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Created June 23, 2017 07:47
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// DLFonts.swift
// Created by Hirohito Kato on 2017/04/21.
// Copyright © 2017 Hirohito Kato. All rights reserved.
// FontDownloader.swift
// FontDownloader
// Created by Takeru Chuganji on 9/26/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Takeru Chuganji. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import CoreText
fileprivate let UndefinedFontSize = CGFloat(1)
public let FontDidBecomeAvailableNotification = Notification.Name(rawValue: "com.hoppenichu.FontDownloader.FontDidBecomeAvailableNotification")
public let FontNameInfoKey = "fontName"
public extension UIFont {
public typealias DownloadProgressHandler = (_ downloadedSize: Int, _ totalSize: Int, _ percentage: Int) -> Void
public typealias DownloadCompletionHandler = (_ font: UIFont?) -> Void
public class func downloadableFontNames() -> [String] {
let downloadableDescriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes([
(kCTFontDownloadableAttribute as String): kCFBooleanTrue
] as CFDictionary)
guard let cfMatchedDescriptors = CTFontDescriptorCreateMatchingFontDescriptors(downloadableDescriptor, nil),
let matchedDescriptors = (cfMatchedDescriptors as NSArray) as? [CTFontDescriptor] else {
return []
return matchedDescriptors.flatMap { (descriptor) -> String? in
let attributes = CTFontDescriptorCopyAttributes(descriptor) as NSDictionary
return attributes[kCTFontNameAttribute as String] as? String
public class func fontExists(name: String) -> Bool {
return UIFont(name: name, size: UndefinedFontSize) != nil
public class func preloadFont(name: String) {
if fontExists(name: name) {
downloadFont(name: name, size: UndefinedFontSize)
public class func downloadFont(name: String, size: CGFloat, progress: DownloadProgressHandler? = nil, completion: DownloadCompletionHandler? = nil) {
let wrappedProgressHandler = { (param: NSDictionary) -> Void in
DispatchQueue.main.async { () -> Void in
let downloadedSize = param[kCTFontDescriptorMatchingTotalDownloadedSize as String] as? Int ?? 0
let totalSize = param[kCTFontDescriptorMatchingTotalAssetSize as String] as? Int ?? 0
let percentage = param[kCTFontDescriptorMatchingPercentage as String] as? Int ?? 0
progress?(downloadedSize, totalSize, percentage)
let wrappedCompletionHandler = { (postNotification: Bool) -> Void in
DispatchQueue.main.async { () -> Void in
let font = UIFont(name: name, size: size)
if postNotification && font != nil { FontDidBecomeAvailableNotification,
object: nil, userInfo: [
FontNameInfoKey: name
if fontExists(name: name) {
let cfName = name as CFString
let cfDescriptors = [ CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(cfName, size) ] as CFArray
CTFontDescriptorMatchFontDescriptorsWithProgressHandler(cfDescriptors, nil)
{ (state, param) -> Bool in
switch state {
case .willBeginDownloading, .stalled, .downloading, .didFinishDownloading:
case .didFinish:
return true
extension UIView {
func beMaruGothic() {
func getSubviews<T>(ofView view:UIView) -> [T] {
var targets = [T]()
