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Last active May 30, 2016 13:17
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Radial profile in Fiji
# Example of Fiji script for calculating a radial profile.
from ij import IJ
from ij.process import ImageStatistics as IS
from ij.gui import Roi, OvalRoi
import csv
# Get mean pixel intensity in a specified donut-shaped area
def get_mean_in_donut(imp, cx, cy, min_r, max_r):
ip = imp.getProcessor()
# Define two ROIs. One is outer diameter. Another is inner diameter.
roi_small = OvalRoi(cx-min_r, cy-min_r, min_r*2+1, min_r*2+1)
roi_big = OvalRoi(cx-max_r, cy-max_r, max_r*2+1, max_r*2+1)
stats_small = IS.getStatistics(ip, options, imp.getCalibration())
stats_big = IS.getStatistics(ip, options, imp.getCalibration())
# Subtract integrated intensity of inner circle from that of outer circle, and divide it by the area.
return (stats_big.mean * stats_big.area - stats_small.mean * stats_small.area) / (stats_big.area - stats_small.area)
# Getting a radial profile.
def get_radialprofile(imp, cx, cy, rmax, num_bin):
r_interval = rmax / num_bin
rs = [(i*r_interval, (i+1)*r_interval) for i in range(num_bin)]
return [get_mean_in_donut(imp, cx, cy, r[0], r[1]) for r in rs]
def process(filename, cx, cy, r, num_bin):
imp = IJ.openImage(filename)
if imp is None:
print "Could not open image from file:", filename
return None
return get_radialprofile(imp, cx, cy, r, num_bin)
# CSV file with five columns: file path, cx, cy, r, # of bins
infile = 'recipe.csv'
# Open a csv file. csvfile keeps a "file handle".
csvfile = open(infile, 'rb')
# Any error happening inside try block does not stop the execution of script.
# reader is used for reading a csv line by line.
reader = csv.reader(csvfile) # Skip the first row
for row in reader:
if len(row) >= 5:
# '*' operator expands a list to arguments to a function.
profile = process(row[0], *map(int, row[1:5]))
print ",".join(map(str, profile))
# finally block is executed in the end no matter if an error occurs or not.
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