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Created September 29, 2021 10:17
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@BTC_doctor @solcialofficial No, but the founder is a friend. Curious to know what makes you think that? Sep 29, 2021
@rafafslv Learning through his own mistakes is the best way in my opinion Maybe dont be too focus on the short term, look at trend, make scenarios, have a plan I said maybe bc there are a dozens way to trade. Find yours. GL Sep 28, 2021
@DiGomorra I reply bc you said "excuse me" but read my feed it's not like I made 10k tweets I take everything into account: TA, onchain data, but today mostly market sentiment and trend Look at this thread Sep 28, 2021
@rafafslv I dont make "fast" trade anymore and I think it's a waste of time In a bull market: long the fear, tp in euphoria, repeat If the trend is uncertain: stay on the side or "gamble" on the break In a bear market: short any up or even better take vacations Sep 28, 2021
@BTC_doctor No Sep 28, 2021
@ConcretCapital Cheers man Sep 28, 2021
@cryptoaladeen Ahahahah I still have only one that I bought from you :) Sep 28, 2021
@cryptoaladeen Do you remember the first time i tried a patek, i directly took it off. But I like them more and more actually Sep 28, 2021
@iksnalog It’s weakness for sure, but everything could change so quickly in crypto Sep 28, 2021
@furious_known Have a plan, place bids, dont stay on charts Sep 28, 2021
Indecision is certainly one of the most exhausting character flaws as a person Same for markets and slow grind down is one of the worst PA Don't be exhausted by market indecision Sep 28, 2021
@ThomasRed70 @steve_hanke *papy Sep 27, 2021
@Katic_br Could be a good alternative, but not enough volume for me, so I didnt try and so I cannot tell you more about it Sep 27, 2021
@hakan_gms06 Yes, long big dips, then evaluate and reevaluate the trend Sep 27, 2021
@Se7e8 @MacnBTC Because not too many ppl over there speak english, the crypto taxes could change, it wont in Dubai and the crypto community is huge, I met great ppl that I consider friends, and then this is only place you can live like a millionnaire w/o even use a bank at all Sep 27, 2021
@trt3m @MacnBTC Look bad for Binance and great for FTX Sep 27, 2021
@MacnBTC with great pleasure bro Sep 27, 2021
@MacnBTC Plus, from what I know Dubai is considering to give the authorization to casinos that has already been built. Real estate back to the top Sep 27, 2021
@easyaspiedefi @VirtualQuery ;-) All in Sep 26, 2021
@OrfeasAndreou Hello, I think people overestimate the manipulation by big players, but it happens ofc. Then, you have to distinguish between smart money making smart moves and manipulation, but ok both make a lot of routes. Dont focus on it, look for patterns in rotation Sep 26, 2021
@lilylicoin @mangicrypto When I will feel it’s time About being wrong, i have a mental SL on my whole nw and idc what I think I will cut it all around it, take time off before coming back Tough game but i like it and carry on until i wont anymore Sep 26, 2021
@Roxis509 It’s kind of right until now. But there is no always, never, 0 or 100% in my world Sep 26, 2021
@painXBT @gainzxbt :) Sep 26, 2021
@rafafslv I cannot talk on something i dont do Sep 26, 2021
@ThisIsAponzi +1 Sep 26, 2021
@mas_aro Im talking to risk takers, so margin traders and/or speculative spot traders Sep 26, 2021
@tony_kan @VirtualQuery The best leverage in % depends of your nw, of the market condition, of your risk appetite and goal Sep 26, 2021
@_TraderDave_ I cannot say for you about coaching as i dont like it, but i really think learning and improving your trading skills even at this stage is worth it Sep 26, 2021
@KaretaKarate Im lev long for 2 month w big up and down and at this point i wouldn’t mind to not get filled Sep 26, 2021
@Day_VTweets Yeah ok keep stacking sats that is a better decision for most ppl. Im talking for the others Sep 26, 2021
@27fcrypto Standard. You have the right attitude imo. GL bro Sep 26, 2021
@WhatWhyTypeThis I used to be, i dont have the patience anymore Sep 26, 2021
@KirbyLarp Be focus on making the right bet in terms of risk/reward from your situation and expectation Sep 26, 2021
@LehmanCapital Cheers bro Sep 26, 2021
@mangicrypto Thats the way, if you keep losing, need to find another game Winners like to win and always want to win more, when not, it’s better to stop and move on Sep 26, 2021
@pintoelbajon It is te way, it’s not easy for sure, but it’s worth it and we are still in the right market to make it bigger. GL bro Sep 26, 2021
@CryptoWandererr @AkiraReloaded Thank you. Cheers bro Sep 26, 2021
@pintoelbajon I keep repeating that from the start and it has been the best decision to improve only from my own mistakes and listen to anybody I just say what i do here and dont want to say it is the right way. I share my way Sep 26, 2021
@AkiraReloaded Smart gamblers will rule the world Seat and watch Sep 26, 2021
@pintoelbajon If you have the basics in poker, how to make tough decisions w incomplete infos on a stressful environment, risk and bankroll management, it’s enough Better to not have to outperform in poker imo, your willingness to outperform in trading will be greater Sep 26, 2021
@orange399 Swing trade, i cannot help for scalping Sep 26, 2021
@VirtualQuery When i will lose it, I will keep holding spot, but find another game Sep 26, 2021
@AkiraReloaded It helps a lot, but i know succesful poker players that dont outperform in trading. Most ppl have limits, while in trading you can bet $10 or 1bn+, it’s a game for limitless people Sep 26, 2021
@rekt_by_futures For sure. But keep looking for the right bet from your situatition that fit w your expectation and always adapt from the market and from your expectations. There are a lot of ways to make it bc we are all original and different Sep 26, 2021
@rekt_by_futures I whish you the best bro. Dont give up Sep 26, 2021
Trading crypto is the best game. You can make and lose fortune in hours, it’s a way of life It’s a lot about mental to be comfortable being uncomfortable and engage all your nw whether you are small or big Need to start this when you are small, it’s not something you can delay Sep 26, 2021
@cryptoaladeen @TheReplyWhale Ahah cheers bro Sep 26, 2021
@SuperMoonMars I only lev trade btc eth and my spot stay concentrated Sep 26, 2021
@CryptoTopCaller @Sian82195617 They are here for that :) Sep 26, 2021
Placed my bids, going out to see flowers, too early for strip tease Kidding eh, it’s a good day to work out like a beast Have a good sunday bros 💪 Sep 26, 2021
@diaboleek @RookieXBT Sorry then, GL man Sep 24, 2021
@diaboleek @RookieXBT If you trade your savings and have a familly it’s clearly not the right spot to me and that’s what I meant, it was kind actually But I know many ppl will always say it is and it was easier for others and find excuses Sep 24, 2021
@Cryptosamee @RookieXBT Pretty tough spot tbh Sep 24, 2021
@KirbyLarp @RookieXBT GM bro Sep 24, 2021
@RookieXBT Wild is certainly the right word Sep 24, 2021
@RookieXBT Cheers bro :) Sep 24, 2021
I hope we will see a tweet pretty soon from @RookieXBT : bears are fucked But between the China situation and US that want to strengthening crypto regulation, it's difficult to see a clear bull market today That said, I added more. Dont copy me w your savings Sep 24, 2021
@CedricWang21 BTC or ETH is not the question right now, that said I still think ETH has huge potential, but also could be impacted by DeFi regulation Sep 24, 2021
@PussyInvestor @crypto_mansa GL bro Sep 24, 2021
@PussyInvestor @crypto_mansa ;-) may it bring you luck and success Sep 24, 2021
@crypto_mansa Thank you. GL bro Sep 24, 2021
@G7Rg2 It's not an advice, just what I would do If I had 200k I would not trade w leverage but instead seek for 2 projects that could explode If I want to lev trade, I would be spot in crypto + lev but how much really depends on the market condition Sep 24, 2021
I think it's time for me to stop having a daily variance of 20 million to buy a 3 million apartment, but rather to have a daily variance of 3 million and buy a 20 million apartment Let me think about that... well, NO Sep 24, 2021
@Chhedabob That's the way man. Well done. Sep 23, 2021
@1939xxx @UtopiaGenesis Hi, I didnt know about it so I cant say anything about them, but I really like the idea for sure Sep 23, 2021
@CryptoBabeHere And you still tell other what to do.. a smart babe as you seem to be find this normal Gn miss Sep 23, 2021
@CryptoBabeHere @_smiley_8 Do what makes you happy for sure Im not trying to convince ppl and you should not as well. Live your life Sep 23, 2021
@CryptoBabeHere @_smiley_8 That's right, but poverty lead to sadness to you and to your relatives But yes, you can perfectly have a fulfil life in the middle, even more in the middle than on the 2 extremes Until now life has been a venture for me, so the middle has never interested me Sep 23, 2021
@CryptoBabeHere Take a guess No for english Sep 23, 2021
@Cryptosamee My man. Cheers Sep 23, 2021
@CryptoBabeHere If you knew how I won my first money in this world, you wont say stupid things like this, but Im good and give you pardon Sep 23, 2021
@yabishii daily Sep 23, 2021
@BTC_doctor professional gambling is a lot about your own psychology Sep 23, 2021
@ficilan still eth sol Sep 23, 2021
@Chhedabob both spot and lev long im fearless more seriously, im not confident rn but still allin long Sep 23, 2021
Fear is good, it makes you alert to danger and protect you by releasing cortisol and adrenaline into your body, and then strength comes from overcoming fears Be fearless about fears (Im not in the market rn, still allin long so I share something else) Sep 23, 2021
@404notfound_2k Earth Sep 23, 2021
@404notfound_2k Because my country want 65% so they will get 0 Sep 23, 2021
@crypturco Nothing just a simple macbookpro Sep 23, 2021
@wickedwhaIe Thailand is nice and cheap to build a stack Sep 23, 2021
@StealthOperate Living my life on my own terms Sep 23, 2021
@uhnotinterested No insurance, no phone bills, changing sim card by country and top up w crypto debit card Sep 23, 2021
@cryptoaladeen Cheers bro. See you soon Sep 23, 2021
Ppl ping me to congratulate me to reached 1 billion, still 9digits. 1 bill = 1 bills lol Have only slept one night in the flat and left abroad so I even paid the elect bills :) Sep 23, 2021
@TheReplyWhale Ok i got how you know it, i think. Cheers neighbor Sep 23, 2021
@tradebutwhy @highlevKobe @ThinkingUSD @nomadcapitalist Yep just an idea to start digging, I should have specified it indeed Sep 23, 2021
@tradebutwhy @ThinkingUSD @nomadcapitalist Nope, I cannot recommend anyone as Im not US person Sep 23, 2021
@ThinkingUSD Ask @nomadcapitalist Sep 23, 2021
Now I own 1 apartment, have 1 bill, 6 watches. Big changes :) Sep 23, 2021
@ThinkingUSD Im not US citizen Sep 23, 2021
Living the life from bottom to top Paying 0% on capital gain No debt, no bills No ownership No alarm clock No responsability Travelling, trading Sep 23, 2021
@OrfeasAndreou @GibsonSGGG I can only talk about what I do and I dont do sport betting Sep 23, 2021
@realmatthewyao @mongreldoge Started 1y later. I cannot say this is the right way to do, just sharing what I did and it works well for me Sep 23, 2021
@JulienJRMARTINI @RuiCaoCooler @GibsonSGGG Im ok, lets have fun :) Sep 22, 2021
@RuiCaoCooler @GibsonSGGG For sure, private game when i come back bro Sep 22, 2021
@mongreldoge Yep but dont push it, wait until you think you find a real deal and bet big Sep 22, 2021
@GibsonSGGG Nope but i will maybe with @RuiCaoCooler if he want :) Sep 22, 2021
@BTC_doctor If i hear about a project that fit your need, i will ping you Dont be so hard to yourself, life is not easy overall, take the lesson and maybe it will help you, maybe even in something outside of crypto. GL bro Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT That’s the right mindset Cool talking to you. Cheers Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT Patience to bet big %wise is the key Then, everything is possible in crypto. GL Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT Yep but if you ask me, it was worth it and I would so the exact same Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT Actually my focus has started when i was small and it didnt stop even when i reached 9figs, in result it has consumed everything or close in my life so i try to equilibrate things rn Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT Thank you very much. Wish you the best man. We all need some luck at some point, so I wish you luck at the right time Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT Yep i know. Cool that you enjoyed some time off, it is not easy for me at least. Cheers Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT Thank you bro. Cheers Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT But yeah i used to order room service to stay on charts and saw so little from beautiful place, but it takes what it takes Sep 21, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @RookieXBT It was the other way these days actually :) Sep 21, 2021
@BTC_doctor Weed will help to delay the reality, not a solution. Find ppl who follow projects that allow small invest like avax which had 25k limit. Even if there is none rn, keep searching but for that dont smoke too much it is a killer of motivation Sep 21, 2021
@PainZec Not really tbh, but wasnt focus on the market these days and i need to be to see things more clearly Sep 21, 2021
@BTC_doctor Presale Sep 21, 2021
@a_fishing_pole @RookieXBT Im glad you find it, but i still stick to my strat to be concentrated Sep 21, 2021
@Old_Texh @RookieXBT You mean the same? Dunno what you re talking about i havent been in miami Sep 21, 2021
@RookieXBT I look forward. Cheers bro Sep 21, 2021
@RookieXBT What are you doing bro.. if you need to talk, do not hesitate Im here Well done!!! Sep 21, 2021
@Abu9ala7 Never, he and his quest must be stopped Sep 21, 2021
@marvin_2021 I finally clic play after 4-5 times in comes in my reply I stoped it in 20 sec, it’s not my life, i have a straight and frugal life except i dont look at any price and like to make few party w coke and girls per year Im a simple marginal guy and materials have never been a motiv Sep 20, 2021
@Omeh007 Im still kind of partying so i dont think i will decide tonight Have a good night everyone and GL Sep 20, 2021
@Omeh007 I dont look at it, just make gross calculation about my nw from what i see until I know how i want to play it Be focus on the money wont help you to make the right decision Sep 20, 2021
I wrote this tweet 4 days ago but kept it in draft as I was partying. The day after I rebought my spot and so I dont know how Im going to play it now But i think the idea is still interesting to share And before some ppl make dumb reply, it is not a call to sell or short Sep 20, 2021
« I dont have a strong opinion on Evergrande, but Im a risk taker and as such risk must include a reward This situation add a lot of risk in the market for zero reward and I decided to act accordingly » Sep 20, 2021
@Cryptosamee @MessariCrypto @John1wu @avalancheavax Dis lui que voir une pub sponso avec sa tête chaque jour sur twitter ca fait tres cardano Sep 20, 2021
@jabraham61 This is a personal decision and to me it’s not a question of digits, It was more about playing the game than making more money It will difficult to outperform if you are in scared money whether you have small or big capital anyway Sep 20, 2021
@whdrswns Every serious project is worth to invest if we drop big, the difference and choice is about the risk reward you are looking at Once you know the kind of bets you want, you can select some. Most ppl just ape on anything w/o thinking if it’s the right bet for them at that time Sep 20, 2021
@tomkerf Mina would be on my list to study if i was looking to make a big bet, but i dont know if it is rn as i havent followed it for a long time Sep 20, 2021
@RioJplz @ethcarry @Darrenlautf Than *me Sep 20, 2021
@RioJplz @ethcarry Yep Sep 20, 2021
@RioJplz @ethcarry I think sol and avax will be good bets if we have a correction If not, follow guys like @Darrenlautf he knows better than on new projects GL Sep 20, 2021
@RioJplz @ethcarry Absolutely not. I would target some projects / coins now and only bet big if we have a big correction If it’s not happening, i would study small caps with serious team but i cannot help you as i have stoped to look at everything Sep 20, 2021
@block_orphan @ethcarry It would be nice to think before writing the first thing that come to your mind Sep 20, 2021
@RickRsventures I think seriously in 2015 Nope i didnt do leverage at first, was waiting real good opportunity to bet big on alts but only spot Less you trade when you start better it is Sep 20, 2021
@RickRsventures It depends what kind of positions it is, if they are at risk, what is my plan about them etc Usually I always knew in real time how my posn is because i was betting big %wise and I was at risk Now it’s different Sep 20, 2021
@wallstreetinve3 @zhusu Maybe this is me who wasnt too much on twitter these days, but it seems there is a new wave of ppl in crypto and it’s not really glorious Sep 20, 2021
@RickRsventures Twitter and talking w friends Look at what happen in the market, what works, why, which project will benefit next Sep 20, 2021
@Josh_Kale I dont know because ì want to stay concentrated so i wasnt focus on new projects Sep 20, 2021
@mongreldoge Nope I put 70% of my nw in 2 ICOs in 2017 If I was starting again, I would do the same: waiting and bet big on ALTS Sep 20, 2021
@btcshaggy At my early day, i wasnt trading w leverage. I was waiting very good opportunity on ALTS to bet big spot Sep 20, 2021
@ethcarry SOL wasnt that hard to identify and on AVAX you needed to be reactive, but it doesnt mean there are a lot like this Anyway, my point is if was starting today or w small to medium capital I would not be in BTC or ETH Sep 20, 2021
@ethcarry Obvly I wasnt talking to long sol and avax right now, same for Su i think We buy and invest before it explode Sep 20, 2021
@kakakadandan lol Sep 20, 2021
@NetLijon SOL was a buy from 10 to $15 AVAX was a buy around $15 If you didnt see these opportunities, you do something wrong I have never bet small %wise Sep 20, 2021
Im surprised that many people seem to disagree with this With 5 to 7-8figs I would have put all in SOL, AVAX and their ecosystem or other small caps If you want to make it big, stacking sats and day trading are not the way Sep 20, 2021
@AvaxTrader @hirozaki2020 @coinmamba Im very close Sep 18, 2021
@python_trade I wont, will always male high stakes bets Sep 18, 2021
@Hoelottavodka I have made so different kind of bets that i cannot make a simple reply to that but If you long the fear in a bull market the best RR is 1.5 month Sep 18, 2021
@eyesonprice Only big bets count Sep 18, 2021
Even if I wasn't day trading I was following everything and always on charts, talking sharing w friends Im more and more not interested in the daily noise and plan to trade w a longer tf Time to invest somewhere else or make childrens? or party more :)? All 3 certainly Sep 18, 2021
@ACRYPTO12 No because I like FTX and I dont believe in copy trading. The way you trade must depend of your risk appetite, your stack and your personality Sep 18, 2021
@dylangassert Usually it was around 0.5 to 1.5 month so this one is the longest PERP I held. And if I want to increase even more the size I will have to play it even longer. I dont look at fees paid, only funding for obvs reason Sep 15, 2021
@OrfeasAndreou I’ve been doing this for years Sep 15, 2021
@tsarrast What I see is that early who was on the tech side dont care about the bigger picture and we lost almost all the others, guys like Erik Voorhees are exception Sep 15, 2021
@tsarrast It cut out middlemen, but it creates new one and I think if Bitcoin becomes money it will be muzzled by the state. At least, crypto is redistributing cards and I think new players will be better than the previous one Sep 15, 2021
I wasnt online these days. I imagine many turned bearish and some called 20k again Nothing change and on the bigger picture nothing will really change in this world Jack thinking Bitcoin will save the world is the funnier or stupidest thing I’ve read this year See you at 60k Sep 15, 2021
@BTC_doctor It's more about fear and greed than bear and bull. I didn't long because I was a bull at that time, but because ppl was in big fear. It's different. I think you was a bear at that time and shorted the market, instead to short when ppl was greedy Sep 11, 2021
@BTC_doctor My actual long has nothing to do with the ETF, I play the greed and fear of the market Sep 11, 2021