if view is T {
targets.append(view as! T)
for subview in view.subviews {
targets += getSubviews(ofView: subview)
if subview is T {
targets.append(subview as! T)
return targets
let views: [FontSettable] = getSubviews(ofView: self)
views.forEach { $0.setFont(.HiraMaruProN_W4) }
protocol FontSettable {
func setFont(_ name: Fonts)
extension UILabel: FontSettable {
func setFont(_ name: Fonts) {
self.font = UIFont(name: name.rawValue, size:self.font.pointSize)
extension UIButton: FontSettable {
func setFont(_ name: Fonts) {
guard let titleLabel = titleLabel else {
titleLabel.font = UIFont(name: name.rawValue,
public enum Fonts: String {
case Zawra_Heavy = "Zawra-Heavy"
case Zawra_Bold = "Zawra-Bold"
case YuppyTC_Regular = "YuppyTC-Regular"
case YuppySC_Regular = "YuppySC-Regular"
case YuMin_36pKn_Extrabold = "YuMin_36pKn-Extrabold"
case YuMin_36pKn_Demibold = "YuMin_36pKn-Demibold"
case YuMin_36pKn_Medium = "YuMin_36pKn-Medium"
case YuMin_Extrabold = "YuMin-Extrabold"
case YuMin_Demibold = "YuMin-Demibold"
case YuMin_Medium = "YuMin-Medium"
case YuKyo_Bold = "YuKyo-Bold"
case YuKyo_Medium = "YuKyo-Medium"
case YuKyo_Yoko_Bold = "YuKyo_Yoko-Bold"
case YuKyo_Yoko_Medium = "YuKyo_Yoko-Medium"
case YuGo_Medium = "YuGo-Medium"
case YuGo_Bold = "YuGo-Bold"
case Yaziji = "Yaziji"
case Wingdings3 = "Wingdings3"
case Wingdings2 = "Wingdings2"
case Wingdings_Regular = "Wingdings-Regular"
case Weibei_TC_Bold = "Weibei-TC-Bold"
case Weibei_SC_Bold = "Weibei-SC-Bold"
case Webdings = "Webdings"
case WaseemLight = "WaseemLight"
case Waseem = "Waseem"
case TypeEmbellishmentsOneLetPlain = "TypeEmbellishmentsOneLetPlain"
case TwCenMT_BoldItalic = "TwCenMT-BoldItalic"
case TwCenMT_Italic = "TwCenMT-Italic"
case TwCenMT_Bold = "TwCenMT-Bold"
case TwCenMT_Regular = "TwCenMT-Regular"
case TsukuBRdGothic_Bold = "TsukuBRdGothic-Bold"
case TsukuBRdGothic_Regular = "TsukuBRdGothic-Regular"
case TsukuARdGothic_Bold = "TsukuARdGothic-Bold"
case TsukuARdGothic_Regular = "TsukuARdGothic-Regular"
case Trattatello = "Trattatello"
case ToppanBunkyuMinchoPr6N_Regular = "ToppanBunkyuMinchoPr6N-Regular"
case ToppanBunkyuMidashiMinchoStdN_ExtraBold = "ToppanBunkyuMidashiMinchoStdN-ExtraBold"
case ToppanBunkyuMidashiGothicStdN_ExtraBold = "ToppanBunkyuMidashiGothicStdN-ExtraBold"
case ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N_Regular = "ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N-Regular"
case ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N_DB = "ToppanBunkyuGothicPr6N-DB"
case Times_BoldItalic = "Times-BoldItalic"
case Times_Italic = "Times-Italic"
case Times_Bold = "Times-Bold"
case Times_Roman = "Times-Roman"
case TeluguSangamMN_Bold = "TeluguSangamMN-Bold"
case TeluguSangamMN = "TeluguSangamMN"
case TeluguMN_Bold = "TeluguMN-Bold"
case TeluguMN = "TeluguMN"
case TamilSangamMN_Bold = "TamilSangamMN-Bold"
case TamilSangamMN = "TamilSangamMN"
case TamilMN_Bold = "TamilMN-Bold"
case TamilMN = "TamilMN"
case Tahoma_Bold = "Tahoma-Bold"
case Tahoma = "Tahoma"
case SynchroLET = "SynchroLET"
case SukhumvitSet_Bold = "SukhumvitSet-Bold"
