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Created April 13, 2015 17:00
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  • Save hippiefahrzeug/01d112c52a7396ef55b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hippiefahrzeug/01d112c52a7396ef55b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 97 milliseconds
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-46, mTimestampNanos=19087035808632}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 4 measurements: -45.5
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -45.5
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -45.5 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -45.5 distance: 0.02824752489999998
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-45, mTimestampNanos=19092141903369}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 4 measurements: -45.5
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -45.5
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -45.5 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -45.5 distance: 0.02824752489999998
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-44, mTimestampNanos=19101313267326}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 3 measurements: -45.0
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -45.0
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -45.0 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -45.0 distance: 0.02529248908960331
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-45, mTimestampNanos=19103596259404}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 98 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 4 measurements: -45.0
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -45.0
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -45.0 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -45.0 distance: 0.02529248908960331
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-44, mTimestampNanos=19106654664042}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 5 measurements: -44.666666666666664
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -44.666666666666664
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -44.666666666666664 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -44.666666666666664 distance: 0.02348020422743664
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-44, mTimestampNanos=19106911258469}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 5 measurements: -44.333333333333336
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -44.333333333333336
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -44.333333333333336 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -44.333333333333336 distance: 0.021785638658264585
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 98 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-45, mTimestampNanos=19116597300965}
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 98 milliseconds
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 5 measurements: -44.333333333333336
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -44.333333333333336
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -44.333333333333336 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -44.333333333333336 distance: 0.021785638658264585
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-45, mTimestampNanos=19121686393880}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 5 measurements: -44.666666666666664
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -44.666666666666664
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -44.666666666666664 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -44.666666666666664 distance: 0.02348020422743664
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 72]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 72]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-45, mTimestampNanos=19126793931268}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 3 measurements: -45.0
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -45.0
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -45.0 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -45.0 distance: 0.02529248908960331
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 98 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 98 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 0
W/AsyncHttpClient(29322): Passed contentType will be ignored because HttpEntity sets content type
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onScanResult() - ScanResult{mDevice=20:CD:39:A4:A3:AE, mScanRecord=ScanRecord [mAdvertiseFlags=6, mServiceUuids=[b0702980-a295-a8ab-f734-031a98a512de], mManufacturerSpecificData={76=[2, 21, 109, 111, 118, 101, 99, 97, 115, 104, 111, 110, 77, 111, 98, 105, 110, 111, 0, -56, 0, 1, -65, 73]}, mServiceData={00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb=[0, -56, 0, 1, 73]}, mTxPowerLevel=-2147483648, mDeviceName=B1], mRssi=-45, mTimestampNanos=19137141992623}
D/CycledLeScannerForJellyBeanMr2(29322): got record
D/BeaconParser(29322): This is a recognized beacon advertisement -- 02 15 seen
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected multiple times in scan cycle : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): beacon detected : id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1
D/BeaconService(29322): looking for ranging region matches for this beacon
D/BeaconService(29322): matches ranging region: id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: null id3: null
D/RangeState(29322): adding id1: 2f234454-cf6d-4a0f-adf2-f4911ba9ffa6 id2: 200 id3: 1 to existing range for: org.altbeacon.beacon.service.RangedBeacon@15a51967
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 99 milliseconds
V/AsyncHttpResponseHandler(29322): Progress 64 from 64 (100%)
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Done with scan cycle
D/BeaconService(29322): Calling ranging callback
D/RangedBeacon(29322): Running average mRssi based on 3 measurements: -45.0
D/RangedBeacon(29322): calculated new runningAverageRssi: -45.0
D/RangingData(29322): writing RangingData
D/Beacon (29322): serializing identifiers of size 3
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): calculating distance based on mRssi of -45.0 and txPower of -65
D/CurveFittedDistanceCalculator(29322): avg mRssi: -45.0 distance: 0.02529248908960331
D/RangingData(29322): done writing RangingData
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): stopping bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): stopLeScan()
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new scan cycle
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): starting a new bluetooth le scan
D/BluetoothAdapter(29322): startLeScan(): null
D/BluetoothLeScanner(29322): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=5
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Waiting to stop scan cycle for another 1100 milliseconds
D/CycledLeScanner(29322): Scan started
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got an intent to process
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/RangingData(29322): parsing RangingData
D/BeaconIntentProcessor(29322): got ranging data
I/com.test.myapp(29322): ### beacons found: 1
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