@Darwinocrypto Still bullish and still long. Things that could worry me is a tight monetary policy from the FED and a crash of the stock market, not the SEC Sep 11, 2021
@n3ocortex I correct for you dont short btc in a bull market fomo leverage trade invest money you need dos buy dips leverage long the fear in a bull market hold it's not that complicated Sep 07, 2021
@CedricWang21 185 on FTX Sep 07, 2021
The first crypto trading country Sep 07, 2021
@iBuyFUD Nope I added more I took my warrior hat Sep 07, 2021
Yesterday I said to a friend that it takes usually 1.5 month for people to get over bullish from fear and I should normally full tp here. I guess I got greedy on this one ;-) Sep 07, 2021
@iancassel Highest convictions deserve more than 10% Sep 06, 2021
@ficilan @nitflix88 @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto Still Sep 06, 2021
@ErikVoorhees Fuck politics Sep 06, 2021
@Katic_br You'll be liquidated w x2-3 long if you hold it for y, but you can margin long 30% correction (BTC) in a bull mkt and hold it for 1-2 months. It's the best risk/reward/time on your money possible You dont need to make a lot of trades to beat the market if you are holding spot Sep 06, 2021
@ethcarry It seems a very good point. Thank you very much bro Sep 05, 2021
@nitflix88 @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto Because of liquidity, but I didnt get where I am by trading BTC, not good enough RR I was 90% BTC and was trading ALTS to increase my BTC, now Im 90% ALTS and trade BTC to increase ALTS Always evolving :) Sep 05, 2021
@ethcarry I still think ETH has more upside potential than BTC, but find it hard to evaluate the impact of an ETF My plan is not switching to BTC right now, too risky ;-) but if ALTS continue to outperform BTC there will be a huge RR to swap to BTC at that moment Sep 05, 2021
@JayJayV16 @slapmylovespuds @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto Exactly, for example if Im not convince we could recover quickly or I have a bad BE, I wont average down If I dont have SL or invalidation points, I make a plan for each trade w different price scenarios and I evaluate the RR of each price level vs my nw Sep 05, 2021
@1939xxx @JayJayV16 @slapmylovespuds @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto It doesnt mean much, 1200 btc is ok if he had 3-5k btc. And if he lost it all, it's because he has no risk management to keep them all on one exchange For a small stack is understandable to take this risk for a short period of time, after it's greed Sep 05, 2021
@JayJayV16 @slapmylovespuds @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto Do you think I keep pressing the buy button ;-) Most of invalidation points are worthless w the way I trade. I do risk management and I constantly reevaluate the situation Sep 05, 2021
@riotpurpp Ok but Ethereum has still the biggest community of developers which is the most important at the end Sep 05, 2021
@rakkirong @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto I dont like this kind of generality and I dont have beliefs in general, it's better if you want to always adapting Sep 05, 2021
@rakkirong @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto Even when I was day trading in the last bear market and not w crazy size at all, I didnt use SL. I think the use of SL is one reason why successful traders are not increasing their size and stop to progress Only price matter is dumb for me, everything matter Sep 05, 2021
@slapmylovespuds @TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto I have never really used SL in my whole trading life and it would have be way more difficult when I was able to trade big size if I only know how to trade w SL as you cannot anymore w big position Sep 05, 2021
@TheCryptoDog @zhusu @LomahCrypto Investing and trading are different game. Personally, I like to average down in trading, but only on a strong asset in a bull market. And actually, I think to many small traders are losers because they use SL or too tight SL and don't know how to handle difficult spots Sep 05, 2021
@xihohorororo @Pentosh1 @KyleSamani Ahah ok big sorry then :) Sep 03, 2021
@MathinActionNFT Thank you. I will check it Sep 03, 2021
@SuckMyLiqCrypto Great. GL bro Sep 03, 2021
@DF_Taimou I expect BTC regain massive uptrend vs ALTS before or with the ETF announcement. I think before, but who knows I could perfectly be 50/50 BTC ETH, but Im gambler, so yes I will try to play the timing That said, i still have a quite big margin long on BTC since more than a month Sep 03, 2021
@MathinActionNFT Thank you very much for the link I thought for 1 sec you was talking about me about dishonesty :) That said, from what I read GG is really ok with bitcoin and consider the rest as the wild west Sep 03, 2021
I will switch 80% of my nw on BTC, but my gamble is about timing I think ALTS can still capture a lot of value before it happens, but who knows Then, for sure I will bring back my money on ETH to finance DeFi afterwards GL all Sep 03, 2021
The irony, Bitcoin saved from a flip by bureaucrats There is only few doubt now that an ETF is coming for BTC and the upside could be massive Even 3AC who was so bullish with their ETH trade seem focus on BTC Sep 03, 2021
@TheCryptoDog 🥂 Sep 02, 2021
@Locki_capital @gaitondia @Shakil79180114 @SilverBulletBTC @RAFAELA_RIGO_ @nebraskangooner @CapitalZob Nice. GL bro Sep 02, 2021
@CryptoTurnip @Blockworks_ Thank you, but Im not looking to validate the info, I would like to read more about it Sep 02, 2021
@Bitdealer_ yallah, let's rekt those shorters Sep 02, 2021
@Blockworks_ Do you have a source? cannot find anything. Thank you Sep 02, 2021
@ancientpolymath I know bro, it's just a kind provocation from my part Sep 01, 2021
@KermitEZPZ Lol Sep 01, 2021
@BTC_doctor you still didnt get that it's always better to find a spot to long this market than shorting Sep 01, 2021
SOL then ETH, Im exploding We want to decentralise your world Meanwhile, 1 BTC = 1 BTC if that comforts you Sep 01, 2021
@L3ixto Nope the postions have been reduced by 2/3 before the screen shot. I was long 1400 btc et 14000 eth Sep 01, 2021
@gillesCadignan Adam Back ping the SEC, he was not joking and wont have my respect Sep 01, 2021
@ochoa_eth @gamebre91979016 Yes and actually, if we have a real correction sept oct I plan to open a huge long on BTC in case if the ETF become a reality at the end of year or beginning next year Sep 01, 2021
@gillesCadignan God, I hope I wont have to be a Cardano or XRP maxi :) Sep 01, 2021
To be clear, I am a crypto maxi and dont care who will win at the end Shuffle up and deal Sep 01, 2021
@gillesCadignan @Louferlou @lemiscate @KLoaec Guys there is private msge for your memories Sep 01, 2021
@Louferlou @gillesCadignan Nope I was more on the small block camp, but I didnt like blockstream and their leader Sep 01, 2021
@Jimmy08323668 Maxis from both side are dumb imo Sep 01, 2021
@gillesCadignan BTC maxis are libertarian until they need to call the SEC. Shame on you Sep 01, 2021
@LeverageOn Yes this is what I think actually, but I like to provoke btc maxis and it works so well Sep 01, 2021
@gillesCadignan ahah it was an hidden joke for you bro. Cheers Sep 01, 2021
@mangicrypto I agree Sep 01, 2021
I hope that Bitcoin maximalists wont discover in the futur that the main goal of Bitcoin was actually to set up Ethereum We're building futur on Ethereum while Bitcoin maxis are still glad to buy pizza w BTC Sep 01, 2021
It appears that the most bullish part in BTC right now is Gary Gensler from the SEC who seems to be not far to the Bitcoin maxi side Yes, a Bitcoin ETF has never so close imho. But No, I wont swap my ETH This is my main reason: Sep 01, 2021
@Darwinocrypto Thanks. GL bro Sep 01, 2021
@Darwinocrypto 2/3 long from my past posn, but it was quite big, I feel good like it is rn and will only add if we drop big Sep 01, 2021
@TheCryptoDog True. I would to add that most maxis are way poorer in BTC than what you might think Sep 01, 2021
@Hoelottavodka Thing is, more your stack is big and more you have to play it longer. It is not possible to scalp 100m leverage posn for instance So yes, but the most rewarding length is 1 to 1.5 month average rn on this market Sep 01, 2021
@AndreCronjeTech @FTX_Official They make you tweet that without the need to pay you. Dont be mad. Sep 01, 2021
@udiWertheimer Thank you. I laugh so hard Sep 01, 2021
@BTC_doctor @ceterispar1bus Long when the majority of Binance is bearish and short when they are deep long Sep 01, 2021
@ceterispar1bus If NFTs will become big and a lot of business will emerge, they were actually contributing to the society NFTs are booming and it could be something, so the market reward greatly the early participants Aug 31, 2021
@aviator13371 @JuanderingETH Btw, it looks perfectly normal to me to not have strong conviction on Cardano ;-) Aug 31, 2021
@aviator13371 @JuanderingETH Too many people start a position without real conviction and in result they exit way too early Bet big on 1-2 projects you like and keep learning about it to build strong conviction Then, margin trade to increase your spot Aug 31, 2021
@pierre_crypt0 @RookieXBT I think this mentality could bring you back or it'll prevent you to exploit your true potential "Why am I taking so much risks if I just need few k to live decently" is not a winner mindset It's not game where you are connected with THE reality you're talking about Aug 31, 2021
@pierre_crypt0 @RookieXBT What is THE reality you're talking about? the one which has max consensus / with the most people? Aug 31, 2021
@udiWertheimer You must live in another metaverse than me :) Aug 31, 2021
@SplitCapital but but day traders are not agree with you man :) Aug 31, 2021
@Azdgn96 Done Aug 31, 2021
@Azdgn96 Bro, you need to fix things in your life. Do what you have to do to survive and to get out of this mess. There is not the law, this is just a law. Give me an usdc erc20 adr Aug 31, 2021
@JuanderingETH There is no hard set rules fixed forever, it must evolve with your stack and your situation as you cannot trade the same way with 10k, 1m, 100m Aug 31, 2021
@JuanderingETH Nope. I just noticed before this bull market I was buying selling PERP by batch of 100 BTC and now it is better to do it by 50 Aug 31, 2021
@JuanderingETH I would like to open as big as I can and stay flexible to easily sell if I have to. On FTX to me, it is 100-120m on leverage Aug 31, 2021
@Cryptos28126312 @hachi_eth You should not care what ppl think, do what works best for you. I have nothing against day trading, I just think it is not the optimal play in this game Aug 31, 2021
@liaison_wm I have only the need to keep a % of my pnl in usd for the variance of the current position Until I dont think a bear market is near and even in doubt, it is All In Aug 31, 2021
@QuodSemper @zhusu @kyled116 @AlamedaTrabucco @mcuban @bbands @TheSkyhopper @TheSkyBomber @VailshireCap @easyeight08 Always want to short BTC is a disease and the cure is liquidation Aug 31, 2021
@MrBD389 To better respond at your question and on this particular trade, trade that I've started at the bottom when many thought it was the beginning of a long bear market, the tp ideal would be when those ppl will have the certainties that the market could not crash 30% Aug 31, 2021
@MrBD389 That said, I added only 1/3 of my posn and I will add another 1/3 if we dip more around 42k Aug 31, 2021
@MrBD389 For the real trade. I long the fear of the market and usually tp when ppl who had fear are bullish/euphoric This is why I tp 2/3 of my margin trade at 49.8. I added since during the dip and the market is more healthier imo to continue, will see Aug 31, 2021
@MrBD389 First, it depends what you call a trade. I dont trade SOL for instance, it's a spot and a posn for mid long term. I will exit those posn when I think the price has grabbed most of the value futur of the project at this particularly stage Aug 31, 2021
@longdngg @Cryptialol I made a small mistake here, actually SOL represent 25% of my stack and ETH 60%, anyway I still dont intend to sell SOL in the very short term, ETH is an other story. I could also be 50/50 ETH & BTC, but I dont like these situation where I wont be completely happy or disappointed Aug 31, 2021
@KeyboardMonkey3 Sorry if it wasn’t clear, I was talking about outperforming Aug 29, 2021
@KeyboardMonkey3 Of course you can win at day trading, but you wont win as much as holding the right asset LT and increase your spot with margin trading. This is just my point actually Aug 29, 2021
To those who think you can win big day trading, tell me where are the 9 digits nw day traders in crypto? As I said, good luck to make x15000 in few years only with day trading, but what do I know :) Aug 29, 2021
@KnifeTipper @GiganticRebirth Cool story Aug 29, 2021
@afarukalbayrak It all depends of the market condition That said, Im not a chilling passive type of a guy Aug 29, 2021
@pintoelbajon Find your own way Make mistakes and adjust Make personal rules from your own flaws Aug 29, 2021
@gross_bit I trade on a simple macbook pro and sometimes on my phone Im not too focus on order book and entry price, more on price level, even when I had a small stack Aug 29, 2021
@22abfreedom22 @DRPIXLON I said to convert your leverage profit into your spot Basically, the way to win big is to have spot position for mid long term and trade w leverage small moves, then convert your pnl to increase your spot and finally try to exit not far from the top of the bull market Aug 29, 2021
@rags2richesm8 It depends of your conviction in the project. Do you have conviction when you buy a lottery ticket? i guess not, so it’s different, it must be different Aug 29, 2021
@MantasPetras I hope 80k ;-) but who knows Aug 29, 2021
@pintoelbajon I would find one or two people in the same situation as me and share infos Im not a fan to have a coach/mentor very early. And not a at all actually Aug 29, 2021
@explainwriteup It cannot be only that. Find where is hype. When 3ac invested in avax it was certainly interesting to bet on small caps on avalanche or find a project which is exploding to bet on the alternative. For instance, Band vs Link Aug 29, 2021
@bitcoinmystick If I could have been allin on one trade, I would never have lost everything at once. I would have cut before, then find less risky trade to grind back up Aug 29, 2021
@BoBtEhNuB Everything must have an impact on your strategy, the market condition, your finance, your personal situation, your risk tolerance, your goal, everything Have you considered leaving this hell.. I dont know what you can do or not, maybe ask @nomadcapitalist Aug 29, 2021
@Cryptosamee @FTX_Official Good memories Aug 29, 2021
If you have questions about trading and/or crypto, I will always reply. Except if I have already answered several times the same question. And no, I wont take the time to make a mega thread Aug 28, 2021
@aPaleHorseBurns It has always been my profile pic on other social network since years actually and I was getting fed up of the kid w money which was fun at the beginning Aug 28, 2021
@gillesCadignan attend tu vas gagner des followers LOL Aug 28, 2021
WOW 1k like for such basic tweet, I wasnt expecting that Most ppl around me are in crypto from a long time. Most are holding like 90%, 7% are trading, 3% outperforming, I would say Majority have fun staying poor as BTC maxi like my friend @gillesCadignan :))) Gn all Aug 28, 2021
@TraderA10C @GibsonSGGG That said i made x10 a lot of time but i wasnt allin my nw on 1 posn. I had spot / invest on other alts Aug 28, 2021
@TraderA10C @GibsonSGGG Leverage x3 when you are allin your nw on 1 posn is pretty big to me and more is too degen imho Aug 28, 2021
@madox_ham Yep except now i have a BE at 35k for BTC and 1600 ETH Aug 28, 2021
@GibsonSGGG I think i would wait spot btc or eth, find a new good project to be allin x3 on the ALT when btc is correcting big, with a plan of it goes wrong ofc Aug 28, 2021
@BTC_doctor Keep your money and take a break Meanwhile find a v good new project, when btc will have a real correction, this is when you must go allin spot on your alt and w leverage. No matter if the price goes up in the meantime, it’s about waiting the best RR moment. Make smart gamble. GL Aug 28, 2021
@rekt_by_futures Cool. GL brother Aug 28, 2021
@QuodSemper @h0st4obg Thanks but Im done with small cap Aug 28, 2021
@megazen66 Yes as you supposed to be smart Aug 28, 2021
@XBT4R I like watching 15 min, but planning my trade on the daily candle Aug 28, 2021
@hedgedbyzero Not too much actually :) Aug 28, 2021
@h0st4obg Simply because I love to take « calculated » / « gamble » risks. I love it man Aug 28, 2021
@ChartProphets @Buyislandnyacht Cool story. GL to make x15000 in few years scalping Aug 28, 2021
In my portfolio, BTC has the same weight as a random ALT BTC is boring in terms of evolution and reward I have to stop ruhm for today or it will have the pole position HSC is serious when it comes to bet BIG, the thing is the ETF gamble has started in my mind Good WE all Aug 28, 2021
@digivlad At least ETH could challenge BTC in mcap. Have a good WE bro Aug 28, 2021
@digivlad Thanks bro. The thing is there isnt too many corpos that put btc on their balance sheet apart saylor et musk and retail isnt coming anymore on btc. Meanwhile, ETH has big potential with POS and with all the things which is building on top of it. But I dont like to be fiftyfifty Aug 28, 2021
@digivlad Totally. But if there is an ETF on BTC and not for ETH it changes the proba imo. Fuck dunno if this is talking about that or the ruhm and both certainly, but my desire to switch BTC is growing. Bet BIG on a potential approval of the SEC is the kind of gamble i love Aug 28, 2021
@Cryptialol @longdngg Im waiting the SOL conf to better evaluate that Aug 28, 2021
@BTC_doctor Man, you succeeded once, you can do it again. Dont give up, maybe take a good break and come back later. Anyway, I wish you the best bro Aug 28, 2021
@seoulbtc As I get it, it show that potentially the SEC is ready to make an approval decision. But again, if I was convince a bit more, I will be allin BTC Aug 28, 2021
@longdngg @Cryptialol BTC is not enough risky for me and until I dont have more facts that the reward will increase, it wont be my major holding. 65% ETH 15% SOL. I hesitated to switch those % between ETH and SOL when I rebought spot, but I didnt Aug 28, 2021
@BTC_doctor I have more spot exposure to ETH and more leverage on BTC. If I would have more facts that let me think the BTC ETF could be soon, I will be all in BTC. Meanwhile, I still think ETH has better risk/reward, but I follow closely the matter Aug 28, 2021
BTC is King until a flippening That said, the SEC who ask to remove Ethereum ETF is very bullish to Bitcoin and show that an ETF could be approved pretty soon for BTC Aug 28, 2021
@0xObserver And here is another advantage to be concentrated. Even with a big stack I can exit re enter easily Aug 28, 2021
@0xObserver I think crypto is still the best performing assets, chance of a life time to make it big. I hope that the stock market and the FED wont fuck it up but I will have no pb to go full cash and wait better time to re enter if that’s happen Aug 28, 2021
@0xObserver Totally underexposed except if I think we could possibly be in a bear market and in this case I would be full cash With $400k, I would certainly be exposed over $1m in crypto Ofc it all depends of your risk appetite, mine is quite big Aug 28, 2021
@aviator13371 Do what you like of course Aug 28, 2021
@Anotherfishinth You do it the worse possible way Scalping with few k wont bring you anywhere and certainly not to chill Instead i suggest to find a new interesting project or wait real opportunities like when we knew 3ac invested in avax and embrace risks bc this is where there is reward Aug 28, 2021
@DrakeInvest @Buyislandnyacht If you are full time and not comfortable and dont have a family, fly to a cheap country and increase risk exposure Aug 28, 2021
@Buyislandnyacht Yes it is, but you wont win as much as holding and increasing exposure to the right assets There is a reason why day traders try to find other stream of income. It is repetitive and boring in the LT and you become a slave of the market and finally sell courses Aug 28, 2021
@willsdailyfeed The man on twitter say to make concentrated bets Less you have and more you have to be concentrated on new and risky projects More you have and more you have to be concentrated on big projects My view Aug 28, 2021
@Cryptialol No that's the point, I have a good 9 digits NW and Im still concentrated: 80% of my stack is on 2 cryptos Aug 28, 2021