case SukhumvitSet_SemiBold = "SukhumvitSet-SemiBold"
case SukhumvitSet_Medium = "SukhumvitSet-Medium"
case SukhumvitSet_Text = "SukhumvitSet-Text"
case SukhumvitSet_Light = "SukhumvitSet-Light"
case SukhumvitSet_Thin = "SukhumvitSet-Thin"
case STYuanti_TC_Light = "STYuanti-TC-Light"
case STYuanti_SC_Light = "STYuanti-SC-Light"
case STYuanti_TC_Bold = "STYuanti-TC-Bold"
case STYuanti_SC_Bold = "STYuanti-SC-Bold"
case STYuanti_TC_Regular = "STYuanti-TC-Regular"
case STYuanti_SC_Regular = "STYuanti-SC-Regular"
case STXingkaiTC_Light = "STXingkaiTC-Light"
case STXingkaiSC_Light = "STXingkaiSC-Light"
case STXingkaiTC_Bold = "STXingkaiTC-Bold"
case STXingkaiSC_Bold = "STXingkaiSC-Bold"
case STXihei = "STXihei"
case STSongti_TC_Regular = "STSongti-TC-Regular"
case STSongti_SC_Regular = "STSongti-SC-Regular"
case STSongti_TC_Light = "STSongti-TC-Light"
case STSong = "STSong"
case STSongti_SC_Light = "STSongti-SC-Light"
case STSongti_TC_Bold = "STSongti-TC-Bold"
case STSongti_SC_Bold = "STSongti-SC-Bold"
case STSongti_SC_Black = "STSongti-SC-Black"
case StoneSansITCTT_Bold = "StoneSansITCTT-Bold"
case StoneSansITCTT_SemiIta = "StoneSansITCTT-SemiIta"
case StoneSansITCTT_Semi = "StoneSansITCTT-Semi"
case STLibianTC_Regular = "STLibianTC-Regular"
case STLibianSC_Regular = "STLibianSC-Regular"
case STKaitiTC_Black = "STKaitiTC-Black"
case STKaitiSC_Black = "STKaitiSC-Black"
case STKaitiTC_Bold = "STKaitiTC-Bold"
case STKaitiSC_Bold = "STKaitiSC-Bold"
case STKaitiTC_Regular = "STKaitiTC-Regular"
case STKaiti = "STKaiti"
case STKaitiSC_Regular = "STKaitiSC-Regular"
case STIXVariants_Regular = "STIXVariants-Regular"
case STIXVariants_Bold = "STIXVariants-Bold"
case STIXSizeTwoSym_Regular = "STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular"
case STIXSizeTwoSym_Bold = "STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold"
case STIXSizeThreeSym_Regular = "STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular"
case STIXSizeThreeSym_Bold = "STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold"
case STIXSizeOneSym_Regular = "STIXSizeOneSym-Regular"
case STIXSizeOneSym_Bold = "STIXSizeOneSym-Bold"
case STIXSizeFourSym_Regular = "STIXSizeFourSym-Regular"
case STIXSizeFourSym_Bold = "STIXSizeFourSym-Bold"
case STIXSizeFiveSym_Regular = "STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular"
case STIXNonUnicode_Regular = "STIXNonUnicode-Regular"
case STIXNonUnicode_Italic = "STIXNonUnicode-Italic"
case STIXNonUnicode_BoldItalic = "STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic"
case STIXNonUnicode_Bold = "STIXNonUnicode-Bold"
case STIXIntegralsUpSm_Regular = "STIXIntegralsUpSm-Regular"
case STIXIntegralsUpSm_Bold = "STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold"
case STIXIntegralsUpD_Regular = "STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular"
case STIXIntegralsUpD_Bold = "STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold"
case STIXIntegralsUp_Regular = "STIXIntegralsUp-Regular"
case STIXIntegralsUp_Bold = "STIXIntegralsUp-Bold"
case STIXIntegralsSm_Regular = "STIXIntegralsSm-Regular"
