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Cache oEmbed responses in WordPress when using Advanced Custom Fields
* Plugin Name: ACF oEmbed Cache
* Description: Cache ALL ACF oEmbed responses, no matter in what context
* Version: 1.0.0
* Requires PHP: 8.0
* Author: Rasso Hilber
* Author URI:
* This plugin helps with caching ACF oEmbed fields.
* It makes use of the fact that WordPress stores oEmbed responses in post meta.
* For global fields (from ACF options pages or similar), this plugin creates
* a custom post type with exactly ONE post in it. That post will be used as the
* cache container for the oEmbed responses. You can see and flush the global cache
* by going to /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=rhau-oembed-cache
* I also recommend you install the plugin wp-sweep to flush ALL your oEmbed caches
* @see
* Inspiration, Discussion:
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see
namespace RH\AdminUtils;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class ACFOembedCache
private static string $cache_post_type = 'rhau-oembed-cache';
/** Init */
public static function init()
add_action('after_setup_theme', [__CLASS__, 'after_setup_theme']);
public static function after_setup_theme()
if (class_exists('\RAH\ThemeBase\OembedHelper')) {
throw new \Error('[rh-admin-utils] Please remove the class \RAH\ThemeBase\OembedHelper. It conflicts with this plugin.');
add_action('init', [__CLASS__, 'register_cache_post_type']);
add_action('acf/init', [__CLASS__, 'disable_default_oembed_format_value'], 1);
add_filter('acf/format_value/type=oembed', [__CLASS__, 'format_value_oembed'], 20, 3);
add_filter('acf/update_value/type=oembed', [__CLASS__, 'cache_value_oembed'], 10, 3);
* Register a custom post type for caching oembed requests outside the loop
public static function register_cache_post_type(): void
$post_type = self::$cache_post_type;
register_post_type($post_type, [
'public' => false,
'show_ui' => current_user_can('administrator'),
'labels' => [
'name' => 'oEmbed Cache'
'supports' => ['nothing'],
'menu_position' => 1000,
'show_in_menu' => "edit.php?post_type=acf-field-group",
'show_in_rest' => false
add_action('add_meta_boxes', [__CLASS__, 'meta_boxes']);
add_action('deleted_post', [__CLASS__, 'deleted_cache_post'], 10, 2);
add_filter("get_user_option_screen_layout_{$post_type}", fn($columns) => 1);
add_action('current_screen', [__CLASS__, 'redirect_cache_post_edit_php']);
add_filter('acf/get_post_types', [__CLASS__, 'acf_get_post_types'], 10, 2);
* Don't allow ACF custom fields to be attached to the cache post type
public static function acf_get_post_types(array $post_types, array $args): array
$post_types = array_filter(
fn($post_type) => $post_type !== self::$cache_post_type
return $post_types;
* Add a meta box to the cache post
public static function meta_boxes(): void
\remove_meta_box('submitdiv', self::$cache_post_type, 'side');
id: 'rhau-oembed-cache-metabox',
title: __('RH Admin Utils: Global oEmbed cache', RHAU_TEXT_DOMAIN),
callback: [__CLASS__, 'render_custom_meta_box'],
screen: 'rhau-oembed-cache"',
context: 'normal',
priority: 'high',
/** Disables the built-in formatting for oembed fields */
public static function disable_default_oembed_format_value(): void
/** @var \acf_field_oembed $field_type */
$oembed_field = acf_get_field_type('oembed');
remove_filter('acf/format_value/type=oembed', [ $oembed_field, 'format_value' ]);
/** Fetch the cached oEmbed HTML; Replaces the original method */
public static function format_value_oembed($value, $post_id, $field)
if (empty($value)) return $value;
$value = self::acf_oembed_get($value, $post_id, $field);
if (
str_contains($value, '<iframe')
&& preg_match('/(|', $value)
) {
return strip_tags($value, '<iframe>');
return $value;
/** Cache the oEmbed HTML */
public static function cache_value_oembed($value, $post_id, $field)
if (empty($value)) return $value;
// Warm the cache
self::acf_oembed_get($value, $post_id, $field);
return $value;
* Attempts to fetch the embed HTML for a provided URL using oEmbed.
