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Created August 22, 2014 01:12
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clojure join
;; 18. All warfare is based on deception.
(ns pullrequest.join
(:require [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
[clojure.core.protocols :as p])
(:import (java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicLong)))
(defn update-index [key-fn h i]
(update-in h [(key-fn i)] (fnil conj #{}) [0 i]))
(defn probe
([h [key-fn coll id]]
(fn bar [h i]
(let [k (key-fn i)]
(if (empty? (get h k))
(update-in h [k] (fnil conj #{}) [id i]))))
(defn merge-relations
"given a base tuple, and possible merge tuples, return a reducible
containing merged tuples"
[[x & xs] base]
(if (nil? x)
(fn [v]
(let [v (second v)]
(merge-relations xs (merge base v))))
(set (second x)))))
(defn hash-relation [relation]
(let [[key-fn coll] relation]
(partial update-index key-fn)
(second relation))))
(defn fold-fold [combinef reducef coll]
(coll-reduce [_ fun]
(r/reduce fun (r/reduce reducef (combinef) coll)))
(coll-reduce [_ fun init]
(r/reduce fun init (r/reduce reducef (combinef) coll)))
(kv-reduce [_ fun init]
(r/reduce fun init (r/reduce reducef (combinef) coll)))
(coll-fold [_ n fcombinef freducef]
(r/fold n fcombinef freducef
(r/fold n combinef reducef coll)))))
(defn join
"joins two or more relations (generally collections of maps)
input is some number of [key-fn coll], key-fn being applied to each
item of the collection to determine which item of the other
collections to join"
{:pre [(or (even? (count relations))
(map? relations))]}
(let [[relation & relations] (if (map? relations)
(seq relations)
(map vec (partition-all 2 relations)))
rels (inc (count relations))
hash-of-first (hash-relation relation)
n (AtomicLong. 1)]
(->> (vec relations)
(r/map (fn [relation] (conj relation (.incrementAndGet n))))
(fold-fold (r/monoid (partial merge-with into)
(constantly hash-of-first))
(r/map (fn [_ vals] (group-by first vals)))
(r/filter #(= rels (count %)))
(r/mapcat (fn [gv] (merge-relations (seq gv) {})))
(into []))))
(assert (= (join
[:baz (for [i (shuffle (range 100))
:when (>= 60 i 50)]
{:baz (str i)
:quuz (* i 10)})
:foo (for [i (shuffle (range 100))]
{:foo (str i)
:bar (* i 10)})
:lucy (for [i (shuffle (range 100))]
{:lucy (str i)
:quuz (* i 10)})])
[{:baz "50", :quuz 500, :lucy "50", :bar 500, :foo "50"}
{:lucy "51", :quuz 510, :baz "51", :bar 510, :foo "51"}
{:bar 520, :foo "52", :lucy "52", :quuz 520, :baz "52"}
{:lucy "53", :quuz 530, :baz "53", :bar 530, :foo "53"}
{:baz "54", :quuz 540, :lucy "54", :bar 540, :foo "54"}
{:lucy "55", :bar 550, :foo "55", :quuz 550, :baz "55"}
{:baz "56", :bar 560, :foo "56", :quuz 560, :lucy "56"}
{:baz "57", :bar 570, :foo "57", :quuz 570, :lucy "57"}
{:lucy "58", :quuz 580, :baz "58", :bar 580, :foo "58"}
{:bar 590, :foo "59", :lucy "59", :quuz 590, :baz "59"}
{:lucy "60", :bar 600, :foo "60", :quuz 600, :baz "60"}]))
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