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Last active June 28, 2017 01:44
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package test008
import org.scalatest._
import scalikejdbc._
import scalikejdbc.scalatest.AutoRollback
import skinny.dbmigration.DBSeeds
import skinny.orm._
trait Connection {
ConnectionPool.add('test008, "jdbc:h2:mem:test008;MODE=PostgreSQL", "sa", "sa")
trait CreateTables extends DBSeeds { self: Connection =>
override val dbSeedsAutoSession = NamedAutoSession('test008)
create table grand_child (
id serial primary key,
name varchar(100) not null
create table child (
parent_id int not null,
grand_child_id int not null references grand_child(id)
create table parent (
id serial primary key
runIfFailed(sql"select count(1) from parent")
class Spec extends fixture.FunSpec with Matchers with Connection with CreateTables with AutoRollback {
override def db(): DB = NamedDB('test008).toDB()
case class GrandChild(name: String)
object GrandChild extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[GrandChild] {
override val connectionPoolName = 'test008
override def defaultAlias = createAlias("g")
override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, rn: ResultName[GrandChild]) = autoConstruct(rs, rn)
case class Child(parentId: Int, grandChild: Option[GrandChild] = None)
object Child extends SkinnyNoIdCRUDMapper[Child] {
override val connectionPoolName = 'test008
override def defaultAlias = createAlias("c")
override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, rn: ResultName[Child]) = autoConstruct(rs, rn, "grandChild")
right = GrandChild,
fk = "grandChildId",
merge = (child, grandChild) => child.copy(grandChild = grandChild)
case class Parent(id: Int, children: Seq[Child] = Nil)
object Parent extends SkinnyCRUDMapper[Parent] {
override val connectionPoolName = 'test008
override def defaultAlias = createAlias("p")
override def extract(rs: WrappedResultSet, rn: ResultName[Parent]) = autoConstruct(rs, rn, "children")
lazy val childRef = hasManyWithFk[Child](
many = (Child, Child.defaultAlias),
fk = "parentId",
on = (parent, child) => sqls.eq(, child.parentId),
merge = (parent, children) => parent.copy(children = children)
merge = (parents, children) => { parent =>
parent.copy(children = children.filter(_.parentId ==
describe("triple join with .includes(ref)") {
it("should work?") { implicit session =>
val grandChildId = GrandChild.createWithAttributes(
'name -> "grandChildName1"
val parentId = Parent.createWithAttributes()
'parentId -> parentId,
'grandChildId -> grandChildId
// println(Parent.findAll())
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