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Last active December 14, 2015 02:29
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Save hiranthi/5014142 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adding products to the wishlist through AJAX so customers don't leave the current page (for Shopp - Wishlist Pro from
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// the add-to-wishlist links should be inside an id="edit-wishlist-pro", ie a div or a span
$('#edit-wishlist-pro a').click(function(e) {
// the surrounding grandparent should have a rel attached that holds the ID of the product (ie rel="12")
var product = $(this).parent().parent().attr('rel');
// the parent (<p>) doesn't have a 'remove' class, so we're adding to the wishlist
if ( ! $(this).parent().hasClass('remove') )
/* Send the data using post and put the results back in as the #add-to-wishlist results */
'action' : 'shoppnl_handle_ajax',
'handle' : 'add_to_wishlist',
'data' : 'product='+product,
'security' : ShoppNL.nonce
function( response ) {
$('#edit-wishlist-pro').contents( response );
// The link does have a class 'remove', so we want to remove the product from the wishlist
/* Send the data using post and put the results back in as the #add-to-wishlist results */
'action' : 'shoppnl_handle_ajax',
'handle' : 'remove_from_wishlist',
'data' : 'product='+product,
'security' : ShoppNL.nonce
function( response ) {
$('#edit-wishlist-pro').contents( response );
return false;
function shoppnl_wishlistpro_handle_ajax()
// make sure the referer is legit
check_ajax_referer( 'shoppnl-handle-ajax', 'security' );
$handle = strtolower(strip_tags($_REQUEST['handle']));
parse_str($_REQUEST['data'], $data);
/* switch between the different AJAX handles */
// Add to the wishlist
case 'add_to_wishlist':
$user_ID = get_customer_id(shopp('customer','email','mode=value&return=true'));
if (SHOPP_DEBUG) new ShoppError('AJAX: $user_ID = '.$user_ID,false,SHOPP_DEBUG_ERR);
$wishlist = new WishlistObject($user_ID);
$wishlist->parent = $user_ID;
if (SHOPP_DEBUG) new ShoppError('Adding product #'.$product.' to the wishlist',false,SHOPP_DEBUG_ERR);
$wishlist->value[$product] = $product;
// save the wishlist
if ( $wishlist->save() )
echo __('<span class="add success">This product has been added to your wishlist.</span>');
echo __('<span class="add error">Something went wrong, the product could not be added to your website.</span>');
// Remove from the wishlist
case 'remove_from_wishlist':
// get the wishlist Object
$wishlist = new WishlistObject( $user_ID );
$wishlist->parent = $user_ID;
// unset the product
unset( $wishlist->value[ $product ] );
// save the wishlist
if ( ! $wishlist->value[ $product ] )
echo __('<span class="remove success">The product was removed from your wishlist.</span>');
echo __('<span class="remove error">Something went wrong, the product could not be removed from your wishlist.</span>');
} # end switch
// we have to die to make sure there's no -1 at the end of the output
} // end onx_wishlistpro_handle_ajax
add_action('wp_ajax_shoppnl_handle_ajax', 'shoppnl_wishlistpro_handle_ajax'); // loggedin
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_shoppnl_handle_ajax', 'shoppnl_wishlistpro_handle_ajax'); // not loggedin
// add the JS for AJAX support
function shopp_wishlistpro_custom_ajax()
// don't forget to adjust the URL to the correct URL
wp_register_script('shopp-wishlist-pro-custom', '//', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
// localize script
wp_localize_script( 'shopp-wishlist-pro-custom', 'ShoppNL', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('shoppemailmrktng-handle-ajax') ) );
// enqueue script
} // end shopp_wishlistpro_custom_ajax
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'shopp_wishlistpro_custom_ajax');
// then add this to the product-page where you want the add-to-wishlist "button" (should work from category page too):
<div id="edit-wishlist-pro">
$args = array(
'type' => 'link',
'linklisted' => true,
'before' => '<div rel="'.shopp('product','id','return=true').'">',
'after' => '</div>'
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