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Created November 16, 2019 05:43
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  • Save himixmix23/19cc19b62c910627a043e5fc5702313b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save himixmix23/19cc19b62c910627a043e5fc5702313b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am himixmix23 on github.

  • I am ksueulz ( on keybase.

  • I have a public key ASBiwYVZbZbQUnw6gNERnwG48Kx6qCvCIZBD426B4xq53go

To claim this, I am signing this object:


  "body": {

    "key": {

      "eldest_kid": "012062c185596d96d0527c3a80d1119f01b8f0ac7aa82bc2219043e36e81e31ab9de0a",

      "host": "",

      "kid": "012062c185596d96d0527c3a80d1119f01b8f0ac7aa82bc2219043e36e81e31ab9de0a",

      "uid": "36208068bd502c495b26b1474ebca119",

      "username": "ksueulz"


    "merkle_root": {

      "ctime": 1573882855,

      "hash": "cd6a72dbaae76787f0e74cc3e6aa3042bf15ee4f43b049fef5cd6482083571f7c176908c96cb4929eba2faaf1e226078e90dd8566b94c427d988222e0d14fc07",

      "hash_meta": "666378e9682583fb7ffe27c6c104b9a70bb6a073b515e5514dd9b3aa1172b5ac",

      "seqno": 9765955


    "service": {

      "entropy": "LHMtgQ3IUsVBDOFf+tikqJwx",

      "name": "github",

      "username": "himixmix23"


    "type": "web_service_binding",

    "version": 2


  "client": {

    "name": " go client",

    "version": "5.0.0"


  "ctime": 1573882859,

  "expire_in": 504576000,

  "prev": "0fe9a52a5a06feebd42178c8c023847719838b5a972ac83afe59d97c9570a769",

  "seqno": 11,

  "tag": "signature"


with the key ASBiwYVZbZbQUnw6gNERnwG48Kx6qCvCIZBD426B4xq53go, yielding the signature:


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line:

Consider the keybase command line program.

# look me up

keybase id ksueulz
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