case STIXIntegralsSm_Bold = "STIXIntegralsSm-Bold"
case STIXIntegralsD_Regular = "STIXIntegralsD-Regular"
case STIXIntegralsD_Bold = "STIXIntegralsD-Bold"
case STIXGeneral_Regular = "STIXGeneral-Regular"
case STIXGeneral_Italic = "STIXGeneral-Italic"
case STIXGeneral_BoldItalic = "STIXGeneral-BoldItalic"
case STIXGeneral_Bold = "STIXGeneral-Bold"
case STHeitiSC_Medium = "STHeitiSC-Medium"
case STHeitiTC_Medium = "STHeitiTC-Medium"
case STHeitiSC_Light = "STHeitiSC-Light"
case STHeitiTC_Light = "STHeitiTC-Light"
case STHeiti = "STHeiti"
case STFangsong = "STFangsong"
case STBaoliTC_Regular = "STBaoliTC-Regular"
case STBaoliSC_Regular = "STBaoliSC-Regular"
case Somer = "Somer"
case SnellRoundhand_Black = "SnellRoundhand-Black"
case SnellRoundhand_Bold = "SnellRoundhand-Bold"
case SnellRoundhand = "SnellRoundhand"
case Skia_Regular_Bold = "Skia-Regular_Bold"
case Skia_Regular_Light_Condensed = "Skia-Regular_Light-Condensed"
case Skia_Regular_Black_Condensed = "Skia-Regular_Black-Condensed"
case Skia_Regular_Light_Extended = "Skia-Regular_Light-Extended"
case Skia_Regular_Black_Extended = "Skia-Regular_Black-Extended"
case Skia_Regular_Light = "Skia-Regular_Light"
case Skia_Regular_Condensed = "Skia-Regular_Condensed"
case Skia_Regular_Extended = "Skia-Regular_Extended"
case Skia_Regular_Black = "Skia-Regular_Black"
case Skia_Regular = "Skia-Regular"
case SinhalaSangamMN_Bold = "SinhalaSangamMN-Bold"
case SinhalaSangamMN = "SinhalaSangamMN"
case SinhalaMN_Bold = "SinhalaMN-Bold"
case SinhalaMN = "SinhalaMN"
case Silom = "Silom"
case SIL_Kai_Reg_Jian = "SIL-Kai-Reg-Jian"
case SIL_Hei_Med_Jian = "SIL-Hei-Med-Jian"
case SignPainter_HouseScript = "SignPainter-HouseScript"
case ShreeDev0714_Bold_Italic = "ShreeDev0714-Bold-Italic"
case ShreeDev0714_Italic = "ShreeDev0714-Italic"
case ShreeDev0714_Bold = "ShreeDev0714-Bold"
case ShreeDev0714 = "ShreeDev0714"
case SchoolHousePrintedA = "SchoolHousePrintedA"
case SchoolHouseCursiveB = "SchoolHouseCursiveB"
case Sathu = "Sathu"
case SantaFeLetPlain = "SantaFeLetPlain"
case Sana = "Sana"
case Raya = "Raya"
case RaananaBold = "RaananaBold"
case Raanana = "Raanana"
case PTSerif_Bold = "PTSerif-Bold"
case PTSerif_BoldItalic = "PTSerif-BoldItalic"
case PTSerif_Italic = "PTSerif-Italic"
case PTSerif_Regular = "PTSerif-Regular"
case PTSerif_CaptionItalic = "PTSerif-CaptionItalic"
case PTSerif_Caption = "PTSerif-Caption"
case PTSans_Bold = "PTSans-Bold"
case PTSans_BoldItalic = "PTSans-BoldItalic"
case PTSans_Caption = "PTSans-Caption"
case PTSans_CaptionBold = "PTSans-CaptionBold"
case PTSans_Narrow = "PTSans-Narrow"
case PTSans_NarrowBold = "PTSans-NarrowBold"
case PTSans_Italic = "PTSans-Italic"
case PTSans_Regular = "PTSans-Regular"
case PTMono_Regular = "PTMono-Regular"
case PTMono_Bold = "PTMono-Bold"
case PrincetownLET = "PrincetownLET"
case PortagoITCTT = "PortagoITCTT"
case PlantagenetCherokee = "PlantagenetCherokee"
case Phosphate_Solid = "Phosphate-Solid"
case Phosphate_Inline = "Phosphate-Inline"
case Osaka_Mono = "Osaka-Mono"
case Osaka = "Osaka"
case OriyaSangamMN_Bold = "OriyaSangamMN-Bold"
