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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Save hinrik/9cf03ec1dc3455eada9b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dutch mortgage calculator for 2014
use 5.14.0;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use List::Util 'sum';
use Spreadsheet::Engine::Function::PMT;
# up to date as of 2014
my $max_deduction = 51.5;
my $min_deduction = 42;
my $yearly_reduction = 5;
my $tax_credit = 2103;
my $invest_return = 5;
my @tax_brackets = (
[19_645, 5.1],
[13_718, 10.85],
[23_168, 42],
[999999, 52],
my %args;
my $success = GetOptions(
'p|principal=s' => \my $principal,
's|salary=s' => \my $salary,
't|term=s@' => \my @terms,
'b|bump=s' => \(my $bump = 0),
'r|ruling=s' => \(my $ruling_years = 0),
if (!$success || !$principal || !$salary || !@terms) {
die "Usage: perl --principal=250000 --salary=50000 --bump=3 --ruling=5 --term 10:3.5 --term 20:4.5\n";
@terms = map { [split /:/, $_] } @terms;
my $years = sum(map { $_->[0] } @terms);
my $annuity = calculate_annuity($principal, $years, \@terms);
my $linear = calculate_linear($principal, $years, \@terms);
add_aggregates_and_net($_, $salary, $bump, $tax_credit, $max_deduction, $yearly_reduction, $ruling_years) for $annuity, $linear;
print "\n";
printf "Mortgage duration: %i years\n", $years;
printf "Principal amount: %i\n", $principal;
printf "Gross yearly salary: %i\n", $salary;
printf "Yearly salary bump: %i%%\n", $bump || 0;
printf "30%% ruling for: %i years\n", $ruling_years;
print "\nInterest terms:\n";
printf " %2i years @ %.2f%%\n", @$_ for @terms;
print "\n";
compare($years, $annuity, $linear);
for my $m (['Annuity', $annuity], ['Linear', $linear]) {
my ($type, $mortgage) = @$m;
print "$type\n------------------\n";
printf("Gross cost: %6i\n", $mortgage->{gross});
printf("Deduction: %6i\n", $mortgage->{gross} - $mortgage->{net});
printf("Net cost: %6i\n", $mortgage->{net});
for my $year_no (1..@{ $mortgage->{years} }) {
my $year = $mortgage->{years}[$year_no-1];
printf "\nYear %2i (%.2f%%)", $year_no, $year->{rate};
printf " Repayment: %5i", $year->{repayment};
printf " Interest: %5i", $year->{interest};
printf " Gross: %5i", $year->{gross};
printf " Deduction: %5i", $year->{gross} - $year->{net};
printf " Net: %5i", $year->{net};
printf " Avg monthly gross: %4i", $year->{gross} / 12;
printf " Avg monthly net: %4i", $year->{net} / 12;
print "\n\n\n";
# fixed monthly gross (principal+interest) payments
sub calculate_annuity {
my ($principal, $years, $terms) = @_;
my %mortgage;
for my $term (@$terms) {
my ($term_years, $yearly_rate) = @$term;
my $monthly_gross = -Spreadsheet::Engine::Function::PMT->calculate(
(1+$yearly_rate/100)**(1/12)-1, $years * 12, $principal,
for (1..$term_years) {
my %year = (rate => $yearly_rate);
for my $month (1..12) {
my $monthly_interest = ($principal * $yearly_rate/100) / 12;
my $monthly_repayment = $monthly_gross - $monthly_interest;
$principal -= $monthly_repayment;
push @{ $year{months} }, {
gross => $monthly_gross,
interest => $monthly_interest,
repayment => $monthly_repayment,
push @{ $mortgage{years} }, \%year;
$years -= $term_years;
return \%mortgage;
# fixed monthly principal payments
sub calculate_linear {
my ($principal, $years, $terms) = @_;
my %mortgage;
my $monthly_repayment = $principal / $years / 12;
for my $term (@$terms) {
my ($term_years, $yearly_rate) = @$term;
for (1..$term_years) {
my %year = (rate => $yearly_rate);
for (1..12) {
my $monthly_interest = ($principal * $yearly_rate/100) / 12;
