all)
print "Variance: {}".format(variance)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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