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Created December 24, 2008 23:41
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(ns hiredman.sandbox
(:import (java.util.concurrent FutureTask TimeUnit TimeoutException)
( File FileWriter PushbackReader StringReader)))
(def *bad-forms* #{'eval 'catch 'try 'def 'defn 'defmacro 'read 'Thread. 'send 'send-off 'clojure.asm.ClassWriter.})
(defn enable-security-manager []
(System/setSecurityManager (SecurityManager.)))
;;;;;;;; Chousuke
(defn thunk-timeout [thunk seconds]
(let [task (FutureTask. thunk)
thr (Thread. task)]
(.start thr)
(.get task seconds TimeUnit/SECONDS)
(catch TimeoutException e
(.cancel task true)
(.stop thr (Exception. "Thread stopped!")) "Execution Timed Out"))))
(defn wrap-exceptions [f]
(try (f) (catch Exception e (str (.getMessage e)))))
(defn empty-perms-list []
(defn domain [perms]
( nil
(cast nil))
(defn context [dom]
( (into-array [dom])))
(defn priv-action [thunk]
(proxy [] [] (run [] (thunk))))
(defn sandbox [thunk context]
(priv-action thunk)
(defn write-test []
(doto (-> "foo.txt" File. FileWriter.) (.write "foo") .close))
(defn de-fang [form notallowed]
(if (list? form)
(when (not (some #(contains? notallowed %) (tree-seq list? identity form))) form)
(defn cond-eval [pred form]
(if (pred form)
(eval form)
(throw (java.lang.Exception. "DENIED"))))
(defn killall-thrdgrp [thg]
(let [a (make-array Thread (.activeCount thg))
_ (.enumerate thg a true)]
(map #(.stop % (Exception. "KILLED")))
(.destroy thg)))
(defn save-to-gensym [x]
(let [a (gensym)
b (list 'def a x)]
(eval b)
(str a)))
(defn box [_string]
(let [form (-> _string StringReader. PushbackReader. read)
thunk (fn []
(binding [*out* ( *err* (
*ns* (find-ns 'foo)]
(let [result (cond-eval #(de-fang % *bad-forms*) form)]
(.close *out*)
(.close *err*)
[(str *out*) (str *err*) (str result)])))
result (thunk-timeout #(sandbox (fn [] (wrap-exceptions thunk))
(context (domain (empty-perms-list)))) 10)]
;(cond-eval #(de-fang % *bad-forms*) a)
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