my $monthly_gross = $monthly_repayment + $monthly_interest;
$principal -= $monthly_repayment;
push @{ $year{months} }, {
gross => $monthly_gross,
interest => $monthly_interest,
repayment => $monthly_repayment,
push @{ $mortgage{years} }, \%year;
return \%mortgage;
sub add_aggregates_and_net {
my ($mortgage, $salary, $bump, $tax_credit, $max_deduction, $yearly_reduction, $ruling_years) = @_;
for my $year (@{ $mortgage->{years} }) {
my $taxable_salary = $ruling_years ? $salary * 0.7 : $salary;
$taxable_salary -= $tax_credit;
my $yearly_interest = sum(map { $_->{interest} } @{ $year->{months} });
my $yearly_refund = tax($taxable_salary, $max_deduction) - tax($taxable_salary-$yearly_interest, $max_deduction);
my $yearly_gross = sum(map { $_->{gross} } @{ $year->{months} });
for my $month (@{ $year->{months} }) {
my $monthly_refund = $month->{interest} / $yearly_interest * $yearly_refund;
$month->{net} = $month->{gross} - $monthly_refund;
$year->{gross} = $yearly_gross;
$year->{interest} = $yearly_interest;
$year->{net} = $yearly_gross - $yearly_refund;
$year->{repayment} = sum(map { $_->{repayment} } @{ $year->{months} });
$salary *= (1+$bump/100) if $bump;
$ruling_years-- if $ruling_years;
$max_deduction -= $yearly_reduction if $max_deduction > $min_deduction;
for my $amount (qw(interest net gross)) {
$mortgage->{$amount} = sum(map { $_->{$amount} } @{ $mortgage->{years} } );
sub tax {
my ($salary, $max_deduction) = @_;
my $tax;
for my $bracket (@tax_brackets) {
my ($level, $rate) = @$bracket;
my $taxable = $salary >= $level ? $level : $salary;
$rate = $max_deduction if $max_deduction && $rate > $max_deduction;
$tax += $taxable * ($rate/100);
$salary -= $taxable;
last if !$salary;
return $tax;
sub compare {
my ($years, $annuity, $linear) = @_;
say <<BLURB;
If we take the difference in net yearly mortgage payments and calculate
an ROI of 5%, we can see which type of mortgage is cheaper in the long
run if you are investing your spare income in index funds with a 5% return.
The annuity mortgage has a higher net payment total than a linear mortgage,
but the extra investment returns can more than make up for it due to the
annuity mortgage's higher ratio of (tax-deductible) interest to principal
payments, especially in the early years.
my $linear_invest = 0;
my $annuity_invest = 0;
for my $year (0..$years-1) {
my $linear_net = $linear->{years}[$year]{net};
my $annuity_net = $annuity->{years}[$year]{net};
if ($linear_net > $annuity_net) {
$annuity_invest += $linear_net - $annuity_net;
elsif ($annuity_net > $linear_net) {
$linear_invest += $annuity_net - $linear_net;
$annuity_invest *= (1+$invest_return/100);
$linear_invest *= (1+$invest_return/100);
printf " Annuity investment earnings: %6i\n", $annuity_invest;
printf " Linear investment earnings: %6i\n", $linear_invest;
print "\n";
$ perl -p 250000 -s 50000 -r 5 -b 3 -t 10:3.25 -t 10:5 -t 10:6.5
Mortgage duration: 30 years
Principal amount: 250000
Gross yearly salary: 50000
Yearly salary bump: 3%
30% ruling for: 5 years
Interest terms:
10 years @ 3.25%
10 years @ 5.00%
10 years @ 6.50%
If we take the difference in net yearly mortgage payments and calculate
an ROI of 5%, we can see which type of mortgage is cheaper in the long
run if you are investing your spare income in index funds with a 5% return.
The annuity mortgage has a higher net payment total than a linear mortgage,
but the extra investment returns can more than make up for it due to the
annuity mortgage's higher ratio of (tax-deductible) interest to principal
payments, especially in the early years.
