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Last active July 28, 2019 15:51
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MinIO Docker Lets Encrypt Certbot
Copy certbot certificate into Docker host:
$ scp etc/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem <host>:~/minio_certs/public.crt
$ scp etc/live/<domain>/privkey.pem <host>:~/minio_certs/private.key
Test with:
$ docker run -it --rm --name minio \
-p 9000:9000 \
-v /home/$USER/minio_certs:/certs \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb01:/data1 \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb02:/data2 \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb03:/data3 \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb04:/data4 \
minio/minio server --certs-dir=/certs /data1 /data2 /data3 /data4
Remember to note down the AccessKey and SecretKey.
Run as service with:
$ docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name minio \
-p 9000:9000 \
-v /home/$USER/minio_certs:/certs \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb01:/data1 \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb02:/data2 \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb03:/data3 \
-v /var/volumes/wd3tb04:/data4 \
minio/minio server --certs-dir=/certs /data1 /data2 /data3 /data4
Mount onto Linux using s3fs - assume the bucket name is 'test' and you want to use the default s3fs passwords file:
$ sudo apt install s3fs # s3fs is in the universe repository
$ touch ~/.passwd-s3fs
$ chmod 0600 ~/.passwd-s3fs
$ echo "test:<AccessKey>:<SecretKey>"|tee -a ~/.passwd-s3fs
$ mkdir $HOME/test
$ s3fs -o "url=https://<host>:9000,use_path_request_style" test $HOME/test
If you need to debug what's going on then run s3fs in the forground with debugging enabled:
$ s3fs -f -o "url=https://<host>:9000,use_path_request_style,dbglevel=info,curldbg" tests $HOME/test
If you don't want to use the default passwords file then write the bucket:AccessKey:SecretKey into another file
and use the -o passwd_file=<filename> option.
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