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Created February 26, 2009 06:26
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(ns hiredman.xmpp
(:import (org.jivesoftware.smack XMPPConnection ConnectionConfiguration
RosterListener PrivacyListManager
(org.jivesoftware.smack.packet IQ IQ$Type Presence Presence$Type)
(org.jivesoftware.smack.filter PacketFilter)
(org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet VCard)
(org.jivesoftware.smackx.filetransfer FileTransferManager)
( File)))
;returned by connect, slot for the "client" or "connection" object
;and a lot for caching chat objects
(defstruct xmpp :connection :chats)
(defn connect
"return an xmpp struct"
[jid pass]
(struct xmpp
(doto (XMPPConnection. (last (.split jid "@")))
(.login (first (.split jid "@")) pass))
(defn presence [type & msg]
(let [p (Presence. (Presence$Type/valueOf (name type)))]
(when msg
(.setStatus p (apply str msg)))
(defn msg-listener [func]
(proxy [org.jivesoftware.smack.MessageListener] []
(processMessage [& args]
(apply func args ))))
(defmacro message-lr
"macro to generate a message listener with selected symbols bound to
the chat and message object"
[ch me & body]
`(proxy [org.jivesoftware.smack.MessageListener] []
(processMessage [c# m#]
(let [~ch c# ~me m#]
(defn roster-listener [func]
(proxy [RosterListener] []
(entriesAdded [& args]
(apply func args))))
(defn create-chat [conn who ml]
(.createChat (.getChatManager conn) who ml))
(defn chat [conn who]
(if ((:chats conn) who)
(assoc-in conn
[:chats who]
(create-chat (:connection conn)
(msg-listener (fn [& _] nil))))))
(defn msg [conn who msg]
(let [conn (chat conn who)
chat ((:chats conn) who)]
(.sendMessage chat msg)
(defn add-ml [conn who ml]
(let [conn (chat conn who)]
(.addMessageListener ((:chats conn) who) ml)
(defn add-to-roster [conn who & [nickname group]]
(.createEntry (.getRoster (:connection conn)) who (str nickname) group)
(defn send-file [conn who file & huh]
(let [manager (FileTransferManager. (:connection conn))
transfer (.createOutgoingFileTransfer manager who)
x (.sendFile transfer (File. file) (apply str huh))]
(assoc conn :ftm [manager transfer])))
(defn flush-roster [conn]
(map #(.removeEntry(.getRoster (:connection conn)) %)
(.getEntries (.getRoster (:connection conn)))))
(defn update-presence [con pres]
(send-off con (fn [c]
(.sendPacket (:connection c) pres)
(defn avatar-bytes [filename]
(let [file ( filename)
length (.length file)
is ( file)
bytes (make-array Byte/TYPE length)]
(.read is bytes)
(defn set-avatar [conn url]
(send conn
(fn [c]
(let [co (:connection c)
vc (VCard.)
x (.setAvatar vc url)
x (.save vc co)]
(defn roster [conn]
(.getEntries (.getRoster (:connection conn))))
(defn chute
"make a chute, takes an agent holding an xmpp struct
a jid and an optional function of arity 2 that to be used as a msg listener
the optional function will be passed the chat and message object. if you don't
pass a message listener func then messages are put in a que as a tuple of strings.
a chute is a function, sort of a poor man's multimethod. it dispatches on the
first argument. :send sends the rest of args as a string to the jid.
[con who & infunc]
(let [inq (ref [])]
(if (not infunc)
(send-off con add-ml
(message-lr c m
(ref-set inq (cons [(str (.getParticipant c)) (.getBody m)] @inq)))))
(send-off con add-ml
(message-lr c m
((first infunc) c m))))
(fn [& args]
(= :send (first args))
(send-off con msg who (apply str (rest args)))
(= :recv (first args))
(let [v (last @inq)]
(dosync (ref-set inq (butlast @inq)))
(= :send-file (first args))
(send-off con send-file
(-> (:connection @con)
(.getPresence who) .getFrom)
(frest args) (apply str (rest (rest args))))
(= :listeners (first args))
(throw (Exception. (str "whoops line: " (:line (meta #'chute)))))))))
(defmacro defchute
"macro for defining a chute"
[nam conn who & infunc]
`(def ~nam (chute ~conn ~who ~@infunc)))
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