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Last active February 23, 2021 23:43
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(require '[ :as find]
'[ :as io])
(defn infer-deps
"Given an m2 (a maven repo) and a directory of clojure source code,
make up some dependencies."
[m2 src]
(let [repo (io/file m2 "repository")]
(map (fn [dep]
[(:id dep) (dissoc dep :id)]))
(fn [a b]
(let [i (compare (:mvn/version a) (:mvn/version b))]
(if (pos? i) a b)))
(for [x (find/find-ns-decls [(io/file src)])
i x
:when (seq? i)
:when (or (= :require (first i))fv
(= :import (first i)))
clause (rest i)
resource-name (concat
(when (= (first i) :require)
(let [a-ns-name (first clause)]
[(str (.replaceAll (munge (name a-ns-name)) "\\." "/")
(str (.replaceAll (munge (name a-ns-name)) "\\." "/")
(when (= (first i) :import)
(for [a-name (rest clause)
:let [package (first clause)]]
(str (.replaceAll (str (name package) "." (name a-name)) "\\." "/")
f (file-seq repo)
:when (.endsWith (.getName f) ".jar")
:when (not (.isDirectory f))
:let [exists (try
(with-open [jf (java.util.jar.JarFile. f)]
(.getJarEntry jf resource-name))
(catch Throwable _))]
:when exists
:let [p (.getAbsolutePath f)
[_ group-id artifact version _] (re-find #"repository/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/.*jar" p)]]
{resource-name {:id (symbol (.replaceAll group-id "/" ".") artifact)
:mvn/version version}}))))}))
;; (infer-deps "/home/kevin/.m2/" "/home/kevin/src/reitit/modules/reitit-malli/src")
;; (infer-deps "/home/kevin/.m2/" "/home/kevin/src/partyline/src")
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