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Created February 26, 2009 06:29
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(ns hiredman.alfred
(:use hiredman.xmpp)
(:import java.text.SimpleDateFormat))
(def me (ref {:xmpp (agent (connect "" "xxxxxxx"))}))
(defn listfiles []
(map #(apply str (drop 26 %))
(map str (.listFiles ( "/home/hiredman/tmp/alfred")))))
(defmulti responder
(fn [type & stuff]
(and (= type :xmpp) (-> stuff last (= "ping")))
(and (= type :xmpp) (re-find #"weather" (last stuff)))
(and (= type :xmpp) (re-find #"^avatar " (last stuff)))
(and (= type :xmpp) (re-find #"^get \w" (last stuff)))
(and (= type :xmpp) (re-find #"^ls?" (last stuff)))
(and (= type :xmpp) (re-find #"^@list" (last stuff)))
(and (= type :xmpp) (re-find #"^@" (last stuff)))
(defchute redchin (@me :xmpp) "" (fn [c m]
(responder :xmpp (.getParticipant c) (.getBody m))))
(defmethod responder ::ls [type who msg]
(let [x (-> msg (.replaceAll "^ls" "") .trim)]
(redchin :send (listfiles))))
(defmethod responder ::get [type who msg]
(let [x (-> msg (.replaceAll "^get "))]))
(defmethod responder ::print [& stuff]
(apply prn stuff))
(defmethod responder ::pong [& _]
(redchin :send "pong"))
(defmethod responder ::change-avatar [type who msg]
(let [x (-> msg
(.replaceAll "^avatar " "")
(.replaceAll "#alfred" "public_html/images/Alfred.png"))]
(set-avatar (@me :xmpp) (avatar-bytes (str "/home/hiredman/" x)))
(await (@me :xmpp))
(clear-agent-errors (@me :xmpp))))
(def notes (ref '()))
(defmethod responder ::make-note [type who msg]
(dosync (alter notes conj [(java.util.Date.) (.replaceAll msg "^@" "")]))
(println msg))
(defmethod responder ::list-notes [type who msg]
(dorun (map #(redchin :send (.format (SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy.MM.dd") (first %)) " " (last %)) @notes)))
;(def a (avatar-bytes "/home/hiredman/tmp/.a/foo.png"))
(update-presence (@me :xmpp) (presence :available "Ready to serve"))
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