It should be obvious, but Scalping and day trading wont make you rich Crypto in the right trend will make you rich Spot is for mid long term hold Leverage trade is to increase your spot posn by converting your profit “Millionaires diversify. Billionaires concentrate.” AT Aug 28, 2021
@AWice ahah cheers bro Aug 28, 2021
@mangicrypto I agree. A friend of mine and a very good tech told me few months ago it is the only blockchain interesting for him and he knows what is talking about. Now, 3AC is on it and the ecosystem seems exploding Aug 28, 2021
@mangicrypto I hold since ICO, not a large spot position but still Aug 28, 2021
The Solana Event will be eeeepic! Let's break $100 Aug 28, 2021
@ConcretCapital Bonsoir, i dont optimize anything, i have plenty of time. I dont know what tell you Aug 26, 2021
I wonder who bought the dip... Aug 26, 2021
@MathinActionNFT Of course man. GL Aug 25, 2021
@MathinActionNFT My mindset was to be patient to wait real opportunities and bet big and not grinding, which had killed my enthusiasm at poker And also, the will to never try to learn trading other than by myself, only through my own mistakes Aug 25, 2021
@MathinActionNFT I dont have TA bias and Im paying attention at market sentiment Aug 25, 2021
@grimace85 more srly, i dont know it's been a while i didnt check new alts, but have a look at low cap projects on sol or avax Aug 24, 2021
@grimace85 a sig sauer Aug 24, 2021
@highlevKobe @GiganticRebirth @lightcrypto @Captain_Kole1 @AWice Thank you and well done bro Aug 24, 2021
@btcmerlin1 @Evan_ss6 @RookieXBT Make me think i didnt reply to your dm. Live alone in nature 1y is a very bad idea as i become a dangerous person with loneliness Aug 24, 2021
@btcmerlin1 @Evan_ss6 @RookieXBT i wanna start painting bc i only enjoy activities with competition so i dont want to start w this mentality and dont care if im good or not and will def not study technique Well... i think i will restart boxing instead lol Aug 24, 2021
@btcmerlin1 @Evan_ss6 @RookieXBT Im serious even if i say that for 1y, but it will def not like alex monopoly Aug 24, 2021
@Evan_ss6 @RookieXBT I like painting like Francoise Nielly. I think about starting to paint actually, it will be about trading of course Aug 24, 2021
@RookieXBT It’s just a bit more of one nft you would have buy. Gn bro Aug 24, 2021
@Aidonaks @kyled116 I do what i want Aug 24, 2021
@kyled116 You have big positions and some illiquid and you hedge them when you have too. I dont call that have balls personnally, I just call that well done Aug 24, 2021
@Azdgn96 It is reductive. I take more elements into account than just charts, but at the end my gut feeling process everything, so you could say that Aug 24, 2021
I reduced my posn by 2/3. The market is bullish, but clearly this is not here I like to take risks. However, still long, I will add if we drop or tp 54k+ Thanks for playing Aug 24, 2021
@Chhedabob I was until few hours, I tp 2/3. I know it is bullish, but I was long 9 digits w big pnl and I prefer to secure a bit my position when everyone is bullish Aug 23, 2021
@cryptoaladeen You're all lucky, I just fold on this one. Titanium limited at 10 pcs, very high price. Let's see when I tp Aladeen. Cheers bro ;-) Aug 22, 2021
@JamesClear Most people who are too emotional cannot look attentively at facts Aug 22, 2021
@MeanHash @udiWertheimer Lol Aug 22, 2021
@burner65559266 @TheCryptoDog What I mean here is we knew / hoped they was going to come. Nothing more. Aug 21, 2021
@udiWertheimer @garrytan He's not really "amazed", but nice pirouette I have good friends who are maxis, but globally maximalism is about certainties and insecurity, nothing amazing Aug 21, 2021
@god_heals_you Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are Aug 21, 2021
@TheCryptoDog The plan has always been to dump on wall street and suits guys and there are still coming in Then, suits guys will dump on the broad retail This is what it is, but at least we front run the finance world so bad Aug 21, 2021
@ASZRX1 Ahah same Aug 19, 2021
@ASZRX1 @zolas_dad I think i’ve seen all of his fight, but will check this out thks Aug 19, 2021
@vwooster I will thx Aug 18, 2021
@RasseCrow Dekkers was on top when I started fighting myself so he will always be special for me. A true warrior. Aug 18, 2021
These fights Rodtang vs Haggerty are AMAZING, how I could have missed them. Reminds me Dekkers vs Prestia back in the day. Real fighters who give everything and show respect. Im done w UFC and their ego pb, back to the source. Muay Thai. Aug 18, 2021
@thecryptomonk Use your trading low tf to increase your holding Aug 18, 2021
@twocommapauper Aug 18, 2021
The Solana Event in Portugal will be epic. See you there SOL frens Aug 18, 2021
@Gold_Cryptoz @CL207 It could be my style, but this is not me Aug 18, 2021
@omo_Kaygee @GibsonSGGG @AreteTrading Nope Aug 17, 2021
@rekt_by_futures Aujd je dors bien merci car même si j'ai une pos de 9 chiffres, je ne suis pas en danger même si ca peut faire tres mal. Il y a encore un an une pos de 10m pouvait presque me broke donc j'ai passé des mois à me lever toutes les nuits pour checker Aug 16, 2021
@karamazov016 @ConcretCapital You can beat the market without that ;-) but self-awareness is very important Aug 16, 2021
@karamazov016 @ConcretCapital You need to try to understand why / from where your instinct tell you that AND put aside your emotions If you do that for years, you will understand it and will be able to use it correctly but yes good sleep is a must ;-) Aug 16, 2021
@ConcretCapital It's a big subject and Im too tired to think about it and try to summarise perfectly I think most ppl know how to correct their own flaws but they keep listen to their own "bullshit" Instinct: you need to be able to put appart your emotions to use it Aug 16, 2021
@oyashirosamaaa Do what works for you. If you are not comfortable being uncomfortable, dont put yourself in this situation Aug 16, 2021
@phil_geiger @cryptomanran Not every ALT want to become a currency as you seem to refer. Crypto is more a blue ocean than just trying to replace / becoming a simple currency Aug 16, 2021
@phil_geiger @cryptomanran You're lazy to do your own homework or your bias tell you that everything outside Bitcoin is a scam Aug 16, 2021
@tripleA_black @Omeh007 @kakakadandan @AWice No bc it wasnt a tip, each time i talked with the guy and i liked their mentality. I give to ppl who are struggling and fight Aug 16, 2021
@kakakadandan @Omeh007 @AWice Stay strong bro Absolutely every trader had bad times Aug 16, 2021
@Omeh007 @kakakadandan @AWice Done. Cheers Aug 16, 2021
@Omeh007 @kakakadandan @AWice You cannot DM me, but give here an usdc erc20 adr Aug 16, 2021
@Omeh007 @kakakadandan @AWice It has happened that when I won big and after few drinks, I gave 10-20k$ to the waiter :) Aug 16, 2021
@kakakadandan @AWice No. i gave enough to all my familly and friends. I dont want childrens and futurs childrens no longer want to do anything bc they have too much already, they have to earn it. They have to take risks Aug 16, 2021
@AWice Don’t spend, bet even bigger Aug 16, 2021
@CryptoZer0_ @zhusu I have a small long on doge, that's it Aug 14, 2021
@zhusu ZZZzzz Aug 14, 2021
@TheDiplomatic__ LT investments are focused on major trends reversal, not dips Aug 14, 2021
@gillesCadignan @MrHodl I HFSR :) Aug 14, 2021
@gillesCadignan @MrHodl This is the legendary dumb post you shared to me He think all ALTS want to be the new bitcoin. This is a noob post sorry. He just said what btc maxis want to hear Aug 14, 2021
@Crypto15205015 No idea right now, let's see how it goes Aug 14, 2021
@nasaComebackSZN @Gold_Cryptoz yes sorry thx Aug 14, 2021
@Thomas43882156 Experience Aug 14, 2021
When take profits? when you think there will be another leg up, it is actually often the best moment to do it For the record, i didnt tp, just reduced my exposition Aug 14, 2021
« Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it can go » - T.S. Eliot Aug 13, 2021
@cyrii_MM If you come by, let's meet. Cheers Aug 13, 2021
@depression2019 Cheers bro Aug 13, 2021
@depression2019 Still holding 💪 Aug 13, 2021
@TheCryptoDog @Bitdealer_ Cool. Let's meet bro Aug 13, 2021
@Bitdealer_ I will Aug 13, 2021
@QwQiao Jack and the vast majority of maxis are not libertarian Aug 12, 2021
@NorthmanTrader I would take the digital rock. No brainer Aug 12, 2021
@jacklo55 @aphextrio I dont know, maybe we could have more volatility these next few days. Always be prepared for all eventualities anyway I've seen you read a lot of my tweets and Im glad if it can help you GL Aug 09, 2021
Great trades never start from a comfort zone Aug 09, 2021
@aphextrio 🙏💪 Aug 09, 2021
@Gold_Cryptoz Thank you. GL bro Aug 09, 2021
The market chose to front run and reward risk takers What a beauty'full day :) Aug 09, 2021
@VirtualQuery It’s just numbers Aug 08, 2021
@mjjumpman88 My man! Aug 08, 2021
@kineticcrypto I dont care Im a gambler who just had 2 maccallan Aug 08, 2021
Many of my friends have tp here, I didnt. It looks an obvious spot to do it and I see too many ppl saying they will long the dip We either front run them and let a lot of ppl on the side again or possibly drop more than we think Rn +21m, hold the line Go big or go home Aug 08, 2021
@lawmaster All the happiness to both of you Aug 08, 2021
@Vincechase19 This is the end for them Still long Aug 07, 2021
@DavinciMacro On the road ;-) Aug 07, 2021
@Crypto15205015 @searomir @AltcoinPsycho @RookieXBT @KeyboardMonkey3 @mattysino Basically, I take everything i can into account: ta, onchain data, narrative, sentiment of the mkt..., make a scoring, then evaluate the risk reward and how i want to play it But yes narratives are v important in crypto Aug 06, 2021
@TraderFraz No fear to bet big is one. I'm gonna watch it again ;-) Aug 06, 2021
@TraderFraz Thank you. I didnt starting yet and hope I will Aug 06, 2021
@rentontrades I try to do a lot of sport for the mental When I had big losses that affected me (now I'm quite used to it and no longer in danger): I took a break between 3-7 days, doing sport and no joke I listened to this 10 times a day to get back on top mentally Aug 06, 2021
@DeFiGod1 Thank you I really like the game. I think too many ppl just want money w/o the downside (pressure, variance, total commitment) Aug 06, 2021
@ZamaBTC @RookieXBT Cheers bro Aug 05, 2021
@ZamaBTC @RookieXBT More :) Aug 05, 2021
@RookieXBT Soon bro, soon! Aug 05, 2021
@RookieXBT Cheers bro Aug 05, 2021
@ethcarry @Lo77eryWinner I thing the same. Most traders who focus on small move end by writing books That said, you can live comfortable by trading small move and writing books or whatever, on the other hand you can lose it all by taking big risks, but Aug 05, 2021
@Lo77eryWinner Totally. Variance is part of the game i play and i like it actually I wish you the best and luck Aug 05, 2021
@Lo77eryWinner @ethcarry I dont think there one way better than the other, it depends of the person The most common mistake imo is to think what makes you succeed is the right way for everybody and this thinking could hurt big when the world evolve Aug 05, 2021
@udiWertheimer @loomdart Lol Aug 04, 2021
@Nissoux_ ofc i manage these positions, but i dont try to do it on each wave Aug 04, 2021
@RookieXBT Dinner on you :))) Aug 04, 2021
@ResearchDenario @FP053 @inversebrah @terpy_crypto @john_j_brown And ofc it got me into few but very tough situations, but if you re not a crazy degen but a smart one, you avoid the worst and will learn a lot in trading and about yourself Aug 04, 2021
@ResearchDenario @FP053 @inversebrah @terpy_crypto @john_j_brown My desire to win (more) was way superior than my fear to lose Aug 04, 2021
@FP053 @inversebrah @terpy_crypto @john_j_brown I understand. Good luck. Cheers bro Aug 04, 2021
@FP053 @inversebrah @terpy_crypto @john_j_brown *have reached :) Aug 04, 2021
@FP053 @inversebrah @terpy_crypto @john_j_brown I had 6 digits nw at that time and wanted way more. I dont think i could reach 9 digits in few years without some big risks. You know, succes depends of the risks you take and your survival on the risks you avoid Aug 04, 2021
@terpy_crypto @john_j_brown And if i wasnt allin my nw on one trade bc i invested on alts, participed in ico etc the more leverage i have done is x10 Aug 04, 2021
@terpy_crypto @john_j_brown When i was trading allin my nw on one trade it was x3 Aug 04, 2021
@john_j_brown Cool story. Less you have and more you have to take risks. Ofc x100 look stupid, but dont tell me you got where you at by trading x1 Aug 04, 2021
I think most good traders arent huge winners bc they tp too early. When you win big and tp only bc you dont want to lose that money, you will never win huge. I still think v possible that the bottom is in. I tripled my exposition and will cut BE. Im freerolling to win huge Aug 04, 2021
@PeterLBrandt Cool story Aug 02, 2021
@MuroCrypto @TheCoiner5 @Cryptosamee @RookieXBT @Abu9ala7 @cryptoaladeen Thanks. You also inspire many by your authenticity. Cheers bro Aug 01, 2021
@TheCoiner5 @btcmerlin1 @Cryptosamee @RookieXBT @Abu9ala7 @cryptoaladeen @MuroCrypto Nice! Aug 01, 2021
@btcmerlin1 @TheCoiner5 @Cryptosamee @RookieXBT @Abu9ala7 @cryptoaladeen @MuroCrypto It was me, millions I see the bull and dont know about the bear, ask @TheCoiner5 about the art work Aug 01, 2021
RT @TheCoiner5: "@HighStakesCap & The Dubai Fam" NFT available now👇 Big tx to HSC for all the precious advices a… Aug 01, 2021
@TheCoiner5 @Cryptosamee @RookieXBT @Abu9ala7 @cryptoaladeen @MuroCrypto If there is a watch and crypto, we should put @cryptoaladeen Aug 01, 2021
@TheCoiner5 @Cryptosamee @RookieXBT @Abu9ala7 @cryptoaladeen @MuroCrypto ahah i didnt know about the coinmarketcap article :) This is Rookie who paid that bill, and Muro wasnt in Dubai, I just like the guy. Thanks The Coiner Aug 01, 2021
@btcmerlin1 I missed it bc there was 2 big dm, i will respond later Jul 30, 2021
@btcmerlin1 Yep the translation is so bad but i cannot blame them :) I hope everything is doing well to you bro Jul 30, 2021
@btcmerlin1 I dont know right know, but if i lose enthusiast i will find something else. That said i will always be involved in crypto, at least as a holder Jul 30, 2021
@btcmerlin1 ahah i didnt know you understand my native language ;-) I trade for the the game and Im not interested about material things (except watches from Aladeen:), so i will continue to make bigger and bigger bets w my nw, in crypto and/or in other fields Family would be nice Cheers bro Jul 30, 2021
@cryptopou You have to make personal rules according to your own flaws Make mistake, think about it, adjust, re adjust, re re adjust, and on and on Jul 30, 2021
@h0st4obg There is no work and retirement in my world, but it will quit when i will lose enthusiast or i will look for a more balance life bc of family Jul 30, 2021
@cryptocevo @needmorefiat Ok thanks and sorry i was on several stuff at the sale time Jul 30, 2021
@needmorefiat @cryptocevo You understand that i didnt say no one long resistance, but that common trading rules tell you that you shouldnt do it instead of when to do it and how Jul 30, 2021
@cryptopou if you want one rule that works: long dips in a bull market it is a bit too early to declare that the bull market is still on, but that's the reason chasing bottom could be so profitable if it actually is Jul 30, 2021
@RookieXBT It will be on me and all night♥️Cheers bro Jul 30, 2021
"Never long resistance" Cool story from ppl who trade w other people money or want to make trading books Jul 30, 2021
@buylowsellslow yallah bro Jul 30, 2021
@MarwanElhelaly Margin pls Jul 29, 2021
@DJclicker77 Yes i think and i kind of hope. I kept 50% to add if it happens Jul 29, 2021
@MarwanElhelaly Talk about what you did or planning to do smartboy lmao Jul 29, 2021
@tsarrast @econniceu yep relax :) except if I hadn't opened eth at the bottom, i would have opened btc way early. i take both into account. risk reward bro Jul 29, 2021
@bybitape69 @Vasilevskij2 @AWice @Pentosh1 Guys, maybe you should not follow anyone advice. A reliable person that you follow must count, but it's only a + Jul 29, 2021
I longed ETH 1750, BTC 39.3 (i targeted 35 but the mkt didnt give it to me) I will add 50% if we dip I will cut at my avg BE if I have to But if the golden cross happens, it is jackpot rn up 6m, and so it will be a 0 or a 50m+ trade Now tell me that chasing bottom isnt worth it Jul 28, 2021
@muratvary @Brakenome You're right, bad habits. I dont check what i tweet and i dont care about grammar, i juts tweet what i think Jul 28, 2021
@VirtualQuery Listen to the guy that is the more like you and have more experience than you. Maybe that's not me, you must know yourself first. I just tweet something that make echo for me. Good luck bro Jul 28, 2021
@Fibonacci_666 Exactly. Cheers my man Jul 28, 2021
Most of the money is made on the middle. Cool story from ppl who trade w the other ppl money or want to make trading books. Self made winners want it all Jul 28, 2021
@Brihhhhh1 @Again2Banbed @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer Hi, what can i say, it look bullish to me. Fingers crossed that the golden cross occurs in few weeks. That's my play Jul 28, 2021
@Gigimp1 I think listen w emotions when your emotion isnt aligned w the one who speak, is a disaster, especially in relationship, but good morning Jul 28, 2021
@allesnurzufall Ive never had, but i think it would be better to gain your own experience first Jul 26, 2021
@allesnurzufall Ive started poker w $100 You have 15, find something you're passionate about and start Good luck bro Jul 26, 2021
@allesnurzufall Im not a TA guy, probabilistic thinking and price action are the most important for me Dont fall for the common trading rules, make mistakes, adjust and find your own way Jul 26, 2021
@allesnurzufall The big money isn't made on the short term, that's why chasing bottom is a good play bc if you're right you can win huge I have no certainty that the bottom is in, but I play it and will try to triple this position Jul 26, 2021
@G_Pashalis Of course i will :) Jul 26, 2021
Was thinking to add all days. I feel so underexposed now that I guess I have to hold this small long until 17526 ETH Jul 26, 2021
@udiWertheimer @Again2Banbed @gillesCadignan Nice :) Cheers fam Jul 24, 2021
@Again2Banbed @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer Me. Have fun... Jul 24, 2021
@gillesCadignan Are you high or something... Stop ayahuasca bro or you will need to meditate 16h per day in myamar like Jack Jul 23, 2021
@daboloskov @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer ahah who is the next to reply, Pipor ? :))) Hope you re doing good bro Jul 23, 2021
@udiWertheimer @gillesCadignan Cheers bro :) Jul 23, 2021
@gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer I know that. Cheers bro ;-) Jul 23, 2021
@SatoshiThankyou @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer Fair luck is stupid. BTC was force to do it bc it was the first. Think harder Jul 23, 2021
@slashbin_FR @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer And how much if all those btc was then invested in ETH Have fun. Crypto maximalist here. Jul 23, 2021
@SatoshiThankyou @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer Im not bank and i hate banks. Move on Jul 23, 2021
@RookieXBT @gillesCadignan @udiWertheimer Me too my friend ;-) Jul 23, 2021
I remember a dinner w Adam Back and some bitcoin OGs few year ago. 3/4 of his conversation was about ALTS and he tried to convince us that TRON was "better" than Ethereum bc Justin recognized it was a scam They hate Ethereum for a reason, they are scared :) Cheers Gilles Jul 23, 2021
My friend @gillesCadignan is always making fun with me about ETH, a bit like @udiWertheimer is doing with all CT Let's remind them that 1 BTC invested in the ETH ICO is now worth $4,000,000 And they say have fun staying poor. lmao Jul 23, 2021
@AWice ppl who wanted to sell & quit have done it ppl who want to buy back have not done it ppl who will sell lower will buy back And there are far more strong hands than 2017 There is risks (china, regulator, stocks) but long support was a good RR to me and that's all that matters GL Jul 22, 2021
@AWice Be careful to not make the same mistake on the opposite side Better say i dont know about short mid term than trading with certainties The thing is, btc is a structurally bullish asset, i still prefer long support, cut BE or close if i have to and re long lower / reevaluate Jul 22, 2021
@tradeitupordown @BullishKid Thanks for Zero. I would add Top Boy Jul 22, 2021
@Lrng2Compound @TheCoiner5 You have to like it and it's not for everybody as most people want peace of mind when they go to bed Think about it as a fight you want to win. Do sport almost everyday, eat healthy, have a stable life (most of the time at least) Jul 21, 2021