* Checks for a cached result (stored as custom post or in the post meta).
* @see \WP_Embed::shortcode()
* @param mixed $value The URL to cache.
* @param integer $post_id The post ID to save against.
* @param array $field The field structure.
* @return string|null The embed HTML on success, otherwise the original URL.
private static function acf_oembed_get(mixed $value, string|int $post_id, array $field): string|false|null
if (empty($value)) return $value;
/** @var \WP_Embed $wp_embed */
global $wp_embed;
$attr = [
'width' => $field['width'],
'height' => $field['height'],
remove_filter('embed_oembed_html', 'Roots\\Soil\\CleanUp\\embed_wrap');
* Overwrite $wp_embed->post_ID with the field's $post_id (if it's an integer)
$__wp_embed_post_id = $wp_embed->post_ID;
if (is_null($__wp_embed_post_id)) {
$wp_embed->post_ID = self::get_oembed_post_id($post_id);
$html = $wp_embed->shortcode($attr, $value);
/** Reset $wp_embed->post_ID to it's previous value */
$wp_embed->post_ID = $__wp_embed_post_id;
add_filter('embed_oembed_html', 'Roots\\Soil\\CleanUp\\embed_wrap');
return $html ?: $value;
* Get the post id for the oembed cache. Falls back to a custom hidden
* utility post type if the $post_id is a string (ACF does this for options pages, for example)
private static function get_oembed_post_id(mixed $post_id): int
if (is_int($post_id) && get_post($post_id)) return $post_id;
$cache_post_id = self::get_oembed_cache_post_id();
return $cache_post_id;
* Get the oEmbed cache post
private static function get_oembed_cache_post_id(): int
$query = new \WP_Query([
'post_type' => self::$cache_post_type,
'posts_per_page' => 1,
'suppress_filters' => true,
'fields' => 'ids'
$post_id = $query->posts[0] ?? wp_insert_post([
'post_title' => 'oEmbed cache',
'post_type' => self::$cache_post_type,
'post_status' => 'publish'
if ($post_id instanceof \WP_Error) {
$error_message = $post_id->get_error_message();
throw new \Error("[acf-oembed-cache] Couldn't create the global acf oembed post. $error_message");
return $post_id;
* Renders a metabox with some instructions
public static function render_custom_meta_box(\WP_Post $post): void
$cache_entries = array_filter(
get_post_meta($post->ID) ?: [],
fn ($key) => str_starts_with($key, '_oembed_') && !str_starts_with($key, '_oembed_time_'),
$cache_entries = array_map(
fn($item) => esc_html($item[0]),
#rhau-oembed-cache-output {
width: 100%;
overflow: auto;
background: #eee;
padding: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 5px;
.post-type-rhau-oembed-cache #post-body-content,
.post-type-rhau-oembed-cache .page-title-action,
.post-type-rhau-oembed-cache #screen-meta-links,
.post-type-rhau-oembed-cache .wp-heading-inline {
display: none !important;
<?php if (empty($cache_entries)) : ?>
<?php _e('There global ACF oEmbed cache is currently empty.', RHAU_TEXT_DOMAIN) ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php printf(
__('There are %d oEmbed responses cached globally.', RHAU_TEXT_DOMAIN),
) ?>
<pre id="rhau-oembed-cache-output"><?= var_dump($cache_entries) ?></pre>
class="button button-primary button-large"
href="<?= get_delete_post_link(get_post(), null, true) ?>">
Flush oEmbed Cache
<?php endif;
* Re-create the cache post if it's deleted (flushed)
public static function deleted_cache_post(int $post_id, \WP_Post $post): void
if ($post->post_type !== self::$cache_post_type) return;
/** recreates the cache post if none exists */
* Redirects edit.php for the cache post type directly to the cache post
public static function redirect_cache_post_edit_php(): void
if (get_current_screen()->id !== 'edit-rhau-oembed-cache') return;
$post_id = self::get_oembed_cache_post_id();
$edit_link = get_edit_post_link($post_id, 'raw');
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