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Last active April 26, 2018 10:21
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program mpidiffusioneq1d
implicit none
include 'mpif.h'
integer :: nprocs
integer :: myrank
integer :: ierr
integer :: tag
integer :: request1, request2
integer :: status
integer, allocatable :: count(:)
integer, allocatable :: bc(:)
integer :: division_x
integer :: m
integer :: n
integer :: n_end, n_end_backup
integer :: n_interval, n_interval_backup
integer :: i
integer :: i1, i2
integer :: j
integer :: j1, j2
integer :: i_start, i_end
integer :: cell_start, cell_end
integer :: cell
integer :: proc
real(8) :: sbuffer1, sbuffer2
real(8) :: rbuffer1, rbuffer2
real(8) :: time_start, time_end
real(8) :: totaltime_start, totaltime_end
real(8), allocatable :: x(:)
real(8) :: delta_x
real(8), allocatable :: u(:)
real(8), allocatable :: u_backup(:)
real(8), allocatable :: du(:)
real(8), allocatable :: u_exact(:)
real(8) :: alpha
real(8) :: t, delta_t
real(8) :: d
real(8) :: pi
real(8) :: error, sum_error
character(100) :: char_n
character(1) :: dataname
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world, nprocs, ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world, myrank, ierr)
pi = 4.0D0 * datan(1.0D0)
if (myrank == 0) then
open(10, file = 'input_diffusioneq1d.dat')
read(10, *) dataname
read(10, *) division_x
read(10, *) dataname
read(10, *) alpha
read(10, *) dataname
read(10, *) n_end
read(10, *) dataname
read(10, *) n_interval
read(10, *) dataname
read(10, *) d
end if
call mpi_bcast(division_x, 1, mpi_integer, 0, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
call mpi_bcast(alpha, 1, mpi_double_precision, 0, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
call mpi_bcast(n_end, 1, mpi_integer, 0, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
call mpi_bcast(n_interval, 1, mpi_integer, 0, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
call mpi_bcast(d, 1, mpi_double_precision, 0, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
n_interval_backup = n_interval
n_end_backup = n_end
delta_x = (1.0D0 - 0.0D0) / dfloat(division_x)
delta_t = d * delta_x * delta_x / alpha
if (myrank == 0) then
write(6, '(A, E15.8, A, A, E15.8)') 'delta_x = ', delta_x, ',', &
'delta_t = ', delta_t
end if
m = int(dfloat(division_x) / dfloat(nprocs))
if (myrank /= nprocs - 1) then
allocate(x(m + 1))
allocate(u(m + 1))
allocate(u_backup(m + 1))
allocate(du(m + 1))
allocate(u_exact(m + 1))
allocate(bc(m + 1))
allocate(count(m + 1))
allocate(x(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
allocate(u(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
allocate(u_backup(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
allocate(du(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
allocate(u_exact(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
allocate(bc(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
allocate(count(division_x - myrank * m + 1))
end if
x = 0.0D0
u = 0.0D0
u_backup = 0.0D0
du = 0.0D0
u_exact = 0.0D0
bc = 0
count = 1
if (myrank /= nprocs - 1) then
i_start = myrank * m + 1
i_end = (myrank + 1) * m
cell_start = myrank * m + 1
cell_end = (myrank + 1) * m
i_start = myrank * m + 1
i_end = division_x + 1
cell_start = myrank * m + 1
cell_end = division_x
end if
count(1) = 2
count(i_end - i_start + 1) = 2
! x-coordinate
do i = i_start, i_end
j = i - i_start + 1
x(j) = 0.0D0 + delta_x * dfloat(i - 1)