@TheCoiner5 Bigger and bigger bold bets. Still think about it :) Jul 20, 2021
@teslacrypto When you are motivated or focus on a goal you dont ask yourself why, you dont need to I cannot say he's wrong ofc, it's just not how i approach things or i do most of it naturally start to get late here, nice talking w you. gl bro Jul 20, 2021
@teslacrypto It depends of who you are, but i think discipline is for the average. The fuel is ambition and personally I will lose enthusiasm with too much discipline and actually the will to outperform auto regulate myself. At the end, do what works for you Jul 20, 2021
@teslacrypto i want to add it could also be way less than your expectations and it could be ok. The most important to me is to live life on my own terms no matter what Jul 20, 2021
@teslacrypto 100% agree w that, i mean the goal is to push as far as you can without losing enthousiasm and it is limitless (in terms of figures) Jul 20, 2021
@teslacrypto Maybe dont put target in your mind Jul 20, 2021
@lawmaster Cheers to that :) Jul 20, 2021
@CanteringClark Soros doesnt take risk directly with all his nw, for me that’s kind of a retreat Jul 20, 2021
@CanteringClark They are absolutely the same Jul 20, 2021
The game is to quit at your top So many athletes, players, traders, slow bleed in their field once they reached their top My goal is to quit at my top and find another game GL all Jul 20, 2021
@patrickniddrie I didnt quit at the top and i dont think it was the top, Im in Jul 20, 2021
How to reach the top: « i dont want anymore to do it» then, you push again and again without losing enthousiam Once you lose enthousiasm, it’s time to quit and if it’s close to your top, you’re lucky I love luck Jul 20, 2021
@RookieXBT Im with you my friend Jul 16, 2021
@asdfshort @insiliconot i do money mngt from my entire nw not from a trade and not from charts Jul 15, 2021
@eagle1677 I dont like everything he does and say and bro i dont care about my nb of followers, do what you want Jul 15, 2021
@Chakingo2 Life is a venture and having materially everything could be a step but def not a goal. Being humble is nice but it’s overrated. Conor is a genuine person with his flaws Jul 15, 2021
@asdfshort @insiliconot There is not point to trade actively imo except for day traders and I wont trade bear markets Jul 15, 2021
I dont tweet because I dont trade actively, but still holding my long for weeks. I dont care that Conor has bad behavior and that he’s not the best anymore, Conor is a King and Kings reconize Kings Special thoughts to my friends in Dubai Jul 14, 2021
@lawmaster @svrnco @austerity_sucks Actually i lost a lot and decided to take some time off, but im far from « burned ». I hope to see you in october man Jul 05, 2021
@DiscoCrypto Im long without convictions about the trend and thats why im still in vacca. When it will change i will tweet again. GL bro Jun 28, 2021
@DiscoCrypto He is since yesterday, but sill in vaccaciones Jun 28, 2021
@BOGDI_BOG Cheers bro Jun 08, 2021
@dukunbitcoin Nope tp few days ago and im 90% cash, i was on vacations from trading w a posn and im still on w/o a posn Im waiting better spot to push big Jun 08, 2021
@Abu9ala7 Love bro Jun 08, 2021
@twocommapauper @LepreCoiner What is marbs ? Jun 08, 2021
@LepreCoiner @twocommapauper Cheers man Jun 08, 2021
@twocommapauper @LepreCoiner Ahah im in spain bros :))) Jun 08, 2021
@btcmerlin1 If you live in NY dm me, im planning to come pretty soon Jun 08, 2021
@KaretaKarate I need a clear bear market for that Jun 02, 2021
@jacquesmarron @yatchparty Still long, but still in vacations Jun 02, 2021
@cryptoaladeen @Abu9ala7 Yallah guys May 27, 2021
@yatchparty yep only leverage, didn't buy spot May 23, 2021
oups Im long now May 23, 2021
@shr3der Im officially on vacation May 23, 2021
@Cryptradamus No. Too much uncertainties for me. It could be an opportunity if you seek for the maximum risk reward Few years ago, I would be allin rn, not now GL May 23, 2021
@xander9881 We will for sure in the next bull run May 23, 2021
@LlcapoLoki I have no idea and don't listen to people even in my circle May 23, 2021
I also think this isn’t about retail panic It could really be the floor, but nobody knows actually May 23, 2021
@BitcoinBoxing @salty8gg No i dont hedge May 22, 2021
@iksnalog Thank you man. Cheers May 22, 2021
@iksnalog Bro, Ive never said A and do B in my whole life Im not sure about the market rn and just counter trade myself, this is all i can say Im cautious for sure May 22, 2021
@VLKist Not the first time it happens I will come back on top in 1 month in 1 year I dont know, but what I know is Im resilient no matter what Wish you all the best May 22, 2021
Few hours ago, I was about to tweet what Ive always said... « I wont trade during a bear market and I will have my private pilote course soon » So, I decided to counter trading myself Suffle up and deal May 22, 2021
@KaretaKarate @ThinkingUSD Lost huge but im still here and long Stay safe and strong bro May 19, 2021
@ThinkingUSD Nice words mate May 19, 2021
@CeeeCeeO Stay strong man May 19, 2021
@jackslapped1 I trade big size with small leverage May 19, 2021
"In victory, you deserve champagne. In defeat, you need it" ― Napoleon Bonaparte May 19, 2021
@sierraftx Fuck no, im a gambler May 17, 2021
@Brian51271581 The most important thing isn’t math but self awarness, be honest to yourself and adjust accordingly Ok im done here. Wish you all the best May 17, 2021
@HelloJacksong Trading difficult spot when my mental was fucked up May 17, 2021
@Nissoux_ I dont short in a bull market at all and i dont think i will short a lot if we have a bear market. We trade on 24/7/365 market and need mental break May 17, 2021
@HelloJacksong Do not listen to anybody, find you own way May 17, 2021
@AshleyW03030489 Have the same life, except i dont look at any price May 17, 2021
@AshleyW03030489 Time/experience May 17, 2021
@BuildingUSD I bet big right away (most of the time it works) if not, i take several day off close to a week, doing sport and get back mentally on top Pay attention at your dopamine level when you win or lose and make personnal rules from that Very important May 17, 2021
@styt12332 Holding a losing allin trade for weeks, it changes everything after on my ability to handle pressure May 17, 2021
@DigiVlad I dont hedge anything, i like taking risks and im not going to change anything if i dont have to May 17, 2021
@bit_belisarius I dont think so but who knows, i focus on key levels and price action, for the rest i hold as im a crypto believer May 17, 2021
@DfsDinkleberg @cette_adresse @AWice @sowzeli There is no easier time than today. Do it and gl May 17, 2021
@DfsDinkleberg @cette_adresse @AWice @sowzeli Nope i turn 20k and lose 2/3 of it with mtgox and co to 300m For perspective in late 2016 i had only 100k and beginning 2017 i had 500k and was trading allin on bitfinex May 17, 2021
@DfsDinkleberg @cette_adresse @AWice @sowzeli Ahah such memories there May 17, 2021
@KaretaKarate If i lose i go for another game as you should do May 17, 2021
@NoobTrader15 @cryptomocho Fuck yeah May 17, 2021
@mortyincrypto If i have to make something it will be a movie about retail traders. The « Rounders » like about trading May 17, 2021
@makman8021 To outperform you have to be there for the game not the money May 17, 2021
@Raakeshhhhhh Find your own way Every ppl that outperform dont follow anyone and not follow blindly the rules Make mistakes from scracth and adjust May 17, 2021
@mortyincrypto It takes 1y to explode if you have built experience before May 17, 2021
@AttalGems It was tough and for a lot of external reasons Resilience is key May 17, 2021
@VentureCoinist @abzybrah I dont like to make itw so i will only make few when i reach 1bn if you are interested, then go back to the game May 17, 2021
@shr3der I think today you could make it faster than me as there are so many opportunities When i start there are only few alts and a lot of risk. Ive been through mtgox, mintpal, cripsy, bitfinex hack/exit scam. Today is so mich easy to start May 17, 2021
@davedavidtweets Do not worry, you wont have this pb if you say that May 17, 2021
@GibsonSGGG Wait to go allin May 17, 2021
Ok so... I bought 100ish btc in 2013 At first, i wanted to create a bitcoin startup, never did, then i made crypto conf, start trading spot in 2015, margin in 2016, lose huge in 2018-19 and explode again in 2020-21 Previously: entrepreneur, mid stake pro poker player May 17, 2021
@TheBootMex So obvious bro May 17, 2021
@justanindividu1 Such alpha lol May 17, 2021
@efestrikesback You shouldnt average down, you doesnt seem to have what it takes May 17, 2021
@0xvzf @iPalmer187 Price action and key levels is all what matter May 17, 2021
@sowzeli You should x10 your net worth only on a 30%+ drop from ath At the beginning i could wait a month to enter a trade Wait for the best opportunity and bet big. You’re not going to explode by making a lot of small trades GL May 17, 2021
@scipio_nl Exactly May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021
Average down works May 17, 2021
@CryptoKaleo @Dogetoshi Im long and I dont think this is the top That said, previous btc top was drived by retail fomo, Im not sure we can compare them as newcomers seem to focus only on alts I wouldnt be surprised to see only an euphoria top on alts actually, but who knows... May 16, 2021
Make the bull market great again May 16, 2021
@Andi27128534 @PatekBTC You can ask, it doesnt bother me but i wont give details for obvious reasons Dont copy me, if you want to make it and not just hit and run, you need to find your own way May 15, 2021
@PatekBTC Still long and have a lot of orders below GL May 15, 2021
@buylowsellslow I am May 15, 2021
@VailshireCap @elonmusk The right question is what is the value of DOGE with Elon Musk as chief marketing officer? May 14, 2021
@cheemsbrah Fear and greed, some charts and key levels, and everything that could matter May 13, 2021
I think the Elon news is pretty bad short term I dont like the price action I was not comfortable with the market since days So, I long (Dont copy me, you may not have my nerve) May 13, 2021
Started with 20k, currently 300m It’s nice to be on top of the leaderboard, but same as my nb of followers, i dont really care Will answer questions, next time i have few drinks. Need to be focus on the mkt now as you should be May 11, 2021
@pietrogarzione @TheCoiner5 @btcmerlin1 Hi, I cannot answer for you as it depends of your risk preference and your capital & goal That said my advice would be to wait for real opportunities. Solid projects to invest in presale and/or 30% correction on btc eth to margin long GL man May 11, 2021
@jpZT4NK Hello, it’s an exit strategy. More we advance in the bull market more i want to be concentrated in few position. That said i dont want to exit but buy back lower May 11, 2021
@TheCoiner5 @btcmerlin1 Thank you for the kind words. Keep it up bro 💪 May 09, 2021
@btcmerlin1 Thank you, wish the best bro May 08, 2021
@Abu9ala7 Cheers friend 🤝 May 08, 2021
ETH... yallah! May 08, 2021
@abzybrah @TheBitcoinZen @TradeOrInvest @iancassel Of course not. I meant the sizing of a trade and the potential loss (mental SL) is calculated from my whole stack At the beginning of the cycle I was long 200%, then 150%, now it’s more 130% as we are closer from a top, but it’s calculated from my whole stack May 07, 2021
@GibsonSGGG @AreteTrading I dont trade SOL, I hold "Spot Selection" means that I reorganized my portfolio and I have only 2 big spot positions ETH and SOL May 06, 2021
@gillesCadignan @Cryptosamee @gegelsmr @Ben_BitConseil @bfmbusiness Dont worry im not in the stacking sats camp like you :))) cheers man May 05, 2021
@gillesCadignan @Cryptosamee @gegelsmr @Ben_BitConseil @bfmbusiness Do you understand what imply permissionless... Btw nice the pic mon Gilou 👍 We will make party when i come back. On me. Get some sleep bro! May 05, 2021
To be clear, it’s a bullish tweet Im long BIG and my stack is concentrated Take it as a game you want to win and acknowledge most will lose GL May 03, 2021
Momentum, Nice PA, Euphoria, low funding rate... all of these could lead to blowoff the whole market Think about it right now. If/when the mkt blowoff you wont be able to Im not saying to tp a part, that’s seems weak to me rn, Im saying to think ahead and have a plan May 03, 2021
@loubatzo I dont plan to tp at all my spot before 10k, but will see That said, I will tp my margin long before that and as usual will wait for a dip May 03, 2021
@CryptoWandererr Very possible, but I think many ppl are going to get rekt bc they think it’s up only now May 03, 2021
@cryptoaladeen ohhh really happy to hear that brother May 03, 2021
The point is, ladies and gentleman, that speculation -- for lack of a better word -- is good Speculation is right Speculation works Speculation will skyrocket the ETH price, it will capture and reallocate the dumb money to solid projects during the bear market May 03, 2021
Spot Selection: ETH, SOL Sizing: All-in Timing: Now Still holding margin longs on BTC ETH from previous dip “Millionaires diversify. Billionaires concentrate.” @AreteTrading May 01, 2021
With the explosion of DeFi and NFTs, it could be the new crypto narrative in the media Im wondering if/when the big BTC buyers as Microstrategy and Tesla are going to hedge their BTC bet to ETH Apr 28, 2021
@VailshireCap Where is Salesforce Apr 27, 2021
@CashOSank I’d say to myself: this game is tough and what happened to me is part of the game. I need to stay strong, overcome the frustration and focus on taking the best decision at when to reopen it if i think i have to Apr 26, 2021
@Renox70514639 @Lrng2Compound @wickedwhaIe Yep its a way bigger pos now Apr 24, 2021
@BOOGY54389193 Still in, underwater Apr 23, 2021
@cryptojarry Not an easy one, but its rarely easy at first No squeeze as too many people are on the side, it could bleed for weeks if the momentum isn't going back For now, I hold and added on eth Im going to bed w open orders below GL Apr 22, 2021
You cannot test Apr 22, 2021
@VentureCoinist @tradebutwhy Hi Luke, I didn’t receive any DM from you, but I note your invitation Apr 20, 2021
All these small sellers must not know that we’re going to know which corpro(s) bought BTC in Q1 Follow @MacroScope17 Real bitcoin bulls have no fear Apr 20, 2021
@TheBitcoinZen I could make 200m or 1.5bn monthly volume, it depends how I want to play the market. But I only do directional trading and margin is only on FTX, no hedge account somewhere else Apr 20, 2021
@AWice Thank you bro ! Apr 18, 2021
@AstonMartinICON @AlgodTrading Btc eth perps are liquid, i dont use their otc desk Apr 18, 2021
@cryptopabloX @Lrng2Compound @wickedwhaIe We already had one in January w 34% correction from ATH Apr 18, 2021
@cryptopabloX @Lrng2Compound @wickedwhaIe Im ideally looking for 30 to 40% correction from ATH. There were 7 during the 2017 bull market Apr 18, 2021
@cryptopabloX @Lrng2Compound @wickedwhaIe I dont know right now. It's still not a big correction from ATH, so I stay cautious Apr 18, 2021
@Abu9ala7 Cheers brother Apr 18, 2021
@Lrng2Compound @wickedwhaIe Im not as big as I wanted but still ok Apr 18, 2021
@wickedwhaIe yep bro Apr 18, 2021
It's not a question of enough, pal. It's a zero-sum game: somebody wins, somebody loses. Money itself isn't lost or made, it's simply, uh, transferred from one perception to another. Like magic. Apr 18, 2021
It's a dip guys :) Apr 18, 2021
@rekt_ByFutures Last cycle i was day trading but it wasnt really worth it. Better to stop trading, take vacations, look at other investments and come back later Apr 17, 2021
@satsdart Spot bro, I dont swap for usd until i think the bull market is close to the end Apr 17, 2021
@btcmerlin1 I converted a part and kept the remaining in usd. I have enough spot exposition rn Apr 17, 2021
@raffael14786997 Im big in spot, thats why I will be comfortable even if the market up from here. I dont try to margin trade every move Im a bit cautious w alts rn but maybe i shouldnt Apr 17, 2021
@crypto_relief I missed the doge mania. I have no view on it Apr 17, 2021
@KeyboardMonkey3 Actually i dont know if the pullback is imminent, i just think that the risk reward isn’t so great anymore for me Apr 17, 2021
@dukunbitcoin This is long the fear in a bull market Apr 17, 2021
People are asking me in DM if I still hold my longs from 28 feb Nope I TPed at 62.5 and 2420 eth for +28m, paid 4m in funding (it wasnt a crowded trade when I took it) Even if I think we could go up from here, Im waiting for the next big dip to relong This is how I trade Apr 17, 2021
@TheBitcoinZen @TradeOrInvest @iancassel Correct But to me, if I have 10k spot and a 10k leverage pos, I consider to be long 200%. Doesnt matter the leverage on the exchange as I do risk management with my entire stack Apr 16, 2021
@gauravdahake Yep Apr 14, 2021
@AlanC_181 @Highstakecap Pretty obv bro, he’s fake, nobody follow him Apr 10, 2021
@satsdart Thanks bro but not my style. I like to take big risks when most people hesitate and/or are in fear When the market is retarded it’s a red flag, stay strong and keep your conviction Apr 09, 2021
@thehumbleoracle Scroll down my feed Apr 09, 2021
@ef1r11 *podcast Btw hope you are doing good bro, dont give up it will pay Apr 09, 2021
@ef1r11 I share some thinking here (and sometimes pnl when im happy), but im not interested about writing, teaching, doing poscasts or whatever. I trade, that’s it. Apr 09, 2021
As soon as you understand that trading is more about testing your character than anything else, as soon you will focus on what matter: rational thinking and mental I dont do TA, I dont use tradingview Dont focus on reducing risks, seek for the least crowded trade Apr 09, 2021
@AWice Take care bro Apr 08, 2021
@RookieXBT own your capital Apr 07, 2021
@CryptoHornHairs Margin long 1bn Apr 07, 2021
@kyled116 Maybe this is how you could build an empire, by organising all these Apr 06, 2021
@ShaneAParrish Or they just dont want to take the time to answer all the further questions that will follow Apr 06, 2021
@RookieXBT ""-:¦:-•:*'""* Happy Birthday •-:¦:-•:'''*:"" Apr 02, 2021
@TradeOrInvest @iancassel Cool gl Apr 01, 2021
@TradeOrInvest @iancassel Buy presale and/or hold spot speculative alts. The most important is to know where we are in the cycle and understand trends. You dont need to make a lot of trades to outperform the market Apr 01, 2021
@TradeOrInvest @iancassel Lets say your stack is 10k and you have 1k on ftx *10, so a 10k margin long position. You are not *10, you are actually long 200% Apr 01, 2021
@TradeOrInvest @iancassel If your stack is small vs your ambition, less than 300% of your net worth is a lack of balls. When you reached a good level vs your ambition, 200% long is very good and standard. Then, I would say 150% is fine Apr 01, 2021
@HodlUnder @iancassel Not your position, your loss. Big big difference, and i would say 30-50% is ok if you know what you are doing Apr 01, 2021
RT @iancassel: Every position should have the potential to move your whole portfolio if they work big. This game is too hard to not allow y… Apr 01, 2021
I see some traders talking to long now. What is the part you dont understand in « long dips in a bull market » Until we aren’t in the overbought territory of the S2F model and MVRV Z score, I dont see good reasons to stop That said, each one has his own style Mar 30, 2021
Going back home after a great night talking crypto and stuff with @RookieXBT @Abu9ala7 @cryptoaladeen @chatwithcharles @MrJ11m @Cryptosamee cheers guys! Mar 22, 2021
@hemlock__ Noted. Next time we will ask golden glasses on the boat, thanks Mar 20, 2021
@nicopollux @Cryptosamee He’s here :) Mar 20, 2021
ETH to the moon Mar 20, 2021
@KRMA_0 @DC_GIG @WisElement was in the boilers industry before Bitcoin and the founder is a real bitcoiner. A risky bet, but I think if someone can succeed to decentralize mining this way, it’s them Mar 09, 2021
@BTC_Sucellus Yep but their solution is still the best one. Don't mix everything Mar 09, 2021
@DC_GIG The first one was FTX The second one was a french startup that develop a solution to put miners in boilers Mar 09, 2021
My third equity investment in the space Komainu is a joint venture between Nomura, Ledger and Coinshares that will allow more portfolio managers to invest with confidence in crypto Mar 09, 2021
Don't follow *blindly* the common trading rules. To outperform you need to find a successful way to do what other don't Mar 08, 2021