case OriyaSangamMN = "OriyaSangamMN"
case OriyaMN_Bold = "OriyaMN-Bold"
case OriyaMN = "OriyaMN"
case Nisan = "Nisan"
case NewPeninimMT_Bold = "NewPeninimMT-Bold"
case NewPeninimMT_BoldInclined = "NewPeninimMT-BoldInclined"
case NewPeninimMT_Inclined = "NewPeninimMT-Inclined"
case NewPeninimMT = "NewPeninimMT"
case NanumMyeongjoExtraBold = "NanumMyeongjoExtraBold"
case NanumMyeongjoBold = "NanumMyeongjoBold"
case NanumMyeongjo = "NanumMyeongjo"
case NanumGothicExtraBold = "NanumGothicExtraBold"
case NanumGothicBold = "NanumGothicBold"
case NanumGothic = "NanumGothic"
case NanumPen = "NanumPen"
case NanumBrush = "NanumBrush"
case Nadeem = "Nadeem"
case MyriadArabic_BlackIt = "MyriadArabic-BlackIt"
case MyriadArabic_Black = "MyriadArabic-Black"
case MyriadArabic_SemiboldIt = "MyriadArabic-SemiboldIt"
case MyriadArabic_LightIt = "MyriadArabic-LightIt"
case MyriadArabic_Light = "MyriadArabic-Light"
case MyriadArabic_BoldIt = "MyriadArabic-BoldIt"
case MyriadArabic_It = "MyriadArabic-It"
case MyriadArabic_Bold = "MyriadArabic-Bold"
case MyriadArabic_Regular = "MyriadArabic-Regular"
case MyanmarSangamMN_Bold = "MyanmarSangamMN-Bold"
case MyanmarSangamMN = "MyanmarSangamMN"
case MyanmarMN_Bold = "MyanmarMN-Bold"
case MyanmarMN = "MyanmarMN"
case MunaBlack = "MunaBlack"
case MunaBold = "MunaBold"
case Muna = "Muna"
case MshtakanBoldOblique = "MshtakanBoldOblique"
case MshtakanBold = "MshtakanBold"
case MshtakanOblique = "MshtakanOblique"
case Mshtakan = "Mshtakan"
case MonotypeGurmukhi = "MonotypeGurmukhi"
case MonaLisaSolidITCTT = "MonaLisaSolidITCTT"
case Monaco = "Monaco"
case MLingWaiMedium_TC = "MLingWaiMedium-TC"
case MLingWaiMedium_SC = "MLingWaiMedium-SC"
case MicrosoftSansSerif = "MicrosoftSansSerif"
case MalayalamMN_Bold = "MalayalamMN-Bold"
case MalayalamMN = "MalayalamMN"
case Luminari_Regular = "Luminari-Regular"
case LucidaGrande_Bold = "LucidaGrande-Bold"
case LucidaGrande = "LucidaGrande"
case LiSungLight = "LiSungLight"
case LiSongPro = "LiSongPro"
case LiHeiPro = "LiHeiPro"
case LiGothicMed = "LiGothicMed"
case LaoMN_Bold = "LaoMN-Bold"
case LaoMN = "LaoMN"
case Laimoon = "Laimoon"
case KufiStandardGK = "KufiStandardGK"
case Krungthep = "Krungthep"
case KoufiAbjadi = "KoufiAbjadi"
case Kokonor = "Kokonor"
case KohinoorTelugu_Light = "KohinoorTelugu-Light"
case KohinoorTelugu_Bold = "KohinoorTelugu-Bold"
case KohinoorTelugu_Medium = "KohinoorTelugu-Medium"
case KohinoorTelugu_Semibold = "KohinoorTelugu-Semibold"
case KohinoorTelugu_Regular = "KohinoorTelugu-Regular"
case KohinoorBangla_Light = "KohinoorBangla-Light"
case KohinoorBangla_Bold = "KohinoorBangla-Bold"
case KohinoorBangla_Medium = "KohinoorBangla-Medium"
case KohinoorBangla_Semibold = "KohinoorBangla-Semibold"
case KohinoorBangla_Regular = "KohinoorBangla-Regular"
case Klee_Medium = "Klee-Medium"
case Klee_Demibold = "Klee-Demibold"
case KhmerMN_Bold = "KhmerMN-Bold"
case KhmerMN = "KhmerMN"
case Kefa_Bold = "Kefa-Bold"
case Kefa_Regular = "Kefa-Regular"
case KannadaMN_Bold = "KannadaMN-Bold"
case KannadaMN = "KannadaMN"
case JCsmPC = "JCsmPC"
case JCkg = "JCkg"
case JCHEadA = "JCHEadA"