end do
! initial codition
do i = i_start, i_end
j = i - i_start + 1
u(j) = dsin(pi * x(j)) ** 3
end do
! boundary condition
if (myrank == 0) then
u(1) = 0.0D0
bc(1) = 1
count(1) = 1
end if
if (myrank == nprocs - 1) then
u(i_end - i_start + 1) = 0.0D0
bc(i_end - i_start + 1) = 1
count(i_end - i_start + 1) = 1
end if
if (myrank == 0) then
totaltime_start = mpi_wtime()
end if
n = 0
t = 0.0D0
do while(n < n_end)
u_backup = u
du = 0.0D0
if (myrank == 0) then
time_start = mpi_wtime()
end if
do cell = cell_start, cell_end
i1 = cell
i2 = cell + 1
j1 = i1 - i_start + 1
j2 = i2 - i_start + 1
du(j1) = du(j1) + (-u(j1) + u(j2)) / (delta_x * delta_x)
du(j2) = du(j2) + (u(j1) - u(j2)) / (delta_x * delta_x)
end do
tag = 1
if (myrank /= 0) then
sbuffer1 = du(1)
call mpi_isend(sbuffer1, 1, mpi_double_precision, myrank - 1, tag, mpi_comm_world, request1, ierr)
call mpi_irecv(rbuffer1, 1, mpi_double_precision, myrank - 1, tag, mpi_comm_world, request1, ierr)
call mpi_wait(request1, status, ierr)
du(1) = du(1) + rbuffer1
end if
if (myrank /= nprocs - 1) then
sbuffer2 = du(i_end - i_start + 1)
call mpi_isend(sbuffer2, 1, mpi_double_precision, myrank + 1, tag, mpi_comm_world, request2, ierr)
call mpi_irecv(rbuffer2, 1, mpi_double_precision, myrank + 1, tag, mpi_comm_world, request2, ierr)
call mpi_wait(request2, status, ierr)
du(i_end - i_start + 1) = du(i_end - i_start + 1) + rbuffer2
end if
do i = i_start, i_end
j = i - i_start + 1
u(j) = u_backup(j) + dfloat(1 - bc(j)) * delta_t * alpha * du(j)
end do
if (myrank == 0) then
time_end = mpi_wtime()
end if
n = n + 1
t = t + delta_t
n_end = n_end_backup
n_interval = n_interval_backup
if(mod(n, n_interval) == 0) then
error = 0.0D0
do i = i_start, i_end
j = i - i_start + 1
u_exact(j) = (3.0D0 / 4.0D0) * dsin(pi * x(j)) * dexp(-alpha * pi ** 2 * t) &
- (1.0D0 / 4.0D0) * dsin(3.0D0 * pi * x(j)) * dexp(-alpha * (3.0D0 * pi) ** 2 * t)
error = error + (u(j) - u_exact(j)) ** 2 / dfloat(count(j))
end do
call mpi_allreduce(error, sum_error, 1, mpi_double_precision, mpi_sum, mpi_comm_world, ierr)
error = dsqrt(sum_error) / dfloat(division_x + 1)
do proc = 1, nprocs
if(myrank == proc - 1) then
write(char_n, *) n
char_n = adjustl(char_n)
if (myrank == 0) then
open(90, file = 'output_diffusioneq1d_n=' // trim(char_n) // '.dat')
write(90, '(A, I8, A, A, E15.8)') '! n= ', n, ', ', 't=', t
write(90, '(A, E15.8, A, A, E15.8)') '! delta_x= ', delta_x, ', ', 'delta_t=', delta_t
write(90, '(7X, A, 11X, A, 11X, A, 8X, A)') 'i,', 'x(i), ', 'u(i), ', 'u_exact(i)'
open(90, file = 'output_diffusioneq1d_n=' // trim(char_n) // '.dat', access = 'append')
end if
do i = i_start, i_end
j = i - i_start + 1
write(90, '(I8, 3(A, E15.8))') j, ', ', x(j), ', ', u(j), ', ', u_exact(j)
end do
end if
call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world, ierr)
end do
if (myrank == 0) then
open(90, file = 'output_diffusioneq1d_n=' // trim(char_n) // '.dat', access = 'append')
write(90, '(A, E15.8)') 'Error=', error
end if
end if
end do
if (myrank == 0) then
totaltime_end = mpi_wtime()
end if
if (myrank == 0) then
open(90, file = 'output_diffusioneq1d_exetime.dat')
write(90, '(A, E15.8, 1X, A)') 'Execution time: ', time_end - time_start, 'sec'
write(90, '(A, E15.8, 1X, A)') 'Total execution time: ', totaltime_end - totaltime_start, 'sec'
end if
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program mpidiffusioneq1d
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