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Created February 6, 2011 07:32
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auto loading fixtures for cakephp 2.x
require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_fixture_manager.php';
class AppFixtureManager extends CakeFixtureManager {
public function fixturize(CakeTestCase $test) {
return parent::fixturize($test);
protected function _autoLoadFixtures(CakeTestCase $test) {
$exclude = array();
if(isset($test->fixtures['EXCLUDE'])) {
$exclude = $test->fixtures['EXCLUDE'];
if(isset($test->fixtures['IMPORT'])) {
$from = $test->fixtures['IMPORT'];
$this->_importTables($test, $from);
$test->fixtures = array_diff(array_unique($test->fixtures), $exclude);
protected function _importTables(CakeTestCase $test, $from) {
$defaultDb = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($from);
foreach($defaultDb->listSources() as $table) {
$test->fixtures[] = "app." . Inflector::singularize($table);
protected function _loadFixtures($fixtures) {
foreach($fixtures as $fixture) {
if(isset($this->_loaded[$fixture])) {
if(preg_match('/^app\.(\w+)$/', $fixture, $m)) {
$this->_generateFixture($fixture, $m[1]);
protected function _generateFixture($fixture, $name) {
$Name = Inflector::camelize($name);
$table = Inflector::tableize($Name);
$fixtureClass = $Name . 'Fixture';
$schemaVar = '$import';
$schema = array('table' => $table);
if(!class_exists($fixtureClass)) {
$code = 'class '. $fixtureClass .' extends CakeTestFixture {';
$code .= 'var $name = "' . $Name . '"; ';
$code .= 'var '. $schemaVar . ' = '. var_export($schema, true) . ';}';
$this->_loaded[$fixture] = new $fixtureClass($this->_db);
$this->_fixtureMap[$fixtureClass] = $this->_loaded[$fixture];
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