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Created June 28, 2017 17:44
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(require '[ :as shell]
'[ :as io])
(import '(java.util.concurrent SynchronousQueue))
(defn pings [host output]
(let [proc (.start
["ping" "-Dni" "120" host]))]
(let [i (.getInputStream proc)
r (io/reader i)]
(doseq [l (line-seq r)
:when (.contains l "time=")
:let [split-line (.split l " ")
at (Double/parseDouble
(subs (first split-line) 1 (dec (count (first split-line)))))
time (Double/parseDouble
(last (.split (last (butlast split-line)) "=")))]]
(.put output {:host host
:at at
:time time})))
(.destroy proc))))))
(defmacro with-resources [& body]
`(binding [*resources* (atom ())]
(doseq [r# @*resources*]
(.close r#))))))
(let [sql (.start
["psql" "-nq"]))
q (SynchronousQueue.)]
(pings "" q)
(pings "" q)
(pings "" q)
(pings "" q)
(pings "" q)
(pings "oz.local" q)
(with-open [sql-stream (.getOutputStream sql)
sql-writer (io/writer sql-stream)]
(while true
(let [{:keys [host at time]} (.take q)
_ (println "inserting" host at time)
cmd (format "INSERT INTO ping VALUES ('%s', to_timestamp(%s) AT TIME ZONE 'PST',INTERVAL '%s ms');\n"
(.write sql-writer cmd)
(.flush sql-writer)))))
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