case JCfg = "JCfg"
case JazzLetPlain = "JazzLetPlain"
case ITFDevanagariMarathi_Medium = "ITFDevanagariMarathi-Medium"
case ITFDevanagariMarathi_Light = "ITFDevanagariMarathi-Light"
case ITFDevanagariMarathi_Demi = "ITFDevanagariMarathi-Demi"
case ITFDevanagariMarathi_Bold = "ITFDevanagariMarathi-Bold"
case ITFDevanagariMarathi_Book = "ITFDevanagariMarathi-Book"
case ITFDevanagari_Medium = "ITFDevanagari-Medium"
case ITFDevanagari_Light = "ITFDevanagari-Light"
case ITFDevanagari_Demi = "ITFDevanagari-Demi"
case ITFDevanagari_Bold = "ITFDevanagari-Bold"
case ITFDevanagari_Book = "ITFDevanagari-Book"
case IowanOldStyle_Titling = "IowanOldStyle-Titling"
case IowanOldStyle_BlackItalic = "IowanOldStyle-BlackItalic"
case IowanOldStyle_Black = "IowanOldStyle-Black"
case IowanOldStyle_BoldItalic = "IowanOldStyle-BoldItalic"
case IowanOldStyle_Italic = "IowanOldStyle-Italic"
case IowanOldStyle_Bold = "IowanOldStyle-Bold"
case IowanOldStyle_Roman = "IowanOldStyle-Roman"
case InaiMathi = "InaiMathi"
case Impact = "Impact"
case HopperScript_Regular = "HopperScript-Regular"
case HoeflerText_Ornaments = "HoeflerText-Ornaments"
case HiraMinPro_W6 = "HiraMinPro-W6"
case HiraMinPro_W3 = "HiraMinPro-W3"
case HiraMaruProN_W4 = "HiraMaruProN-W4"
case HiraMaruPro_W4 = "HiraMaruPro-W4"
case HiraginoSansGB_W6 = "HiraginoSansGB-W6"
case HiraginoSansGB_W3 = "HiraginoSansGB-W3"
case HiraginoSansCNS_W6 = "HiraginoSansCNS-W6"
case HiraginoSansCNS_W3 = "HiraginoSansCNS-W3"
case HiraginoSans_W9 = "HiraginoSans-W9"
case HiraKakuStdN_W8 = "HiraKakuStdN-W8"
case HiraKakuStd_W8 = "HiraKakuStd-W8"
case HiraginoSans_W8 = "HiraginoSans-W8"
case HiraginoSans_W7 = "HiraginoSans-W7"
case HiraKakuPro_W6 = "HiraKakuPro-W6"
case HiraKakuProN_W6 = "HiraKakuProN-W6"
case HiraginoSans_W6 = "HiraginoSans-W6"
case HiraginoSans_W5 = "HiraginoSans-W5"
case HiraginoSans_W4 = "HiraginoSans-W4"
case HiraKakuPro_W3 = "HiraKakuPro-W3"
case HiraKakuProN_W3 = "HiraKakuProN-W3"
case HiraginoSans_W3 = "HiraginoSans-W3"
case HiraginoSans_W2 = "HiraginoSans-W2"
case HiraginoSans_W1 = "HiraginoSans-W1"
case HiraginoSans_W0 = "HiraginoSans-W0"
case Herculanum = "Herculanum"
case HelveticaCY_BoldOblique = "HelveticaCY-BoldOblique"
case HelveticaCY_Oblique = "HelveticaCY-Oblique"
case HelveticaCY_Bold = "HelveticaCY-Bold"
case HelveticaCY_Plain = "HelveticaCY-Plain"
case HanziPenTC_W5 = "HanziPenTC-W5"
case HanziPenSC_W5 = "HanziPenSC-W5"
case HanziPenTC_W3 = "HanziPenTC-W3"
case HanziPenSC_W3 = "HanziPenSC-W3"
case HannotateTC_W7 = "HannotateTC-W7"
case HannotateSC_W7 = "HannotateSC-W7"
case HannotateTC_W5 = "HannotateTC-W5"
case HannotateSC_W5 = "HannotateSC-W5"
case GurmukhiSangamMN_Bold = "GurmukhiSangamMN-Bold"
case GurmukhiSangamMN = "GurmukhiSangamMN"
case GujaratiMT_Bold = "GujaratiMT-Bold"
case GujaratiMT = "GujaratiMT"
case GillSans_LightItalic = "GillSans-LightItalic"
case GillSans_Light = "GillSans-Light"
case GillSans_UltraBold = "GillSans-UltraBold"
case GillSans_SemiBoldItalic = "GillSans-SemiBoldItalic"
case GillSans_SemiBold = "GillSans-SemiBold"
case GillSans_BoldItalic = "GillSans-BoldItalic"