@Lrng2Compound Certainly not by reading trading books as Ive never read one To me trading is 80% psychological and 20% technical, most people focus on the 20% Find your own way, make mistakes and adjust w/o listening to anyone even me as I dont know what will work best for you Mar 08, 2021
If you want to succeed from nothing, dont look at a balance life. You have to go allin, but need a plan if it goes wrong Risk management is taking risks and manage it. It is not the suppression or the reduction of risk If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it Mar 05, 2021
@RedSpecialAgent @Cryptosamee @Dark_Emi_ Yeah too bad for them, I hope EIP 1559 will be passed w/o pb and BAM brother Mar 05, 2021
@Cryptosamee @Dark_Emi_ Emi will be part of our fuel If he gets broke, he will always have a guest room in the citadel for his sacrifice And bro, if you have to die, die being long in a bull market like a man I miss you all. Cheers Mar 05, 2021
@RedSpecialAgent @Cryptosamee @Dark_Emi_ The goal to many ALTS like ADA is to get them overrated vs BTC to sell them for more BTC ETH, not shorting corn c'mon Mar 05, 2021
@Cryptosamee Stop being brain washed by Emi bro Compare the mcap of Gold w the futur of Gold, who cares about ADA and SG Shorting a bull market is an offense and will be punishable by financial death Mar 05, 2021
@satsdart @SalsaTekila @loomdart @BitBitCrypto Thank you bro Mar 05, 2021
@LyserKata I dont like to be submerged w too much infos, so I get all the important facts just by following some people on twitter and by talking with some crypto friends Mar 05, 2021
@Gold_Cryptoz @zhusu I think Su is right, I just doubt that there won’t be a bear market Mar 05, 2021
See the panic just w few words of Powel and you think this bull market will last several years w/o a bear market... (I think Ill get my private pilot license at some point) Mar 05, 2021
@TraderMercury Cheers mate Mar 04, 2021
@TheCryptoCount Exactly Mar 04, 2021
I've seen on a forum that people think Im bearish w my previous tweets while I was just thinking about plausible ahead scenarios There is a macro risk and if stocks correct, BTC could follow, that said coinbase pro still accumulate at this level Im full spot and lev long Mar 04, 2021
@RookieXBT Im not agree with that. I think too many people aren’t big winners because they are too afraid to lose Lose aversion creates risk aversion You’ll be afraid to take risk when you have to, you will tend to TP too early and worse, you might not want to cut your lost Mar 04, 2021
@CardanoBullRun @Renox70514639 Bro, I've never made a tweet to say negative things to anyone or to any project. Check it. But if someone asking me what I think about it, I say what I think Mar 01, 2021
@CardanoBullRun @Renox70514639 Vs ETH at $0.3 to $1550 :))) Mar 01, 2021
@Renox70514639 Hoskinson left Ethereum bc he wanted VC & formal governance -> red flag Cardano has very few active developers compare to other -> big red flag I don't want to touch it Mar 01, 2021
@raffael14786997 Your strategy depends of your style of trading and personality. I dont believe that one fit all Stay safe = risk management Dont give up = keep your convictions = long Feb 28, 2021
More srly johnson&johnson's vaccine got approved by the FDA and the herd immunity could be sooner than expected, so the market will anticipate the moment when the FED starts to slow down its purchases. Stocks and BTC could crash and V shaped in Q2-Q4 Stay safe but dont give up Feb 28, 2021
Bulls & me are like... This is where we fight War is won with heart and courage Cut, relong, cut, relong, never give up Real Bitcoin bulls have no fear Feb 28, 2021
@Cryptosamee Only sport today, but cheers Sami Feb 28, 2021
Hey, stay positive, pal Most people, they lose,they whine and quit But you got to be there for the turns Everybody's got good luck, everybody's got bad luck Don't run when you lose.Don't whine when it hurts It's like the first grade, Jerry Nobody likes a crybaby Feb 28, 2021
@dukunbitcoin I would have only 100 btc if I would have only hodl Feb 28, 2021
@Lrng2Compound @intocryptoverse No idea, I usually dont watch trading video Feb 28, 2021
Macro will drive the next few days/weeks, but Ive read that Saylor is kind of irresponsible to add so much. Guys, he certainly knows who is in the Coinbase's pipe Feb 26, 2021
RT @PelionCap: Sometimes it's nice to believe Bitcoin is immune in the long-term. 'Super-cycle' or Institutions or whatever. But it's impo… Feb 26, 2021
@MindYourCoins @Memitchmitch @CryptoNewton @zhusu @HsakaTrades ok now you know how to talk to me, i will check it Feb 24, 2021
@ColeGarnerXBT EVM support coming Feb 23, 2021
@TheCoiner5 I don't know, but I think that most traders who lose or are just small winners is due to psychological factors. So it depends of each one, but think about how your thoughts and emotions arrive and try to fix any flaws Feb 23, 2021
@kalashnikov90 Looks more a local top, but btc has a big history to be red in march and we could still go lower. That’s said, funding is reset, huge nb of liquidations, tether & finex have settled, I expect other corpos, paypal should open crypto to the rest of the world in Q1. Im long Feb 23, 2021
You will often get many mixed signals. Keep things simple will help you make better decisions Excellent video and straight to the point as usual from @intocryptoverse about Bitcoin Key Levels Feb 23, 2021
@rashaadtayob He has the perfect rational thinking Feb 23, 2021
Don't forget: "Everyone has the brain power to make money in stocks. Not everyone has the stomach." Train like Conor, think like Peter Thiel Feb 23, 2021
@Pat_Forster1 This is the idea Feb 22, 2021
@Pat_Forster1 Replace stoploss by open orders in a bull market Feb 22, 2021
I love this game Feb 22, 2021
@kalashnikov90 Cool. Thank you, will check that Feb 22, 2021
@kalashnikov90 I haven't look at it closely to have an idea of the potential. What's the best article/podcast to have a global view on it? Feb 22, 2021
You shouldn't trade the same way for years, it has to evolve with your stack. Traders who operate with the same system for years are grinding, not outperforming Feb 22, 2021
I think a lot these days about the best strategy for me to reach the next step, what to focus on, do I need to make adjustment on the way I trade and invest... I always ask myself these kind of questions when I reached a new milestone Feb 22, 2021
@sangye @degengambleh If you have to sleep less for a "short" period of time because you think it's worth it, do it. But we trade on a 24/7/365 market, you need to make breaks Feb 22, 2021
@zeustoachronus I do think there will be a 70% crash on ALTS and DeFi at some point. If there are more strong hands on BTC with instits and less small speculators that think the BTC price is to high for them, they go on ALTS I will be happy to be wrong Feb 22, 2021
@zeustoachronus I cannot right now, but I will Feb 14, 2021
@MacnBTC @TheCryptoDog @resolutemex @crypto_bitlord7 @MonkeyCharts @CryptoMHchn @CryptoxHunter @elliotrades @Adouble212 @LLCDC1 @WindraThio @CryptoUB @Archetype_Digi @chatwithcharles @galaxyBTC @AltcoinPsycho @AltcoinSherpa Thank you. Cheers man! Feb 13, 2021
@CryptoSpaniard @IsayahDurst I dont know where you see that I said this is the top People think my tweet was bearish is kind of funny when Im actually long 1/5b Feb 13, 2021
@tech_millenial8 @YoloSquatpump Take Profits Feb 12, 2021
@Chakingo2 Possible Feb 12, 2021
@TheCoiner5 I would really like to have the answer my friend. I know how it's difficult to see the top, that why more we up and more I want to reduce my NB of positions and I will stay on my thinking about the MVRV Z Feb 12, 2021
@YoloSquatpump I didnt say we are near the top, I dont know that actually, but I said I TP ALTS to BTC ETH To be clear, 90% of my net worth is in crypto right now Feb 12, 2021
Guys, nobody knows the future, you can only make scenarioS and re-evaluate. Im just sharing what I think and what Im doing Shuffle up and deal Feb 12, 2021
@pablosajer I dont know man. Some ALTS have really pumped already imho and some not really. I dont think ETH is near from the top, but who knows I keep adding to it and want to have few positions when I will want to cash out Feb 12, 2021
@meverett__ I think you wasnt here in 2017, it is completely different Feb 12, 2021
Maybe we wont have the same flow BTC to ALTS at the end or ALTS will crash and BTC will peak before the last ALTS peak. I dont know But I TP ALTS to BTC ETH when they pump to have only exposure on BTC ETH at the end and cash out above the MVRV Z red zone Good luck Feb 12, 2021
ALTS are pumping with BTC unlike 2017, that makes me think that the BTC top could also be the ALTS top Yeah I know this a new paradigm and this time is different... but there is euphoria, everyone is making money, but at the end 90% will lose and it wont be different Feb 12, 2021
@ThinkingUSD @chamath Money for freedom is good, money for power is a cancer. My view. Feb 12, 2021
@NextKrypto My last mistake was trading against my overall view, mostly bc lack of sleep and some familly pb that disturbed my mindset Most of my mistakes are done when my mental isn’t on top, so Im thinking a lot on how to improve that and how to counter it if I have to Feb 11, 2021
@krugermacro More you win and more you can make bigger bet, but use smaller leverage Feb 11, 2021
Some traders will never learn from mistakes Many traders learn from mistakes, but are unable to correct Few traders learn from mistakes and improve Very few learn and are able to adjust quickly (being uncomfortable, make new mistakes, adjust always faster, to always grow) Feb 10, 2021
RT @redphonecrypto: 4/ If Uber shares were available from Uber's very genesis... that chart would probably look a lot like what defi char… Feb 10, 2021
@lilylicoin I think the same Feb 09, 2021
@CryptoAndolini I started from a blank page in trading, never read a book and didnt listen to anybody. I trade, I make mistake, I adjust. It takes dedication and resilience But you need to have the basics in risk mngt and probabilistic thinking. I dont know what to recommend you about it rn Feb 09, 2021
I plan to get a private pilot license during the bear market, but do we'll have a clear bear market (60-80% fall, 1y+ conso) within 2y? I think so, because many people buy w/o conviction, they're weak hands eg NexTech If not, I'll have my private pilot Feb 09, 2021
@KepardOF Essential in TA: supports and resistances Essential in FA: the team and the product/market fit Essential in life: your mindset Feb 09, 2021
@mkrtchian_artem do you know google... ok Im in good mood. Cheers Feb 08, 2021
Nothing can stop us now All the way up (until above the red MVRV-Z zone) (but dont forget to do your sport. Mental and Sleep are the most important things on the long term, not TA or your fucking indicators) Cheers bros Feb 08, 2021
@TalkingCrypto Feb 08, 2021
@kalashnikov90 I cant reply for you, i dont know your stack, your BE etc. me I dont and i will be happy to add if we drop Feb 08, 2021
Victory Feb 08, 2021
@beamerbtc That’s not me :) Cheers brother @HighStakesFarm Feb 06, 2021
@bettystar666 Yeah i trade from a single macbook pro, just went out from restaurant and share my thought Aka it is bullish but too much euphoria, be prepared Feb 05, 2021
Stablecoins increase on all exchanges Bitcoins decrease on all exchanges Big withdraw from coinbase pro still on New adr w >1000 btc still increase But pls, carry on your euphoria, I want to add Feb 05, 2021
@nematoc @FarmingSats Think about your previous trade. What went wrong? What informations you didnt pay attention, how to improve. What was your mindset, how to improve Feb 05, 2021
@btcmerlin1 Boxing is about pushing and fighting your limits bc there is no escape in a fight, you will give everything you have. It improves your mental toughness, your mental performance and your fighting spirit Feb 05, 2021
RT @crypto_seer: The 2017 #Bitcoin Bull run had funding rates go as high as .375 for 6+ months on the run up to ATH. During the strong part… Feb 03, 2021
RT @ShaneAParrish: Exceptional results require the rare combination of extreme patience and extreme decisiveness. The patience to say no t… Feb 02, 2021
@raitocrypto @SplitCapital Hi, I tend to agree with that, but Im not up to date on defi as I was more focused on margin trading these last few months. Then, I think too many events, even a small one could have a huge positive or negative impact on the defi S curve at this point Feb 01, 2021
#FF @Workedia He give a lot of valuable informations and deserve a follow Jan 29, 2021
@krugermacro @elonmusk Plus, this is a good advertising for the Saylor conference in few days Jan 29, 2021
@TheCoiner5 Retails must come in for that, maybe this msb story will be the start of a move At first, I was expected more a double pump like in 2013 Jan 28, 2021
I always thought it was THE halving and maybe we'll have one more, but w less impact on price Now if the stock market is becoming as violent as crypto, we'll have a boulevard and if not, there is DeFi 10y more of paradise for risk takers looking for High-Risk-High-Reward Jan 28, 2021
@FTX_Official @BarstoolFund @stoolpresidente @wsbmod Love you guys. Keep pushing 💪 Jan 28, 2021
@Lo77eryWinner I cannot say. It depends on the person and on the market condition I've never tried more than x10 and I don't think more leverage = more profits at the end That said, try and adapt Jan 26, 2021
A big-up for r/wallstreetbets “we can remain retarded for longer than they can stay solvent!” >3 🚀 Jan 26, 2021
@TheCoiner5 This is all about your psychology, your ambition n risks ur willing to take If I had 200k I'd be more inclined to take risks, I'd just try to not get below 100k if it goes wrong. This is what it is, psychology Yes, when I reached 1m, I made 2 big bets in the same time for 70% Jan 26, 2021
@TheCoiner5 100k -> 30% 200k -> 50% I have to be convinced about it of course Jan 26, 2021
@TheCoiner5 Correct me if I wrong, you're talking about situation and not spot position It always depends of your financial situation and your goal/ambition. If I had little money today, I would wait for a big correction and go allin x10 Jan 26, 2021
@Lo77eryWinner I wouldn't scalp w more than 10-20m pos, for the 50m+ pos I play it for few days or more and manage it everyday Jan 26, 2021
@KepardOF @CryptoInvestX1 Get used to it and do sport Jan 26, 2021
@ThoStob Im not a meditation guys, but it could help. Im a sport guy and I think the best help to endure such things is boxing Jan 26, 2021
@Mediocritygoals It depends. If I think we'll recover in few days, I keep average down, if Im not convince, I cut. The pb is when you're really deep n it goes against u very hard, you could start to see think not clearly. Self-awareness & mental are key Jan 26, 2021
@BTCVlad I have sold a part of alts positions bc they started to be too big vs the liquidity, but I don't sell btc eth during a bull market, at least not until we reach the red zone here Jan 26, 2021
@mistertrads btcusd ethusd Jan 26, 2021
@CryptoInvestX1 Actually Im planning to have a total break from trading for few weeks and then I will be back to make bigger and bigger trade :) Jan 25, 2021
To outperform you need to always bet bigger and get used to be uncomfortable, bc at one point you will have big pos w/o SL, so instead of avoid emotions, deal w them and counter them Had good week, but Im less active on trading, I need to sleep better to stay mentally on top Jan 25, 2021
@kalashnikov90 I dont know man, Im long under the water and drunk. Listen Fifty and watch Conor. Strength and honor. Im planning to add a shit load at 29k if we go there Do risk management and decide from your stack, not from charts, nobody knows whats going to happen at this point GL Jan 21, 2021
@bantg You are not enough professionnal for this project Jan 18, 2021
@ShadySlimFast :))) Jan 17, 2021
@MikeDan85089988 I didn't know anything about the world of climbing, these guys have the mental. Im still thinking about it, so thank you again Jan 17, 2021
@MikeDan85089988 Thank you. It really started to interest me when he cut his finger. Talent, hard work, determination and the impossible could become possible Jan 16, 2021
@bantg I've always said that fair launch isn't fair for the founders/team, but I don't like the idea to break the hard supply Printing 1000 YFI doesn't resolve the real problem which is how to create good incentives for the team on the long term Jan 16, 2021
@koshp Im not 9+ Im close to it The time of recovery depends of the market condition The way to go there is to be all-in crypto during a bull market, trade bigger and bigger size as the value of your spot increase and exit in the red zone Jan 14, 2021
@RuiCaoCooler @zhusu I’ve been two time from 8 digits to low 7 and not far to be at risk again before it really took off. To me, clearly 10m ALL-IN in crypto is not enough to consider that Im not at risk if I trade big size actively. It’s log until 9 digits at minimum in crypto Jan 14, 2021
RT @redphonecrypto: There’s a direct relationship between your capacity to handle psychological pain and your capacity to profit Jan 11, 2021
@Jonathan_w1ck I like Conor. Talented, dedication and he has the true champion's mindset Jan 11, 2021
@jacquesmarron Actually, it could be violent on both directions Jan 11, 2021
@jacquesmarron Reversal pullback Jan 11, 2021
@Pat_Forster1 Jan 11, 2021
I don't know what's going to happen, but despite the big dump funding is still high Maybe don't stay on your screen if your under the water, plan your trade and watch Conor McGregor: Notorious instead The pullback coud be violent Stay strong. Jan 11, 2021
@ClemensWittmann You clic 20x buy perp Jan 04, 2021
Happy new year from the Madere casino. Im going to break them at the table :) More srly. I hope everyone have a wonderful night and I wish you all the succes in 2021 Crypto to the moon Dec 31, 2020
@AWice I wish you the best Alex, but I wont fail by greed or by ego Dec 31, 2020
@ahmad_alfalasi Im still 100% long and Im all-in crypto, but I dont want to be overexposed rn. If Grayscale resume buying, I could change my mind Dec 31, 2020
Many traders seem to be overexposed rn and at the same time Grayscale stopped buying BTC and the outflows from Coinbase is decreasing. I TPed all my margin longs at 28.4k. It's been a crazy year for me and I won't let the market take it back. GL everyone (I didn't sell any spot) Dec 31, 2020
@TheCoiner5 @Pentosh1 +1 Dec 27, 2020
@Pentosh1 Think like a King, live like a King. Who cares if you pay 90 or 100% of the expenses, your goal is to make 1m per month now Dec 27, 2020
@scipio_nl I followed you, now you can. Maybe i wont be available these next few days but i will reply to you Dec 26, 2020
@scipio_nl I will think about it. Thank you Dec 26, 2020
@scipio_nl Ah ok sorry. Actually ive started to long the 23th and added during the dip, average 23050 i think on btc Dec 26, 2020
@scipio_nl Interesting. Actually i stay on the chart all days but im not a TA guy, its more like a feel the market For sure i like to long in dips when there is fear and TP when the market recover Dec 26, 2020
@scipio_nl TPed at $24.9k for btc and 628 for eth average Dec 26, 2020
@HappyMerchant77 Ive converted my PnL to BTC. Not selling any spot rn btc and alts Dec 26, 2020
@Bloody__Hard in tense Dec 26, 2020
@mistertrads Yep +2.6m ;-) Dec 26, 2020
I TPed, the market is tight and I prefer to convert my profits in spot and wait for another opportunity Dec 26, 2020
@CryptoGeorge7 Dec 26, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Yep common mistake for everybody I think. It happens to me as well when I overtrade I -try- to not be mad about myself when I make a mistake and prefer take the lesson, it's healthy way to think Dec 26, 2020
@TheCoiner5 I don't compare myself w other There are a dozens different ways to trade, so do what works for you Personally, I'm better when I play big bc I'm very focus vs if I play small I tend to not TP when I had to or I add to my position later when I shouldn't Dec 26, 2020
@TheCoiner5 I used to trade those time frames in march april bc I wasn't sure about the V shape recovery at all And more the BTC price will up and more I will trade w a smaller timeframe Dec 26, 2020
@kto200 1. Didn't sell anything. Bad news in a bull market are buying/longing opportunities 2. It depends. I can't give a precise answer, but normally I must have thought about all scenarios. Normally. Dec 26, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Every trade is different for me. It’s a calculation of a lot elements that make me want to play differently each time. Sometimes i have a plan and think about it for days and sometimes it’s in minutes that’s why sport and mental are so important Dec 25, 2020
