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Convenience Methods/Variables/Operators for CMTime
// HKLCMTimeUtils.swift
// Created by Hirohito Kato on 2015/01/07.
// Copyright © 2020 Kato Hirohito. Licensed under Unlicense( Feel free to use it!
import CoreMedia
// MARK: Initialization
public extension CMTime {
public init(value: Int64, _ timescale: Int = 1) {
self = CMTimeMake(value, Int32(timescale))
public init(value: Int64, _ timescale: Int32 = 1) {
self = CMTimeMake(value, timescale)
public init(seconds: Float64, preferredTimeScale: Int32 = 1_000_000_000) {
self = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(seconds, preferredTimeScale)
public init(seconds: Float, preferredTimeScale: Int32 = 1_000_000_000) {
self = CMTime(seconds: Float64(seconds), preferredTimeScale: preferredTimeScale)
// MARK: - Arithmetic Protocol
// MARK: Add
func + (left: CMTime, right: CMTime) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeAdd(left, right)
func += (inout left: CMTime, right: CMTime) -> CMTime {
left = left + right
return left
// MARK: Subtract
func - (minuend: CMTime, subtrahend: CMTime) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeSubtract(minuend, subtrahend)
func -= (inout minuend: CMTime, subtrahend: CMTime) -> CMTime {
minuend = minuend - subtrahend
return minuend
// MARK: Multiply
func * (time: CMTime, multiplier: Int32) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeMultiply(time, multiplier)
func * (multiplier: Int32, time: CMTime) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeMultiply(time, multiplier)
func * (time: CMTime, multiplier: Float64) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeMultiplyByFloat64(time, multiplier)
func * (time: CMTime, multiplier: Float) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeMultiplyByFloat64(time, Float64(multiplier))
func * (multiplier: Float64, time: CMTime) -> CMTime {
return time * multiplier
func * (multiplier: Float, time: CMTime) -> CMTime {
return time * multiplier
func *= (inout time: CMTime, multiplier: Int32) -> CMTime {
time = time * multiplier
return time
func *= (inout time: CMTime, multiplier: Float64) -> CMTime {
time = time * multiplier
return time
func *= (inout time: CMTime, multiplier: Float) -> CMTime {
time = time * multiplier
return time
// MARK: Divide
func / (time: CMTime, divisor: Int32) -> CMTime {
return CMTimeMultiplyByRatio(time, 1, divisor)
func /= (inout time: CMTime, divisor: Int32) -> CMTime {
time = time / divisor
return time
// MARK: - Comparable protocol
extension CMTime: Comparable {
public func == (time1: CMTime, time2: CMTime) -> Bool {
return CMTimeCompare(time1, time2) == 0
public func < (time1: CMTime, time2: CMTime) -> Bool {
return CMTimeCompare(time1, time2) < 0
// MARK: - Convenience methods
extension CMTime {
func isNearlyEqualTo(time: CMTime, _ tolerance: CMTime=CMTimeMake(1,600)) -> Bool {
let delta = CMTimeAbsoluteValue(self - time)
return delta < tolerance
func isNearlyEqualTo(time: CMTime, _ tolerance: Float64=1.0/600) -> Bool {
return isNearlyEqualTo(time, CMTime(seconds:tolerance))
func isNearlyEqualTo(time: CMTime, _ tolerance: Float=1.0/600) -> Bool {
return isNearlyEqualTo(time, CMTime(seconds:tolerance))
extension CMTime {
var f: Float {
return Float(self.f64)
var f64: Float64 {
return CMTimeGetSeconds(self)
func == (time: CMTime, seconds: Float64) -> Bool {
return time == CMTime(seconds: seconds)
func == (time: CMTime, seconds: Float) -> Bool {
return time == Float64(seconds)
func == (seconds: Float64, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return time == seconds
func == (seconds: Float, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return time == seconds
func != (time: CMTime, seconds: Float64) -> Bool {
return !(time == seconds)
func != (time: CMTime, seconds: Float) -> Bool {
return time != Float64(seconds)
func != (seconds: Float64, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return time != seconds
func != (seconds: Float, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return time != seconds
public func < (time: CMTime, seconds: Float64) -> Bool {
return time < CMTime(seconds: seconds)
public func < (time: CMTime, seconds: Float) -> Bool {
return time < Float64(seconds)
public func <= (time: CMTime, seconds: Float64) -> Bool {
return time < seconds || time == seconds
public func <= (time: CMTime, seconds: Float) -> Bool {
return time < seconds || time == seconds
public func < (seconds: Float64, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return CMTime(seconds: seconds) < time
public func < (seconds: Float, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return Float64(seconds) < time
public func <= (seconds: Float64, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return seconds < time || seconds == time
public func <= (seconds: Float, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return seconds < time || seconds == time
public func > (time: CMTime, seconds: Float64) -> Bool {
return time > CMTime(seconds: seconds)
public func > (time: CMTime, seconds: Float) -> Bool {
return time > Float64(seconds)
public func >= (time: CMTime, seconds: Float64) -> Bool {
return time > seconds || time == seconds
public func >= (time: CMTime, seconds: Float) -> Bool {
return time > seconds || time == seconds
public func > (seconds: Float64, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return CMTime(seconds: seconds) > time
public func > (seconds: Float, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return Float64(seconds) > time
public func >= (seconds: Float64, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return seconds > time || seconds == time
public func >= (seconds: Float, time: CMTime) -> Bool {
return seconds > time || seconds == time
// MARK: - Debugging
extension CMTime: Printable,DebugPrintable {
public var description: String {
return "\(CMTimeGetSeconds(self))"
public var debugDescription: String {
return String(CMTimeCopyDescription(nil, self))
extension CMTimeRange: Printable,DebugPrintable {
public var description: String {
return "{\(self.start.value)/\(self.start.timescale),\(self.duration.value)/\(self.duration.timescale)}"
public var debugDescription: String {
return "{start:\(self.start), duration:\(self.duration)}"
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