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Last active August 12, 2024 01:14
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WordPress: Force Lowercase URLs
* Plugin Name: Force Lowercase URLs
* Description: Redirect uppercase URLs to their lowercase counterpart.
* Version: 1.0.0
* Requires PHP: 8.0
* Author: Rasso Hilber
* Author URI:
* This code is heavily based on this plugin by Josh Buchea:
* There are a few notable changes to the original plugin
* - the redirect will only ever be executed on `template_redirect`. This will prohibit many
* pitfalls the original plugin had since it hooked into the `init` hook
* - as an additional measure, the code will gracefully an empty REQUEST_URI if not in
* a browser context (WP_CLI)
* - general code cleanup, use of a namespace
* Initialize the plugin by requiring the file and then calling this in your functions.php or wherever:
* ```php
* require_once('/path/to/ForceLowercaseURLs.php');
* \RH\AdminUtils\ForceLowercaseURLs::init()
* ```
namespace RH\AdminUtils;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class ForceLowercaseURLs
* Initialize this plugin
public static function init()
add_action('template_redirect', [__CLASS__, 'server_side_redirect']);
* Changes the requested URL to lowercase and redirects if necessary
public static function server_side_redirect()
// Allow to opt-out of this functionality
if (!apply_filters('rhau/force_lowercase_urls', true)) return;
// Grab URL information for the current request
$parsed = wp_parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? '/');
// Grab the relevant parts from the parsed URL
$path = $parsed['path'] ?? '/';
$query = $parsed['query'] ?? null;
// Create a lowercase copy of the path
$lowercase_path = strtolower($path);
// Bail early if the path already is lowercase
if ($path === $lowercase_path) return;
// Construct the redirect url
$redirect_uri = empty($query) ? $lowercase_path : "$lowercase_path?$query";
// Perform a permanent redirect
wp_safe_redirect($redirect_uri, 301);
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