@FarmingSats Long dips in a bull run Short every up in a bear market or better take vacations Do sport and work on your mindset Dec 25, 2020
@DedWhaleson ahah yes me too. Cheers Dec 25, 2020
@DedWhaleson Nope it was opened 2 days ago. You look at the liquidation price bro Dec 25, 2020
That's a pretty nice present from crypto God. Don't take it back and I promise to never short BTC & ETH during the bull run Dec 25, 2020
@TheCoiner5 It's not easy, but I can mentally correct any flaws I have just by thinking about it You take a situation where you had greediness (or any flaws), identify the reasons, their ramifications and try to correct it Need to be honest w yourself Do it again, and again Dec 25, 2020
@GrinchTrades They are ok Hell is only reserved for paper traders Dec 25, 2020
@Cryptosamee :) Dec 25, 2020
@CryptoThib Thank you. Cheers bro Dec 25, 2020
Merry Christmas everyone Coiners, no coiners, maximalists, I wish you all the best (exclude paper traders) A big up to traders and risk takers Dec 24, 2020
@NateHig84363688 @abu_cryptos @MacnBTC Im talking about trading, but yep it's a good strat for investing / long term position Dec 23, 2020
@OTC_Bitcoin I love when pseudo traders like you use the word "will" like they are sure what the price are going to do You're gold and as gold you're from the past Dec 23, 2020
@OTC_Bitcoin LOL keep it up man Dec 23, 2020
@abu_cryptos @NateHig84363688 @MacnBTC DCA is another word for average Here Im talking to people who want to outperform That said, I like to average down my leveraged positions, but only on a +FA asset, in the right trend and when my mental is strong Dec 23, 2020
Trading is war A war against yourself No need to have 4 screens, many indicators or whatever, you will outperform when you win the war against your fears, your desires.. Rational thinking and Mental are key The absolute edge in life is resilience Dec 23, 2020
@edwardmorra_btc Dec 22, 2020
@kriptohuh Don't. With resilience and dedication, your progress and the money will be "gradually, then suddenly" Dec 17, 2020
@longbu I trade only perp. Spot is not into PnL Dec 17, 2020
@neverbuy11 Im big eth, yfi, kp3r, aave and some other but small size Dec 17, 2020
A week as a High Stakes trader: Long dips in a bull market Charts, technical indicators are important, but you also need to add other elements (ie Microstrategy and co, the macro view), weight each one of them and use probabilistic logic Do sport for the mental Dec 17, 2020
@_Stackola If you ask me, I would have preferred to not tweet it, but now I have more confidence that it's true End of story for me Dec 14, 2020
@GrennHouseGas @SplitCapital @tyler @cameron MSTR bought $300m worth of BTC in 76h on the market Dec 14, 2020
@SplitCapital @tyler @cameron Proxy Dec 14, 2020
@arsellig I can't answer for you bc it depends on your risk preferences It looks so strong rn that it could break ATH today or this week w/o dumping or ranging Dec 13, 2020
On the other hand, I don't think these guys will buy on a parabolic phase So either retail will come in, either we could have a way longer range and/or a parabolic phase limited Dec 12, 2020
This bull run is initiated by large investors and institutions, not by retail There are big spot buyers and they aren't weak hands We could see a 40% drop ofc, but if you're waiting for it only bc it happened in the last cycle, think twice Dec 12, 2020
As @CathieDWood said when institutions enter a new market, it's usually starts with 1% to 5-6% in the long term This would add 400-500k to the BTC price in several years/ decades -> 24:50 Dec 12, 2020
@cryp_a @kyled116 I can't deny. I also think trading crypto is more violent than poker, it's a test of character Dec 12, 2020
@Cryptofessor5 Charts, technical indicators, price action, volume are all important, but you also need to add facts (ie Microstrategy) You have to weight each element, make several scenarios and evaluate the R/R I said that bc I see too many people that look at charts w/o even thinking Dec 12, 2020
@TheCoiner5 To me, TA give price possibilities, not probabilities I'm saying to take everything into account and not just draw lines without thinking At the end, you need to find what works for you bc there are dozens of different ways to trade Dec 11, 2020
@mkrtchian_artem Everything Dec 10, 2020
Trading101 for crypto traders TA is for support and resistance, but it won't tell you what the price is going to do Look at facts, make a mental scoring w all the elements and identify price scenarios, then look at charts for support and resistance No process thinking is AIR Dec 10, 2020
If ETH2 is successful and EIP1559 (the burn fees) is implemented and it seems it will (66% completed), ETH could also be an hedge vs money printing and it will be on everybody radar screen Barry Silbert was against Ethereum, today Grayscale buy a lot of ETH Dec 10, 2020
@Zografito Agreed. We have a local top here and it could be like that for months, who knows... I don't know the future, I bet with the informations I have today Dec 10, 2020
@Zografito Yes there was for few days, but it doesn't change the direction Zoom out Dec 10, 2020
There is no such thing as massive inflow on exchanges, after few days where it increased, the direction is still clear and it is a massive outflow I'm long and if we break to 16k, I will certainly build the long of my life (except if mtgox sell on market, I'll be looking lower) Dec 10, 2020
@Jack6Man We can still go lower, but if the most dangerous downward pressure on the short term is gone, it will be limited So, yes it will be bullish Dec 10, 2020
The MtGox trustee sold on the market in 2017 to go out of bankruptcy, but he's doing his best to distribute BTC and not sell them again From what I know, it is not clear if the Japanese law will allow the direct distribution of the 150k BTC Will update Dec 10, 2020
@R_DaneelSeldon @Delphi_Digital YFI is for large investors and institutions who will govern the pools which is the retail product Dec 05, 2020
@OldMate69_ @TomShilleck @MacnBTC @Delphi_Digital So was BTC Dec 05, 2020
@TomShilleck @MacnBTC @Delphi_Digital Agreed. Large investors are just coming to BTC and barely look at ETH, but when (and if) they look at DeFi, YFI will certainly appears first on their radar screen YFI will still be young at 10bn mcap Dec 05, 2020
"Large investors (pensions, macro funds) will eventually warm up to DeFi (granted this is years away) and their first thought will be to invest in the blue chips and indexes – YEARN is both a blue-chip and potentially a DeFi proxy asset for institutions" @Delphi_Digital Dec 05, 2020
@TraderA10C @SBF_Alameda I convert pnl step by step no matter the btc price. It’s a bit expensive for big order but for small orders it’s useful to me Dec 05, 2020
@SBF_Alameda I always use it to convert pnl to crypto and I like it Dec 05, 2020
@Dark_BTC @edwardmorra_btc Nice ;-) (i'm not selling) Dec 04, 2020
@cryptocevo :) I bought everything under $0.1 Dec 04, 2020
@cryptocevo @RookieXBT @coinmamba @warobusiness @MuroCrypto @honey_btc @QuintenFrancois @Mounia_NL @CryptoTony__ @Phoenix_Ash3s @TheCryptoCactus @MennoPP @AltcoinPsycho @Abu9ala7 @DaanCrypto @CryptoNewton @FatihSK87 Thank you, you too! Dec 04, 2020
@btcmerlin1 *0.03 Dec 03, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Seems a good scaling solution for decentralized applications with an ICO price at $0.3 and there were ten times more purchase intent than what the they raised Dec 03, 2020
@CryptoWolfBgd They raised only 17m Dec 03, 2020
@CryptoWolfBgd It was not worth to be in the ICO, the contribution was caped, average $1300. Bought mil Dec 03, 2020
I just bought SKALE Dec 03, 2020
@dividebai0 My plan has always been to sell half around 100k and hold long term the other half. That said, you have to always reevaluate, I mean I didn't expect this empire development as fast Dec 02, 2020
KP3R is leverage bet on Yearn The more the YEARN network grows, the more likely Keep3r will be used for external tasks/jobs Dec 02, 2020
@Nibbio_HK I will PM you tomorrow Dec 02, 2020
@Nibbio_HK English, italian or thaï pls :) Dec 02, 2020
@TheCoiner5 @Gouchieeeee I like to be 200% long, but I was less these days, it's becoming more and more difficult as I grow or let's say I need a bit of time to adapt Dec 01, 2020
@LimitD0tCom I don't short in a bull market. Long story short, it was just variance managing big positions Dec 01, 2020
@Gouchieeeee None. I'm mapping out scenario's based on logical thinking Dec 01, 2020
@SBF_Alameda Congrats! Dec 01, 2020
A week as a High Stakes trader: Don't short in a bull market Buy dips when people have fear Hold strong and don't talk too much about it Wake up during the night to check Do sport for the mental Nov 30, 2020
@iamjosephyoung Bitcoin has no respect for resistance Nov 30, 2020
RT @iamjosephyoung: $19,400 is still a big resistance level for Bitcoin. Maybe it would range before breaking it. But the Bitcoin futures… Nov 30, 2020
@jacquesmarron Bitcoin Fuck Yeah! Nov 30, 2020
@TheCoiner5 @QCPCapital None Nov 29, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Think so Nov 27, 2020
@Dafloww1 Thats why I cut 90% of my margin longs close to ATH, too much exciting at a danger zone and it wasnt a good risk reward to stay long. Rn I don’t know where the floor is bc too many are bearish. I can only make scenarios on price and I think monday will give me more infos Nov 27, 2020
@TheCryptoDog @longhashdata Go ahead bro Nov 27, 2020
Monday will certainly be decisive Nov 27, 2020
@letgoletsgrow @BTC_JackSparrow @ThinkingUSD @RookieXBT @rektcapital @shakrypto @AltcoinSherpa @CryptoNewton @CRYPT0HULK Thank you :) Wish you the best Nov 27, 2020
#FF @QCPCapital They provide quality analysis on their telegram and it's not a noisy chan. They are clearly underestimated from my point of view I only follow them and Cryptoquant Digest (CQ Alert is distracting). Less is better Nov 27, 2020
@LimitD0tCom @TheCoiner5 I don't short in a bull market My point was we trade in a 24/7/365 market and you need to slow down to better perform in the long run It was my mistake during the last cycle, not slowing down during the bear market Nov 26, 2020
@AstonMartinICON For the moment, it would be too distracting. I want to stay focus to outperform Nov 26, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Don't trade during the bear market Nov 26, 2020
@crypto_galileo sold 1/3 at 19100, 2/3 at 19400, relong from 17200 to 16500, how about you... Nov 26, 2020
@Dafloww1 @CryptoCobain I don't like to talk about other people and I don't like noise The fight is not on twitter, it's on the market Nov 25, 2020
@AgtSuperchillen Yes i still hold it Nov 25, 2020
I knew there was something wrong. Thank you FTX to checked it I’m the King now Nov 25, 2020
@mrcactee YES Nov 25, 2020
@PonziChad @FTX_Official @SBF_Alameda No flex, I already told them on telegram, but nothing has changed Nov 25, 2020
Hey @FTX_Official your top 20 traders leaderboard isn’t working. Before, everyday I move ahead or backward. Now, it’s frozen and everybody is at the exact same place for like 2 months. See the pics. Cc @SBF_Alameda Nov 25, 2020
@AliK68341796 GL man Nov 24, 2020
@AliK68341796 Start from blank page to find -your- way to trade. If you follow the everybody rules you have a risk to stay average My opinion ofc Nov 24, 2020
@AliK68341796 Ive never read a book or anything about trading. It wont work for everybody but I think the best way to learn is to start from a blank page. Everything I have learnt is from my mistakes so it cost me money and a lot of adjustment That said I was a pro online poker player 10y ago Nov 24, 2020
@greenthumb_dev @_CryptoICE I only care to increase my pnl and my spot position Nov 24, 2020
@ethlambo In trading you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable This is how i see it (It took 1.5 bull market to me) GL man Nov 24, 2020
@BijkerkRoy @TalkingCrypto Many people ask me that. Whats important is how much you are from your stack. If you are long 100% it means you re all in spot, if you have 10k and trade 1k w x10 you re actually long 200% Nov 24, 2020
@micha_eth The goal to make a leverage trade is to increase your spot position by converting your pnl to spot, i even dont know why i replied :))) Nov 24, 2020
@ethlambo Stop loss doesn’t work well with this kind of size even if you split it, but I have a mental SL of course and sometimes I wake myself up at night to check This is high stakes trading :) Nov 24, 2020
@Xenoliss Managing position. This is the break even price that counts amigo Nov 24, 2020
Few years ago a bitcoin friend asked me what are we going to do with all this money? I said: Bigger and bigger bets (I'm just starting) Nov 24, 2020
I had to TP a bit Nov 24, 2020
@TraderMercury Ahah you’re a gambler, I like it Salute Nov 23, 2020
@TraderMercury 👋 Nov 23, 2020
@MindYourCoins @CryptoNewton Interesting, but from what i know their cards have a lot of pb Nov 21, 2020
@BtCprodigy @50cent Nov 19, 2020
@RaoulGMI @theDAOKING @AshBennington OG we are not used to see, like Jean Marie Mognetti from coinshares Nov 19, 2020
@SBF_AIameda Primo, i said what ive done without trying to manipulate anything, still hold it Secundo, i can lose and make mistakes. Take responsability of your trades Tertio, you’re not on my people list i want to help Wish you the best Nov 19, 2020
@Steve65475842 I put the link bellow in another comment Nov 18, 2020
@LimitD0tCom I converted unrealized profits step by step from the beginning 70% btc 30% eth, but i had always kept 20% in $$ to cover variance. Yesterday i sold a big part of the positions and i converted the 20% Nov 18, 2020
@TraderMercury Cheers bro Nov 18, 2020
@MikeDan85089988 definitely, i’d be 100% btc eth and will leverage long (no more than x10) if we retest the weekly 20MA. I will also look closely at alts that could take a dive when btc will be parabolic, there will certainly be opportunities to enter when it will happen Nov 18, 2020
@Mowgliasia Read the post from yesterday here Nov 18, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Yes this one, but i didnt close it just sold a big part and will double it if we dump no matter when Nov 18, 2020
@Beetcoin Thank you my friend. Cheers bro Nov 17, 2020
I TPed a big part, lock profits >10m and converted it to crypto Dont get me wrong, we can fuck the ATH, instits are buying and chinese miners cannot sell Im fat in spot btc eth and if there is a retrace I will long fucking big Im drunk and wish you all the best GL everyone Nov 17, 2020
@kto200 In what time frame ... For this cycle, I'd say 100-200k Actually, I'm thinking about the lengthening cycle and diminishing return vs previous halving, is it still valid or is the money printing and all billionaires that see BTC as an edge are changing the game Nov 16, 2020
@MrKay29332179 Most of my stack is in btc and I still accumulate eth, but yes I also hold and stake yfi, aave and (but they are small positions) omg, nxm, aleph, rune, jrt, kp3r, hegic Nov 16, 2020
Discipline is another word for average It is like diversify, it's to keep what you have You cannot trade the same way, it must evolve with your stack, your personal situation, your goal You need to find new way to fail and make new kind of mistakes to always grow Nov 16, 2020
@TradingComposur Meditation, sport, healthy food will help, but dealing w pressure and emotions are the price to pay to outperform Nov 14, 2020
@Fiskantes The facts are: He stopped being active on Twitter He still works on Yearn (ie Hegic integration) He also works on other projects that have been in his roadmap He confirmed that everything he's building is to improve Yearn Nov 13, 2020
@Fiskantes Andre didn't left Nov 13, 2020
@TraderKoz The only top that matters is the top of the bull market The one that will follow many years of bear market Nov 11, 2020
@gillesCadignan I am already a maximalist A crypto maximalist Cheers my friend Nov 11, 2020
A conversation about Ethereum Nov 11, 2020
For the lol You put two Bitcoin maximalists together with some beers, what do you get? Nov 11, 2020
@RJ_Killmex Bullish for ALTS Nov 11, 2020
@RaoulGMI ETH2.0 POS staking are a big step, but the biggest potential for the price to rise is EIP1559, the burn fees Nov 11, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Yep same logic as DOT, sold it for BTC around this time Nov 10, 2020
There is another scenario that a friend ping me The greed & Fear index is on top greed, theoretically is dangerous, that said there is enough fomo to push higher 30k (soon) -> 18k (slow bleed conso half 2021) -> 300k (2022) -> 60k (2023) -> infinity 2050 Be prepared & GL Nov 10, 2020
@crypto_belgian The only one I could accumulate to "death" is BTC I don't allocate each time the same amount on my trade or invest, it depends mostly on FA and the time frame I want to play it Nov 10, 2020
@Dafloww1 1% of the supply. Yes it was and that's why I converted DOT and other to BTC a while ago, to increase my BTC stack AND to reduce the overall risk on my folio to stay strong on YFI Nov 10, 2020
@crypto_belgian There is not enough liquidity for me, I have to accumulate Nov 10, 2020
Be careful, I play mid term here 2 probable short term scenarios: consolidation > pump 20 21k > dump 14 15k slow bleed 12 13k > pump 20k Nov 10, 2020
Didn’t do much these days Still strong hands on my margin longs btc eth link Still hold spot yfi aave Still accumulating eth but bought kp3r hegic w it After PTJ, Druckenmiller hold btc Biden plan a new stimulus and the money printing isn’t going to stop soon > bullish Nov 10, 2020
@MikeDan85089988 @btcmerlin1 These drops are where I will add. Not long ago i’d used 8-9 leverage, now it’s more like 2-3 Nov 07, 2020
@btcmerlin1 There isn't fomo outside of the crypto sphere yet The real fomo will start after 20k, but it might take a while to get there, who knows Meanwhile, there will certainly be 1 or 2 big drops and I think I will add to my longs when it will happens Nov 06, 2020
@LimitD0tCom Yes it is. Have tripled my eth pos since then Nov 05, 2020
@SBF_Alameda FTX equity Nov 02, 2020
@moon202115 I haven't followed recently Oct 31, 2020
@jacquesmarron Personally, I would not allow myself to tell someone what to do or not to do Oct 30, 2020
@MadTheVlad Its not Oct 30, 2020
@matt_mamigonian Cheers mate Oct 30, 2020
Arrived in my new place. No mask no lockdown here Now, let’s back to business and make money Oct 30, 2020
A lot of people think gut feelings are AIR when it is actually the result of many small things your subconscious has recorded. Once you are able to put aside your emotions, it is a powerful tools Oct 28, 2020
@MadTheVlad When you are in a bad cycle, you need to bet smaller and reduce risk. The key thing is when you've identified that you are in a good cycle, this is the time to try things aka make riskier bets that you wouldn't do otherwise As always: easy to say, hard to master Oct 28, 2020
@MadTheVlad Oct 28, 2020
@Jlib011 I feel confident, but i dont know anyone irl that know them irl Oct 28, 2020
Many european countries are going to lockdown again. Im like Bitcoin... borderless Im just arrived from vacations yesterday and will fly for an indefinite time w my net worth Im free, i dont own any material things except 2 AP and everything i have could be park in 2 suitcases Oct 28, 2020
@Jlib011 On long term its often a bet on the team Oct 28, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Yes I could, but there is not enough volume for me rn Oct 28, 2020
@_frac I don't know. This is the gamble part of the trade, but I love the risk/reward ratio on this one Oct 28, 2020
It seems many are bearish on eth: I’m accumulating. Eth2 is in good way and eip 1559 could have an enormous impact Still hold my btc long from 9.2k and my eth from 240 for a nice $7m profits And still hold 1% of the yfi supply ... on the road to 1bn net worth Oct 28, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Mostly Pukhet Oct 20, 2020
Still here. Still trading, investing, gambling. Nothing has changed. Anyone that says otherwise fuck off. I just need some 🌞 Oct 20, 2020
@RyanSAdams Hodl Oct 17, 2020
Andre and the team are building Oct 12, 2020
@DuckButters1 @iancassel Yes, we live an exceptional time in crypto, but you won't find many great early projects like Bitcoin and Ethereum were at their time Oct 12, 2020
RT @iancassel: The longer I invest the more I realize you get 1-2 really great opportunities every few years. The rest of the time is spent… Oct 11, 2020
@TheCoiner5 My plan is to hold mid term, Andre is building :) That said, I could sell a part for btc if it really take off alone Oct 10, 2020
