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Created January 5, 2021 22:57
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(defn send-repl [& [obj]]
(let [in-in (
in-out ( in-in)
out-in (
out-out ( out-in)
err-in (
err-out ( err-in)]
(tap> {:repl/in ( in-out)
:repl/out ( out-in)
:repl/err ( err-in)})
(with-open [out ( ( out-out))
err ( ( err-out))
in (clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader.
( in-in))]
(binding [*out* out
*err* err
*in* in
*1 obj]
:init (fn []
(set! *1 obj))
:read clojure.core.server/repl-read)))))
(defn wait-for-repl []
(let [p (promise)
f (fn [msg]
(when (and (contains? msg :repl/in)
(contains? msg :repl/out)
(contains? msg :repl/err))
(deliver p msg)))]
(add-tap f)
(let [{:repl/keys [in out err]} @p
o (future
(let [buf (char-array 1024)]
(loop []
(let [n (.read out buf)]
(if-not (neg? n)
(.write *out* buf 0 n)
(.flush *out*)
e (future
(let [buf (char-array 1024)]
(loop []
(let [n (.read err buf)]
(if-not (neg? n)
(.write *err* buf 0 n)
(.flush *err*)
i (future
(let [buf (char-array 1024)]
(loop []
(let [n (.read *in* buf)]
(if-not (neg? n)
(.write in buf 0 n)
(.flush in)
(.close in))))))]
(remove-tap f)))))
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p-himik commented Sep 20, 2023

Context by hiredman shared on Slack:

You put a call to send-repl wherever, passing whatever context information

Then in the repl call wait-for-repl, and when execution reaches send-repl, wait-for-repl connects your current repl's in and out and err to the repl created by send-repl, with whatever context bound to *1

Execution at send-repl halts until you exit the repl it sent

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