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Last active November 21, 2019 21:06
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New encryption with Gravity Forms
function my_custom_gravityforms_encrypt( $to_encrypt )
if ( '' === $to_encrypt ) return null;
if ( function_exists('openssl_encrypt') && function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') )
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( openssl_cipher_iv_length( 'aes-256-cbc' ) );
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt( $to_encrypt, 'aes-256-cbc', MY_CUSTOM_GF_ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $iv );
return base64_encode( $encrypted . '::' . $iv );
return base64_encode( $to_encrypt );
} // end my_custom_gravityforms_encrypt
function my_custom_gravityforms_decrypt( $to_decrypt )
if ( '' === $to_decrypt ) return null;
if ( function_exists('openssl_decrypt') )
@list( $encrypted_data, $iv ) = explode( '::', base64_decode( $to_decrypt ), 2 );
return openssl_decrypt( $encrypted_data, 'aes-256-cbc', MY_CUSTOM_GF_ENCRYPTION_KEY, 0, $iv );
return base64_decode( $to_decrypt );
} // end my_custom_gravityforms_decrypt
* Encrypt all values for GF entries
add_filter( 'gform_save_field_value', 'gf_custom_save_field_value', 10, 4 );
function gf_custom_save_field_value( $value, $lead, $field, $form )
my_custom_gravityforms_encrypt( $value );
// end gf_custom_save_field_value
* Decrypting based on date of implementation for encryption
add_filter( 'gform_get_input_value', 'gf_custom_decode_field', 10, 4 );
function gf_custom_decrypt_field( $value, $entry, $field, $input_id )
# Add a check to see if a field has to be decrypted,
# because it's possible you're adding this after already having entries
$date_implemented = '2019-01-23 10:36:00'; # format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss
$date_entry = rgar( $entry, 'date_created' );
# Entry is from after implementing encrypting entries
if ( strtotime( $date_entry ) >= $date_implemented )
return my_custom_gravityforms_decrypt( $value );
# Entry is from before implementing encrypting entries
return $value;
// end gf_custom_decrypt_field
* Or: always decrypt
add_filter( 'gform_get_input_value', 'gf_custom_decode_field', 10, 4 );
function gf_custom_decrypt_field( $value, $entry, $field, $input_id )
return my_custom_gravityforms_decrypt( $value );
// end gf_custom_decrypt_field
define('MY_CUSTOM_GF_ENCRYPTION_KEY','JuSt4fEwCuSt0McHarAc73RSf0rD3M0pUrP05e5!'); # do change it to your own custom key ;-)
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