@earlybirdly Very possible, but I live in a probabilistic world Oct 09, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Layer 1, layer 2 Oct 09, 2020
@khawaja0963 @TheCryptoDog I trade on chart, I invest on team. Ive already made $ on yfii based on chart and now Im long mid term on yfi, but on the short term if yfi up, yfii could up more so you’re right Oct 09, 2020
@mangicrypto @SBF_Alameda Well done bro Oct 09, 2020
@mangicrypto Precisely, I wasn't comfortable to increase my overall risk on my portfolio bc I am pretty big on YFI and wasn't sure we reached the max pain point on alts, so I have chosen to de-risk and average down other and hold /add more on YFI. Big Gamble & risk management :) Oct 09, 2020
We had a pump on DeFi, but the space isn't ready and far from mature, soon it could be the BTC time to shine alone. DeFi will still building and the real war between L1, L2 and apps will certainly be in a few years We will possibly have 10y with big up and down. Exciting. Oct 09, 2020
@mangicrypto De-risk 50% at 3.3 et re bought half at 2.8, the other part went to BTC, like the other, except Aave which was in stacking and YFI bc Im a strong hand on this one Oct 09, 2020
@TheCryptoDog YFI is the Gold of DeFi Oct 09, 2020
@TheCoiner5 13.1k Oct 08, 2020
@satsloser Not me, I have enough :) Oct 08, 2020
@APompliano You talk like a BTC maxi on twitter, but under the wood you invest on private blockchain Oct 07, 2020
@novogratz @APompliano The shortcut is "concentrated bets" Oct 07, 2020
@Shahzad61186210 A lot Oct 07, 2020
@TheCoiner5 15-12k is a good entry price, but be aware that if Trump lose, stocks could dump in the short term, BTC could retest 9k and YFI could go lower than 10k And it's not like we have a strong market Oct 07, 2020
@BTC_JackSparrow Did you cut your 4-5k margin long or you mean you’re adding to it? Oct 05, 2020
@satsloser @BTC_JackSparrow Thank you my friend. Cheers Oct 04, 2020
Where is 12k? I am not finish to accumulate YFI too Oct 04, 2020
This is a very good yield for one of the best DeFi project All my new AAVE are in stacking Oct 04, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Globally, I am for decentralisation, so if you was thinking about DAO, I could. That’s said, im more incline to delegate internally and hire traders Oct 04, 2020
@kyled116 @terrysoh87 You must know that EOS dumped 4bn worth of ETH Oct 04, 2020
@itseth @mgeala2 I sold it. I’m afraid it will become a ghost type chan. It’s a bit early to know, but it doesn’t seem there is a lot interest to build on it. I will be happy to come back if that change Oct 04, 2020
@TheCoiner5 What do you mean by decentralized VC? Oct 04, 2020
@ashkharoo @apyfinance They give me $25 of their tokens per day for each million I stack. Is it a fair chance/deal for you? Even if the token will be worth x10 when it release, I'm not interested And now, I wonder what other decisions of this kind they made Oct 02, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 @blaheffingblah I don't know, I hope it will be a mid term pos Oct 02, 2020
@blaheffingblah I'm IN Oct 02, 2020
@FTTInvestor A successful app layer can always migrate to another better chain in the future. I'm on SRM bc I like and believe on what they are building and I'm not on SOL bc they're centralized and I have no faith in their future Oct 02, 2020
@FTTInvestor I would prefer to add on SRM than SOL Oct 02, 2020
@blaheffingblah I will certainly build a position on LINK if we dump more Oct 02, 2020
@Selmieofficial Both. Actually, if I use BTC, I will try to compensate somewhere else to rebuy BTC or TP quickly Oct 02, 2020
@FTTInvestor Let's dump that shitcoin 30% more Oct 02, 2020
@TraderA10C Do you know any project that is building on it? Oct 02, 2020
@TheCoiner5 It depends of the stocks, but I would say 15 to 12k YFI and 3.1 to 2.5 for UNI Oct 02, 2020
It could dump more, but I've started to rebuy or accumulate LEND, DOT, UNI, YFI Let's see if the US open give us another wick As always, buy when most people have fear Oct 02, 2020
@pscltllrd @apyfinance I came to accumulate APY, but this yield is totally ridiculous and now I have doubts about the project tbh Oct 02, 2020
@apyfinance Guys, your APY is 0.02%. Are you kidding me? It doesn't even cover the Aave loan, what a joke This APY doesn't deserve my time and my crypto. Sorry Oct 02, 2020
RT @billbarhydt: On Bitmex/CFTC/DOJ... Discussions all over the place. Let me consolidate everything here in this thread... Oct 01, 2020
RT @krugermacro: Bitmex news are short term bearish, long term bullish. Assume the CFTC & DOJ bring Bitmex down. The absence of Bitmex ma… Oct 01, 2020
@VillebrunT Really?! Increase your goals, this is crypto. I can confirm that x40 during the BTC bull market is totally possible, I've done it and I want x40 again. Let's see, game on Oct 01, 2020
@huseyin_dikkaya People asked me the same and that's why I share some stuff here time to time, but Im not interested at all in teaching of any kind Oct 01, 2020
x40 in one year is possible even with a bigger stack Oct 01, 2020
This is an excellent thread Oct 01, 2020
@robert02861167 If you don’t already know Eman, he will be your guy @EmanPulis I’m not interested in casinos as a player, as a buiness owner nor as investor. I like crypto and stocks Oct 01, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I didn't sell any YFI since this EMN story, so yes I still believe and bet on him When you bet on someone this is exactly bc you think he can go through difficulties and bad times Then, I agree with this: Sep 30, 2020
There is cycle where everything you do, even if you don’t take the best decision, you will win. And there is cycle you will lose many times in the row even if you take the right decision Being aware of these cycles and being able to identify them as early as possible is key Sep 30, 2020
Luck matters: "Even a great talent becomes useless against the fury of misfortune" Sep 30, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 @apyfinance @HalbornSecurity Maybe also bc I had few drinks Sep 30, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 @apyfinance @HalbornSecurity It's not like trading where if I disclose my position before, 1 or 2 big guys could have a real impact on price So, I thought I could say what I will do on it (maybe Im wrong ;-) Sep 30, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 @apyfinance @HalbornSecurity I didn't have this chance Sep 30, 2020
@apyfinance is similar to Yearn with a solid team and their smart contracts are audited by @halbornsecurity They're launching the liquidity mining rewards tomorrow and I'm going to farm an unreasonable amount, but pls DYOR $APY Sep 30, 2020
@VillebrunT Most traders know that psychology could improve their result, but very few work on it Be dedicated about it. To me, trading is kind of a fight against myself, so individual sport help me to have the right mindset Also have a look at the vids of Denise Shull and Jared Tendler Sep 30, 2020
@TheCoiner5 I've never made the test Sep 30, 2020
@Bloody__Hard LTC could have some value in 2013-14, but it doesn't have any competitive advantage today. Only good for short term trading and I closed my previous long when BTC retested 10k Sep 30, 2020
I consider myself as a professional gambler One thing I loved when I was living in Malta is when someone asked me what's my job, I said "I do gambling" and over there it's a top job Poker and trading isn't pure gambling, but to me, poker players and traders are smart gamblers Sep 29, 2020
@pscltllrd LEND is a good project, but I sold a part 1 month ago and the rest 2 days ago. At his stage, if BTC goes up or down it could suffer and I think there is better risk/reward w/ DOT, UNI and I made choice I sold SUSHI a month ago Sep 29, 2020
@CCCCICCCCCC Thank you. A lot of people talk about it, but I didn't check it. I will Sep 29, 2020
@CCCCICCCCCC I don't know what it is and cannot find it on coingecko Sep 29, 2020
@HarryS3ldon *tough Sep 29, 2020
@HarryS3ldon It will depend of the situation and SPX, but it will certainly be a though one for me too Sep 29, 2020
@blaheffingblah Yes, I was a big believer since the ICO, but they're not in DeFi and xtz stacking is irrelevant Sep 29, 2020
@crypto_raw YFI is a bet on Andre Cronje Sep 29, 2020
@tradebutwhy I don't rely on one system, each trade is different for me. Sometimes I use TA, sometimes it's a combination of TA, FA, but I make a plan for each one with all possible scenarios and I evaluate the risk/reward. Sizing is about my stack, the risk and the volume Sep 29, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 I wish I would know ;-) Sep 29, 2020
@monxbt I cannot say, I don't look at this kind of things Sep 29, 2020
@iii_OIO_iii Thank you my friend. I will look at your profile Sep 29, 2020
@TheCoiner5 Not yet ;-) I don't have the same amount on all the coins on the the last line Sep 29, 2020
@Dafloww1 No, I like to buy and accumulate when it's red Sep 29, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 $4 seems to be a good entry price, personally I will add if we go under $3.5 Sep 29, 2020
@iii_OIO_iii Omise is already a profitable payment solution and it seems OMG is the favorite scaling solution to Vitalik. So, yes it could explode, but I have $1m on it and I think it's enough for my stack Sep 29, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 I would say UNI bc Hayden said that the v3 will have more impact on the industry than the v1. Will see Sep 29, 2020
My Crypto Stack BTC = 40% + 1k BTC margin long from 9k ETH, YFI = 40% +10k ETH margin long from 240 DOT, UNI = 10% NXM, SRM, OMG, ALEPH, OM, RUNE, JRT = 10% (I will add to UNI if it drops and maybe I will build a position on SKALE) Sep 29, 2020
@innocent_roku @mgeala2 AVAX is in competition w/ DOT, SOL. They have a solid team but I dont know about projects building on it, plus grants not fully claimed make me trading it for short term. I will be happy to change my mind later. Btw I did the ICO Sep 24, 2020
@itseth @mgeala2 It would be great Sep 24, 2020
@LiamJanssens I don't know, there is a wonderful thread about it, but cannot find it rn Sep 24, 2020
@TheCoiner5 @mgeala2 Ahah nope. Actually I will be ok if it dump more as it’s a mid term pos Sep 24, 2020
@mgeala2 All their grants havent been claimed, so without a bullish fact for mid term, I will be happy to sell around $7-8 Sep 24, 2020
During the last 12h, I bought AVAX, LINK, UNI I will sold Avax if SPX and Alts dump I will add to LINK if SPX and Alts dump I will add to UNI if it dump and plan to sell for the V3 release Sep 24, 2020
During this red time, take a breath. Here are some nice traders itw Sep 21, 2020
@TuurDemeester This small war between maxis of both side are dump. Personally I’m a crypto maximalist and I’m more in line with Eric Voorhees and Andreas Antonopolous. You and Adam Back divide people. At first, all bitcoiners advocated freedom, what happened to you Sep 20, 2020
@OhYouBlockhead I’m not alone, but maybe bc most of people are kind of « stupid ». If you’re smart it’s easier to make money than find the right soulmate Sep 20, 2020
RT @orangebook_: You can’t get an extraordinary life with ordinary bets. Sep 20, 2020
@zhusu Ahah this is exactly what I won with my trade on UNI, but I still prefer BTC and ETH than any car Sep 20, 2020
@ShadySlimFast @HsakaTrades @Tetranode @Fiskantes I don’t understand what you mean, but cheers bro Sep 18, 2020
@btcmerlin1 All the way to $10 Sep 18, 2020
@MacnBTC Cheers my friend 🥂 Sep 18, 2020
Took back my bet and half my profit. Cheers 🥂 Sep 18, 2020
@TheCoiner5 80% of my position is a short term hold (several days or weeks) 20% of my position *could* become a mid term hold (several months) Most likely, I will sell everything bc I'm betting on SERUM as the future DEX which is more like a real exchange Sep 18, 2020
@evolving_times The brand, the product, the support of the community, the volume > coinbase, the fees paid > Bitcoin, the price to sales ratio 3 times inferior to Balancer, the possibility to see $UNI on Yearn and Aave I was buying when everyone just wanted their free $1k Sep 17, 2020
@SBF_AIameda I didn’t expect this retracement on aleph but it has always been a mid term hold for me. I didn’t sell any token Sep 17, 2020
I’m buying your free tokens since 10 hours Sep 17, 2020
@TheCoiner5 I’m a world citizen interested about a digital borderless wold currency Sep 15, 2020
@cryptomocho 105300 Sep 15, 2020
@tbr90 Searching new projects must be facilitated by your network, bet sizing is very important but not time consuming. At one point, rebalancing existing positions is where I spent most time: need to follow what they’re building and reevaluated all the time Sep 15, 2020
@TheCoiner5 @satsloser Was. Sold everything between 6.4 and 6.2 Sep 15, 2020
@satsloser @VillebrunT Bold Sep 15, 2020
@VillebrunT @satsloser I went to a nice place with my wife and drank more champagne. I almost forgot the trade and when I checked it back it was 6.4k Sold everything 💪 Sep 15, 2020
@satsloser Ok bears ate me, im coming again ... after my champagne Live like a king, die like a king Sep 13, 2020
@Dafloww1 A smart degen need to be strong mentally to get thought bad times Sep 13, 2020
@satsloser That said, be careful. This is not a coin I expect to hold mid term like YFI. If SPX crash I won't hold, but until then I will support it Sep 13, 2020
@satsloser It won't dump more my friend Sep 13, 2020
This is an old one that reminds me when I was playing poker all day in Thailand History. Sep 13, 2020
John "Rambo" Moulton was the biggest trader on the Sydney Futures Exchange To me, this is the best trading itw all time. If you have another one, tell me Even if I don't trade like him, he's the only trader I recognise myself. Same personality Sep 13, 2020
@JeanPhiHulin Yes ofc, I think you can PM me, let's talk tomorrow Sep 13, 2020
I'm surprise nobody asked which coins I'm talking about Clearly, i cannot do that on BTC ETH, but on a 80m daily volume coin, I can and I did Now I hope SPX won't crash GL everyone. Shuffle and deal Sep 13, 2020
@pronewchaos If you think trading is science, you get it wrong. The market is the representation of all the emotions, greed and fear of each participant. This is why what Livermore experienced is still relevant today Sep 13, 2020
"How did you catch the bottom?" I made the bottom Sep 13, 2020
@BurgerBTC @MoonOverlord you're completely right Sep 12, 2020
@MoonOverlord I've already made $5.5m on $YFI Epic founder, awesome products, support of the community, hype I'm not selling Sep 12, 2020
@lawmaster Maybe that's why you've created a very solid business, but chose an unscalable one Sep 11, 2020
@lawmaster The time of work is irrelevant, the result is all what matters Sep 11, 2020
@BuddhaTrader7 Bought it. Thank you Sep 11, 2020
@TheMarcus These feelings are normal. In my mind, trading is a fight. I know there will be struggle and sometimes disappointment, but I’m prepared about it Sep 10, 2020
@chenkunwan ACALA, LAMINAR, LINEAR Sep 10, 2020
@guvertyy @btcmerlin1 Yes 25% Sep 06, 2020
@btcmerlin1 We broke the 20MA so we could retest 9k. I have secure a part in usd and will use it to rebuy alts if we go lower Don't jump right now and wait for a big wick I will answer your last questions later, Im travelling Sep 05, 2020
@satsloser Nope and it's not bc I think it's a bad play, but I had to make choice Sep 03, 2020
"Jump Trading, one of the world’s leading liquidity providers across the financial ecosystem, has made a significant partnership with and investment into Serum. Liquidity is coming: enough to scale" $SRM Sep 03, 2020
@DaraghThomas From what i know, a musician is not a competitive person Sep 02, 2020
@somereds7 Np my friend. I wish you all the best Sep 02, 2020
@somereds7 And what? after you're going to ask when I invest in btc. Bro, I've been doing gambling for more than 10y and I've started with nothing My strength is the mental game and I share some thoughts about it My only goal is to create a family office for my clan Sep 02, 2020
In sport, you have to work your weakness to become better. A soccer player who is good technically but has lack of speed, has to work on it to be better In trading, focus on your strength & cut your weakness. If you've trouble dealing with your emotions, find a strat to cut it Sep 02, 2020
@XBTES @cz_binance I don't like to short, but I definitely long Sam Actually, I would long both with a bigger size on Sam Sep 02, 2020
It looks quite strong to me in this small bearish moment, it's one of the top gainers volume and price the past hour and I like betting with Sam Sep 02, 2020
$SRM is going to ____ Sep 02, 2020
Your success depends on the risk you take and your survival on the risk you avoid Sep 01, 2020
@CryptoRich74 You're right, the hard thing is to start from "0" WAIT for the best opportunity and when you found one but you're afraid to bet "big", that's the moment: DO IT You can lose, but you cannot lose it all At one point, you will run good and if you're smart you'll 🚀 Sep 01, 2020
@realadamli Not me. There are bigger players than me on Sushi Sep 01, 2020
@cryptist0071 @MartinAudley Nope I have already cash out 25% and Im still making the same farming profit with the price increase. There is a big demand with this kind of yield $SUSHI is sucking out all the other pools Sep 01, 2020
I'm farming 7000 ETH worth of $SUSHI and win $56 every 20 sec, $240k / day I won't do it for long, I don't like this kind of risk but I'm ok with it bc I won a lot these days Don't do it if you're not comfortable to lose it all I will certainly sell all my SUSHI around $10 Aug 31, 2020
@jay7379 @Josh_Rager @TheCryptoDog @AaveAave bought 3.5 3.8k Aug 31, 2020
RT @HighStakesCap: @satsloser @high_fades Don't sell man, it is a very good bet short term and I personally hold $ALEPH mid term. No VCs, n… Aug 30, 2020
@satsloser @high_fades Don't sell man, it is a very good bet short term and I personally hold $ALEPH mid term. No VCs, no pre sale, no volume, so no big holders that is going to dump and they are the last miles of DeFi. HODL Aug 30, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 On my portfolio I think $ALEPH is one of the best potential Aug 30, 2020
@godin_kagi Aug 30, 2020
@CryptoKaleo ahah thank you, but it's not important for me, I'm only interested to make bigger and bigger bet and be outperforming Aug 30, 2020
$NXM to the moon Disclaimer: I have a pretty big position and I'm not selling before 1B+ Mcap Aug 30, 2020
$YFI All The Way Up Kudos to my friend @Beetcoin Aug 29, 2020
@Josh_Rager @TheCryptoDog I will have more. Put a good part of my $YFI in @AaveAave yesterday to borrow $$ and bought more YFI, then I will repay Aave when it will be 50k+ / yfi Aug 29, 2020
@TheCryptoDog 96 $YFI and I expect to hold at least mid term for the reasons you just shared. On the road to $100k for 3B Mcap at the top? will see Aug 28, 2020
@FirstCryptos I'm not interested in arbitrage, I am a risk taker Aug 24, 2020
The fifth problem: DeFi has grown 10x over last year, but we need protection against a failure and hack of smart contracts Solution: A successful system is likely programmable and on-chain, crypto-native, and allows new products to be community driven $NXM Aug 24, 2020
@crypto_seer For beginners Andreas Antonopoulos: Murad Mahmudov: The Murad itw is a must see! For grandma: Aug 22, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Your situation must be your motivation. If it’s not, i advise to find a job quickly to restart and/or go to a place where you can live cheaply like thailand while building a stack. I hope i dont hurt your feelings as i dont know you. Whish you the best. Stay strong Aug 21, 2020
@truenomic @RookieXBT @SatoshiFlipper @RNR_0 @SalsaTekila Thank you man. I really appreciate your words Aug 21, 2020
@btcmerlin1 About motivation and to have a sharp mind, sport is the best thing you can do. Personally I do 10 min of cardio boxing as soon as I wake up, it must be short to do it everyday and I usually train at home or at the gym 3-5x per week Aug 20, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Hi, I would say Nietzsche: to reset your beliefs and values and create your own Nassim Taleb: to see things differently and better understand the world Zero to One by Thiel (the best entrepreneurial mind) After, Ive just started David Goggins, can't hurt me Aug 20, 2020
@AliceCrypt Yep, like most of people who grow up in kind of poverty without dad, i wanted the multi millionnaire life style. Im fearless and lawless I don’t own any physical things. Money is freedom for me Aug 18, 2020
Waiting for my JDC friends. Cheers bitcoiners Aug 18, 2020