case GillSans_Italic = "GillSans-Italic"
case GillSans_Bold = "GillSans-Bold"
case GillSans = "GillSans"
case GenevaCyr = "GenevaCyr"
case Geneva = "Geneva"
case Garamond_BoldItalic = "Garamond-BoldItalic"
case Garamond_Italic = "Garamond-Italic"
case Garamond_Bold = "Garamond-Bold"
case Garamond = "Garamond"
case FZLTTHB__B51_0 = "FZLTTHB--B51-0"
case FZLTXHB__B51_0 = "FZLTXHB--B51-0"
case FZLTZHB__B51_0 = "FZLTZHB--B51-0"
case FZLTTHK__GBK1_0 = "FZLTTHK--GBK1-0"
case FZLTXHK__GBK1_0 = "FZLTXHK--GBK1-0"
case FZLTZHK__GBK1_0 = "FZLTZHK--GBK1-0"
case ForgottenFuturist_Shadow = "ForgottenFuturist-Shadow"
case ForgottenFuturist_BoldItalic = "ForgottenFuturist-BoldItalic"
case ForgottenFuturist_Bold = "ForgottenFuturist-Bold"
case ForgottenFuturist_Italic = "ForgottenFuturist-Italic"
case ForgottenFuturist_Regular = "ForgottenFuturist-Regular"
case Farisi = "Farisi"
case Farah = "Farah"
case DiwanThuluth = "DiwanThuluth"
case DiwanMishafiGold = "DiwanMishafiGold"
case DiwanKufi = "DiwanKufi"
case Dijla = "Dijla"
case DFWaWaTC_W5 = "DFWaWaTC-W5"
case DFWaWaSC_W5 = "DFWaWaSC-W5"
case DFKaiShu_SB_Estd_BF = "DFKaiShu-SB-Estd-BF"
case DevanagariMT_Bold = "DevanagariMT-Bold"
case DevanagariMT = "DevanagariMT"
case DecoTypeNaskh = "DecoTypeNaskh"
case DearJoeFour_Small = "DearJoeFour-Small"
case DearJoeFour_Regular = "DearJoeFour-Regular"
case CorsivaHebrew_Bold = "CorsivaHebrew-Bold"
case CorsivaHebrew = "CorsivaHebrew"
case ComicSansMS_Bold = "ComicSansMS-Bold"
case ComicSansMS = "ComicSansMS"
case CharcoalCY = "CharcoalCY"
case Chalkboard_Bold = "Chalkboard-Bold"
case Chalkboard = "Chalkboard"
case CenturySchoolbook_BoldItalic = "CenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic"
case CenturySchoolbook_Italic = "CenturySchoolbook-Italic"
case CenturySchoolbook_Bold = "CenturySchoolbook-Bold"
case CenturySchoolbook = "CenturySchoolbook"
case CenturyGothic_BoldItalic = "CenturyGothic-BoldItalic"
case CenturyGothic_Italic = "CenturyGothic-Italic"
case CenturyGothic_Bold = "CenturyGothic-Bold"
case CenturyGothic = "CenturyGothic"
case CapitalsRegular = "CapitalsRegular"
case BrushScriptMT = "BrushScriptMT"
case BraganzaITCTT = "BraganzaITCTT"
case BradleyHandITCTT_Bold = "BradleyHandITCTT-Bold"
case BordeauxRomanBoldLetPlain = "BordeauxRomanBoldLetPlain"
case BookmanOldStyle_BoldItalic = "BookmanOldStyle-BoldItalic"
case BookmanOldStyle_Italic = "BookmanOldStyle-Italic"
case BookmanOldStyle_Bold = "BookmanOldStyle-Bold"
case BookmanOldStyle = "BookmanOldStyle"
case BookAntiqua_BoldItalic = "BookAntiqua-BoldItalic"
case BookAntiqua_Italic = "BookAntiqua-Italic"
case BookAntiqua_Bold = "BookAntiqua-Bold"
case BookAntiqua = "BookAntiqua"
case BodoniSvtyTwoSCITCTT_Book = "BodoniSvtyTwoSCITCTT-Book"
case BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT_Bold = "BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Bold"
case BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT_BookIt = "BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-BookIt"
case BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT_Book = "BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Book"
case BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT_Bold = "BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-Bold"
case BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT_BookIta = "BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-BookIta"
case BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT_Book = "BodoniSvtyTwoITCTT-Book"
case BodoniOrnamentsITCTT = "BodoniOrnamentsITCTT"
case BlairMdITCTT_Medium = "BlairMdITCTT-Medium"
case BlackmoorLetPlain = "BlackmoorLetPlain"
case BigCaslon_Medium = "BigCaslon-Medium"
case Beirut = "Beirut"
case Basra_Bold = "Basra-Bold"
case Basra = "Basra"
case BankGothic_Medium = "BankGothic-Medium"
case BankGothic_Light = "BankGothic-Light"
case BanglaSangamMN_Bold = "BanglaSangamMN-Bold"
case BanglaSangamMN = "BanglaSangamMN"
case BanglaMN_Bold = "BanglaMN-Bold"
case BanglaMN = "BanglaMN"
case Baghdad = "Baghdad"
case Ayuthaya = "Ayuthaya"
case ArialUnicodeMS = "ArialUnicodeMS"
case ArialNarrow_Italic = "ArialNarrow-Italic"
case ArialNarrow_BoldItalic = "ArialNarrow-BoldItalic"
case ArialNarrow_Bold = "ArialNarrow-Bold"
case ArialNarrow = "ArialNarrow"
case ArialMT = "ArialMT"
case ArialHebrewScholar_Light = "ArialHebrewScholar-Light"
case ArialHebrewScholar_Bold = "ArialHebrewScholar-Bold"
case ArialHebrewScholar = "ArialHebrewScholar"
case ArialHebrew_Light = "ArialHebrew-Light"
case ArialHebrew_Bold = "ArialHebrew-Bold"
case ArialHebrew = "ArialHebrew"
case Arial_Black = "Arial-Black"
case AppleSymbols = "AppleSymbols"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_Heavy = "AppleSDGothicNeo-Heavy"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_ExtraBold = "AppleSDGothicNeo-ExtraBold"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_UltraLight = "AppleSDGothicNeo-UltraLight"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_Thin = "AppleSDGothicNeo-Thin"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_Light = "AppleSDGothicNeo-Light"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_Bold = "AppleSDGothicNeo-Bold"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_SemiBold = "AppleSDGothicNeo-SemiBold"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_Medium = "AppleSDGothicNeo-Medium"
case AppleSDGothicNeo_Regular = "AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular"
case AppleMyungjo = "AppleMyungjo"
case AppleBraille_Pinpoint8Dot = "AppleBraille-Pinpoint8Dot"
case AppleBraille_Pinpoint6Dot = "AppleBraille-Pinpoint6Dot"
case AppleBraille_Outline8Dot = "AppleBraille-Outline8Dot"
case AppleBraille_Outline6Dot = "AppleBraille-Outline6Dot"
case AppleBraille = "AppleBraille"
case Apple_Chancery = "Apple-Chancery"
case AndaleMono = "AndaleMono"
case AlTarikh = "AlTarikh"
case AlRafidainAlFanni = "AlRafidainAlFanni"
case Algiers = "Algiers"
case AlBayan_Bold = "AlBayan-Bold"
case AlBayan = "AlBayan"
case Al_Rafidain = "Al-Rafidain"
case Al_KhalilBold = "Al-KhalilBold"
case Al_Khalil = "Al-Khalil"
case Al_Firat = "Al-Firat"
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