Annuity investment earnings: 98331
Linear investment earnings: 65233
Gross cost: 445536
Deduction: 72873
Net cost: 372662
Year 1 (3.25%) Repayment: 4926 Interest: 8052 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 873 Net: 12104 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 1008
Year 2 (3.25%) Repayment: 5088 Interest: 7889 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 1037 Net: 11940 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 995
Year 3 (3.25%) Repayment: 5256 Interest: 7721 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 1348 Net: 11629 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 969
Year 4 (3.25%) Repayment: 5429 Interest: 7548 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 1670 Net: 11307 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 942
Year 5 (3.25%) Repayment: 5609 Interest: 7369 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 2003 Net: 10975 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 914
Year 6 (3.25%) Repayment: 5794 Interest: 7184 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 2981 Net: 9996 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 833
Year 7 (3.25%) Repayment: 5985 Interest: 6992 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 2902 Net: 10076 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 839
Year 8 (3.25%) Repayment: 6182 Interest: 6795 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 2820 Net: 10158 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 846
Year 9 (3.25%) Repayment: 6386 Interest: 6591 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 2735 Net: 10242 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 853
Year 10 (3.25%) Repayment: 6597 Interest: 6380 Gross: 12978 Deduction: 2648 Net: 10330 Avg monthly gross: 1081 Avg monthly net: 860
Year 11 (5.00%) Repayment: 5613 Interest: 9509 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3946 Net: 11176 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 931
Year 12 (5.00%) Repayment: 5900 Interest: 9222 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3827 Net: 11295 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 941
Year 13 (5.00%) Repayment: 6202 Interest: 8920 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3702 Net: 11420 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 951
Year 14 (5.00%) Repayment: 6519 Interest: 8603 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3570 Net: 11552 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 962
Year 15 (5.00%) Repayment: 6852 Interest: 8269 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3431 Net: 11690 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 974
Year 16 (5.00%) Repayment: 7203 Interest: 7919 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3286 Net: 11836 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 986
Year 17 (5.00%) Repayment: 7572 Interest: 7550 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 3133 Net: 11989 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 999
Year 18 (5.00%) Repayment: 7959 Interest: 7163 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 2972 Net: 12149 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 1012
Year 19 (5.00%) Repayment: 8366 Interest: 6756 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 2803 Net: 12318 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 1026
Year 20 (5.00%) Repayment: 8794 Interest: 6327 Gross: 15122 Deduction: 2626 Net: 12496 Avg monthly gross: 1260 Avg monthly net: 1041
Year 21 (6.50%) Repayment: 8797 Interest: 7655 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 3176 Net: 13275 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1106
Year 22 (6.50%) Repayment: 9386 Interest: 7066 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 2932 Net: 13520 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1126
Year 23 (6.50%) Repayment: 10015 Interest: 6437 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 2671 Net: 13781 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1148
Year 24 (6.50%) Repayment: 10685 Interest: 5766 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 2393 Net: 14059 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1171
Year 25 (6.50%) Repayment: 11401 Interest: 5051 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 2096 Net: 14356 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1196
Year 26 (6.50%) Repayment: 12165 Interest: 4287 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 1779 Net: 14673 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1222
Year 27 (6.50%) Repayment: 12979 Interest: 3472 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 1441 Net: 15011 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1250
Year 28 (6.50%) Repayment: 13849 Interest: 2603 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 1080 Net: 15372 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1281