@GrosWeshfr @0 Yep i know, but I wasn't on the chart since weeks, just long LTC on the dip bc I was waiting for it. For the rest, Im on vacations my friend. wish you the best Aug 18, 2020
@topretardedtuna Lol I love CT and all the stupid haters in it Aug 18, 2020
@topretardedtuna Successful degen for 14 years my friend :) Aug 18, 2020
@mangicrypto You're welcome Emme Aug 18, 2020
Bought 250k worth of $OM at 0.37 Tbh I didn't dig it. I was enjoying swing positions and taking some time off the chart. So, pure gamble That said, It seems there is good hype on it and it's a kind of leverage of my DOT position Will double if it dump Shuffle up and deal Aug 18, 2020
@mBTCPiz 100B+ they have one of the most dedicated and resilience team with a clear vision Aug 16, 2020
@Psychonaut4975 Still holding JRT my friend :) Aug 16, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 I only do margin on big caps Aug 16, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 Nope, I still have some small to medium positions on JRT, RUNE, OMG and others Im looking at $120 for LTC, will see Aug 16, 2020
Started building an LTC long here If LTC break its 2y downtrend, it could have a v nice upside Cash out most of my speculative alts except ALPEH and YFI Aug 16, 2020
Trading is a test of character Aug 07, 2020
@KaitoXbt Not always, but often true. Even in trading, sometimes I take the trade that scare me the most Aug 06, 2020
The purpose of life is not seeking happiness, it is to live in your own terms. If you have to suffer to have a chance to reach what you want, suffer. Security is a bitch. Be you, stay real. And if you never succeed, be proud of yourself, you deserve respect. Aug 06, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I would not use leverage if this all I have. I'd buy spot 40% btc, 40% eth, 20% on speculative alts Aug 06, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I mean a correction of 30% Aug 06, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Take risk. In every btc bull market there are 30% corrections, wait for it and go all in with 10 leverage Aug 06, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I have 500k in aleph and think there are very few adr of this kind. Hodl Aug 06, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 Nope, it is a very small position for me, so I don't follow them closely Aug 06, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Yes Im holding mid term ALEPH. The good thing about them it is that they didn't make a seed nor a pre sale, so there are no big holders that is going to dump on this price and I know they're working with a big corp, but no idea when it will be public. I didn't buy new tokens Aug 06, 2020
I’ve made a seed investment in a startup that found an innovative way to embark a btc miner where you dont expect it I like when an idea crosses from seeming impossible to seeming hard to implement (Still holding my btc eth long) Aug 06, 2020
@Patient05222069 Just in case, i meant when their biggest loss is greater than their biggest gain Jul 29, 2020
@Patient05222069 In a single trade: 1m. Losing is part of the game, the problem is when people have bigger loss than winnings or they have lose aversion that create risk aversion Jul 29, 2020
@TraderA10C Right now I dont know, but I would say somewhere between 13 and 16k Jul 28, 2020
To become a Bitcoin whale, you need a bullish bias The thing is, BTC is a structurally bullish asset with halvings, it is better to find a spot to long than shorting If I manage these positions well, I will add and double them Jul 28, 2020
@BTC_JackSparrow Congrats man! I'm curious, what made you think in march that there will be a V shape on stocks and so on BTC? Jul 28, 2020
@Beetcoin @BTC_JackSparrow @realadamli Love. Cheers Jul 24, 2020
#FF @Beetcoin I know him for years and I really think he's one of the best technical analyst on CT @BTC_JackSparrow I like his view on the market and that he's not flip flop with every move @realadamli He has a different market angle than me. Always interesting Jul 24, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I plan to hold mid term Jul 24, 2020
@btcmerlin1 It's just less supply for the demand and I think there is more grow than x2 price. The project was self funded, no private sale, so no big holders that will dump at this price and there are, as a friend told me, the last mile of DeFi with KYC decentralization and more Jul 23, 2020
@zhusu @TylerDurden The smartest people hesitate too much, the dumbest will lose as fast as they won Jul 23, 2020
@scoinaldo This is just the beginning. They have big partnerships coming Jul 23, 2020
$ALEPH Token economics update: burn half of the supply and launch stacking Mcap 13m Jul 23, 2020
@bimmerbitcorn @aleph_im $ALEPH make it possible to decentralize parts of the DeFi which were not and it can also be used by CeFi. For example, you do your KYC once and then data are encrypted on aleph nodes and in one click it's transmitted to other exchanges Jul 23, 2020
@Beetcoin Thank you my friend Jul 22, 2020
@btcmerlin1 @aleph_im I need to see how they develop the product, partnerships and what other use cases they can imagine to have an idea. Right now, I would say $ALEPH has a big potential aka x10-100, but the truth is I don't know at this stage Jul 21, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I'd not recommend to think about income per month except if you do scalping After it depends of your financial situation, your risk appetite and your goal You have to find what works for you. Don't listen to people, try, adjust, repeat and find your own way Jul 19, 2020
@truenomic @aleph_im OTC with several people + Uniswap Jul 19, 2020
Few days ago, I've bought a very early and speculative project: @aleph_im $ALEPH Cap 4m Many people around me are bullish, but always make your own opinion Jul 19, 2020
@Aaron_SXP_50X Only started to TP on LEND & BAND. I hold XTZ and for SXP Im waiting to be closer of the release of their card Jul 19, 2020
Go Big Or Go Home Profits in one month approx on Binance: $1.8m +900k $LEND +400k $SXP +300k $BAND +200k $XTZ I've started to TP but don't know yet where I put the profit: ETH, XTZ or stay in USDT Still holding my 1k BTC long on FTX Jul 19, 2020
Just made my bids for $META on @mstable_ You still have 45 min to do it GL everyone Jul 18, 2020
@ExaltedTrading @thoughtsAreMin1 A slightly more comprehensive response would be 90%+ of my net worth in crypto atm bc I think there is 80%+ chance that there will be another BTC pump. So something like 70% in big cap and 30% in speculative projects Jul 17, 2020
@ExaltedTrading @thoughtsAreMin1 I don't hold any LINK, but if I would I will be cautious from here, I didn't read the report of Zeus Capital but there is a lot of hype. I think BTC, ETH, XTZ are big undervalued cap that have big potential mid long term. Btw, 22m was my ATH, I have a less today, not far but less Jul 17, 2020
@BloodyChuck DMG is on my list of projects to look at Jul 16, 2020
@VisMajor92 @DadoRijeka Thank you for the offer, but Im not interested to teach Jul 16, 2020
@peter_holm1 @fozzydiablo Wow my ranking is not what it used to be. Let's see in few months Jul 16, 2020
@LiamJanssens TA is quite bearish, the structure look more M than W, but you can always find a timeframe that fulfil your bias. To me, it's more a question about risk/reward right now Jul 16, 2020
Will cut if we lose 8.9, meanwhile strength and honor Jul 16, 2020
« How did you become a billionaire? »: I have balls Jul 15, 2020
@ConvexMonster Thanks i didnt know about it. I will dig it a bit tomorrow and let you know what i think Jul 12, 2020
@tomuky Man, i don care about this account and i dont owe you nothing. If I share something is bc Im in the mood to do it Jul 12, 2020
@tomuky Bro, i bought lend between 0.09 and 0.11 Starting the day when COMP took off. If comp made x5 in 1 day what coin will follow, lend was an easy answer Jul 12, 2020
RT @HighStakesCap: @CryptoKiddies @DadoRijeka Trading like poker is about to make the best decisions with incomplete informations in a stre… Jul 12, 2020
RT @HighStakesCap: @CryptoKiddies @DadoRijeka The most important thing is psychology. Everybody react differently with risk. You have to kn… Jul 12, 2020
@CryptoKiddies @DadoRijeka Trading like poker is about to make the best decisions with incomplete informations in a stressful environment. It’s all about risk & bankroll management and psychology Jul 12, 2020
@CryptoKiddies @DadoRijeka The most important thing is psychology. Everybody react differently with risk. You have to know yourself and be honest. Too many CT focus on chart, yes you can have a strat that prevent you to focus and work on your emotions but you will stay average+ Jul 12, 2020
@ragacannes There is some millions otc trade this days Jul 12, 2020
@Psychonaut4975 I am on snx too Jul 12, 2020
@DadoRijeka 20k in 2013. Lost 70pc with the ltc scam of mtgox, build my way up to 20m. Was a regular 6max poker pro player before that. Im not trader, im a successful gambler Jul 12, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 I dont know, to be honest i dont make serious study on project, more you study more you will hesitate. True story. I look at trend and team. When I like what i see i buy. Jul 12, 2020
@TraderSmokey Ahah cheers brothers. I had 2m xtz at first but decided to sold some to get in on some other projects and didnt want to touch my btc eth stack Jul 12, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 Jrt on hoo and send it to trustwallet. This what ive done Jul 12, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 For ex, ive been to hoo to buy jrt, never heard of them before but it’s the only place to buy it. I DD a bit and they are chinese miners, yes it is risky but that’s the game. Buy where is volume and send it to trustwallet Jul 12, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 I dont know about paraswap. The best is ftx and Im a shareholder, then I go where there is volume Jul 12, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 Im on the go, will check what I have later Jul 12, 2020
@thoughtsAreMin1 It’s always a question about risk/reward. For ex, Im not in Link bc I didnt get in early but it’s a v good project. That’s said, today I would say comp, link, snx, band, bal, rune, jrt. There is also uma but the token economic is shit Jul 12, 2020
@FroggyFrogster 65% at 0.025 with an OTC deal, the rest at 0.09 on Hoo Jul 12, 2020
And sometimes I make OTC deal on very early project like Jarvis Jul 12, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Sometimes I spent 2-3 days to build a position on an illiquid asset like band at 0.09. It’s half at market half with limit orders once a bought at market Jul 12, 2020
My binance stack. Sold half of my xtz to put on other projects and some very speculative like Jarvis Jul 12, 2020
I think there is 60% that we go down but in case the resolution of the range is by the north, we possibly never see 9k again and I will try hold it until 50-100k. ETH is less liquid so it’s not yet a big position Jul 12, 2020
@truenomic @Josh_Rager I have an average at 39 and Im holding that’s why i didnt make a perp on ftx Jul 10, 2020
@Damodangerous As I said in my previous tweet, have a look at Denise Shull and also Jared Tendler. They both have good content in youtube or amazon for books Jun 20, 2020
@Damodangerous Also note that winning increases the dopamine in the brain, so it could be wise to not trade for 1-2 days after a big win Btw, I tend to think that more than x10 leverage is too risky Have a look at Denise Shull in youtube, Im working on it rn Jun 20, 2020
@Damodangerous You need to identify where exactly the flaws are to correct them. Several different issues could provoke greed. Maybe you made several good wins and you became too excited to win big but trading is more a marathon than a speed race Jun 20, 2020
@cryptoquant_com They drive the price with 16m daily volume... c'mon Jun 15, 2020
@CryptoKong4 Agreed To break 10K we need to close out a max of longs and accumulate shorts first. And that's what's going on right now imo If the S&P wasn't a risk, I would be long big (actually I am, but I'm be careful) Jun 14, 2020
@CryptoKong4 It takes so long because we are in distribution and re accumulation in the same time, plus there is the question about the SP Jun 13, 2020
The crypto richest men: Mircea Popescu: Founder MPOe/MPEx Jed McCaleb: Founder eDonkey, MtGox, Ripple, Stellar Eric Voorhes: Founder SatoshiDice (bought it $500, sold it 200k BTC) Dan Larimer: Founder Bitshares, Steem, EOS Barry Silbert: Founder DCG Chris Larsen: Founder Ripple Jun 13, 2020
Bears have control of the momentum, but we're still in the battle zone Usually we have a top when the majority is bull, while here the majority is bear at the top of the range That said, I think the resolution will mostly depend of the S&P right now #Bitcoin Jun 12, 2020
The weekly closed above 9650 The monthly turned bullish Bitcoin hashrate bounced to 120 EH/s The supply on exchange drops to the lowest level since a year That said, we are in a tough resistance and we could range for a while Jun 08, 2020
@ThinkingUSD Ego Jun 06, 2020
SPX hold, GBTC up. Back to long BTC ETH PERP Jun 01, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I dont know about s19. Im not in the mining game. May 31, 2020
@btcmerlin1 They can. I was expecting a drop in the hashrate after the halving, it happened and now it seems it stabilized. It could drop further but is expected to increase in the midterm due to the wet season in China that could push the hydroelectricity price lower May 31, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I can't say right now, it depends how the events evolve and the price action May 31, 2020
@btcmerlin1 I don't know how the world will adapt to a second or several waves, are we going to lockdown again? Im not really bearish yet, but Im trying to protect my capital right now and close some positions. This week will be important. May 31, 2020
@DNaftaplin Took Profits. I was really bullish and holding my long since weeks, but I think the stock market had priced a recovery and that it could be tougher and longer with these events May 31, 2020
TP my long on BTC and ETH. There is a risk that the recovery will be tougher than expected, unemployment prolonged, wave of riots and covid that prevents the economy to restart, bankruptcies. Will see how the stock market is gonna react tomorrow May 31, 2020
@TraderX0X0 Bitcoin has seen its largest prolonged withdrawal of funds from exchanges since 1y. What do you conclude? May 30, 2020
80% of CT was shorting $BTC and forget that whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect May 27, 2020
$BAND +55%. Don't close, it's a gem, looking for a cap between 400-600m May 27, 2020
Ive started to build a position on a speculative altcoin: $BAND is a decentralized oracle framework. I like the team, the fact that they convinced @sequoia to invest early and the potential: BAND cap 20m vs Link 1.3bn May 19, 2020
Winklevoss are long $ETH and $XTZ May 19, 2020
Bitcoin is individual sovereignty over money May 16, 2020
People who screw their personal life up, screw their trading life up and vice versa, people who screw their trading life up, screw their personal life up. Keep things simple, stay focus and cut what doesn't add value to your life May 15, 2020
Do not average down. Don’t do what I do. May 10, 2020
@Double_Irish_D The best scenario I’d love to see is to continu to grind gradually, take all the liquidity by shorters at 11k and push it suddenly to 13k May 08, 2020
@realwillmeade Ask your children which one they would prefer May 08, 2020
This is still gradually. Bitcoin will be all over thews soon. No more day trade for me, holding since 9060 May 08, 2020
Bloomberg today: Macro investor Paul Tudor Jones Buys Bitcoin, Says He’s Reminded of Gold in 70s. May 07, 2020
Maybe there aren't a lot of shorts (30%), but there are a lot of people on the side. People doubt about V shape recovery on stocks and they're still waiting for a correction on stocks and on crypto. Despite 8 green weekly candle on $BTC the greed & fear just passed neutral today May 07, 2020
Gradually then... suddenly! May 07, 2020
@btcmerlin1 Get rich or die tryin May 06, 2020
@MeiTrades On these 2 weeks it was day trade because i was not sure it will go up without correction. Right now i wont cut and add to my long if we drop. Big risk big reward as always May 06, 2020
2 weeks of day trading, i dont care about this account and my numbers of followers. Im drank. Cheers to you and gl May 06, 2020
When bitcoin will reach 100k I will make a fucking private party with my favorite rapper and will invite all the bitcoiners/crypto guys I like even if I don’t know you and even if you RT or not, I fucking dont care. Im drank but I will do it May 06, 2020
Bloomberg has started to talk about the halving, in few months it will be all over the news, but be careful because miners will unplung S9 and the hashrate could drop as the price. Buy the halving « rumor », sell the news and rebuy the dip. That’s my plan. GL every1 May 06, 2020
@FroggyFrogster This company is for my personal trading and investments, no outside investors May 06, 2020
We have a contraction and we are still in fear. This is encouraging for bulls as $BTC like to make tops in euphoria. If we break 9.5k it is likely we go above 10k because shorters will put their stop between 10 and 10.5 which correspond to the previous top of mid-February May 06, 2020
Even if 9400 is the top for the moment, it is not yet acted. We have a new battle zone between 9400 and 8400. The momentum remains bullish and a market rarely establish a top when the feeling is still in fear #Bitcoin May 01, 2020
@utxo__ Done Apr 28, 2020
In trading, you have to be comfortable being uncomfortable Apr 26, 2020
Angel investing is ultimately betting on the person’s ability to not quit. The number one killer of startups is people quitting. If you are betting on somebody to take on a major, majorly difficult task, the number one killer is that they give up. Apr 26, 2020
The next FED meeting will be Tuesday and Wednesday, they could announce a plan to fight the recession. Hold your longs $btc $eth $xtz Apr 25, 2020
@sqcrypto @twobitidiot Want more bitcoins? Buy Tezos Apr 25, 2020
A quiet Warren Buffett is a bad sign for the long term Apr 24, 2020
On the other hand, the volume is decreasing, the open interest does not increase and there is no fomo on the spot usd vs usdt, the buyers are not rushing while the price goes up. We are in a rally against the trend that does not cost much to pump, so vigilance Apr 24, 2020
We could enter in a new battle zone, if the bulls win it is not impossible that we'll go to the big zone of reloading for shorts between 10 and 11k, 1st target 8.2 then 8.8. Apr 24, 2020
@SalsaTekila It was a misclick Apr 06, 2020
Humans have the capacity to absorb loss. They also have the ability to process risk. Risk is measurable uncertainty. What they can't process is ambiguity; that is unmeasurable uncertainty. We're living through this right now. Apr 03, 2020
We’re all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils Mar 26, 2020
The best rallies are the unpopular ones that people wait on the sidelines for Mar 25, 2020
It was a good night $btc $eth $algo Mar 13, 2020
@show4653 @HsakaTrades Just checked it, I talked to Ru D. from FTX. Anyway, it is real Feb 25, 2020
@show4653 @HsakaTrades Are you RU from FTX? if yes, you must know it as we talk on telegram ;-) Feb 25, 2020
@show4653 @HsakaTrades Feb 25, 2020
@Rewkang @spencernoon Feb 09, 2020
@SBF_Alameda This is the best crypto trading mobile app. Thank you for your work. Feb 03, 2020
@Crypto_Boy1 20k like the 01/01/2017 when it reached the previous ATH Dec 31, 2019
@mdudas Only one. Andreas Antonopoulos Aug 30, 2019
$FTT is coming to #bitfinex @FTX_Official Aug 19, 2019
#Bitcoin price fell because if it only went up there would be no risk and if there’s no risk there’s no return, and if there’s no return people will sell, so the Bitcoin price fell $btc Aug 17, 2019 is a promising collectible card game built on #Tezos by @breitwoman More info will be released in September. $XTZ Aug 17, 2019
The uncertainty in the short term and the bullish case in the mid term (Futures with physical delivery, ETF, halving) is what make #Bitcoin very attractive at the moment Aug 17, 2019
Reminder: Fidelity released a survey of more than 400 institutional investors that found 22 percent already held cryptocurrency, and another quarter saw potential to do so #Bakkt $BTC Aug 17, 2019
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