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Last active April 12, 2019 23:52
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#lang typed/racket
(require math)
(provide logmod-typed repeat-logmod-typed)
(: logmod-typed : Integer Flonum Flonum Flonum Flonum -> (Listof Flonum))
(define (logmod-typed t y r k thetasd)
(: calc : Flonum -> Flonum)
(define (calc y)
(define theta (flvector-ref (flnormal-sample 0.0 thetasd 1) 0))
(* y (- r (* r (/ y k))) (exp theta)))
(: loop : Flonum Integer -> (Listof Flonum))
(define (loop y i)
(if (= i t)
(list y)
(cons y (loop (calc y) (add1 i)))))
(loop y 1))
(: repeat-logmod-typed : Integer Integer Flonum Flonum Flonum Flonum -> (Listof (Listof Flonum)))
(define (repeat-logmod-typed reps t y r k thetasd)
(for/list ([i (in-range reps)]) (logmod-typed t y r k thetasd)))
#lang racket
(require math
(define YINIT 1.0) ; initial population size
(define R 1.4) ; maximum population growth rate
(define K 20.0) ; carrying capacity
(define THETASD 0.1) ; standard deviation for adding noise to population
(define T 100) ; number of years to run simulation
(define REPS 1000) ; number of replications
(define T2 (* T REPS)) ; used to compare difference between long-running simulation and many calls to simulation
(define TIME-SAMPLES 100) ; number of samples to run when timing functions
(define (logmod t y r k thetasd)
(define (calc y)
(define theta (flvector-ref (flnormal-sample 0.0 thetasd 1) 0))
(* y (- r (* r (/ y k))) (exp theta)))
(define (loop y i)
(if (= i t)
(list y)
(cons y (loop (calc y) (add1 i)))))
(loop y 1))
(define (logmod-vec t y r k thetasd)
(define y-vec (make-vector t))
(vector-set! y-vec 0 y)
(define theta-vec (flnormal-sample 0.0 thetasd t))
(for ([i (in-range 1 t)])
(define last-y (vector-ref y-vec (sub1 i)))
(define theta (flvector-ref theta-vec i))
(vector-set! y-vec i (* last-y (- r (* r (/ last-y k))) (exp theta)))))
(define (time-apply-cpu proc lst reps)
(define out
(for/list ([i (in-range reps)])
(define-values (results cpu-time real-time gc-time) (time-apply proc lst))
(displayln (string-append "min: " (number->string (apply min out))
" mean: " (number->string (round (mean out)))
" max: " (number->string (apply max out))
" function: "
(symbol->string (object-name proc)))))
(time-apply-cpu logmod (list T2 YINIT R K THETASD) TIME-SAMPLES)
(time-apply-cpu logmod-typed (list T2 YINIT R K THETASD) TIME-SAMPLES)
(time-apply-cpu logmod-vec (list T2 YINIT R K THETASD) TIME-SAMPLES)
(define (repeat-logmod reps t y r k thetasd)
(for/list ([i (in-range reps)]) (logmod t y r k thetasd)))
(define (repeat-logmod-vec reps t y r k thetasd)
(for/list ([i (in-range reps)]) (logmod-vec t y r k thetasd)))
(time-apply-cpu repeat-logmod (list REPS T YINIT R K THETASD) TIME-SAMPLES)
(time-apply-cpu repeat-logmod-typed (list REPS T YINIT R K THETASD) TIME-SAMPLES)
(time-apply-cpu repeat-logmod-vec (list REPS T YINIT R K THETASD) TIME-SAMPLES)
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