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Created February 2, 2019 19:35
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// Interface for relative cursor position calculation
const MouseEventX = class extends MouseEvent {
constructor(name, init, target){
super(name, init)
if(target instanceof HTMLElement){
let tRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
tRect.widthHalf = tRect.width / 2;
tRect.heigtHalf = tRect.height/ 2;
// Local cursor coordinates
let x = init.clientX - tRect.x;
let y = init.clientY - tRect.y;
// Local cursor coordinates relatively to center
this.local = {
x, y,
center: {
x: (x - tRect.widthHalf) / tRect.widthHalf
, y: (y - tRect.heigtHalf) / tRect.heigtHalf
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