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Created March 2, 2010 22:07
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Signal Handling: Ruby vs JRuby
orange:~ $ ruby signal_handling.rb
pid 81402 is sleeping...
^CRuby ensure was run!
Ruby at_exit was run!
signal_handling.rb:34:in `sleep': Interrupt
from signal_handling.rb:34
orange:~ $ jruby signal_handling.rb
pid 81431 is sleeping...
^CJava shutdown hook was run!
orange:~ $ jruby signal_handling.rb emulate_mri_signals
pid 81533 is sleeping...
^CRuby ensure was run!
Ruby at_exit was run!
signal_handling.rb:13: Interrupt (Interrupt)
from :1:in `call'
from :1
Java shutdown hook was run!
orange:~ $
if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java"
if ARGV.include?('emulate_mri_signals')
# Emulate MRI style signal handling: i.e. ensure gets executed and so do any an_exit hooks
trap('SIGTERM') {
raise SignalException, 'SIGTERM'
trap('SIGHUP') {
raise SignalException, 'SIGHUP'
trap('SIGINT') {
raise Interrupt
# Java shutdown hook to make sure they're still called with the custom signal handlers
require 'java'
class ShutdownHook
include java.lang.Runnable
def run
puts "Java shutdown hook was run!"
at_exit {
puts "Ruby at_exit was run!"
puts "pid #{$$} is sleeping..."
puts "Ruby ensure was run!"
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