Year 29 (6.50%) Repayment: 14776 Interest: 1676 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 695 Net: 15757 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1313
Year 30 (6.50%) Repayment: 15766 Interest: 686 Gross: 16452 Deduction: 284 Net: 16167 Avg monthly gross: 1371 Avg monthly net: 1347
Gross cost: 407803
Deduction: 56805
Net cost: 350998
Year 1 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 8000 Gross: 16334 Deduction: 868 Net: 15466 Avg monthly gross: 1361 Avg monthly net: 1288
Year 2 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 7730 Gross: 16063 Deduction: 1020 Net: 15042 Avg monthly gross: 1338 Avg monthly net: 1253
Year 3 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 7459 Gross: 15792 Deduction: 1319 Net: 14472 Avg monthly gross: 1316 Avg monthly net: 1206
Year 4 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 7188 Gross: 15521 Deduction: 1631 Net: 13889 Avg monthly gross: 1293 Avg monthly net: 1157
Year 5 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6917 Gross: 15250 Deduction: 1954 Net: 13296 Avg monthly gross: 1270 Avg monthly net: 1108
Year 6 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6646 Gross: 14980 Deduction: 2758 Net: 12221 Avg monthly gross: 1248 Avg monthly net: 1018
Year 7 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6375 Gross: 14709 Deduction: 2645 Net: 12063 Avg monthly gross: 1225 Avg monthly net: 1005
Year 8 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6105 Gross: 14438 Deduction: 2533 Net: 11904 Avg monthly gross: 1203 Avg monthly net: 992
Year 9 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 5834 Gross: 14167 Deduction: 2421 Net: 11746 Avg monthly gross: 1180 Avg monthly net: 978
Year 10 (3.25%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 5563 Gross: 13896 Deduction: 2308 Net: 11587 Avg monthly gross: 1158 Avg monthly net: 965
Year 11 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 8142 Gross: 16475 Deduction: 3379 Net: 13096 Avg monthly gross: 1372 Avg monthly net: 1091
Year 12 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 7725 Gross: 16059 Deduction: 3206 Net: 12852 Avg monthly gross: 1338 Avg monthly net: 1071
Year 13 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 7309 Gross: 15642 Deduction: 3033 Net: 12609 Avg monthly gross: 1303 Avg monthly net: 1050
Year 14 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6892 Gross: 15225 Deduction: 2860 Net: 12365 Avg monthly gross: 1268 Avg monthly net: 1030
Year 15 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6475 Gross: 14809 Deduction: 2687 Net: 12121 Avg monthly gross: 1234 Avg monthly net: 1010
Year 16 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 6059 Gross: 14392 Deduction: 2514 Net: 11877 Avg monthly gross: 1199 Avg monthly net: 989
Year 17 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 5642 Gross: 13975 Deduction: 2341 Net: 11634 Avg monthly gross: 1164 Avg monthly net: 969
Year 18 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 5225 Gross: 13559 Deduction: 2168 Net: 11390 Avg monthly gross: 1129 Avg monthly net: 949
Year 19 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 4809 Gross: 13142 Deduction: 1995 Net: 11146 Avg monthly gross: 1095 Avg monthly net: 928
Year 20 (5.00%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 4392 Gross: 12725 Deduction: 1822 Net: 10902 Avg monthly gross: 1060 Avg monthly net: 908
Year 21 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 5168 Gross: 13501 Deduction: 2144 Net: 11356 Avg monthly gross: 1125 Avg monthly net: 946
Year 22 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 4626 Gross: 12960 Deduction: 1920 Net: 11039 Avg monthly gross: 1080 Avg monthly net: 919
Year 23 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 4085 Gross: 12418 Deduction: 1695 Net: 10723 Avg monthly gross: 1034 Avg monthly net: 893
Year 24 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 3543 Gross: 11876 Deduction: 1470 Net: 10406 Avg monthly gross: 989 Avg monthly net: 867
Year 25 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 3001 Gross: 11335 Deduction: 1245 Net: 10089 Avg monthly gross: 944 Avg monthly net: 840
Year 26 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 2460 Gross: 10793 Deduction: 1020 Net: 9772 Avg monthly gross: 899 Avg monthly net: 814
Year 27 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 1918 Gross: 10251 Deduction: 796 Net: 9455 Avg monthly gross: 854 Avg monthly net: 787
Year 28 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 1376 Gross: 9710 Deduction: 571 Net: 9138 Avg monthly gross: 809 Avg monthly net: 761
Year 29 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 835 Gross: 9168 Deduction: 346 Net: 8821 Avg monthly gross: 764 Avg monthly net: 735
Year 30 (6.50%) Repayment: 8333 Interest: 293 Gross: 8626 Deduction: 121 Net: 8504 Avg monthly gross: 718 Avg monthly net: 708
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